My life just blew.

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So, I'm in math, and we just got our tests back.

I failed.

The tests are WAYYYY harder than the homework.

Then a boy snickered, and the teacher was just like ARE YOU PROUD OF THAT?! REALLY? GO TO MR. (principals name)'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!

And so then he walked out, and the teacher gave us a momologue that basically said that we were cheating and dissapointments and that we all needed to try harder and that we'd never get anywhere in life.

And I cried. I turned around and my best friend Sam was too.

The class was just quiet. And then the teacher walked to the principals office.

Now i'm definetly shaken. Sam just said "This is why I don't ask questions..."

I honestly want to switch classes. I do truly give it my all, and my dad helps me with my math every night, and I do well on that. He just doesn't understand that we're struggling and kinda scared of him.

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