Chapter 1. The Mysterious Death Of Georgie

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"How was school?"

I let out a sigh and look over to my aunt's direction as she begins to prepare lunch, "Everything was good! We had a test and i finally got an A! How about that?!" I shout and throw my backpack on the floor. I look at her putting the knife down and she looks into my brown eyes.

"Can you please stop being so sarcastic,why don't you actually try and get A's in every subject." Tiredly i look at her and sniff.

"I've tried my best..but i cant't. I'm not the best in school and you know it..not after what happened."

My aunt Christine walks over to me and grabs my hand,giving me a sympathetic smile, "I takes time,but at least try for Frank." Christine said and went back to finish up cooking

"I'll try."

I sat down on the coffee table and began to make my homework..well tried cause I was doddling for a bit when I heard a knock on the door, "Must be him." Christine wiped her hands and raced towards the door. I groaned and tapped my pencil and began to focus on my work, "Kyle!" The little boy shouted and raced over to me and hugged my side, "How was your day sis?"

" was yours?" I ask with boredom.

"It was okay! I got all A's and did my homework just in time so can I go and play with Georgie?" My little brother asked me as he took my hand tightly.

"You haven't eaten lunch yet Frankie,please eat first." Christine tells him.

I watch as my aunt helps Frankie up the seat and he begins to eat his food while coloring a few pages, "Georgie and I planned to see each other today and make a boat. You want to play with us Kyle?" Johnny asks and looks at me.

"I don't know Frankie..we'll see okay?" I smile a little.

"Kyle can you please give these to the Bill and Georgie i'm sure they'll like them." Christine placed a bunch of cookies on a plate and wrapped them up so they wouldn't get wet. "Sure." I grabbed my raincoat and Johnny came running towards me with his red raincoat on, "I finished eating." He smiles up at me, "Alright then." I grab the plate of cookies opened the door and walk side by side with Frankie holding my hand.

We made it to Bill and Georgie's home and I knocked on the door and Bill answered it, "Kyle? What brings y-you h-here?" He asks looking at me.

"Christine made a few cookies for you and Georgie to eat. I know how much Georgie loves them."


I smiled and knelt down and hugged Georgie who hugged me tight, "You're getting stronger everyday!" I smile and lift him up. "Frankie came to play,he told me you two were gonna make a boat."

"Yes we are!"

"I can't wait to play outside." My brother says entering the house.

"Please look after them Bill." I tell the older brother and he nods his head, "Yeah s-sure."

"Try not to get too wet you two,I don't want my two favorite kids in the world to get sick." I smile and hug my brother then Georgie. "Please be okay." I tell the young kid and he smiles and they both race up the stairs, "If anything happens please call my aunt." I tell Bill again.

"Yeah i-i will..see ya." He says and shuts the door.

This rain is getting worse i tell myself and made it back to my home and saw my aunt in the living room watching tv,so i went to my room and began to take a shower and began to replay on how my brother and Georgie met,it was back then at school and my brother was being bullied and Georgie even though he is small stepped in and defended Frankie,that's how they became friends. Bill's parents and my aunt would invite each other for dinner and both kids would play,i've never been that close to Bill to call him a friend...

The kids at my school would laugh at me for hanging out with younger ones,i'm in highschool and according to the teenagers there I can't be seen with younger kids, I prefer them cause they are innocent. I'm seventeen and I don't have friends,i'm known as the loner goth girl in school. I do consider myself as one but kids bully me because of the way i am and look,i mostly wear black clothes,have jet black hair,have a nose piercing and prefer to be alone..but I hate being alone...doesn't everyone?....

I finished taking my shower and saw that an hour has passed since Frankie went to Georgie's place, I better head over and go, I grabbed my jeans,boots and coat and told my aunt i would be back. I like it when it rains but also hate it..I have many secrets hidden within me like many people do,i've had a rough past and I wish i could forget all about it. This is one of the many reasons why i've become so cold with people,it's been three months since that tragedy happened.

I knocked on the door and Bill's father answered it right away, "Hello,Kyle.what brings you here?" He asks smiling at me, "I umm just came to bring Frankie home,it is getting late." "They must be playing somewhere. Be back in like another hour or so."


Just like thatbhe shut the door in my face, "I wonder where they went." I looked around and that's when I heard screaming, "Frankie!! Georgie?!" I ran as fast as I could without trying to slip from the rain, "Frankie! Georgie!" I ran and slipped down but got back up and saw him, "Georgie!?" I ran and saw the worst thing,he had a missing arm,he was crying in pain and trying his best to escape.


"Kyle help me!" He cried.

I ran and as soon as I got close ready to grab him he was pulled back into the sewers,the last name he said was my name and Bill's. I panicked and looked around and saw something hising in the bushes,crying heavily, "Kyle?" I looked over and saw Frankie.

I began to cry as I just witnessed my brother's best friend just die, "Frankie!" my brother ran towards me,shaking but not cause of the cold,my brother just saw his best friend die in front of him, "Georgie..he's.."

"Christine!! Bill!" I shouted so anyone could come.

I held Frankie close to me as he cried onto my shoulder as I began to carey him to our house, I pushed the door open,frightening my aunt, "Christine! call Bill's parents!"

"What happened?!"

"Georgie just died!"

My aunt stayed still till I began to scream at her and I saw the people in our neighborhood running, "Frankie are you o-okay?!" I stutter and he nods his head but shows me his palm. Something clawed at him cause he's bleeding,I wrapped him up but something was carved onto him. Christine and I ran out of the house with Frankie staying with the dog,and I saw Bill's parents and Bill himself crying.

"My baby!" Bill's mother cried as she saw some blood and a piece of Georgie's raincoat,his boat and a piece of his skin. "Bill.." Bill looked over to me and what he dis surprised me cause he hugged me tight and began to cry, "I'm so sorry" I whispered as I hugged him back.

Everyone gathered around and the place was closed when the ambulance and police arrived ro see what just happened,I'll have to live with that image stuck in my head,Georgie crying for help. I looked down at my coat and saw Georgie's blood splattered on it.

"Where were you?" Bill's father looked at me and Bill slowly started to let go.


"Where were you when this happened? Why didn't you save him?!" He started to get closer when Chrsitine stood in front of me, "No. Where were you?! He was your boy! Kyle told me she had to go look for him cause you had no idea where they went! I am sorry for your loss but you're a bad parent." My aunt said to him and his wife,then she looked over to Bill giving him a small smile.

"I can't imagine the pain you're in but if there is anything I can do-"

"You can't do anything Christine! and's your fault too." Bill's parents looked at their now only son,who only began to cry even more. The police arrived and started talking to us one by one, "Can we have a word with tou miss." two men said at me.

"Of course officers." I tell them still continuing to cry over Georgie's death and not meeting their eyes,I looked over to the sewers and saw a figure looking over to my way,grinning.

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