New Family Members

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Disclaimer: I own nothing and everything goes back to their respectful owners.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

   It was 6:38 p.m. and I'm tired as hell. Being a fashion designer has its perks but it also has its downs. At first I did this fashion thing for fun, now it feels like work. I stopped typing for a minute and straight my back and heard a loud sound of a bone being put back in its place. Just great! Another sign that tells me that I'm getting old. Adrien better give me another grandchild to spoil.

Not that I don't consider Emma as a grandchild, I just want a few more children to spoil.

I took a deep breath and continued to type. Just at that same time, my laptop beep. One message from Garret.

My lips formed a thin line. Garret. My twin brother Garret. The Garret that no one knows because our parents disowned him for marrying a woman whom our parents didn't approve of. He hasn't contact me in a long time, why now?

I saved my work and opened his message.

Hey Gabriel, listen, I need you're help. I know this is sudden, but I need you. Remember Rylee? The girl who looks up to Adrien and sees him as a brother than a cousin? She needs you now. She has been depressed for a long time and we forced her to take therapy. But now that Jessy died......and I didn't tell anyone this, but I am fighting cancer. Don't dwell on me. There is no cure. I want you to take Rylee in. Take care of her for me and soon, I'll be with my Jessy once more. Thank you brother.

I was frozen after what I just read. little brother by 3 minutes......he's dying. Tears pricked my eyes but I forced them not to go out.

"Natalie!" I called out.

The dorm opened and she stood by the door. "Yes sir?"

"Cancel all my meetings tomorrow and prepare a room for Rylee."

Natalie raised an eyebrow,"Rylee Celeste Auclair? Adrien's cousin?"

I nodded. "The very one. She'll be staying with us."

She nodded and closed the door.

I slammed my laptop shut and turned to the photo that I safely hidden in my drawer. And memories began to  play in my head.


"Come on Gabriel!" A five years old Garret said as we ran for the swings.

"Okay, okay." I mumbled.

"Slow poke!" Garret teased.

"Am not!" I defended.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

Garret laughed. "Come on, let's get on the swings before someone gets there before us."

I nodded.

When we got to the swings, someone was there crying.

Garret looked at her and asked, "why are you crying?"

The girl stopped crying for a while." I'm fine."

"No you're not." I said.

She sniffed. "My parents are fighting again."

Garret took out a handkerchief that mommy gave us and handed it to her. "Don't cry, I'm sure your friends wouldn't want you to cry."

That just made her cry harder. "I have no friends."

I pat her back. "We could be your friends."

She looked up at us. "Really?"

We nodded.

"I'm Garret and that my twin Gabriel, what's your name?"

She smiled. "My name is Jessy."

*End of Flashback*

I sighed and felt tears coming back with full force. I promise to fulfill your wish Garret. I'll take care of Rylee. You can count on me.

The next morning ~

I fixed my suit before I went in. A young lady looked at me and realization flashed in her eyes. "She's inside and she's with a friend."

I nodded and went to the door she pointed at."

I stopped and knocked.

"Come in." A voice faintly said.

I opened the door and saw Rylee with another girl.

"Hello Uncle Gabriel." Rylee said not meeting my eyes.

I nodded "Hello Rylee."

Rylee looked about the same as Jessy with her Black-brown wavy hair above her shoulders. She also had Garret's porcelain skin color and I noticed she had Heterochromia. On her left eye was blue-brown-gray-hazel while her right eye was blue-green hazel.

"This is my friend, Mae."

She waved at me. "Hi."

"Hello Mae, I'm here to take Rylee home, do you want me to drop you off?"

She looked at the ground and I knew what to do. Adrien, my son, you're going to have two new sisters.

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