Going shopping

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Marinette's P.O.V.

   I slammed my laptop shut. It is currently 10:47 p.m. And I was typing away my speech and sending e-mails to my clients. I have never been so tired in my life. I looked around my dull office.

My phone beeped. It was just a message form Adrien. Emma is asleep. Are u coming or should I stay 4 her?

I looked at the mountain stack of papers in my desk.

You'll have to stay over. I got a Mt. Paper to dis activate.

Good luck.

I smiled at his reply. I need all the luck I could get. I closed my phone and grabbed a stack of paper. This is going to be a long night.

With Adrien and Emma

I gently laid Emma down in her crib. She was worn out after drinking her milk. Her little hands clenched into tiny fists. I placed a little kiss on her head.

"Good night Emma." I whispered.

I went up to the door and closed it as gently as I could. I wouldn't want to wake Emma. Once I properly closed it, I went to the spare guest rooms.

Father knew I was staying over at Marinette's and he allowed me. I have a clear schedule for the week so I could bond with them. I went through my phone and found that tomorrow is going to be February 14 . Valentine's Day. A plan began to form in my head. Perfect.

The next morning ~

Marinette had to leave early, but it was fine with Emma and I . I told Marinette about my plan of hosting a Valentines party and that she could help out.

"Sure, I could help, I just need a few things and I'll work my magic."

"Thanks , you're the best Mari."

"Thanks Adrien , I have to go, take care of Emma while I'm gone."

I nodded .

When Marinette left I changed Emma into another outfit that Marinette laid out .

I took Emma and we went down to the mall. I made sure to bring a list of things that Marinette told me that she needed. I carried Emma and we went in the mall. She was giggling and looking at everything with wonder.

"OMG ! It's Adrien Agreste! I am - who is that?" A girl scrunched her nose at the sight of Emma.

"Is she your daughter?"

I wrapped an arm protectively around Emma . Her once gleefully smile turned into a small frown and she looked scared at the girl who was glaring at her. I rocked her gently, not to make her cry.

"Excuse me, but I am 100% sure that my personal life is none of your business." I said curtly and went pass her.

Emma kept her face at the crook of my neck and would only look up to me if I called her name. I finally finished buying all the ingredients and decorations that we needed. Emma suddenly clung to me harder. What's wrong?

"Hey , what's wrong Emmie ? What is making my baby girl so sad."

She pouted.


I looked around and saw a group of girls giggling and pointing my way. Really?! I turned back to Emma who was still pouting. I know what to do to cheer her up.

I took her to the second floor of the mall and we went in a store that sells toys and sweets. Emma looked around and her eyes widened. I chuckled. She was just so adorable.

She looked around and her eyes landed on a stuffed bear.

I raised an eyebrow at Emma who was pouting.

"But you already have one."

She just pouted more.

I sighed at took the 20 inch bear and went up to the counter. Emma giggled and rested her head against my cheek for affection. I am seriously wrapped around her finger.

The woman on the counter looked at me and I could see a flesh of realization across her eyes. She smiled flirtatiously at me, but it immediately disappeared once she saw Emma.

"How nice of you to do charity Mr. Agreste." She batted her eyelashes so hard , I thought she had something in them.

Emma looked at her and her once bright smile was gone. She looked at me with her baby green eyes and snuggled deep into my chest." Da."

The woman's jaw dropped.

"I'm here to but this bear for my little Emmie."

The woman named Lucy , as it reads on her name tag , snarled. "So the rumors are true."

I raised an eyebrow." What rumors?"

"That you kn***ed u* and that Dupain-Cheng b***h."

I covered Emma's ears. And she looked back at me with a questioning look . If I could translate it , it would say, what does that mean?

I glared at Lucy and that made her cower.

"I need to talk to your manager." I said through clenched teeth.

Her eyes widened." What? B-but I was merely said the truth."

"But does that give you the right to swear in front of a child?"

She looked so white , I thought she was dead. All of a sudden, a guy came out from the door behind her. "What's all the commotion about?"

"Your employee , here swore in front of a child . Is this what you call kid friendly?"

He looked at Lucy.

"Is this true?"

"Yes , but sir -"

"No buts , this is the 8th time this week , if I have one more complains then I'll have no other choice Lucy."

She nodded and glared at Emma. That caused Emma to cry. I rocked her gently and hushed comfortable words to her.

"That's it ! My office." He pointed at the door.

She squeaked and ran . He turned to me.

"I am so sorry sir, I promise that will never happen again . You can take the bear for free." With that , he placed the bear in a bag and handed it to me and left to the direction of his office.

Emma was still tear-eyed about what happened.

"Cheer up Emmie, mommy is going to bake us some sweets later would you like that?"

She smiled .

I placed a kiss on her forehead and took her back home. I mean at Marinette's.

A.N. I own nothing.

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