Chapter Six: So We Fight With Time and Space

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*Hello people! This next part gets pretty cool, in my opinion. I know, I might go overboard on some of these descriptions, but I like people to get a vivid image of the clothing, the settings... So may the Force be with you, and read on!


Padme sat in a beautiful throne gilded with precious metals and cushioned with the softest satin. She sat in a grand room that was light and airy, and full of people. There were eight figures in ornate robes sitting in less ornate seats in a semi-circle around her.

She had a sudden sense of déjà vu. She knew all of this! From the way the councilors were seated, from the strikingly familiar interior décor... this was the Royal Palace of Theed! And she was sitting in the Queen's throne!

"My Queen? What is your opinion on these delicate matters?"

She looked up at the man who had spoken, dazed. "Pardon me?" she said simply, knowing not what the man's title was here. This whole thing was confusing her. She didn't know any of these people, yet they almost felt like friends she had known for a long, long time.

"Milady, are you ill?" asked a quiet, almost meek voice behind her. She tilted her head back to pinpoint the origin of the voice. Its owner was a handmaiden with ebony, almost black hair and dressed, as were the five others assembled on both sides of Padme's seat, in a red cloak. The garments had slits in the sides for the wearer's arms, and a large hood that fell heavily over her shoulders.

The ladies-in-waiting all wore their hair in two long braids in the front, outside of the cloak, with the extreme ends each tied around a golden hoop. From what she could see, there were more tiny braids crisscrossing the larger ones, in varying sizes. The young women had their arms at their sides, making the charcoal-grey, delicately embroidered sleeves of the shirt underneath visible, and providing contrast with the deep burgundy of the cloaks. A high collar, of the same fabric and embroidery as the sleeves, could also be seen inside the cloak.

But what was she going to do? These people were clearly not addressing Padme Amidala; they thought she was someone else! She cooked up a lie faster than the former Viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray, would have about would have about his shady dealings with the Separatists.

"I'm sorry, I must have eaten something that does not agree with me. I am aware that this is an important matter, but I feel that I should retire. I am simply too unwell to attend to this at the moment."

"Yes, my Queen," said a dignified blonde lady with sharp features, wearing a mauve dress. "Then I will inform Jedi Master Ahniran Skaiwyn that he will have to wait until tomorrow to speak with you, and show him to his rooms."

Padme stood, somewhat shakily, and at once her handmaidens were at her side. The rest of the court stood with her. One of the guards, probably a captain, had clearly noticed that she was a little unstable on her feet, and offered her his arm. "Shall I escort you to your chambers?"

"Thank you." She laid her forearm gracefully on his. Even though Padme still didn't know where she was or what she was really doing, she could feel herself slipping back into Queen Amidala mode.

Her brain functioned with different type of reactions for different situations, or modes, as she called them, and this was one of the main three. She had her Queen Amidala mode, her Senator Amidala mode, and her Padme one. The last of these was reserved for informal occasions.

The group, including several guards, the court, and her attendants, accompanied her through the enormous hallways and to a grand marble staircase. There was some quiet conversation, but since it wasn't directed at her, and Padme took these few minutes to wonder what she was doing here.

This is the strangest thing that I've ever had happen to me, she thought. I've been having the strangest sense of déjà vu ever since the throne room. This is the Royal Palace in Theed, but things are different. Everything looks new.

Looking around briefly, she took in every detail. And besides, there are things here that weren't there when I was Queen. There was that fire in the palace about a hundred years ago, and they had to rebuild some of its sections. Could I have... traveled into the past?

She nearly shook her head, trying to deny it, but there were people around her that would certainly question her if she did. No, it couldn't be! That's impossible! I've heard stories about Force-sensitive beings being able to see into the past, but they were only spectators, watching the events unfold; I'm apparently an actor!

Padme came back to reality for a few moments - if this even was a reality - and glanced upwards. There was a beautiful hanging chandelier that extended probably about twenty feet down and was fifteen across that hung over their heads. As she walked up the steps with dignity, she also looked down at what she was wearing.

Her hair, mixed in with extensions, was up in two concave, braided, scallop-shaped buns with an elaborate mess of clear-and-white beading strung over it. The rest of it hung down her back a little past her waist, with braids and twists blending in with her loose waves, ending in slight curls. The beads, other than the ones that were hanging loose, were also strung together on top of her head in one large coil, ending in an enormous, magnificently carved Nubian topazia stone on her forehead, set in gold.

Her dress also very beautiful. It was a Nubian Queen's nature to wear the most intricate and ornate of clothing, jewelry and other accessories, which were in touch with the planet's culture. Hers was no exception to that statement.

The high collar on the outfit was nearly flat, but didn't stick perfectly straight up. It extended up and out behind her, and a bluish-mauve, semi-transparent train, delicately patterned, was attached to its base. This dragged as she walked, forcing the people behind her to watch where they put their feet, so they wouldn't step on it. There was another shirt inside the collar, which was bordered with a choker of dark purple stones, and was a shining black.

The floor-length overtunic was dark blue with detailed embroidery at the shoulders and along the sleeves, which were wide and trimmed with a bold red line and a little fur. The sleeves on the overtunic were slit until about halfway up her arm, showing the black sleeves, which were down to her knuckles, underneath.

There was also another piece of still fabric over her neck and shoulders, which was the same color and had the same borders, with a second topazia. There was a wrap at her waist with a white trim, in the same blue color, but iridescent, secured to her hips by another topazia stone, this one over three times the size of the one on her forehead. The blue, floor-length skirt was large and somewhat heavy, and had the red line and fur trim, same as most of the rest.

As Padme's thoughts wandered from clothes back to her surroundings, she noticed something. It was an alcove, cut into the marble walls. Inside was a bronze-colored statue of a beautiful young woman wearing the garb of a Queen of Naboo. The sculptor clearly had great talent, because every fold in the fabric, every detail had been done with such care and precision. It almost looked real.

As she looked the statue over, she noticed an inscription on its circular base. From where she was, she could see what it said.

Erected in honor of Queen Padme Aniradaelia, first Queen of Naboo, in the fifth year of her glorious reign.

Then Padme remarked something else. Upon closer inspection, this statue had her face! It was identical in every way to her body shape, size and appearance!

She stopped dead in her tracks, letting go of the captain's arm, not thinking at all about the other people around her. She stared at the statue's blank metal eyes, and for a second, she could have sworn that the carved irises flashed her same shade of brown.

"Milady? Milady?" one of the handmaidens, the same one as earlier, turned around to look back at her. "Queen Aniradaelia?"

Padme's eyes suddenly went big. One of her hands flew to her face, and she only just stifled a cry of shock and sudden fear. The lady that this court thought that they were talking to was the unknown first Queen of Naboo!

Bright spots suddenly appeared before her eyes, and with the cries of alarm of the court ringing in her ears, she fell to the ground, unconscious.

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