The Funeral

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Caleb's P.O.V.

The sound of the rain echoed in my ear as the casket containing the vessels of my parents were brought down to the ground. This wasn't fair. They had so much to live for.

Mom and dad were found dead in their house. Robbery. The police said. All the money and jewels form the vault were found gone and all that's left was their remains.

I have investigators and detectives that I could find and hired them to take this case. They all had the same suspect. Lila Rossi. The suspected drug dealer and prostitute. Many claimed that she was money hungry and crazy. What worried everyone was that there was a child with her. Charlotte Rossi.

I kissed the flower that I was holding and threw it along with my parents.

I will avenge you. I promise.

I looked around. Mostly everyone was leaving now. But I could care less. They could leave when they want, but I want to stay here just for a little while longer.

"Can we leave? I'm tired and my beauty sleep is needed." Brat whined.

I glared at her and she shut up.

"My parents have been buried and all you could think about is sleep?" You could hear the terrifying demon behind my voice.

She rolled her eyes." Well what do you expect? They were getting old, and besides, I'm a 100% sure that they would've wanted you to take care of me since I'm more important."

I took several deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Chloe, may I remind you that if you ever step out of line, I have every right to cancel this marriage, but by my parents old fashion way, I won't. But I can make you miserable. As a gentleman, I won't lay a hand on you, but I have the power to make sure that you follow what I say."

She was about to reply when a voice spoke from behind us.

"I'm sorry for your loss Cally"

I turned and saw Winter.

I smiled," thank you Win. I hope your condition is getting better."

"It is, the surgeons were really good, I've been feeling a little bit better with each passing day."

"That's good to hear."

She smiled and happened to look over to Chloe, who has been glaring non-stop at her.

"Oh, who's this?"

Chloe spoke before I had the chance.

"I am Chloe Bourgeois, fiancée of Caleb, isn't that right dear?"

I sighed and Winter looked at me with an unreadable expression." Is that true?"

I nodded.

She gave me a fake smile. "Well, then I hope that you two will have a wonderful future together, excuse me."

She walked away until all I could see was her retreating shadow.

"Winter" I whispered.

I felt a stinging sensation in my left cheek.

"Who is she?!"

I held my cheek and looked around and then back at my parents grave.

"I'll be back, okay?" I said to the gravestones.

I grabbed Chloe and dragged her to the car.

"Hey! Let me go!"

I glared at her." This is a cemetery, have some respect."

She crossed her arms and slumped in her seat.

I closed her door and went to mine. It's time to head home.

"Who is that Winter girl?"

I sighed." She's a close friend of mine."

"Does she have any feelings for you?"

I know she does and the feelings is mutual. "No, what Winter and I have is strictly platonic ."

I know you Chloe, I know you have a connection with Lila Rossi, but I can't prove that. But still, I won't allow you to hurt Winter.

She stuck her nose up in the air." Good. Is she rich by any chance?"

I can see a plan forming in her head. "Not that I'm aware of."

She huffed." Well what good is she? And she has some kind of condition too? If you ask me, she was trying to be close to you just for your money."

Look in a mirror Bourgeois.

I stopped the car in the middle of nowhere. Or rather, a mile away from our house.

"Why did you stop?" She demanded.

"Walk." I simply said.

"Excuse me, do you know who you're talking to?"

"A spoiled brat who thinks the world revolves around her, now leave!"

She went out and slammed the door.

No sooner than that, I pressed hard into the gas pedal. Finally, some peace and quiet.

Now that I have a clear head, I wonder how's Emma with Mr. & Mrs. Agreste. I should probably ring them up tomorrow. I don't need to worry, they're really nice and if they would have a child, he/she will feel nothing but love and affection from her parents. Not to mention that said child will also be very spoiled.

Mom, Dad, wherever you both are, I promise that Emma will be happy and I won't let Chloe ruin my life. I will avenge your death, to whoever the killer be, may no mercy lay upon him......or her.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, they all go back to their respective owners who deserves all the credits.

A.N. Guys, I am truly sorry, I was watching a bit of anime and got carried away. Especially Vampire Knight, I would've preferred if Yuki chose Zero. But I also like Kanemae(?) . This is the first time this has happened to me. Not knowing who I support more.

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