It's literally easier if you read the small amount of words i put there anyways

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*deep breath*

Wow. It's been a while.

So, after a long weekend, here I am after play practice,totally wiped out.

And i cried for the second time this week.

Forming a whole big long speech in my head about confidence camp this summer and explaining how i'm not trying to be an attention hog or 'dramatic' and this is just who i am.

My parents do not understand that.

My sister doesn't understand.

My friends don't understand.

And every time i ask people about what I should do with my life after explaining tiny little incidents that are so common that i feel like an idiot, they give me the same answer. i've gone to at least 10 different people on this and they always give the same answer.

Oh, joy. I'm a depressed, anxious, attention hog nerd who only cares about her own feelings and is considering cutting or anorexia.

Tough, isn't it? I have to go through every day constantly pointing out everyones talents while looking at myself and realizing I don't have even one that can be notable.

Does anyone have advice?

(this is not made for attention. these are my real feelings. please understand.)

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