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Marinette's P.O.V.

Emma woke me up by her little baby gibberish. I giggled and picked her up.

"Good morning Emma."


I giggled and kissed her button nose. I picked her up and gave her a little bath. I'm planning on bringing her with me . Grandpa is going to be there so he could her while I'm in front. I took out the clothes that I made her for this day.

"Crystal" I called out.

She came right in. "Could you please feed her while I take a shower?"

"Of course ma'am."

She took her and I went in the bathroom. I have a feeling in my stomach that something big is going to happen.

After my shower , I went through my wardrobe and started to choose what to wear. I eventually just chose the one I made a couple weeks ago. And I then I styled my hair .

I grabbed my purse and went down. I wasn't really hungry , but the meeting would take like 6 hours , so I ate 2 pancakes and and 3 strawberries and drank a glass of orange juice.

Emma was well fed and ready to go. She reached her arms out for me to pick her up. Her wide green eyes looking back at me. "Gabagagoogaga."

A smile was brought to my face. "Yes, we're going to mummy's work today. Would you like that?" I tickled her stomach. She laughed. I kissed her button nose.

I grabbed the bag filled with her extra bottles and diapers . I even made sure that there was extra clothes for her. Tikki came over and told me that Plagg 'volunteered' to watch her part of the company.

"Thanks for coming Tikki."

"No problem Marinette. How is baby Emma ?"

Just thinking about her brightens my day.

"She's an angel , she doesn't keep me up all night , well , most of the time , and she is aware of mostly everything. She is such a happy baby."

"A happy baby means there is a great mother."

I smiled at her. "Aww , thanks Tikki."

When we arrived at the building, Emma started to look around . She was so curious of everything. Mostly all of the elderly cooed at Emma. She just smiles and giggles at them and they are suddenly wrapped around her finger. I know I am.

It was time for the meeting so I handed Emma over to Tikki. Emma looked at me and stretched her arms for me.

"I'm sorry Emma, but mommy is going to a meeting, promise me that you will be a big girl , okay?" I kissed her head. This baby is just so kissable.

I grabbed my folders and left them at my ginormous office. I took a deep breath . Time to start to meeting with all our clients and business partners. Grandpa looked at me and smiled. I smiled back . I can do this.

I went in and more than 45 people were present. I wort up in front and began. This is going to be a long day.

"Good Morning everyone. As you all would know , I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I am the remaining heir to inherit this company. Now I know most of you are doubting that I could run this company but I assure you that I am more than capable of doing so. "

I turned the lights off and began the screen projector. I took the remote and went back to my place.

"Here are some proofs that I am capable of turning our sales from 60% to 80% . While I was at college, I noticed that most of them were looking for more than average Kwami products, so i made some designs and I was able to sell it faster than I could have make it. "

I played the slide of my designs and I could tell that they were interested.

"But what does this prove?" Mr. Jones asked.

"Well , as you have noticed, most of these designs are simple yet it carries out style and elegant . This outfits are a Kwami - Cheng original. It-"

"But you are a Dupain." Mrs. Fulier stated.

"Yes, and my mother was a Cheng who also has blood of a Kwami and since she is my mom, I in turn have a hint of Kwami blood in me."

"But how can we trust this company to the hands of a child?"

This woman was known for trying to reach the top no matter what , I guess she's still hungry for more.

"That's okay Mrs. Fulier , if you are not comfortable with my company helping you, then we can just cut ties with you."

That made her shut up.

My company is the only thing that keeps hers standing. Without the help of the Kwami co., she could face bankruptcy and many more. She's already in thin ice since her 3rd husband left her.

"Please continue." She said through clenched teeth.

"As I was saying it would help if we bring a bit more of elegance and class, this could not only show the beauty of it , this could make them feel beautiful. I've had a few customers in the past while I was in College and they have never given a bad report about it ."

"This could work." Gabriel said. "What do you think Adrien?"

I felt my heart pound against my chest before I composed myself quickly. I thought I was over him. Why is the feeling still there?

"I think it's a great idea, I mean , I was one of Marinette's classmates and I've seen what she could do."

"Thank you for that Adrien, we have a 2 hour break at the next room please enjoy yourselves."

I bowed and went to my office. Emma was playing blocks with Tikki. I took out my phone and took a quick picture. Quality time with my aunt Tikki.

"Hi Emma."

She looked at me with her bright green eyes. "Dabagolakma."

I scooped her up. "Thanks for watching over her for me Tikki."

"It's fine Marinette, I know what's it like to take care of a child , I'm living with Plagg for crying out loud ! But I have to go, said person just called for help on what to do."

"It's okay , thanks for your help Tikki."

I waved at her goodbye and so did Emma. I gave her a big hug. Her giggles are going to kill me someday.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Adrien went in. His green eyes locked with Emma's.

"Is she-?"

I shook my head and went to close the door.

"I found her abandoned and she's now my daughter." I whispered in his ear.

His eyes still lingered on Emma and vice versa.

"Can I hold her?"

Emma apparently wanted it too. She stretched out her little arms to him.

"Hi Emma."

She reached his cheeks.

That was the moment Gabriel entered. His eyes fixed on the three of us.

"Is there something you two want to tell me?"

A.N. You know the drill. I own nothing, and they all go back to their rightful owners.

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