the end of an era.

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I know it's been a while since I updated! But I have... reasons...

Wattpad is all about discovering new people, but I've been reading from the same authors again and again. 'But Paige, isn't that the point-to read on here?' You say. And yes, it is, but I wanted to rediscover some other authors. Not that all of you aren't lovely.

Also I thought it would be nice for a fresh start since I'm finally going into HIGH SCHOOL! I'm absolutely psyched about marching band and show choir and all the history classes I wanna take!

You don't have to be sad (or happy for that matter) that this account won't be active any more,because I made a new one! So you can follow me on here still!

panic! in the rainstorm


So, with a final chapter, I bid you adieu.

With love from the gays (Happy Pride BTW),


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