Chapter 10. Stand By Me

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I am so sorry for the delay and for not updating on this book at all. A lot has been going on in my life,been really busy but i'm back with a longer chapter! It's a new years and knew it was time that I had to write a new chapter. I normally wrote the previous chapter all at once and had them saved in my notes but with this one i didn't so i said "fuck this i'm gonna write it right now before i'm too lazy and nor free" so I did and liked it. Btw the dvd for IT is now out! Did you all buy it yet?!

Anyway do enjoy the chapter I put a lot of effort in it and please feel free to leave a feedback :)

Happy reading!


"What are we waiting? Let's go!" I grabbed my bike and began to follow Bill with the rest of the losers club riding after me. I can't believe we're doing this. Going after this fucking clown who might kill us today and no one might find our bodies after. "Bill wait up!" I shouted when I saw him about to enter.

"W-What?!" He shouted rising his voice.

"Bill. We shouldn't be doing this." slowly i make my way towards him.

"I want to find him Kyle..I can't live with myself not knowing what happened to him." Bill's eyes soften as he remembers his brother and looks back at the creepy house.

"I know but we can do this differently instead of entering this house." I point at the door and heard creaking from the inside.

"Bill you can't go in there." Beverly's the first to arrive with the guys trailing behind her.

"You guys are fast." Richie said regaining his breathe and they all walk in the yard

"This is the house?" Ben asks.

"I'm afraid so." Mike says staring at the spooky place.

"Should w-we really be here?!" Eddie stutters looking around the place.

"Of course not but Bill really wants this." Stan says staring up at Bill who's looking at the house. Like it's calling out to him.

"Look you don't have to come with me what happen when another Georgie goes missing? or another Betty of us. Are you just going to pretend like anyone else in this town, cause i can't. I go home and all I see is Georgie isn't there,his clothes,his toys his stupid stuffed animals. Walking into this house is easier than walking in my own." I look up to Bill who's trying his best to not cry.

We all remain silent till four eyes decides to talk his mouth "Wow..he didn't stutter once.." we all roll our eyes at the idiots saying that in.such a tense moment.

"I think we should enter this house and see what lies in it..maybe once we do this whole bullshit will end." they all look at me without a word being said. We exchanged looks and they decided to walk forward with me into the house.

"Wait." we turn out backs to see Stan who hasn't moved. "Umm don't you think some of us should stay to keep a watch. You know just in case something bad happens." Stan asks looking at us all and I shrug.

"Sure. I was going to say that a couple of minutes ago since i'm the oldest here i think I should go wants to stay?" I look and see everybody raising their hand up except for Beverly.

"Really?!" I groan and walked up to Bill. I turn back to the club and point my finger to Eddie and Richie. They looked at each other knowing why I pointed at them and pouted, "Come on don't be a bunch of pussies and let's go. Beverly should stay here with the rest the boys..i don't trust them being on their own." I mutter and placed my hand on the door knob,slowly opening the door.

The door creaked loudly and when Bill, Richie, Eddie and I went in the whole place was dark,gloomy,tense and filled with spider webs. We walked to what appeared to be the living room and saw some old wooden tables and chairs filled with cobwebs and dust and a large white piano next to a couch. The windows blocked with wooden planks and the floor covered in dead leaves and bugs.

"This whole place is creepy looking." looking around this place has been abandoned to quite some time. I stare up at the stairs and see Richie going elsewhere. Everything is quiet until I look back and see Richie holding onto two worn out sheets of paper.

"What is is?" Bill asks with Eddie and me behind him.

We wait for him to answer and simply looks down at the sheets in his hands, I walk faster towards him tired of this and yanked a paper out of his hands and examined it. I look at the writing in bold letters and my heart skips a beat.

I look down at the description and realize it's the same outfit i'm wearing today. Everything about me. The day i was born,the exact same height and accessories i'm wearing. "Is this a fucking joke!?" I ask getting a little panic and stare back at Eddie who's looking like he's about to pass out. Bill is trying to calm Richie down who is getting now paranoid and yelling. "Fuck!"

"Look at me both o-of you that isn't r-real." I stare down at the Missing paper in my hands and begin to run upstairs, "Alright shit head where are you?!" I shout before I hear a voice from inside a room and the boys calling out for me to stop.

"Hello?" the voice hauntedly says.

I run up furious till Bill grabbed onto my wrist when I was about to enter a room. My eyes widen when I see Betty Ripsom the girl who has been disappeared lying on the ground looking straight at us.

"R-Ripsom?" she looks at us before something tugs onto her legs and pulls her back with a scream from her. I stay still and see Bill and Richie slowly making their way in the room. Once again looking around I saw something floating what seems to be a balloon. I decide to ditch the boys and begin to follow the balloon,I can't do anything but stop..feels like it's guiding me..telling me to follow it. Slowly i make my way up the stairs careful to not fall.

When i reached up I see a single room painted in a deep shade of red.

"Kyle." a voice says singing my name when I get closer to the door. I hesitate before I can push the door open and look back reminding myself that I should look after the boys that are alone.

" love where are you?" my heart stops and feel tears running down my face at the voice. I turn back and push the door open slowly making my way in I hear the door close behind me but didn't pay attention to it..only him.


I stare back at my best once boyfriend who's looking back at me with those beautiful green eyes I adored, loved, remembered. "Kyle." He smiles opening his arms and takes a few steps towards me.

"It's been too long since i last saw you..i missed you." He says just a step away from me with tears in my eyes i smile and took the step closer and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"I missed you..s-so much! I love you.." I whisper and held onto him tighter.

"There's someone who's been meaning to see you." he says after a long pause. I heard footsteps and looked to my side to see two other families faces. A woman with long dark hair,worn out clothes and in her thirties steps out with a man in his forties with dark blonde hair and same worn out clothes looking at me.

"It's good to see my baby again after such a long time." The man grins and the woman laughs at my face filled with horror,fear.

"Don't c-come closer." I begin to walk backwards holding onto Bill when they smile, "But why Kyle? Mommy missed you so little girl all grown up." She grins and blood comes pouring out of her mouth and one of her eyeballs pop out and a spider crawls itself out from the inside.

"Do you think little Kyle wants to play her favorite game again?" The man beside her asks and begins to unbuckle his belt and his skin becomes grey with maggots coming out of open wounds,veins popping out. I look back to see the woman with little hair on her head and the man now fully like a shitty zombie in those Evil Dead movies.

"Bill!" I panic and place my hand on top of my mouth preventing from screaming when i see my best friend Bill looking down at me with blood coming out of his nose,mouth and forehead. His skin felt colder and a lot more paler than ever. His now dark eyes focused on me.

"Why didn't you save me,Kyle? I thought you liked me.." I begin to walk backwards when the three of them begin to step closer. I must look a lot more frightened than ever cause he grins at me,a smile from ear to ear when he steps closer and closer and closed towards me.

I begin to cry and pound on the door, "RICHIE!! EDDIE!! ANYONE HELP!!" I keep on pounding onto the door and fell down onto the dusty ground ready for this to end.

.......Slowly I open my eyes when I heard a piano playing as i continue to shake I look up and see that i'm no longer in the house..but at a funeral. I do my best to stand up and not fall back down when I see the place all quiet except for the piano playing. Up ahead on the benches I see a few people all dressed in black their heads also covered and their hands up like they are praying. The entire place is white with tons candles around the area and petals of roses leading ahead.

My dark eyes wander up at a coffin laying there up on a table, a black coffin. I know i shouldn't go up there but i must, each step becomes heavier till I reach the closed coffin. My hands make it's way up and traces the small patterns on the coffin till i begin to close my eyes when slowly i open the coffin afraid that something might pop out.

I open them and see myself lying in there dressed in a black dress holding a bouquet of dead rose petals,my breathing quickens..seeing myself hand reaches closer to my corpse. My skin paler than before,my eyelids closed and not chest not rising up and down. Is this still all a dream?

A drop. I feel a drop of water land onto my shoulder and my head. I look up at the ceiling and see that it's not water.but blood.

"What is this?!" I shout looking down at my hands now covered in blood and probably all of me. This all seems out of a movie. "This isn't real..this isn't real.." I continue to say with my eyes closed and heard the blood of rain stop.

It's all a dream.

Slowly i open my eyelids and once i did i stared back at myself. The corpse of myself sitting back up staring at me with a wide smile on her face. "Is this not real enough for you?!" The other me grins and reaches her bloody hand to me.

"No one's gonna help you now..we all float..and you'll float too." Her smile seems to become wider at the second. I glance back at the people at the funeral and see all my friends dead along with my aunt and brother.

"Leave me alone!" I cry out and am face to face with the clown when I turned to look back at myself in the coffin. The clown grins at me and makes itself down from the coffin,staring down at me since he's taller..he just stares and i can't do anything. I'm paralyzed.

"Ooh about time my sweet little Kyle came back to play." he teases and laughs when it licks a spot of blood from me.It picks me up and holds me higher, "I'll have so much fun with you." my eyes widen when I see him open his mouth and tons of pointy teeth come out and begin to see something bright inside of it. I blinked a couple of times and with all my might kicked him down there. The clown threw me against the wall and my body crashed onto it and heard a bone snap when I cried and began to sit up and saw my glasses all shattered, the clown held me down and bit down on my waist and I cried again at the pain and moved my wet bloody hair out of my eyes to see him getting closer again.

"Let me go!" I shout despite the pain I can't let this fucker kill me. I grabbed onto a candle holder with a pointy edge and stabbed the creature as it shrieked. I opened the door holding onto my waist and began to run as fast as I could.


I'm not letting that motherfucking clown kill my friends.

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