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"where did you leave your love?"

— SHE WANTED TO RUN, FAR FAR AWAY. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to move, it was like she was frozen in her spot. Rose had to face him, whether or not she liked it, this was the moment she didn't want to happen yet she knew it was gonna happen.

As she turned her back, Rose saw his dark figure, his hair, a bit dropped in sweat and his facial expression breaking her heart, he almost looked worried and afraid. "What do you want?" She asked politely not wanting to offend him.

He opened his mouth trying to find the words to say to her. "I want you to know why you didn't tell me about this." The brunette bit her lip slightly at his question.

"About what Colby?" stupidly asking even while knowing what he meant to ask in the first place.

He shook his head rapidly at her oblivion. "Rose I know your not stupid, you know what I'm talking about." he said, making her look down, not wanting to look at him in the eyes. She blinked for a moment, letting the tears drop down her, as she looked up, she looked at his ocean eyes, oh god she can swim in those eyes forever.

"Colby." Rose started, her voice a bit crackly, her body overfilled with emotions. "I didn't want this to ruin us ok.. You know how much you mean to me and I honestly thought I could get over you before this could happen but I guess I'm too selfish that I always catch myself falling back in love with you." explaining herself, whilst her head was tilted down, not wanting to meet his eyes as she told him the bear truth.

Colby laughed weakly. "You thought this would ruin us?" he questioned like it wasn't so obvious.

"What else was I suppose to think? Wouldn't you be weirded out by the fact that your best-friend liked you?" the brunette blankly replied back to him.

He kept quiet, knowing that she was right about that. She started to walk away again. "No stop please don't go yet." he tried to grab her hand to stop but she pushed herself away so he couldn't.

She met with his glance."Colby please, If you know what's good right now, it's that I need to go home so that you could ignore me forever."

Colby furrowed his eyes at her sentence like she was crazy. "What no! Are you kidding? Why would you think that's what good for us?" He exclaimed, thinking she was crazy for thinking that way.

The girl sighed loudly, her body and mind not taking it anymore wanting to explode. "Because I've ruined everything for us!" she shouted in the parking lot. This was the first time in the boy's life that he saw her like this, and it honestly made his heart break into pieces again, seeing how torn up she was at the moment. "Because I couldn't help but fall in love with my bestfriend. My bestfriend who pushed me out of my comfort zone, the same bestfriend who has been there for me when I needed him, the same bestfriend who makes me feel so much more alive than ever, the same bestfriend that make me laugh and smile everyday, the same bestfriend who lets me stay at there apartment to cuddle whenever I don't feel well or good at all, that's you! And now that you know about how I feel about you, you'll probably hate me and ignore me for the rest of life." Rose yelled loudly at Colby, her body shaking from the amount of emotions that went high her veins.

"Rose, I could never hate you! Your my bestfriend, nothing in this world can make me hate you." he admitted. She only nodded her head in disbelief, thinking in that moment that Colby Brock was lying to her right now. Rose started to walk away once more before hearing his plead again. "Please, don't leave right now." he really did wanted her to stay with him, but Roses heart didn't believe his plead.

Then the question came out of her mouth. "Why do you want me to stay so badly Colby? It's not like you actually love me back." that was the last straw for the blue haired boy at this point.

"For god sakes Rose, I fucking do love you!" He screamed out to her. "Don't you even see it? Rose it's always been you, god I can't even stress it enough to you, it's always been you that I somehow fall right back in love with. I can't stop thinking about you, it's so hard to imagine a life without you and it scares me, it scares me how much I love you Rosalyn, because I would kill for you, I would do so much for you, I love you Rosalyn Fray, it's always been you the whole entire time, not Alexa, not even fucking Adelaide, not any other fucking girl that exist in this world that I've met in a long time, it was always you Rose."

And at that moment, it felt like the world had stop for Rose and Colby to look at each other for what felt like a long time, one pair of eyes held a few tears, one held a sparkle as they looked at the person they loved to death. A split second past and Rose decided to wipe her tears away. "As if it wasn't obvious enough to notice, I've always been extremely happy and calm whenever your around me, and I always expressed how much I loved you as a person in general." he trailed off walking closer and closer to her. She looks up to his ocean eyes once more, seeing his sparkling eyes look back at her as their souls intertwine.

Colby let his hand travel towards Roses flustered cheeks, her eyes closing feeling super electric as the skin to skin contact made her feel a bit calmer in the moment, his thumb caressing her cheeks. "You are the fucking love of my life Rose." she lets out a shakey laugh after he said that. "God you make me feel so much emotions that I never thought I could feel." at this point, her body had felt so happy in that moment, it was overwhelmed, still by her mental breakdown, but her eyes started to water, happy tears at least.

"Rose don't cry." he insisted wiping her tears away, she smiles weakly, sniffling at the same time. "Roooosssey." slurring cutely. It made her feel extremely happy.

As she looked up again, Rose saw his frown at her, it made her frown. "Don't frown at mee." Rose whispers to Colby, her eyes puffy from the alight of tears she's cried.

"I'm frowning because your crying, I don't ever want you to see you cry." she breathed in heavily before calming herself down.

Her heart felt broken. "Colby I hope you know that now is not the right time for us." Rose admitted, sadly to him.

He looked down in defeat. He did know this for a fact. Rose was not ready for a relationship, she even knew it for herself, she wasn't mentally, emotionally, neither physically ready to be with him, it made her sad as she realized that she wasn't ready at all, it truly did. "I know." Colby sighed. The brunette placed her hands on his soft cheeks.

"But in the future when I am ready and I know the time is right, then I'll know I can be the one for you." Rose assured to him with a small smile.

Colby scoffed at her response before saying to her, "You're already the one for me Rose." giving him a light smile after he said that, her heart beating the fastest it's ever been in a very long time.

And at that moment, her eyes lingered down to his lips and up back to his ocean eyes, as they both filled in the gap of tension between them, their lips collided, as they touch, feeling actual heaven flow through their veins. The group couldn't help but watch them from afar, like proud parents, everyone had at least some tears in their eyes, including Tara, who had a bunch of happy tears, she knew that Rose deserved this, she deserved this moment of unconditional love and happiness.

As they tore each other's lips apart, already missing the feeling of each other, they both grinned widely before laughing in embarrassment, then later on hugging each other tightly. They weren't together yet, and Colby knew he had to wait a long while till something like this would happen to him again, but he knew that it would be worth the wait, it would be worth waiting for her, because he knew deep inside his heart, that this was True Love.

The duo decided to stay at Colby's apartment for the rest of the night. Rose had extra clothes in his apartment just incase something happened at his apartment and she needed to change into something formal and comfy like sweatpants or pajamas because she would occasionally sleep on his couch or his bed even before everything happened.

She was already soundly asleep in his bed, as he went to shower before bed, he dried himself off before changing only into his underwear and shorts before going back to his room to see her calmly sleeping in his bed, as she would do. But this time, it felt different, of course because of what happened only about an hour ago but he felt himself fall in love with her even more.

Colby slipped himself into his sheets and cuddled Rose into his arms, slowly not wanting to wake her up. He laid his head next to her neck, smelling his sweet scent of lavender, it made him calmer and sleepier as Colby fell right to sleep with her by his side. Rosalyn Fray and Colby Brock, were both deeply and madly in love with each other.

𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚? | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤

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