Chapter 8 (ENDING #2)

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What up, friends? Fun fact: I finished writing this fanfiction a little bit over a year ago, but just been too lazy to edit it and post it. It was mostly just a thing I wrote due to boredom but a lot of my friends said they loved it. 

ANYWAYS, you all probably know me as on instagram. I might not be posting so much on that account anymore, I might get Anne to co-own again. But enough about me, here's ENDING NUMERO DOS. 

I actually think I worked harder on this ending than the other one? OK I'LL STOP TALKING NOW

Don't forget to drop a vote and a comment please. I'd really appreciate it a lot :)

- - -

"Hey," Mike said in a shy voice.

I gulped. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him. "You didn't talk to me or anything for a long time and you're supposed to be taking care of her, aren't you? I don't get you—"

He sat down on the edge of the bed and shushed me gently. "Look, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in so long...I needed time to work things out," he said to me. "I was taking care of her, and I talked to her about things."

I looked down. "Talked to her about what kinds of things?" I asked quietly.

He exhaled deeply, running his hands through his hair. "I've been taking care of her these past two weeks. We've been talking...and we've established this connection we've never really...had before. Never. Not even when we—you know, got freaky to Sara Smile by Hall and Oates."

I cringed inwardly as he cleared his throat. "Anyways...the way that I've been with her as we were both talking about her pregnancy and plans for the baby and everything...I feel like she's not the same person anymore. She's blossomed into this new person...she's matured. I...fuck, I've—"

"Fallen for her, haven't you?" I filled in his words. He sheepishly looked down and scratched his head.

I couldn't help but smile. "Mike...I'm really glad."

He looked up in surprise. "R-really?"

I nodded. "You and Kaylee finally are actually...getting along? Not fighting? On same terms?" I wasn't sure what was the right way to say it. I was happy for him, because he seemed really happy. That was what mattered to me, people being happy.

He smiled at me, however his eyes looked sad. "I'm sorry..."

I shook my head. "Don't be sorry, Mike. You two are finally getting're actually happy," I told him. "You two are going to raise the child together, right?"

He nodded. "And...I still love her. But even more now. She told me that she's putting an end to flirting with other guys. She wants to commit herself to this baby and to me," he spoke with a small smile.

I then scooted over and hugged him. "I'm so happy," I softly said with a smile. He hesitated, but then hugged me back.

I pulled away. "Can we friends at least? Because I'd really like that, Mike. You're a really nice and sweet guy, and I like having you around just to talk about stuff and hang out." He playfully punched me in the arm and I did the same to him.

"Yeah, we never really hung out when I wasn't being an asshole," Mike said as he thought about it. "Huh."

"How about we hang out tomorrow?" I asked him. "We can go for a walk downtown and just talk about stuff! You can show me some of the music you like from the record shop!" I offered excitedly.

He shook his head but had a smirk on his face. "I'm going to have to see. I'll drop by tomorrow and let you know, okay?"

I nodded. We exchanged hugs as we said goodbye.

- - -

The doorbell rang a bit later and I answered, smiling at Tré.

"Hi, Tré." I greeted as he stepped inside. "Hello, my little miss Logan. How are you on this fine evening?" He asked me as he bowed in a gentleman-like manner.

"I'm quite well, but...I wanted to talk to you about something," I said. I took his hand and led him over to the couch.

He looked more serious as he looked at me. "Everything okay? You've been resting and eating well?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I am now, thanks. But...I wanted to tell you's really important that I do or I'll regret it forever."

"Yeah?" He shifted in his seat. "What's wrong? You look nervous."

I gulped. "I kind of am. I wanted to admit something to you..." I looked down at my hands and twiddled my thumbs. " night of Billie's birthday party...Mike and I...we kissed."

He widened his eyes, then looked down at the ground. "Oh, did you now?"

"Yeah..." I awkwardly said, scratching my neck.

He sighed. "You must really like him, huh?" His voice had a disappointed tone.

I shook my head. "No, Tré was just a one time thing that happened. I don't like him in that way."

He then peeked up at me. "Oh wow. That's a relief."


He grinned. "Yeah, a relief. Because Mike is a big lame-o and my little miss Logan is the coolest. She's smart, caring, helpful, fun-loving and as cute as a button!" He then tapped my nose with his finger and stuck out his tongue.

I blushed and gave a shy smile. "...I'm really none of those things."

"Oh, yes you sure as hell are," he insisted. I shook my head and he then began to tickle me and I laughed.

I fell back on the couch laughing from his tickling and he then stopped. I looked up and saw his eyes glittering as he leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

He pulled away and I bit my lip and smiled. "...You know, I've had this huge crush on you for a while now..." I admitted.

He smiled sheepishly. "Me too...I mean, crush on you. Not on myself. Selfcest is a total nope," he said as he laughed nervously.

I gazed into his blue eyes. "Really?" I asked and he nodded and smiled as he looked into my eyes. "Yeah...I know I flirt a lot and shit like that...but I actually really like you," he said. "But I don't know about anything serious right now."

"It's okay with me," I said. "We can take it slow. Or fast. Whatever you want," I said and he chuckled softly, but then gazed into my eyes again as he cupped my face in his hands. I felt myself blush...

"M-may I?" He asked softly, and I nodded and smiled.

He leaned in and kissed me again. I smiled as I kissed him back, resting my hands on his shoulders.

We only kissed softly for a little bit and I then pulled away, my face probably really red.

"You look like a tomato!" Tré said with a laugh and I playfully punched him.

"Well, now Billie owes me ten bucks," he said confidently as he sat up. I furrowed my brows. "Why is that?"

"We made a bet that if I successfully got with you, then he owes me. He wanted you and Mikey Mike to get together," he said with an eye roll. I looked at him. "Why would he think—"

"Well...Mike never stopped talking about you after Valentine's Day. Super obvious he had a crush on you, so Billie put his money on him. Billie's protective of you like an older brother and he's worried I'm gonna end up breaking your heart. That's definitely not true," Tré smiled and shrugged. "But...y'know, it's like, 'wow, now I'm stuck with this goofball.'"

I hugged him. "No way. I really like you, Tré. You're so sweet and know how to cheer me up when I'm feeling down, you always know what to say. Every time I'm with you, you just make me feel so good about myself...I don't know what I'd do without you," I said as he hugged me back tightly. It felt so good being held by him. It felt like all my problems would somehow melt away.

He soon pulled away. "Wanna go on a date tomorrow? Maybe catch a movie or something?"

I nodded and smiled. "I'd really like that, Tré."

He smiled and kissed my cheek softly. "Goodnight,, I'll see you tomorrow?" He was so embarrassed, and I giggled. He was just so cute.

"Goodnight, Tré..." I said with a wave as he trotted out the door.

- - -

So Mike and I got to hang out a little bit. It was nice to finally hang out with him as friends, without him being irritable or anything. We walked downtown and ate snacks and we listened to his favourite music in the record shop. It was super fun, but I was even more excited for my date with Tré.

Tré's dad picked me up and I sat next to Tré in the car. His dad asked me funny questions and Tré was embarrassed, but I was having so much fun.

We saw a superhero movie that Tré was really excited to see. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, since he was throwing popcorn at me and had his arm around me the whole time. He snuck a couple of kisses in there, too.

Adrienne came to see me off, to my relief. I hugged her. "I'll miss you," I told her. And it was true, Adrienne became my best girl friend.

She was tearing up as she handed me a piece of paper. "My home phone number. Anytime you need a friend."

I hugged her again. "Be safe," is what I managed to say before she left.

I sighed. I was going to miss her, but I knew I would see her again someday.

- - -

"Will I ever see you guys again?" I asked the boys.

I gave Mike a hug. "Hope so. It was cool having you around," he said with a smile as he pulled away. "Take care."

"Yeah, take care," Kaylee said to me too as Mike put his arm around her. I smiled. They looked so happy together.

I then hugged Billie. "You'll always be my friend. I'll never forget you," Billie said to me as he began to tear up.

I then moved on to Tré. "Logan, I—" He sighed and took my hands in his. "Please come back someday. Because I'll be waiting for you...when Green Day gets to go on tour, I want you to come with me. Us, I mean. You mean so much to me and I want-no, I need you by my side."

I was speechless. "I'll have to see...but I will come back someday. Definitely. And I'll be waiting for you, too." We shared a kiss and Billie rolled his eyes as he wiped them.

"You better not get too frisky with her, Tré. I'm keeping an eye on you," he sternly said with a glare as Tré laughed. "You don't have to worry about anything, Beej. Little miss Logan's my princess and I'm gonna treat her right." He looked at me and winked as I smiled shyly and looked down. Oh, Tré...

My dad was waiting in the car. I hugged Ollie goodbye before I gave my final wave.

I opened the car door and sat in the seat next to my dad. I took one last look at the house before my dad backed out of the driveway. "I'll be missing you, all of you," I whispered.

I couldn't stop thinking about Tré.

- - -

I was reading an interesting book on Psychology, cuddled up in bed in my comfy pajamas.


I looked at my computer and a message saying 'you got an email!' Appeared on the monitor screen.

I walked over and opened it, and I smiled. It was from Tré.

'Hi little miss Logan, how are you doing back in Seattle? Hope I didn't lose my love to a preppy Seattle boy. The Coolster would be oh-so-heartbroken! :-( But I have faith in us, my lovely little rose. Mike and Kaylee are very happy together, and little baby Amanda-Panda is doing well, too. We're all working hard on the new album. How's your dad doing? Hope he's doing well too. Well, I gotta go so...before I leave, I just wanted to tell you—I love you and I miss you. I can't wait till I can see you again. -Tré."

I was smiling the entire time I was reading the email, and ended up with a bit of tears in my eyes. I opened up a new email and replied;

"Hi, Tré! Thanks for your email. I'm glad you're all doing well. My dad is okay, he's getting a lot better. Tell Billie, Mike and Ollie I said hi! Oh, and don't even worry about me loving somebody else, because I love you too, Tré. A lot. I think about you every day and am always hopeful that we'll be together again. I have faith in us, as well. Love, Logan."

I clicked 'send' and let out a sigh as I plopped back onto my bed, closing my eyes and daydreamt about Tré. This time, I didn't stop my thoughts...I smiled as I continued to let my beautiful imagination play on in my head.

- - -

(Third person)

Eventually, Billie, Mike and Tré finished all the songs for their album. They recorded them in 1993, then released the album January 1994.

Their album was an explosive success. It was called 'Dookie.' Billie wanted to call it 'Liquid Dookie,' but the producers thought it was too gross.

And with new success, comes new conflicts as well—such as Green Day becoming banned from the Gilman. But they kept their heads held high. They got to go on tour as promised.

Logan did get to go on the tour with Tré, Mike and Billie. She was welcomed back happily and got to meet all their friends.

Logan got a job at the local supermarket as a cashier. Her and Tré were very happy together and always had fun times in their lives.

Her dad moved in with Ollie. Ollie's husband? Finally got charged and arrested for domestic violence. They are now separated.

Mike and Kaylee were engaged and later bought a home in Oakland together. Their baby was born November of 1992. They decided on naming the baby Amanda.

Billie and Adrienne got back together, as everyone had hoped for. All of them were ecstatic. He'd finally decided he was ready to commit to her...forever!

- - -

July 1994


Billie and Adrienne finished exchanging their vows as they kissed and all of us cheered.

I was one of her bridesmaids. I was so happy for them! Billie and Adrienne ran down the aisle.

I walked over to my handsome boyfriend as he took my hand to kiss it. "My my, little miss look absolutely stunning," Tré said and I giggled. "You look quite charming yourself, Mr. Cool." I linked my arm with his and he escorted me to our table. "You're the prettiest girl in the room tonight," he quoted himself. I nudged him in the rib as I bit my lip and looked down shyly, remembering the day he told me that.

"Hi, Mike!" I greeted to him as we shared a hug. "Hi, Kaylee..." I greeted as I hugged her as well. "This is auntie Logan...say hi," Kaylee spoke softly to baby Amanda.

I greeted baby Amanda. She was really cute.

Tré held my hand and I squeezed his hand back. "I haven't even congratulated the newlyweds yet!" I told Tré. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

We waited until the couple finished photo-taking and I excitedly hugged both of them individually. "Congratulations, you two!"

"Thanks, Logan." Billie said with a smile as he put his arm around Adrienne. "It really means a lot," Adrienne said as she smiled at me.

Tré embraced me from behind. "We got your wedding gift in your new home, but just—be careful, shit was expensive." I nodded and smiled. We bought Billie a new guitar!

The couple looked confused but they shrugged as people came up to them and greeted them.

We went back to our table and I chatted with Mike and Kaylee, and also with some of Billie's siblings and to my dad.

My dad was indifferent about Tré at first, but soon learned to like him.

"Hey, lovebirds...Adrienne's gonna throw her bouquet," Jason told us. Yup, still wearing that backwards cap. I looked at Tré and laughed as he pulled me along down to where there was Adrienne on a balcony, and the bridesmaids and a group of women were gathered.

"Okay!" Adrienne shouted as she laughed and turned away. I laughed as all the girls were jumping up and down, waving their arms around.

"3...2...1..." Adrienne threw the bouquet behind her and the women went wild.

You know who caught it?


I laughed as I basically got trampled over by the group of ladies. Soon Tré and I went for a walk in the garden together.

He was holding my hand tightly. "You're so beautiful, Logan...beautiful the day I met you and still so beautiful today. When you grow old you'll still be beautiful."

I blushed. "Oh, Tré..."

We stopped and he looked into my eyes then kissed me softly.

We went walking a little bit more and chatting a bit, until he told me he had to ask me a question.

"Okay..." I said.

He exhaled deeply. "We've been dating for...a bit over two years now, right?" I nodded and smiled. "The most wonderful two years of my life," I happily said.

Wait...was he breaking up with me...?

I gasped and widened my eyes as he got down on one knee. "T-Tré..."

He took my hand. "Logan Ella Hindley, I always knew I had trouble with commitment and relationships and all that shit...but this time—you've proved me wrong..." He kissed my hand and pulled something out of his pocket as I felt myself begin to cry. "...will you marry me? Be mine forever and ever?"

I was laughing, crying, squealing...everything all at once. "Yes...yes!" I replied excitedly. He had the biggest smile on his face as he stood up and picked me up, twirling me around as I laughed.

He was still carrying me in his arms and I leaned in to kiss him happily. "Tré...I love you."

"I love you more," he said as he kissed me again.

He put me down and we held hands, walking back together. "I can't wait for what the future holds for us. I promise, my dearest Logan...I'll be yours for as long as I live."


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