Emma said what?

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I parked my car up in front of Marinette's place. She really has a nice house. But this house isn't suitable for Emma. There could be so many places where she could hurt herself. I went up and rang the doorbell.

I heard a faint."coming."

One of the maids opened the door." Yes?"

"I'm here to see Emma and Marinette."

She nodded." You must be Adrien, Miss Marinette told me that you would be coming here , please come in . You'll have to wait, Miss Marinette is giving baby Emma a bath."

I nodded and sat down in their living room.

A few minutes later~

Giggles were heard and they seem to be coming closer. I looked at the stairs and saw Mari holding Emma who was giving a bright smile. I could feel my heart warm up at the sight.

Emma looked at my way and what she said made the world freeze.


My eyes widened and so did Mari's . She called me da. She called me da! SHE SEES ME AS HER FATHER ! That little thought made me feel as if I was in heaven.

"Hey Emma."

I have her a gentle kiss on the forehead and was given a childish giggle in return. She began to reach for me.


Marinette looked at me and I could only stare back. I barely registered Emma looking at me and Marinette back and forth. But looking into Marinette's eyes , I hardly noticed everyone and everything around me. I lost myself in her deep crystal blue eyes.

"Are you okay with this?" She asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I mean Emma just called you da , is this okay with you, I mean you are her father figure, but-"

I calmed her down.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm actually honored that Emma called me that, little girl do need a father figure and I'm always here to help."

She smiled.

"And I also have a little gift for Emma, it's in the car, I'll go get it."

I went out and back to the car. I hope Emma will like it. I have absolutely no idea what she wants. I unlocked the car and grabbed the gift.

This bear is really special to me. My mother gave it to me and now, I'm going to give it to Emma. I locked the car and went back inside.

I found Emma and Marinette slowly swaying at the music . They looked so happy and carefree. I took out my phone and snapped a pic.

"Emma." I called out to her.

She looked at me and her eyes widened at the sight of the bear. I smiled and gave it to her. She took it and began to squeeze it. She laughed.

"How about we all go swimming today?" I suggested.

Marinette looked at Emma." What about it little bug, wanna go swimming?"

She gurgled a few letters together and made up her own language.

Mari smiled ." I'll take that as a yes."

Later~(at the Water Wonder )

Marinette's P.O.V.

   Adrien had to hold Emma while I applied sunblock on her. It seems Emma wants to go in the water and she is being fussy . I rubbed the lotion in the last spot.

"Okay Emma , done , now we can go swim."

She reached for me with her chubby arms.

"Adrien, can you go with me? I'm afraid to go in with just Emma and I."

He smiled and I felt my heart do a flip.

"Of course . Anything for my two princesses."

We stayed in the shallow part and played a bit splash wars, but not to much for Emma. Soon, she looked at me and pouted. She looked back at where our spot was.

"What is it Emmie ? Are you tired? Hungry?"

She clapped with her little arms . "Samsjfjwlsldndj."

Adrien came up behind me and wrapped his arms around Emma and I .

"I'm hungry too." He rested his head on mine.

I rolled my eyes." Time to try and fill up the two bottomless pits you both call a stomach."

We went back to our place and I gave Emma to Adrien as I went through the bag for Emma's towel. I got it out and wrapped Emma around with it like a cocoon. Adrien cradled her while I dried myself off. I put on my robes and held Emma while Adrien took his turn to dry himself .

Emma looked at our little table and tried to grab her milk bottle.

"Okay Emma , here's the bottle." I cooed as I fed it to her.

She gave out a satisfied gurgle.

I heard Adrien chuckle. I handed him a slice of my mom's homemade pie.

Seeing them eat , made me hungry as well. I grabbed a cupcake that I hid from their sight.

Adrien's eyes widened at the sight of the cupcakes.

"Why didn't you tell me that you brought?"

I smirked . "Why didn't you ask?"

We were so caught up in our little world, we didn't notice someone taking pictures.

A.N. I own nothing and I hope you guys liked that chapter. Bye.

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