Known Strangers

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As I stand here at the same gate from which I used to get in hurriedly as I was late.
I find myself to be strange to the place where I spent 14 years of my life.
Those red walls whose colour used to stain our white shirts is still the same.

The corridors where our giggles used to echo is still the same. The blackboard is same. The bench is same. The names we carved on the desks is still there the only thing which is missing is "we" .

It was never about studies it was all about "us". The nicknames which we kept still roam in my mind. I don't know when we grew up into totally strangers.

From slapping the one who is crying on marks to crying for them who slapped us. The tiffin which was exploited the same way as britishers exploited the country, now lies in the cupboard covered in dust.

Pictures may not be much but memories are almost uncountable. It was necessary to grow serious towards life but not that much that you forget the ones who grew with you.

From bunking the classes to seriously listening to the teacher, I think we all grew up with time. The computer lab no longer attracts us. We joined crying and left crying.

The contacts which used to be on the top of our WhatsApp list now lie so much down that they are hard to find. The WhatsApp group which didn't used to stay quiet even at 2:00 a.m. is now barren.

We remember everyone very nicely but the void is different. Something is missing. Something grew with time and is growing continuously but if you remember me sometime I will be there for you even at midnight.


FRIENDS...well, that's the name by which we know them but they are much more than what the word says...

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