New Job

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Holy Jesus I finally update!! Sorry for the delay I had other things to do but I'm finally gonna watch Gotham!! Im so excited but also angry cause where im living they do take a while to broadcast the show.Well then here's the second chapter and I hope you all like it,i'll be posting every Tuesday if im not busy and please listen to the song above.Please remember to vote and comment too ^_^

The smell of coffee and eggs filled my nose once I reached the bottom stairs to the Wayne manor an entered the kitchen. 

"Morning Alfred!" 

Seemed like I surprised him cause the frying pan almost fell out of his hands and he tool a deep breathe.

 "Mistress,Raven you scared me. Breakfast will be done in a minite I suggest you go along and make master Bruce some company." 

"No can do Alfred. I gotta fo find a job somewhere cause I can't stay here doing anything.Besides I promised Bruce I would take him outside for a bit when I come back." I grabbed my black coat and drank coffee.

"As you wish,just make sure to come home safely.Gotham isn't a safe place after all."

I ran out of the house and felt a drop of rain fall down to my nose making me sneeze.I don't remember Gotham being this gloomy and rainy all day,sure this place is filled with whores and thieves but I can't seem to remember the weather.Oh well. I began to walk around the familiar neighborhood when a police car stopped next to me.

"You do know its not safe walking alone."

I turn to see Jim smiling at me with his partner in crime Harvey Dent with a bottle of beer in hand looking like he was about to sleep any second.I returned James the smile and spoke. "Aren't you guys supposed to be working?" 

"We are we'are just looking for some clues that'll lead us to the murder.Where are you heading anyway?" 

"Don't know im just trying to look for a job that's all."

"Well honey I might know a good place for you to work and you can win a ton of money that is if your on her good side. We are infact heading over there." I thought about it for a second,but why not just go with them?! I gave them another smile and Jim opened the door for me and sat in the passengee seat with Harvey driving. We walked inside the place and it is really elegant.

"Tell Fish I'm here." 

Harvey said to the bartender and He quickly left to find her.By the way what kind of name is that? Fish Mooney sounds kinda lame. Without these guys noticing I walked outside the place and sneaked behind and saw a few guys beating up a man,he was laying on the floor bleeding. "Boy! If you let this hair go frizzy,you will die!"

The voice of a woman yelled at someone "Ma'm.Detective Bullock is here." The woman with short hair must be this so called Fish Mooney.But why are they beating that poor man? I watched her leave inside I was about to enter too when a voice called "Hey!" I stopped and looked forward "Oswald,want a turn?" I sighed in relief,i thought they spotted me.

The man held up a bat and offered it to the guy who was with an umbrella.So this is the guy who Fish yelled at.I stared at him and couldn't help but feel something about him.Am I falling in love with a man I don't even know? Before I could get caught I ran inside and saw Fish hugging Harvey.

"Who are you friends?" 

Fish met my eyes and was staring at me like if I were hiding something,She next looked at Jim. "James Gordon,this is Raven." I nodded my head. "Nice meeting you Miss Mooney." "Likewise." "What was that screaming in the back?" "If you want you can go press charges." Jim looked over at me and I followed him.

"Hey! Drop the bat." 

I stood next to Jim once we went to the back and everyone of the guys who were beating up the man looked at us "Who are you?" "James Gordon. GCPD." 

"So you're the new guy." The bigger one said with a smile and he looked over at me and winked making me hide behind Jim. I looked over by his shoulder and saw the guy who was carrying the umbrella looking at me and our eyes met and I could feel myself blush ten times worse.He looks even more handsome up close,jet blak hair and beautiful blue eyes and pale skin.

"Come on Raven." Jim nudged me and held onto my shoulder guiding me inside.I looked over by my shoulder and saw the guy one last time."Stay by my side." James whispered in my ear and srood next to Harvey.

"So this is the lovely girl you've been talking to me about." Fish Mooney gave me a fake smile and came over to where I was standing and she hugged me. "Are you up for the job?" "I'll d-do anything you w-want me to." I smiled at her and she laughed.

"You remind me penguin very much,mostly with that stutter." 

"Excuse me?" 

"Penguin.He's the man who carries the umbrella for me.oh by the way I want you to be here tonight and have this money just a little pay check up ahead.So that's how she calls him but why did she just tive me this moneu.This woman is dangerous I can tell.

"Alright then."

"Umm miss Mooney I-I have an urgent thing to do right now so now that you accepted me into the job.Can you-" "Sure.Take your time." She smiles at me and to the both police men.While on our way back Jim and Harvey had a thing to do which was with capturing some guy called Mario Peppee and I watched the whole fight which was amusing.But I didnt have any more time to watch cause today is Mom and Dads funeral and Bruce needs me.

I arrived just in time and hugged Bruce as he began to cry on my chest.I looked behind us and saw that girl again.Selina Kyle. Everyone started leaving roses on top of my parents coffin and left one by one only leaving Bruce,Alfred and I. "Why did they leave us?" Bruce sobbed and hugged me back.

"They did leave us fast,master Bruce but remember to be strong."

"Im so sorry tou had to see them die Bruce,but I promise i'll always be here for you no matter what happens to me." I grabbed my coat once again and said my goodbye to him.I better arrive a few hours early or Fish will kill me. I started making my way towards Fish's place when there was a puddle of water and I slipped and I was about to fall but I didn't.

I slowly opened my eyes and met with those beautiful blue eyes again. "Thank"  "Oswald! I-I'm Oswald Cobblepot." He shyly said while holding me with one and and the other the umbrella making sure the rain didn't hit us "Oswald....Oh my n-name Raven." I slowly stood up and looked up at him.

"I-im sorry but i'll be late! I'll see you in a bit it was nice meeting you!!" I shouted back at him leaving him alone.Oh damn it why do I get so nervous around him?! I was lost in my own thought when I felt someone tap my shoulder and grabbed me from behind and placed a cloth on me and I quickly felt dizzy and fell unconscious.


"Huh? Where am I?" I started to panic once I noticed I was upside down with Jim next to me.I started to panic a bit, but luckily Harvey arrived and was taking to Fish. I think I know why they captured me its because I've been too involed with the police and their cases. "You okay kid?" "Harvey!" I shouted before I could answer him.Why are they doing this? Don't they work for Fish?

"Alright princess its time for you to go." I glared at Butch who released me.

"W-Where are you taking me?" 

I heard gunshots and I stayed still and saw Don Falcone arrive ans he ordered Butch to leave us alone.This has been a stressful day first I helped Jim in tracking down Mario Pepper and I also fought with him again and almoat got shot "You have a nice girl here with you James." Jim looked over to me.

"She's not my partner sir."

"Oh I thought she was.What is your name dear?"

"Its Raven sir."

"Im impressed with your fighting skills and your aiming I saw you shoot one of those back there.Have you received training?"

"Yes I have." 

Don't let him see your afraid or weak that'll only make him more suspicious. "Alright then.James I want you to take this girl to the police department and make her your partner too." "But sir she hasnt been in the police ever"

"I know.Tell them that I sent her in." 

"Why t-thank you Don Falcone." I couldn't help but smile.Whoa I won't have to work for Fish anymore now i'll work for the police.I'll tell her that I won't be able to work for her anymore then,im sure she'll understand.


I joined Jim and Harvey almost outside of Gotham for a reason non of them wanted to tell me "Hey! Aren't You guys supposed to tell me what's going on? Besides we're partners now." 

"Hey! Quit whining come on.Besides if you're going to work to the GCPD.You gotta dye that hair in a normal color.We don't need any emo punk rockers in our department?" This old man is getting on my bad side.

"Why arw we stopping here?" Jim asks Harvey and I follow them to the back.

My heart stopped once I saw Oswald "Harvey.what are you doing?!" 

"This is the fool that snitched to Montoya and Allen.Falcone wants you to walk with him to the end of that pier and put a bullet in his head." "No! Oswald are you okay?" I stutter and knelt down but Harvey pushed me away making me fallmto the ground.

"You bastard you can't do this?!  Jim please don't." I begged him.

He looked down at me and I could see that he felt sorry for me "We're at war,Jim." Jim looked over at Oswald and they began to walk closer to the water "JIM DON'T." I cried and tried moving but couslnt stupid Harbey he scraped both of my knees.

"There's a war coming Jim.I can see it coming."  "Turn around!" Jim held the gun to Oswald's ear and he shot him and Oswald fell "NOO!!!" I looked down at my knees and clenched my fists tight drawing blood "Damn i-it." I cried over and over again and Jim came to comfort me as I tried to push him away from me but I had no strength.

Jim drove me to the Wayne Manor and I soowly made my way out and Jim looked up at the roof and I did too ans my heart nearly stopped again "BRUCE!!" No no I can't have another person die today.Alfred came running outside and saw him "Master Bruce! Get your bloody ass out of there!" Bruce looked at me and stepped away so he was out of sight. He came running towards me seeing how I was and hugged me gently.

"So your a police now? T-That means you can also find ou- I mean my Parents murderer." I nodded my head and Bruce came over and hugged me again "Promise me you'll find the murderer." "Alright Bruce.I'll try my best..."

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