Chapter 6

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I don't know how long I've been here. He hasn't come back yet. And I don't want him back. I'm scared. I don't want him to hurt me again. I just wanna go home.

I don't even know how I got here. I remember showering with Danny and that's it. I don't remember anything aside from waking up here. Was he in my hotel room? He had to have been. There was nothing else that could have happened. But if that's the case, is Danny okay? I wonder if they're looking for me. Probably not, considering all I do is annoy the, and I'm super needy. They're probably all happy that I'm finally gone.

I haven't moved since he left. My body ached. I could still feel his touch. I could still feel his hands on me. I want to sleep, but every time I close my eyes, I'm reminded of what he did. I hate it. I like sex. Or, I did. I don't know. Maybe I'm just scared of being touched by him again. He's violent. He'll do it again, I know it. And I can already tell that there isn't ever gonna be a way out of here. The door is locked. I'm stuck in here.

I heard footsteps right outside the door, then the sound of the lock being turned. I froze, closing my eyes. Maybe he'd leave me alone if he thought I was asleep. I tried to even out my erratic breathing as I heard him enter the room. I just want him to leave me alone. I felt a weight on the mattress next to me, and a hand on my face a few seconds later. I tried to stop myself from shaking, but I couldn't. I don't want his hands on me.

"Open your eyes, baby. I know you're awake." He mused. "You can't fool me."

After a moment, I opened my eyes. I didn't know what to do or say. I was scared.

"Good boy." He said, running his hands through my hair.

"Please..." I whispered. "L-let me go."

"I can't do that." He told me. "Stand up."

I didn't move. I don't want to. Everything hurts so much and I don't know if I even can.

"I told you to stand up." He growled, grabbing me by my hair.

I whimpered and slowly moved to stand up. I was shaking as he took my hand in his. He kissed me lightly, sending shivers down my spine.

"You know..." He started, his breathe hot against my ear. "I was going to kill you, but you're too pretty. I've decided to keep you."

Oh wow that makes me feel great. I'd rather he just kill me and get it over with. "O-oh."

"Come." He spoke, dragging me from the room. I was still naked. I don't wanna be naked.

He brought me down a hallway and opened a door. There was a small stairway into a large dark room. He flipped on the lights. The room looked sort of like a garage. There was a table in the middle of the room and what I thought was a person. It looked like a person. It was definitely a person. They were on the table. They were crying and making noise. They were scared, like me. What was he doing? Why did he bring me here? Why is there a person on that table?

He led me over to the table, pushing me down in a chair. On the table was a young girl. She had bleached blonde hair and bright green eyes. She was pretty. But why was she here? Why did he put her here? There were straps around her wrists and feet, holding her down.

I gasped when he grabbed my chin, kissing me again. "I want you to watch this very closely."

He grabbed a small cart like thing with wheels from the side and pulled it over to him. On it, I could see various types of blades and other sharp objects. He was gonna kill her. And he was gonna make me watch him.

"N-no..." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Yes." He ordered. "You're going to watch this like a good boy or I'll fuck you again. And I know you don't want that."

I felt tears gather. I don't want any of this.

"O-okay." I mumbled. "I'll watch."

He turned to the girl, picking up a knife as he did so. I watched him dig the knife into her chest, cutting her t-shirt open. She was screaming through the gag that was in her mouth. I felt so bad for her. I don't want to watch this. I could see blood pooling on her stomach where he grazed her with the knife. She was crying. I could see the tears. He cut through her bra as well, pulling both items of clothing from her body.

He placed the knife back on the cart, grabbing a different, sharper one. He cut into her chest, blood going everywhere. I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to hide my face. I didn't want to see this. This was awful. I just want to go home. I hate this. I wanna wake up and have this all be just a nightmare. I wanna wake up with Vanessa and see the guys, and have everything just be normal. This place is awful. Why was he doing this to me? Why was he making me watch him murder this girl? What did she do?

He pulled the gag out of her mouth. She was screaming. It was so loud. It was terrible. There was blood everywhere. It was on him and on her and on the floor and on me. Oh my god, it was on me. This girl's blood was on me. I want it off. I want it gone. I don't want to watch this.

She wouldn't stop fucking screaming. Her screams were so high pitched and loud. How she wasn't dead yet was beyond me.

I closed my eyes, trying to block it all out. I'm not here. I'm home. I'm home with Vanessa. I'm on the bus with the guys. I'm laying next Dylan. I'm being held by Johnny, Charlie on my other side. Danny is singing some random ass pop song. I'm not here. I'm there. I'm fine. The girl wasn't screaming. There was no girl. There was no man. I was safe. The guys were there and I was safe.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I was thrown to the floor. The girl had stopped screaming. He had put the knives down. He was coming closer to me. I was crying. I didn't want him near me.

I moved back, hitting a wall. He kept coming closer and I couldn't move back anymore. There was so much blood everywhere. It was all over him. I didn't want it on me.

He squatted down in front of me, reaching to grab me. I rolled out of the way, hitting the cart of knives as I did so. I don't want him near me.

I watched him grab one of the knifes and come towards me. I panicked and tried to get away but he pinned me to the ground.

"No! Please! Not again!" I cried. I struggled against his grip. He slapped me across the face.

Next thing I know he stabbed the knife through my hand. I screamed, falling limp in his grip. It hurt so bad. I felt it through my entire arm. The pain radiated through my entire body.

"Now shut the fuck up and take what I give you." He growled, grabbing me by the throat.

He dug his nails into my hips, pulling me closer to him as I cried.

"Please don't do it again." I whimpered. "It hurts..."

"You're mine." He growled. "And you need to understand that. So I will rape your tight little ass as many times as I have to until you get it through your thick skull."

I screamed louder, trying to push him away. I want him to stop hurting me.

He pushed inside of me, moving at a rough pace. It hurt so bad. I want him to stop. He was so rough and it hurt so much. I just want to go home.

"Why are you doing this?" I sobbed.

Everything hurt so bad. I wanted him to stop. I could feel every single movement. My body already hurt so bad from the last time.

He pulled the knife from my hand, causing me to scream again. I whimpered when he placed it against my cheek. He made a small cut along my cheek, licking the blood away.

He moved his hips harder against mine. He continued to move as hard and fast as he could. He wanted to hurt me as much as he possibly could.

I felt him release into me, filling me up. I cried louder, wanting nothing more than to die.

He pulled away from me, standing up. There was dried blood smeared all over my body. It wasn't my blood. It was the girls.

I looked at my hand. It was bleeding badly. There was a hole in the middle of my hand. He stabbed me. It hurts so bad.

I quickly moved myself up against the wall, cradling my bleeding hand. I watched him walk across the room, grabbing something off a table. He came back over to me. He leaned down, trying to grab my hand. I pulled it away. I don't want him to touch me.

"Give me your goddamn hand, bitch." He ordered. He had a roll of bandages.

I slowly held out my hand. He wrapped it in the bandages. I allowed him to do it, before pulling my hand away from him.

I stared up at him, watching as he walked over to the dead girl. I watched him lick her blood from his finger tips as he touched her body. He looked over to me, motioning for me to come over to him.

Not wanting to get hurt again, I slowly crawled over to him. He pulled me to my feet and made me look at the girl. There was blood all over her body. She was cut open and stabbed many times. She was covered in blood. Why did he do this? Why did he make me watch? I don't want this.

He dropped me against her. I fell in the blood that sat on her chest. It was all over my face. I screamed. I want it off. I need it off.

"I-I need to shower. Please." I muttered.

He laughed. "You can wait a few more days. I want you to suffer."

I shook my head, crying quietly.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll leave the body in the room with you."

I shook my head again. "Please don't."

He ran his fingers through my hair. "You're so pretty when you beg."

I whimpered. Why won't he stop?

"You're such a pretty little boy." He told me. "And you're all mine."

I shook my head. "No."


He kissed me, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'll tell you what..." He spoke. "I'm going to put you back in your room and bring you something to eat, and if you're a good boy for the rest of the day, I'll allow you to shower in the morning."

I nodded. I'll have to listen. I need to shower. And I'm hungry. And my hand hurts.

"Good boy." He said.

He pulled me up by my hair, dragging me along with him into the room. He kissed me roughly, putting the chain around my neck. 

"Just keep being a good boy." 



I started watching dexter and its soo fucking good skskksk


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