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Marinette's P.O.V.

" let me get this straight, you can't remember much?" I asked, my voice filled with shock, sadness, and a hint of frustration.

Tikki nodded. Just the mere thought of it all made my blood boil. We waited how long for Tikki to wake up from her coma, though mostly Plagg as he was always with her until visiting hours was over, only for her to wake up with barely any memory with majority of us. But still, I guess I should be grateful, she did try to remember Adrien and Plagg. But she can only do as much.

"I'm sorry." Tikki apologized.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, that, that idiot who crashed your car was to blame.", I said in a soft voice. Beside me, Adrien nodded, agreeing with me.

"She's right Tikki, it's not your fault. And the doctor did say that you have a chance of getting your memory back."

She smiled a little. If only she can smile her usual big and happy smile. That would be nice. Tikki' smile could brighten up the room. Every time she smiles, it's like it has this calming effect on you. But now, she hardly smiles the kind of smile we want from her. The smile we all grew attached to. The smile that lets us know she's alright.

"Guys, look, Tikki needs to rest now, she's been up all night and there's already bags under her eyes. Why don't you two lovebirds go get lunch. I'll call you if anything happens." Plagg spoke up from his seat next to Tikki.

"Okay, but call immediately."

Plagg waved his hand in an 'I don't care motion'.

I sighed but turned to Tikki with a smile. "Get some rest Tikki, though I'm surprised all that sleeping wasn't enough." I teased her lightly.

She giggled, "thanks, goodbye Marinette, Adrien."

Adrien and I got up from the couch. "Goodbye Tikki", we said in unison.

As we head out of Tikki's room, I grabbed Adrien's hand and I felt him gave a small squeeze. I smiled at him. Adrien was such a sweetheart. He always knew when I need someone to lean to or to turn to for comfort. The guy I am tied to with fate.

While heading towards the car, my phone rang. Winter. Adrien gave me a confused look and I retuned the gesture. Winter hardly ever calls. Sure she stops by to talk but she never calls.

"Hello? Winter? Is everything alright?"


I began to panic, Adrien saw this and placed his free hand on my shoulder and pushed me towards his chest.

"Why? What happened ?"

"The twins are here and they began to talk about...............about Caleb.", she choked on Caleb's name.

Caleb was really a delicate subject withWinter. You should never bring him up in front oh her. She could either, kill you, slap you, ignore you, or just break down. You could tell that they loved each other. But when Caleb passed. Winter was never the same. She became this shell of a person she once was.

"I'm coming to pick you up, where are you?"

"The Clement mansion."

Disgust was evident on my face. "Oh, I hate that place."

"Please Marinette, I need help."

"I'll be there along with two more people and Adrien."

"Who are you bringing?"

"You'll see. Bye!"

"Okay, bye."

Adrien pulled away and with an amused expression asked, "so who are you going to ask?"

"Rylee and maybe Mae, I haven't spend too much time with them and neither have you. I think bringing them to a party will help them get their social skills back and who knows? Maybe they'll even find a guy they'll like!"

Adrien frowned, "Father is not going to be happy about a boyfriend for them." He then snickered, "last time I saw him, he was talking to them about how many guys there are in the world that you should never trust and that if they do like a guy, they have to meet him privately in his office."

I clamped a hand over my mouth, "poor them."

Back with Winter~

"Mrs. Takashima! Let me congratulate you on your 6 months of being pregnant." I congratulated her.

She laughed, "thank you, it's my first time to be in France though my French isn't that good. I appreciate it that you spoke in Japanese."

"I know how hard it is to speak a foreign language. I'm Winter Legrand."

She shook my hand, "just call me Hikari, every time people call me Mrs. Takashima, I tend to look for my mother-in-law."

I giggled, "still not used to the name change?"

She sighed wistfully. And I suddenly felt envious. She married the love of her life and here I am. Alone and still single. My love was now dead and I still haven't confessed to him. I can only do as much as go to his grave and talk while Hikari could talk to her husband and he'd respond to her.

"It still feels unreal that I'm married to him. I still feel as if it were yesterday we were still in high school competing against each other."

I smiled, "I'm happy for you. Now you have a child with him too."

Hikari looked at me with a smile but them she froze as if she was stuffed into a cooler for weeks. She scratched her head while looking nervous making me confused. Mr. Takashima walked over and wrapped his arms around her. Again, envious. Her lover is here to comfort her while mine can't.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that you lost your loved one not too long ago. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, I know he's still with me in spirit."

'And besides, at least you can respect my privacy with my relationship with Caleb, the Floret twins, in the other hand, I'm not so sure. Hopefully they won't find me'. I thought.

"There she is! Oh Winter!!!"

Speak of the devil, Marinette where are you?

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