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Winter's P.O.V. (I'm not sure if I had given her a last name but if I did, then let's just change it to Legrand)

"Mr. Bernard how are the stocks doing?", I asked my assistant.

He was a tall man in his late 50's. Kind but if you get on his bad side, you would be lucky to still have your job. He was like a father to me since my parents never treated me like a child. It was more like how one would treat a trophy. Derek Bernard was like a second parent to me along with his wife, Linda, they were unable to have kids, so they adopted a pair of 10 years old twins named Kelly and Emily.

"Fantastic! If we keep this up, we'll be able to rack up $250 million before the year ends! Keep up the great work Winter. Caleb would've been proud.", and just like that, his once joyful eyes turned sad and hallow. He smiled at me sadly and I returned the gesture.

Ever since the passing, Caleb was a sore subject here. They think I wouldn't know, but I do. They were talking about why that instead of Chloè -his fiancée- it was me that Caleb chose to leave it in his will. But they never questioned me in fear of loosing their job. No body dared mention to speak his name in my presence. And I was thankful for that. If I had to hear his name one more time, I would break down.

"Yes, he would've been. It's still hard to believe that.... how are the investors? Are they satisfied with it?"

Derek nodded his head, "yes, their somewhat satisfied but I have something to talk to you about."

I folded my hands, "what is it?"

"It's about Chloè, please don't interrupt me, while you were out on your lunch break, your second assistant, Madam Josephine, received a call from her. She was not angry but more like enraged that she didn't inherit the company. Winter, I fear that she's going to do something to you."

"Go, let her try! I dare her. That girl may harm me in any way she pleases but I am not backing down from her. I will show her that I am a not a force to be reckoned with. If anything were to happen to me, Emma is the heir. But I will not be shaken by her advances. If she wants to scare me away, all she has to do is show me her face. "

"Though I do agree you can take care of yourself, I still want you to be careful. I already lost Caleb don't make me loose you too."

I shook my head, "there is nothing to fear, but if you're that worried, I'll hire bodyguards. Sound good?"

He nodded, "yes. Yes it does. Don't forget, you were invited to one of our sponsors party later on."

"Yeah, I remember. A party for the day he bought his first car.", I rolled my eyes.

Derek laughed, "if it were up to me you wouldn't have to go and I'll just have to make up an excuse for you to not to go, but we do need his connections."

I groaned and dragged myself to my car. I better get ready for that dreaded 'party'. I need my taser. His parties were always wild even though it were formal. But most of his guests are perverts who couldn't keep their hands to theirselves. And the majority of the girls will be stuck up.

Meanwhile ~

Lila's P.O.V.

"LET ME OUT I DO NOT BELONG HERE!", I screamed at the guard who just stuck his nose at the air at my sight. If only I got out of this jail cell, I can show him whose really in charge. All I did was stole a little money was that really all that bad?

"Be quiet you! You ain't worth nothin more than a bacteria!", he spat at me.

"Excuse me! Do you know who I am? I am Lila -"

"Yeah I know just who you are! You're that home wrecker everyone has been talkin 'bout. You're just where you really belong ya b*tch."

I growled at his words. I do not belong here! I am of high class importance! I am to be treated with the upmost respect! Just you wait, you'll see, you'll all see. I am not to be treated like dirt!

Back with Winter~

(The image is not mine it belongs to my house member, Dokjhune, so he/she deserves the credit of this stylish picture.)

The dress wasn't that uncomfortable, but maybe I should've bought a jacket with me. Once I stepped past the doors, I felt the gaze of mostly every male and maybe a few females of the room. The host, Mr. Clement, stood next me in an instant.

"And here I present to you Ms. Winter Legrand! Now that we're all here let's all take a seat while I give you all my speech."

Everyone clapped and I made my way to a table with only two occupants. But once I sat down, I wished I didn't. I recognize their faces once they looked at me. The Floret twins. They're known for being very talkative and they gossip more than am average teen.

Paige was the one wearing green while Lily wore the red dress.

"So", started Paige.


"How did you get the company? I mean don't get me wrong, I just want to know why a hunk like Caleb would leave a promising company to a friend rather than his fiancée.", said Lily.

Paige nodded agreeing with her sister. "Surely you must understand why were curious. But to be fair, you and Caleb were close. Real close. Is there something going on between you two?"

Lily gasped, "Paige! Caleb was engaged!"

Paige nodded, "well yes but don't make Winter here feel down, she is hotter than that Chloè girl and don't forget that the only reason why Caleb was engaged to Chloè is because he knocked her up."

Lily gasped and looked at me, "I honk I get it now!"

Paige blew her fingernails looking at it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. "Do tell dear sister of mine."

"Ain't it obvious? Caleb and Winter here were secretly in love but when Chloè showed up saying that Caleb had gotten her preggers, Winter must've been heartbroken! She left him and Caleb had to marry Chloè because of the child but he still loved Winter to had given her his company. Oh what a tragic love story!"

Paige looked at me, "are we right or are we right?"

I must not commit murder. I must not commit murder.

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