Take Action

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Caleb's P.O.V

I glared at my so called fiancée who was cowering on the floor.

"I won't ask again Chloe, who was on the other end?"

"N-no one"

I crossed my arms and glared harder." Don't try to fool me, I've seen all your tricks by now."

She glared at me from the floor and gave me her hand to pick her up. I didn't.

"Pick yourself up." I said through clenched teeth.

She gapped at me before crossing her arms and huffed.

I glared at her and went to the other side of the room. If that's the way she wants to play then so be it. I grabbed her phone and went to my room and locked the door.

I took my phone out and called a friend.

"Robert? I need a favor."

With Adrienette and Emma~

Marinette and Emma were sleeping in today so I took the liberty to make us breakfast. I went down to the kitchen and started the stove. I took out some pots and pans and a few ingredients and made our breakfast.

For Emma

For Marinette

For myself

Emma started teething yesterday. We found out when we took her to the doctor the other day. Mari and I decided that she should try solid food but only soft like pancakes.

When I placed the food down at the table, Marinette came holding Emma who was rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning my ladies." I greeted as I kissed them both on the cheek.

"Morning." Marinette yawned out.

I smiled and took Emma while Mari ate her food. I gently fed Emma small portions of the pancake and orange juice. Once Emma was done, I ate my food and Mari went upstairs to change Emma.

With Marinette ~

I removed all of Emma's clothes and placed her on the tub filled with water. I made sure that the water was not too hot and not too cold and added Emma's special bubbles. She giggled as I played with the bubbles that gently pop around her.

After a while, I wrapped Emma in her pink towel and drained the water from the tub. Going through her clothes, I found most of them were not Emma's style but more of Chloe's. She must of done all her shopping. And as we all know, Chloe has horrible fashion sense.

I still went through all her clothes and found one that I made for her. I took it and dressed Emma for today.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and babbled in her language. But she was also growing up. She was learning words like 'mama' 'papa' 'yummy' pretty'. It felt as if it was only yesterday I found her.

Adrien walked in the room and I gave him Emma.

"I'm going to wash up, be sure to give Emma her daily cartoon."

We only allow Emma to watch T.V. for 30 minutes and we only let her watch educational programs.

Adrien nodded and took Emma to the living room.

I grabbed my towel and went in the bathroom.

25 minutes later~

I smiled at my reflection and went out of the room. Adrien told me that he got movie tickets and it's going to show soon. This was our way of bonding with Emma .We really missed her, it was quite lonely and we both hardly had a night sleep knowing she's with Chloe out of all people!

When we were watching the movie, I can't help but feel something bad is going to happen.

With Lila (you expect this?)~

I placed the gun down and went up from the basement of our 'house'. This place was hardly a house! It was old and we had to repair a few broken things and I'm sick of it! I grumbled and made my way to my daughters room.

"Charlotte, clean your room and get ready, we're going shopping."

She smiled." Okay Mommy Lila."

I was about to walk out when she asked me the same question that she asks once every day.

"Where's Mommy Chloe?"

"Just get ready."

I went to my room and locked the door and closed the windows. I grabbed a huge bag under my bed and opened it. Stacks of $100 met my eyes and I took a stack and placed it at the far side under my bed.

The money wasn't fake, they were real. Some of them, we got from stealing and/or killing and the other we got from doing some work for some perverts, if you know what I mean.(I'm really going to puke, this is not good.)

I changed and went to Charlotte's room. She better hurry. I don't have a good reputation around this neighborhood but I could hardly care less. When I'm rich, they'll be wishing they were nice to me.

I took a peak in her room and found her still cleaning it. I quietly made my way to the basement and flipped the switch. The freshly dead body of Caleb's parents were starting to irritate me. I went up to the girl and took her earring and necklace. I placed them on me and locked at myself in the mirror.

I look amazing! I smirked at the dead bodies. Sometimes we have to take action to get what we want.

I am sorry for not updating for a while, I was sick .

Disclaimer: I own nothing, they all go back to their respective owners and they deserve all the credits.

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