The accident

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, they all go back to their respective owners. And I give them all the credits for it. Thank you XbrightXtimes for pointing that out to me.😅 But anyway, enjoy the chappie. Love you all.

Caleb's P.O.V.

   I straightened my tie as I looked at my reflection. Chloe has been nagging on me about going to Vegas and have a speedy wedding since she's so anxious to proclaim that she married me.

As if.

I know for a fact that she only wanted my money and company. She has that look in her eye every time I handed her my card for her shopping trip. If it weren't for my good working company and a few of my connections, I would've been bankrupt because of her.

I looked at myself one last time before heading out. I can't believe that I'll have to marry that brat. It was a good thing that Emma was raised right. Adrien and Marinette Agreste were real miracle workers.

Chloe was waiting for me wearing a dress that would make a stripper from a club look innocent. And I am not exaggerating, in fact, that was an understatement.

(A.N. Sorry I can't bring up a pic. It'll leave you scarred for life. So, I described it, which as you can tell, I'm not good at. Hence, why I use pictures.)

It was traditional white, but the designs was unacceptable. It was strapless and it showed more of her 'cleavage', as if she had one, the sorry excuse of a dress stopped at her mid thigh and her stomach was clearly seen.

"That dress is not acceptable, where on Earth did you found it? " I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

She rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, but this was the wedding dress that your mother sent, I just made a few trims here and there. So I don't care if you hate it, now hurry up!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose." Not until you change from that sorry excuse of a dress."

She stomped her foot." No."

I gave an annoyed sigh. She's being childish and I could only tolerate as much." No, I won't marry you until you find a proper wedding dress."

She glared at me." Why are you so stubborn ?!"

I glared back at her." Me? It's you who's stubborn!"

It was a good thing that the hallway was deserted. I don't want to cause a scene. Especially with Chloe. And the rags she was wearing.

She crossed her arms and stomped her foot harder." I can do what I want!"

I glared at her harder and she flinched from seeing my look.

"And if you can do what you want, I can too."

She froze but kept her gaze away from me." What do you mean?"

"I mean that we're going home first thing tomorrow. No wedding."

"You can't be serious!" She shouted.

"Yes, I am." I replied calmly.

The next morning, Chloe's P.O.V.~

I glared at the door. How dare he?! Does he know who I am?! I am Chloe Bourgeois and I do not tolerate people who act like they are above me!

Caleb booked us two rooms in a hotel saying that he refuses to share one with me! Can't he trust me?! I grumbled as I took a glass of wine.

I will have his fortune and fame one way or another. Then, I'll finally be with my beloved Lila and our daughter Charlotte. As for the blue haired brat, I'll just leave her with Maritrash. Adrien sealed his fate when he rejected me, now he has to take the second place Marinette.

I took out my phone. I miss my Lila.

"Hey baby" I purred into the phone (A.N. Barf)

"Hey sweetheart, how's my little devil?"

"It's so boring without you, I miss you and our Charlotte."

"I know, but you have to be strong. Once we have the money, we'll be able to have everything we want"

"I still miss you."

"I do too."

"How 'bout you take Charlotte to La Papillon, and I'll meet you there?"

"What about your 'hubby'?" Envy and jealousy was clear on her voice.

"Baby, I love you and only you."

"I know baby, I'll see you then."

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and spun around.

Only to be met with Caleb's angered face. I jumped back and fell unto the ground.

"Who's at the phone?" I could tell he was holding back his anger.

Uh oh.

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