Introduction: In Life and In Death

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Padme Amidala was buried at sunrise, her floating capsule pulled by six beautiful creatures to her eternal home. As per Nubian tradition, she was laid to rest in the Royal Cemetery, located in a secret cave in the cliff face below the Royal Palace of Theed. Also as per tradition, her coffin would be only covered by glass for the next month, allowing viewers to have one last look at their beloved Senator before the stone cover was put on, sealing her in forever.

The cave had been carved out of the rock naturally, and, ever since its discovery many years ago, royalty and Nubian nobles had been buried there with all of their most important possessions. The separate burial chambers were carved in the Nubian architectural style, but still retained natural aspects, such as the stalactites and stalagmites. The deceased Senator had served as Naboo’s queen for a few years, and was placed in her in a small cave with the majority of the contents of her closet, some childhood mementos, some of her husband’s things and her wedding dress.

As the mourners – her family, closest friends, attendants, and allies in the Senate – left her in her beautifully carved stone coffin, they were left with an image. One of grace, beauty, power, and of a queen and a Senator who always fought for what was right.

Taking one last look at their friend and ally, the procession left Padme Amidala, clad in a beautiful, shimmering blue gown and with flowers in her hair, behind.

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