Family Vacation

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Marinette's P.O.V.

   I cradled Emma closer to me. It was nice of Caleb to allow her to go with Adrien and I to our vacation. Adrien didn't tell me where we're going, but I just found out when we landed. We're in Hawaii!

Adrien rented us a place here for a month and since we didn't expect Emma to go with us in the vacation, there were only two rooms.

We had two options the first one is to let Emma stay with me in my room for half the month and the other half at Adrien's room. The other is that Emma stays in one room and we share the other. But since we both want to spend more time with Emma as possible, we threw the options and decided to share a room.

(Stretch out the room and bed a bit.)

Adrien said that that since the bed was big enough for the three of us, Emma won't be squished during the stay here.

Once that problem was solved, we went down to the beach. Adrien carried Emma's things and our towels while I carried our food.

Emma was looking around the beach with wonder. It was strange to find the beach so empty. There were only us and 3 other families here. And I don't understand why there wasn't any more, the beach looked amazing.

Adrien laid down the beach towel and I applied sunscreen on Emma's skin. She giggled every time the cold lotion would touch her skin. Other families looked at us and either smiled or frowned and shook their heads. People these days are so judgmental.

"Emma hold still, I just need to finish your back."

She giggled but stayed still as I said.

Adrien smiled and started to inflate Emma's little baby life jacket. Even though we're going with her to the water, we still want to be safe. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our little angel.

Adrien took Emma while I placed sunscreen on myself. I looked back at the two. They really had such a beautiful bond. A bond like Father and Daughter. Adrien had his arms around Emma and she giggled into his neck every time he would tickle her little foot. It was so adorable.

I handed the lotion to Adrien and I took Emma in my arms.

"So what do you girls want to do first?" Adrien asked as he began to put lotion on his arms.

"What do you want Emma?" I asked the little girl who was playing with my hair.

She looked at me with her big, bright, green eyes and she looked at the water." Wamemer."

I cooed at her." Okay Emma, let's go swimming."

Adrien placed the life jacket on her and together, we went into the water.

The water was cool and refreshing, just what we need . No sooner as we hit the water, Emma giggled and splashed the water surrounding us. Most of them were aimed at Adrien while I had a few thrown at my face.

Adrien chuckled and playfully, but gently splashed water back at Emma. And that was the cause of Water War 1.

~~time skippy thing brought to you by yours truly ~~

I dried Emma off with her towel as Adrien began to pack our things back. They were right, this vacation was exactly what I needed.

Meanwhile ~

Chloe's P.O.V.

I threw my sunglasses off and picked up my stupid phone. Can't I have a break for once in my life?! Now since that brat is gone, I don't have to do anything and I have servants waiting on me hand and foot 24/7.

"What?!" I barked at the person who dare disturbed my sunbathing.

"Chloe, it's me." A familiar voice said.

"Oh, hey baby."

"Whatever, Charlotte misses you and how long do we have until that guy is dead?"

"Don't worry, I have everything under control."

"You better, and once he's out of the picture get rid of that brat. I don't want her anywhere near our daughter."

"Of course sweetie."

"Have to go, bye babe."

"Bye Lila."

I hung up my phone and thought of a plan that could kill Caleb. I'll do once we're married. Maybe I could whine about it and head our way to Las Vegas. The sooner the better.

I quickly dialed a certain person who lives at Vegas.

"Hello daddy."

Ever since dad lost the election and was hunted by the police, he ran to Vegas. He tried to kill the guy who was running against him for mayor. Sheesh, it's not that big of a deal.

"Yes, my little girl?"

"I need a small favor." A sinister grin was planted on my face.

Dun dun dun.😱 what is Chloe up to? Find out next time. Bye!

Disclaimer: I own nothing aside from the plot.

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