Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off like crazy. I don't know why or what was going on. I had a pounding headache and I didn't want to get up. I sat up and grabbed my phone from where I threw it last night, and I looked at it. There was a bunch of missed calls, voicemails, and texts from Vanessa. I threw my phone back down, remembering the events of last night.

I sat back and closed my eyes. I decided that I wasn't getting out of my bunk today. I don't want to see any of them. Vanessa's gonna leave me now.

I checked the time, seeing that it was after 2 in the afternoon. Wow, I slept late. I pulled out my laptop, deciding that I'd go on Tumblr. I was looking at all the funny and cute kitties that were on my dashboard when I scrolled past a video. I could see just from the cover picture, that it was of me. I mean, I followed a few fan accounts about me because sometimes it's fun to look at, so videos of me weren't uncommon, but what worried me about this video was that it was the exact same outfit I was wearing last night. I clicked on the video, seeing nothing at first. It looked like security camera footage, with the way the date and time were marked in the corner of the screen. After a minute, I saw Charlie pulling me right in front of where the camera was. Oh my god, this is a video from last night, of me sucking Charlie's dick.

I slammed my laptop shut and jumped out of my bunk. I pulled shorts and a hoodie on, before walking out front and grabbing a glass off of the counter. I threw it at Charlie, as hard as I could. It shattered against the wall, just narrowly missing his head.

"What the fuck?" Charlie yelled.

"Did you know there was a security camera where I sucked your dick last night?" I screamed.

"What? No!" He said. "Calm yourself down, for fucks sake!"

"No! I won't calm down! People saw it! My fucking wife saw it!" I yelled. "You said no one could see us!"

"No one could!"

"Then why the fuck is there a video?"

"There shouldn't be!" He told me.

"Well there fucking is." I growled. "My wife saw it and I hope yours did too. Then again, she probably wouldn't give a fuck. We all know she's fucking her boss."

I slipped my shoes on and stormed off the bus. I was so pissed. That's exactly why I didn't want to do that last night. I just knew something would go wrong. We've never done anything inside of a venue before because there are cameras everywhere. That's why we only fuck around on the bus. And of course, the first time we did it in a venue, people somehow got videos of it.

I patted my pockets, looking for my phone and earbuds, but I remembered that I left them on the bus. Oh well, fuck it. I'm not going back there. I need space. I need time to cool off.

I love what I do. I love being a whore for the band, but this is too much. My wife is going to leave me. My wife saw me suck Charlie's dick before a show. Fans saw me suck Charlie's dick before a show. They all saw Charlie cum all over my face before a fucking show. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't go back. Like, ever. People will hate me. Everyone will hate me. What will people even think of me?

I found a bench on the side of the road and sat down. I hugged my knees to my chest, silently crying. I can't do this. I should have known that people would find out eventually. This isn't fair. Why does this shit gotta happen to me?

I closed my eyes, quietly singing the lyrics to "Bullet" as I sat there. Singing was fairly relaxing. It helped me to calm down a little.

I pulled my hood up and wrapped my arms around myself, shivering slightly. I was cold as hell out and I wasn't dressed right to be outside. I didn't want to go back to the bus though. I'm scared.

I stood up, knowing that if I stayed there for much longer, one of the guys would find me. They were probably already looking for me, worried that I'd do something stupid. As much as I would love to do that, I don't think I can.

I began to walk down the street, searching for a place to hide until I calmed down enough to go back to them.

I walked past a lot of people and took lots of turns. I had no idea where I was going but I honestly didn't care. If I get lost and I die, It'll be better for everyone. No one wants to deal with me and I don't want to deal with them. I feel like I've been walking for hours, but I actually have no idea how long I've wandered around. I just felt shitty.

I turned into a narrow alley and sat on top of some boxes. I put my head in my hands and began to cry again. I tried to keep quiet so I didn't catch the attention of anyone walking by, but it was hard. I don't know what to do. I never thought about what I would do if I was ever faced with a situation like this.

All of a sudden, I felt something cold against the side of my head. "Don't make a sound."

I slowly pulled my hands away from my face. I was shaking. What was going on?

"Stand up." He spoke. I did as I was told, hoping he wouldn't hurt me if I did. "Against the wall."

He checked my pockets, before grabbing me by the shoulder and spinning me around. I looked up at him. I couldn't really see his face. He had sunglasses on and it was dark in the alley.

I watched him pull a syringe out of his pocket. He held it in front of me and pulled the cap off. I whimpered quietly, trying to get away from him. "As long as you listen, I won't have to use this."

He held a gun in front of my face, pushing me back against the wall. He held the gun against my cheek, leaning in to kiss me. I whined quietly, trying to push him away.

"Don't you fucking move." He growled. "I won't think twice about shooting you, bitch."

I nodded quickly, staying still as he kissed me again, pushing his tongue inside my mouth. Tears started to fall faster as his other hand moved under my shirt, rubbing my stomach.

"Don't cry." He whispered, wiping my tears away. "As long as you listen, I won't have to hurt you."

"P-please let me go." I begged, finally able to speak. "I wont s-say anything."

"Oh, baby, I can't do that." He told me, reaching around me and grabbing my ass. "You belong to me now."

He slowly moved away from the wall, pushing me ahead of him. "Walk."

I moved forward, feeling him behind me, the gun still held against me. He pushed me towards the opposite end of the alley, where I could see a SUV parked.

"P-please." I whimpered.


He brought me towards the car and opened the trunk. He grabbed a handful of zip-ties out of a bag. He grabbed my hands, binding them behind my back.

"You're being so good, baby." He told me. "Open your mouth."

He held a ball gag in front of my face. I bit my lip. I don't want that.

"Don't make me hurt you." He threatened.

I slowly allowed my mouth to fall open. He pushed the object inside and secured it around my head. He pulled the syringe back out, pushing it into my neck. I whined a little. What was it?

He pushed me up against the back of the car, shoving his hand down my pants. I screamed through the gag. He couldn't do this. Why was he doing this?

I suddenly began to get really sleepy. I fell against him, whimpering softly. I felt sick. It was awful. I felt him lift me into the back of the car as I closed my eyes. I couldn't keep them open any longer.


because all of my stories have to be fucked up.

what do y'all think is gonna happen?


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