Ah Shit Its Christmas

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The pumpkins are now deer food and long gone. Hoodies, sweaters, and boggins are everyone's go to outfits.

Two days before Christmas and I'm at work, I'm off for the next three days and we're having a big Christmas party at the Taco Bell. Some of us had bought other's gifts and the guys all sang Christmas songs.

Personally I HATE this time of year, go ahead call me a grinch or Scrooge but this time of year always sucked for me. Mom's family comes in town and her younger sister and her kids hate me cause they have money and we don't. I'm a country girl by heart and they are city slicks by every meaning of the word.

Buying gifts also always bummed me out cause the things I wanna get the people I love are to expensive and when you have a big family it's hard to pick and choose who you buy more expensive things but I don't want some people to feel left out.

I did get Dean a small something though. A keychain with a motorcycle charm and a metal tag that says, "ride safe because I fucking love you."

Normally we aren't allowed to play music in the back, not until Travis leaves but we were now. Christmas songs, and not just classics. We played rock covers and country Christmas songs.

"Merry Christmas y'all" Travis, our General Manager, said. Travis normally takes things to seriously but for Christmas he's settled down

We all laughed and joked for most of the shift and as people started to leave to got home it was finally down to the closers: me, Dean, Pope, Jase, and Levi. Chase still hadn't left yet but was getting ready to.

"Hey, Luna I got you something," Dean said pulling out a small black box with a silver bow.

"Awww Dean loves you," Levi teased.

"Yes I do love her," Dean said proudly.

"Levi, leave him alone," Chase scolded. "If you did nice things like that maybe you could keep a woman."

"Damn that was harsh, Chase," I laughed. "I got you something too Dean." I got out a small red box out of my pocket.

We opened them at the same time. "Ride safe because I fucking love you," Dean read aloud. "I love it thank you babe." He pulled out his keys and immediately put it on them. "Guess I'll have to slow down some."

"Oh my word, Dean. I love it," I pulled out a necklace with diamond encrusted  motorcycle and a heart with a D on it.

"Damn Dean that is nice," Pope said.

"You really like it," Dean asked.

"Yes, will you help me put it on?" I asked him.

"Of course," he took it from the box and I turned pulled my ponytail to the side and made sure it wasn't backwards. After he clasped it and it was secure on my neck, I turn and kissed him. Pope and Chase awed and other two acted like children and said, "ooooo".

"I thought it wasn't official yet," Jace said.

"It's not but it will be as soon as this little lady is 18," Dean said with his arm around me.

"It's sweet y'all have waited on each other," Pope said.

"Yeah," Levi beamed.

"Well guys, be safe getting home I'll see ya. Merry Christmas," Chase left.

After a couple hours, Dean went outside for a smoke break and it was taking him longer than normal so I walked out the back door to find him and I wish I hadn't. As soon as I looked out Dean was standing there talking to MILEY. No sooner than I had walked out she said, "I love you Dean," and kissed him. I couldn't say anything I just slammed the door and accidentally locked it by kicking the stopper out.

I ran crying into the ladies bathroom and locked the stall behind me. Levi and Pope came running after me and Jase went running to the back towards where I had come from.

"Luna, what happened?" Pope and Levi exclaimed running into the bathroom.

"How can he fucking do this?" I cried holding onto the necklace.

"What? Did Dean do something? Luna open the door." Pope said.

"No, just leave me alone," I said through the tears.

"Luna! Please let me explain," it was Dean's voice.

"No. Get the fuck out. Your a fucking liar."

"Dean what happened?" Levi asked.

"What the hell did you do?" Pope said.

"Guys, just give us some space for a minute," Dean said. I heard the door open then close. "Babygirl, please open the door."

"Don't fuckin call me that you dick!"

"I know it looks bad but please just let me explain. I was just smoking and Miley showed up. She said she wanted to talk and then she just kissed me I pushed her off of me and I heard the door close. Please Luna you have to believe me. I love you. I love you baby, please. Open the door."

"Go to hell!"

"Please Luna. I love you and only you. Luna please believe me."

"Fuck you Dean Bradly! You don't love me. If you did you wouldn't have been talking to that whore."

"She wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas. I promise Luna I didn't know she was gonna kiss me. Please I'm begging you come out," Dean was crying. I had never seen him cry but right now he deserves it.

"Just go!"

"Ok I'll give you some space, I'm gonna fill the guys in. They're worried about you, Luna. And I truly do love you." The door opened then closed.

I stayed in the bathroom for I know an hour. Every so often Pope and Levi would come check on me.

I finally came out. "Where's Dean?" I said wiping tears from my face.

"Office, he's been in there since you've been in the bathroom," Pope said, "for what is worth, I thinks he's tellin the truth."

I walked back there and the door was closed and locked. Dean was crying as much as I had been. I held onto the necklace tightly. He saw me in the window in the door and opened it. He stood in the door as the boys poked their heads around trying to listen.

"Luna, I-," he started.

"Dean, what were y'all talking about?" I didn't really want to know but I had too.

"She asked if anyone missed her here and was tryin to catch up. I blocked her on Snapchat and messenger so she had to talk to me in person for me to talk to her... she asked if I missed her and when I told her I was seein you, she said she loved me and kissed me. She left after Jase opened the door and I ran after you."

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

"I never had feelings for her. I told her that."

"Damn fuck boy." I closed my eyes and a tear fell down my cheek. Dean cupped my face and wiped it away with his thumb.

"I fucked up, baby. I'm... so so sorry." A tear fell from his eye. He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"Don't. It's 2am, the store is closed, I'm goin home." I started to walk to the front to clock out, when Dean grabbed my hand to stop me. He spun me around and he held my face to his chest and with other arm wrapped it around me. I couldn't stop myself, I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I still love you, Dean... I just can't be around you right now." I pushed myself away from him and walked to the front, clocked out, and left.

That night I turned off my phone so wouldn't see his text or the ones from Pope and Levi. I took an ice cold shower and went to bed.

The next day I slept till 1pm and when I did wake up I didn't get out of bed. At 3pm Kiara came and checked on me.

"What's wrong you never sleep this late?"

"Kē, it was awful last night. I know how you felt now on my birthday when I cuddled with you then went see Dean. I'm so sorry," I began crying and she held me as I told her what had happened. Kiara was so loving.

"I know Dean makes you happy," Kiara said, "is there anyway he could've been telling the truth? From what you've told me he sounds genuine about it."

"Wait you're defending him? I figured you'd be thrilled he's bein a dick and that I'm mad at him."

"Like I said, he makes you happy. That's all I want for you," she hugged me tight. "Hey tomorrow is Christmas and you're off for three days. Cool down, rethink, talk to him when you go back to work."

Kiara's phone rang interrupting our talk. She answered and left the room. She never leaves for a phone call, not even if it's Aris. Who the fuck is calling her?

I gripped the charms of my necklace as if to hold on to my love for Dean. I wanna see him but I don't at the same time.

"Look I'll keep you posted... bye," she came back in and put her phone away.

"Who was that?"

"Not important right now. Look let's just forget about Dean and enjoy our first Christmas together."

I held the charms up to my lips as if kissing him.

"Are you ok?"

"I will be."

"That's always what you say."

"I know..."

For the next two days I refused to take off the necklace and tried to enjoy myself and it was hard but Kiara made it easier. She made me watch Christmas movies and play with the kids to help easy the pain. For moments I honestly didn't think about Dean, only being with Kiara and how happy I was to be spending time with her.

For Christmas I had bought Kiara a necklace with mine and her birth stones in a heart, hers being emerald and mine being pearl, along with a oversized hoodie that said wifey because since fourth grade we've said we were "married".

She had got me new bath bombs and a reversible Stitch push to show my mood. I was so grateful for her and all she does for me. But then she really surprised me the day after Christmas.

Momma and Daddy were both at work and my siblings and their kids had all headed home. It was just me and her, she gave me a full spa day at home then when I got out of the bubble bath she had me take to relax and I'd gotten into some comfy pjs, she had called Dean and he was sitting in the living room with the fireplace lit, snacks, and movies to watch.

"Dean, what are you doin here?" I exclaimed in pure shock.

"Kiara called and said it seemed like you missed me. I'm so sorry for what you saw, Luna, I really didn't know it was gonna happen and I-" I just ran up to him, through my arms around his neck, and kissed him. "Can you forgive me?" He whispered.

"Of course I can, I love you," I said kissing him again.

"Movie, popcorn, cuddles, and a fireplace... Merry fuckin Christmas," Kiara cheered.

Yeah, so the worst Christmas of my life had officially turned to the best Christmas of my dreams. All thanks to beautiful Kiara.

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