2: Will

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Four hours later, Nico di Angelo was alive and in a stable condition. He had to be transferred into his own room and everyone was telling Will to take a nap or something in his office, they would call him if they needed anything but he refused. This was his first patient. So he took it upon himself to transfer him to a private room.

Nico awoke an hour later when Will had gone back to check on him. He had groaned and sat up, nearly giving Will a heart attack. He had been so concentrated on checking his vitals that the first thought when he heard him groan was that a zombie apocalypse had started. Then he actually turned to look and saw it was just Nico. At that moment, he looked more like a mummy than a zombie. Mummies he could take, those weren't endless. Zombies, on the other hand, could keep on coming as long as the human race continued.

Another groan and small whimper from Will hurried to gently lay him back down. He was not completely healed and Will couldn't have him reopening the wound. Still, Will couldn't hold back the giddy feeling he felt when he saw that his patient was well enough to sit up as soon as he woke up. He had done that. He healed him. "You can't sit up right now. Stay down. You'll pull at the stitches And you've got a broken rib."

Nico looked at him through glazed eyes. He might have been awake but all the drugs he was on kept him out of it. "You're pretty..." He tried to reach for him. That was not okay. He had stitches on that shoulder too.

"Oh well, thank you Mr. di Angelo but please keep your arms to your side." When Will was sure Nico would move no more, he moved away and finished quickly what he had come in there for.

Nico's eyes followed him as he worked. Will, used to it, paid it no mind. Drugged or not, patients were often curious about all the devices used in the hospital. Will was always happy to explain when they asked about them. He always got excited when asked about his job. So of course, he loved talking about any aspect of it. Whether it was about the instruments or even what time he got off work. He really enjoyed it.

When Will was done, he turned to find Nico no longer staring at him but at the ceiling. When he saw Will move, his eyes moved back on him. His brown eyes now held some clarity. "Am I in a hospital?"

Will nodded, "You were in a motorcycle accident."

Nico blinked, "Motorcycle..."

A trickle of worry entered Will's thoughts. Had he forgotten? Did he have amnesia? With his serious external injuries, they had completely forgotten to check for anything else. "Mr. di Angelo...do you remember your motorcycle? Your name?"

He was quiet for a worryingly amount of time. When Will was on the verge of calling in another doctor, Nico finally answered. "Yeah. I'm Nico di Angelo. I bought the motorcycle when I turned 20. Did it survive the crash?"

Will breathed a sigh of relief. Amnesia was not a pretty thing. He was glad Nico and his family wouldn't have to go through that. "I wasn't informed. You'll have to find out for yourself when you're released."

"When will that be?"

"Two weeks from now. We'll get you a wheelchair the day before you leave."

All of a sudden, Nico's eyes were no longer foggy. They were as clear as the sky on a dark summer night. "Wheelchair?"

Will nodded. "You'll have crutches but we usually━"

The door opened and a nurse Will didn't know very well poked his head in, "Doctor, the patient's sister is here now. Can she see him?"

"Of course. Send her in." Will turned away from Nico. He could always explain later, after all, he would be staying here for two weeks.

On Will's way out, a woman with the most striking golden eyes that Will had ever seen came barreling in. "Nico!" She reached his side and a very buff man entered the room after Will's exit. Will closed the door, they should have their privacy.

The nurse was still standing there when he turned around. "He doesn't know yet?"

"He just woke up. I was going to tell him but his sister is here now." Will started walking to his office. Maybe he would take that much needed nap.

"At four months in physical therapy. It'll be rough. He doesn't look like the type to be okay with that."

"Well, who would be? We all like our limbs working properly."

He sighed, "Well I gotta take care of a kid. He might have woken up. See you."

Will nodded, "Yeah."

The nurse took the next left and Will kept walking until he reached his office. He plopped on his chair and put his head on his desk. He sighed. Being a doctor was hard work but he would never think it wasn't worth it.

He didn't know when he fell asleep and wasn't exactly planning on napping, but the next thing he knew, someone was knocking on his door. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Come in."

The same nurse from before came in, "Nico di Angelo is demanding to speak to you. He wants to know what's wrong with his leg. I tried explaining but he told me to shut up and bring the blond one after I added an and after 'you broke your leg'."

Will almost laughed but then realized that was probably rude so he held back and nodded instead. "I'll be right there."

The nurse left and in an attempt to wake himself up, he jogged to Nico di Angelo's room. Nico appeared to be asleep when he opened the door but his eyes popped open when the sound of Will closing the door sounded through the small room. He got straight to the point when he saw "the blond one."

"My leg. What's wrong with it?"

"There was a lot of damage to your leg. You'll need physical therapy."

"How long?"

"It's different for every case. Maybe up to four months. After your cast comes off of course"

He closed his eyes again. "Of course. And that'll last...?"

"Six to eight weeks." Will took the time to take a quick look at everything while he was there. Everything seemed to be going well. "If you put in effort with the therapy, you can be done a lot quicker."

"Might as well take my time. It's not like I have anything else to do." There was no sarcasm in his voice. Will wondered what he did then, if he had nothing to do.

"Your therapy starts the day after you leave. It's the building next door."

Nico didn't say anything else and Will figured that was all so he didn't continue. If Nico wanted any more information, he would ask. As his doctor, or emergency doctor, he had told him everything he needed to at the moment. But still, he waited. He knew it couldn't have been easy to find out your leg wasn't exactly well and the fact that he would need a crutches because of the broken leg, must really suck.

"I'm guessing I won't be able to ride my bike?" Nico sounded annoyed like he just couldn't be bothered with such inconvenient things.

"Your guess is correct." Will wondered how he would even bare to get on his motorcycle again after the accident he just had.

"Then I don't have any more questions. You can leave blondie." He waved Will in the direction of the door.

Will left as instructed but not before throwing "Doctor Solace" over his shoulder.

"Whatever you say, blondie."


So I don't know doctor stuff. I wanted to look it up but I wasn't sure what to look for so I'm sorry for anything that's inaccurate. But I did find some things so yeah just letting you guys know.

Yours in demigodishness and all that, Izzy

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