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It's been days since I joined the GCPD and since i lost Oswald which left me with a huge pain in my heart. I may have not known him very well but I can see what he had been through,i sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror I glanced down at my badge and i feel like i really don't being here with the police but I made a promise to Bruce to find who killed our parents. I met a girl  with Jim down an alley her name is Selina Kyle and she reminds me a lot of a cat the way she easily climbs walls,loves cats and she's always hiding in the shadows.

Gordon,Bullock and I tracked down a vigilante who targeted Gotham citizens and his nickname was "Balloonman" for strapping his victims to weather balloons. James has been acting kinda funny lately seems like something shocked him he's been like that since this morning..

"Hey, Jim."

I touched his shoulder and he flinched quickly looking up at me scared. I crossed my arms and continued staring at him. "What's wrong you're acting strange."

"Nah i'm fine..what's wrong with you?"

I looked at him confused so he spoke up again,"Since...I..killed Cobblepot you haven't spoken a word to me only person you seem to trust is Harvey."

Yeah right like I trust that old man he's just a jerk like anyone else around this place. "I trust everyone it's was hard for me to see someone die in front of me." I lied. He stood up from his seat and grabbed his gun. "Well see you later kid."

He began to walk down the steps and I continued watching him until he left. "Hello Raven." 

A soft gentle voice spoke up behind me. I smiled and turned to look at the guy. "Ed! It's good to see you today-"

"I have keys but no locks. I have a space but no room. You can enter, but can't go outside. What am I?" He smiles afterwards and I just stare around not knowing what it it.

"Come on Ed! You know i'm not that good with riddles."

"It's a Keyboard. I told you one of the easiest riddles there is."

I met Edward right when I came in the police department his full name is Edward Nygma he loves riddles,he's very tall with black hair and always wears his glasses. Ed looked behind me so I followed his gaze and smiled a bit at who he was watching.

"Oh you like Kristin-"

Quickly Ed placed his hand on my mouth so I couldnt say her name. "I kinda do like miss Kringle she's nice." Then ask her out Ed."

"I-i'm afraid I can't Raven."

"Why not Ed? You're a nice charming guy."

"She's dating someone else."

I know how he feels I felt the same way with a guy who went to high school with me he reminds me of Ed in a sorta strange way. "I'm sorry to hear that Ed. Hey how about we head to that new restaurant? I heard that the food there is delicious."

He looked at me all sad but forced a smile on his face, "Alright then let's go."


I started to look down at a couple of files from certain cases and I felt Ed staring at me the entire time. I glanced up but quickly looked down embarrassed of meeting eye contact with him. "Tell me miss Raven do you have a boyfriend?" I almost spit my drink out when Ed all of the sudden asked that. 

"What?! No i don't why do you ask."

"I really don't think you have one but I can assure you liked that Cobblepot guy." "What makes you say  that?" I question him. "The way you've been searching more of his history why he even decided to work for Fish Mooney and the way you look at some of his pictures."

"It's not like that,Ed.i just find him very intriguing,curious and strange in a good way...I really think he's gone." I answer him,my eyes wandered outside where it started to rain. I said my goodbye to Ed and went to Fish Mooney's place.


"What makes you think you can come late? Just because Harvey and Jim came here to help you find a job doesn't mean you can come in late. Fish threw an expensing looking vase and she was ready to attack me. "I'm sorry m-miss Mooney i won't come in late again i promise."

She kept that frown on her face and walked away without saying anything just before she reached outside she spoke, "Clean that vase and the entire place. I want my guests to feel welcomed I want this place neatly cleaned up! If your not done in an hour you're fired."

So this is how she treats the people who work here she treats them like a couple of slaves that woman is gonna rot in hell. I don't need her to know that i'm working for the GCPD now that'll make the situation even worse...but i must admit it...Fish mooney scares me.

Mostly with the people she works with everyone here is my enemy and I shouldn't trust in anyone that's Gotham's number one rule. I swept the floors,mopped it,cleaned the windows,chairs,tables,chandeliers,bathrooms everything. By the time she arrived. she arrived with guests and began to talk about Oswald.

I couldn't help but walk closer and begin to 'clean' the lower part of the table when really I'm just spying on her. "Yeah heard that you're umbrella boy got killed by the cops."

"I don't care about that little penguin, I didnt need him anyway."

"Ah but there's more..from what I saw from far those two cops with the penguin weren't alone."


"There was a girl with them she witnessed the murder. Let's just find out who the girl is interrogate her and kill her job done." My breathing started to quicken and my hands were shaking i've never been this close to someone trying to kill me. This is bad really really bad I have to run far away from the city again and find a new identity and-

"Raven come over here honey."

I cleaned my hands and slowly made my way down to her table, "Y-yes mam."

"This will just be between us alright everyone who works for me deserves to know this. Think you can keep it a secret?" I quickly nodded my head i don't want any more problems with these kinds of people.

"I want you to help me find that girl who were with those two damn cops. If you find her I want you to either bring her to me dead or alive and you'll be greatly rewarded."

"Yes miss Mooney."

She dismissed me and from the corner of my eye I saw a girl a teenage girl outside the place looking inside for something or someone. I decided to go outside but before I could reach the door the girl left I decided to search for her. 


I found her sitting down hugging her knees and what seemed like tears in her eyes. "Hey what's wrong are you lost? Is the person you're looking for inside of Mooney's place."

"I hate that dumb bitch. She's always like that mean and doesn't give a damn about people." She was wearing all black,no makeup on and has jet black hair and met with icy blue eyes.

"Promise you won't tell her that."

"I promise.i myself hate her too.Who were you looking for?"

"My uncle...i just stopped by to heard if the rumors were true." She continued to cry and I caught a glimpse of her left wrist with multiple scars seems like the ones I have. "Rumors? What rumors?"

"That the cops killed my uncle. I miss Oswald he's the only family I have left who truly cared about my existence." That's when it came to me this girl is his niece,i can tell she's just like him not only in appearance. "My name is Raven...what's yours?"

"My name is Hayley."


I decided to not tell Hayley who I really am and that I met Oswald just once it's for the best. Night came by real quick I had dinner as usual with Bruce and Alfred who wouldn't stop talking about my parents. Alfred being his now guardian kept on telling him to stop torturing himself with blaming himself to their deaths. Bruce is still a child he doesnt know how cruel the world can be he has to grow up to understand how it works.

I was in bed right now with the doors locked,i was sitting down the fireplace keeping me warm and I felt so relaxed. I slowly slid the razor down to my wrist creating patterns and stuck a needle on my arm. Morphine has been helping me a lot I really need these to help me feel calm and forget about the problems. I've never been one to consume drugs this already addiction started about a week ago.

Dealing with the money,cops,Bruce's well being and seeing a guy I was starting to grow feelings for die in front of me. Now i'm all alone helpless in this dark world. I leaned back onto my pillow and stared at the ceiling that's when I heard something downstairs.

Slowly i opened the door to my room and made my way down the long corridor filled with expensive,lamps,tables,curtains and portraits of the Wayne family. I began to follow the candles that were leading downstairs without making any noise I ran as fast as I could to the living room and I saw Bruce sticking his hand out to the fire.


I ran towards him he quickly turned to look at me and he was crying again. "Raven i can't help it anymore." He hid his face on the crook of my neck. I pushed him away a bit and held his hand tightly.

"Don't you ever do this ti yourself you hear me Bruce?!" I don't want you to end up like me,Bruce just stared at me but slowly nodded at me. I only sighed and hugged him back. "We'll get through this about I go to your room and stay there with you tonight? would you like that?" Bruce smiled up at me and hugged me again.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder as we made it up the stairs little did i know that someone was watching me in the shadows...

To Be Continued....

I'm so so soooooooo sorry for not updating in MONTHS!!! Please forgive me I kinda lost interest in this but now I wanna continue this story I just wanna say since Gotham is already in it's third season that there will be time skips here. Btw who else noticed/got excited that I included one character from my other Gotham story with Jerome?! If you haven't read it please do! 

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