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Rylee's P.O.V.

I looked over at Mae whose nose was buried in a book. I shook my head and went down. Uncle Gabriel had work today so we're both alone in this gigantic mansion. Now I know why Adrien wanted to go out so much. Being in here in these cold walls could make a person go co-co crazy!

Mae refuses to leave the library since Uncle enrolled us to Adrien's old school. She always wanted to be a surgeon ever since she was little. Her parents were surgeons and she wanted to follow their footsteps.

I ate breakfast and went to my room and to take a bath. I wrapped a towel around me as I went to my walk in closet and picked out a short sleeved purple t-shirt with silver words that said, 'I ain't no damsel in distress', silver leggings, and black short heels.

I grabbed my phone and went back to the library.

"Hey Mae, I'll go around town for a while, you okay being alone here?", I asked.

She looked up from her book, "yeah, I'll be fine, just be careful, you never know what people are capable of."

I nodded, "I'll be careful, do you need anything while I'm away?"

She looked at her mountain stack of books. "If it's not too much trouble, could you pick up a book by Jane Pillet?"

"Jane who?"

"Jane Pillet, she's a famous heart surgeon and even though there some of her books here, I can't find volume 3, A way to fix a broken heart. And no it's not a metaphor for people with hurtful breakups, it's actually literal."

I nodded slowly, "okay then, bye Mae."

"See you Ry."

I scrolled through my phone while heading to the book store entitled A bookworms content. Once I entered, the smell of books went to my nostrils. A worker walked pass but I called him back.

"Um excuse me, do you have any books of Jane Pillet?"

He thought for a moment, "let's see Jane Pillet? Ah, yes! Right here at shelf 8 and top right corner."

"Thank you."

I followed his instructions and sure enough it was there. The entire collection sat on the shelf and I skimmed through it.

How to tell a broken heart. Volume 1

Stitching the heart back together. Volume 2

A way to fix a broken heart. Volume 3

There it is! I took the book and looked at the price tag. $9.99, huh, oh well, it's cheep and I shouldn't complain. Before heading to the counter, I inspected the book to see if there were any damages and surprisingly, there were none.

I shrugged and went to buy the book.

"Here you go ma'am and come back anytime you please. ", said the cashier boy as he looked up and down and gave me a wink.


I gave a false smile and left the store. There is no way I am ever coming back in there! No, absolutely not! I made a turn to an alley way which is a short cut to the park. No one really uses it, so I figured that I'd be safe.

How wrong I was.

"Hello there."

I looked back to see a guy who looked dangerous. I began to step back when he walked up near to me. He gave me the scariest smile I had ever seen and it sent chills down my spine. What did this creep want?

"I see that you bought a book from Jane Pillet and I for one am a fan about heart surgery. My brother actually needs a heart donor and we can't seem to find a match....and I don't care how long I have to search. So be a good little girl and come with me so I can tear your heart out."

He grabbed my arm so violently it felt numb already. I looked around and saw that even if I screamed, no one would hear me. But it still couldn't hurt to try.

"HELP!", I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I felt him slap me and my eyes began to water.

"Shut up you stupid brat!", he screamed at me.

"What are you doing?!", a new voice demanded.

I looked behind him and saw a tall girl. She has electric blue eyes with a hint of yellow, her hair was shoulder length. In short, she was really pretty. She seemed to be a type of girl who doesn't seem to talk much but shouldn't be crossed with.

"And who are you?", the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe the name Floresca would ring a bell.", she said calmly.

I noticed that she said it as a fact and not in a Chloe way.

The man paled and I felt his grip on me loosen. It was still strong but I was able to break free and I ran behind the girl. She smiled at me and turned to the man with eyes narrowed as an eagle.

"Now, you wouldn't want to get hurt, would you?"

He began to shake and ran.

I gave out a sigh of relief. "Thank you miss."

She waved it off. "Come on, I'll take you home, what were you thinking going here in the first place?"

I hung my head,"sorry, I just wanted to go to the park. It's where I spent most of my memories with my parents."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know."

I gave a weak smile. "It's okay."

She smiled back, "I'm Calithea Floresca by the way."

"Rylee. And thank you back there."

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