Missing her

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Marinette's P.O.V.

   It has been weeks since Emma left and I still couldn't get over the fact that she's gone. Adrien tries to be the strong one , but I've caught him crying just as much as I have. It still wasn't fair. Chloe shouldn't have earned a second shot. She left Emma to die out in the cold!

I chocked on another sob. Emma. My sweet, little, girl. I miss her so much. I buried myself in work and everyone tried to convince me to take a vacation since my skin has turned an unnatural color of white.

The media just thought that Emma was with some of my family members and left the matter alone, but I could tell they were suspicious.

And in addition, Tikki still hasn't woke up and Plagg practically lives with Adrien and I. He refuses to step in the house where he was reminded of Tikki's time with him. He was literally unstable without her.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said , not wanting to get up.

Adrien walked in and frowned when he saw my position." This isn't healthy Marinette."

"I need her back Adrien." I croaked out from my sobs.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around me." I need her too, but I don't think that she would want you to be like this."

I nodded with nothing to say.

He suddenly got up and went through my laptop." That's it."


"We're going on vacation." He said in a determined tone.

"But work-"

"Can wait."

I didn't move nor did I talk back.

He sighed." Mari, Princess, you need some fresh air. Emma , she's in good hands with Caleb. I know him and he's a good man."

I shook my head." It's not him that I'm worried about."

He grimaced knowing how harsh and violent Chloe can be these days.

"How about this, we visit her before we leave. And if Chloe ever did anything harmful to her, we inform Caleb and she'll have to stay with us."

I nodded." As much as I want her with us again, I don't want her to be hurt by Chloe."


A week later ~

Adrien and I were in front of Caleb's house. Adrien explained to me that Caleb has two houses. One that the paparazzi knows about and one that is his sacred place of peace. We were currently in the second one.

We both rang the doorbell and the who- I mean Chloe opened the door.{ A.N. Even though she's mean, I feel bad for almost calling her a you-know-what.}

"What do you want Maritrash? Adrikinns! Good to see you!" She greeted. I think in her own 'special' way.

"We're here to see Emma."

She looked confused." Oh! You mean the brat!"

I closed my hands into a fist. If anyone's a brat , it's you! I thought-shouted in my head.

She flipped her hair dramatically." She is such a pain, you know. I have to get up in the late hours of the night to change her diapers or feed her. I mean, me? The daughter of Mayor Bourgeois?"

"Elections are coming up Chloe. And with your past, I doubt your Father has a good chance of winning." I said .

She was about to reply when Caleb came behind her." Adrien, Marinette! What a pleasant surprise, please, come in." The surprised part was a lie. He wanted us to come here as soon as possible and told us to bring sweets.

He grabbed Chloe by the arm gently and pulled her to make way for us.

She glared at me and whined at Caleb on why did he left a low life such as me into their house.

"Caleb, is it okay if we see Emma?"

He nodded." Of course it is, she's been sad lately and maybe you both could work your magic and make her happy again."

I nodded and took a small box and a lollipop from my bag.

Chloe's mouth was watering at the sight." I want it, give it to me!" She demanded.

"She'll get diabetes, I'm trying to be a good mother." She had a point. By then why would Caleb tell us to bring sweets?

"Chloe, all you ever let her eat is what you eat and her sugar levels are going down by a landslide." Caleb argued.

She flipped her hair." Whatever."

I wanted to slap her, but instead I shook my head and said to Caleb ." Maybe, I'll just give her the lollipop and you keep the sweets for her."

He nodded and took the box." Her room is on the second floor and the first room to the left."

We nodded and went up. I noticed that Caleb had some pictures of him and Emma, but not with Chloe. Typical.

I gently opened the door and Emma stopped playing with the doll that was in her hands. She looked at Adrien and I and she smiled and reached out for us." GABAGOOMAPALUV" she exclaimed in her baby language.

We smiled and scooped her up. Tears were in our eyes as we did a huge hug. Emma clung to Adrien and I she smiled with her almost toothless smile. I dangled the lollipop in front of her and her eyes widened. She reached for it and I unwrapped the plastic and gave it to her.

She sucked on the lollipop like her life depended on it. How long is it since she had sugar? I gave her to Adrien and he rocked her back and forth. Her little head buried in his chest while still eating the lollipop.

"We missed you Emma. And it seems like you missed us too." He kissed her forehead. I smiled at their little bond. It was too precious to ruin.

Meanwhile, downstairs ~

Once they were gone I turned to my future husband .

"Why'd you let them in?!"

He raised an eyebrow at me." They're guests and it would be rude to let them stay outside."

I glared harder ." But why did you let her in? She's a low life and I don't want her anywhere in my house!"

He harshly placed his glass of juice down." May I remind you that this is my house and our marriage is for the sake of Emma and Emma alone. If it weren't for the fact that my parents are old fashioned, I would've let Emma stay with Adrien and Marinette since she was happier with them than she was here !"

"So what?!"

That's where he snapped." Okay, so you don't care about Emma's happiness but I do, I'll make her happy by letting her spend a month away with the Agreste family!"

{A.N. Caleb thinks that Adrien and Marinette are married despite what Marinette said in the previous chapter or so.}

I gapped at him." You wouldn't."

"Try me."

Caleb's P.O.V.

   I walked up to Emma's room and found her playing with Adrien and Marinette. They were so much like a family that I couldn't help but feel jealous of. Sure, Emma and I were close, but not like that. Not like what they had. Our bond was more like a niece and uncle type.

"Um, Adrien, could I talk to you?"

He nodded and went outside the room with me.

"Can I ask a favor?"


"I need you and Marinette to take Emma with you on your vacation."

He looked shocked.

"I'm sorry for the suddenness, but I think Chloe's going to crack and I don't want Emma near this type of drama."

He nodded." Sure, in fact Mari and I will gladly do it."

I smiled." Thanks."

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

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