Chapter |4 | Shippuden "Dad come back!"

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Konohamaru was shocked that he not only was saved by a kid who looked like a younger Uzumaki he knew. But also how the kid knew the rasnagan.

"Naruto-Nii-chan?" Konohamaru asked.

"Nope...." Boruto said then threw a smoke bomb and escaped the scene. Leaving Konohamaru coughing. Boruto watched as Konohamaru looked around for him, He was completely confused. His Sensai then came out and thank the younger leader of the blonde Uzumaki.
Konohamaru completely forgot about the blonde which made it seem suspicious. He then noticed his color began disappearing. He float up to the sky but to his shocking someone else was also in the sky.

"Almighty push..." Boruto's eyes widened and his eyes focused to the orange hair man. His eyes then focused to the bottom and like in slow motion every single building came to stop as everything was destroyed by the pressure of his jutsu. His eyes widened and he felt his blood go cold.

"T-The village...the villagers..." Boruto said his air seeming short.

"Dadd!!!! Come back!!!!" Boruto yelled. He fell to the ground and saw many homes and some people crushed. He look for any survivors around him but saw none. He began running and came to stop when he found Sakura and a Hyuga. It seemed like none of them knew who he was not even his mother when he got there. His color returned.

"What's going on? Why are you all so calm??" He asked. He heard Sakura's soft tone.

"Naruto's back....he's fighting pain right now." She said healing someone he turned and watched as Hinata who was alway across where he looked. She looked at the battle field her eyes in the byakugan form. She look rather worried but everyone else was calm near him, he had no sight of Kiba,Shikamaru,Ino,Choji, and Shino. He looked around him worried.

"Why aren't you going out there to help him!" He yelled rather confused, this was too much too much he didn't know.

"We can't. Naruto said none of us should get involved." Sakura said then stood up. Boruto just turned to the smoke to the whole below. He hated that he was scared to go down.

A lot of time had past and the fifth was already seen getting healed. Naruto had already taken 3 pains out.

He looked to the hyuga next to Sakura.

"What's happening?" Boruto asked.

"It's seems there are only 2 pains left. " He claimed.

Hinata watch intensely. When she saw one toad dead she knew something was wrong. She was just about to run but Ko grabbed hold of her.

"Lady Hinata again you must not interfere." Ko told her again as she tried again to go down. But this time Hinata didn't listen.

"Lady Hinata!!" Ko yelled. It seemed only Boruto heard Ko. He squinted his eyes to see his mom not it sight.

"Universel pull." Pain said and Naruto was pulled over to Pain where his neck then was grabbed. Pain then body slammed Naruto to the ground. He used the the black poles and stabbed his legs and arms. Naruto couldn't move.

Naruto was stuck,being lectured by Pains plans. Naruto kept disagreeing.

"Now then, we should be going Kyubi-" Pain and Naruto eyes were caught by the sound of shoes be clapped against the hard dirt. Her shadow in the air as she fell to then hit her palm on the ground near Pain making Pain jump back. She got instance.

"I won't let you lay another finger on Naruto-kun anymore!" She yelled.

"My mom my mom! Where is she!" Boruto began to panic. But before anything a huge wave of chakra hit making the air heavy. So much emotion mixed with anger filled the air. Boruto eyes widened as he saw a red line up in sky. Not just any red line a line filled with chakra. His eyes felt heavy. He loss consciousness.

Like if he was there.

"I won't let you lay another finger on Naruto-kun!"

Boruto paused.

"What're you doing here!!?"

"Get out of here! You're no match--"

"I know..."

Boruto saw Naruto's confused face.


"I'm just being selfish..."

"What're you talking about!? What're you doing here!? It's dangerous!"

He watched as Naruto tried again to make her leave but failed...


"I'm here on my own free will."


"I use to always cry and give up...I nearly went the wrong way....but showed me the right way...."


Naruto's eyes widened

"I was always chasing you....wanting to overtake you....I just wanted to walk with you.....I wanted to be with changed me ! Your smile saved me! "

"So I'm not afraid to die protecting you!!"

"Because I love you...."

And like that Naruto paused. He was shocked those words.....Everything was too much.

Boruto watched as his father looked so deeply confused. His emotions looked mixed up. But Boruto snapped out of it as he saw his mother try fighting but Pain was just too strong. Boruto felt his blood go cold as her body was slammed to the ground. As Pain lifted his arm with a pole.

"KAA-CHAN!!"STOP!!!" The two Uzumaki's yelled as they then saw Hinata get stabbed.

Boruto eyes went wide his eyes filled with tears. Was this suppose to happen? Did he cause this? He looked to Naruto when he saw that Naruto didn't move he frowned ready to yell but he was stopped as a large amount of chakra threw him flying.

He opened his eyes slightly having his arm in front of him and saw as red deep chakra surrounded his dad. He felt like puking on how strong it was so much hate and emotion and he thought it was bad all the way up there. No. This was worse. He felt himself stop breathing. He was scared.....

"Yes know Pain...."

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