Chapter 7

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He sat beside me while I picked at the sandwich he gave me. He was running his fingers back and forth through my hair, while beginning to fall asleep. He hasn't said anything to me in a while, which is good. I feel less scared now that he's not hurting me. I'm still terrified of him, but at the moment, I'm okay.

My hand was killing me. It hurt so much. The blood had soaked through the bandages by now and was dripping down my arm a little. I didn't feel good either. My head hurt a lot. Probably from screaming and crying.

I glanced over at him. He had his eyes closed, seeming to be asleep. I hope he is. I just want him to leave me alone. He's mean. I want to go home.

His phone was lying beside him on the mattress. I waited a few moments, trying to make sure that he was actually asleep and not just faking it. I shifted around a little, trying to see if the sound of the chain made him wake up. When his eyes remained closed and his breathing even, I reached over and grabbed his phone. My hands were shaking. I watched him closely as I unlocked him phone. It would be illogical for me to make a phone call. It would be heard. I can't text 911, but I can text the guys. I quickly typed in Johnny's number, glancing at him.

I began to type as fast as I could, ignoring any typos and mistakes. 'DO NOT reply to this. He'll probably hurt me if you do. It's Jorel. I don't kno where I an, but s man took me. He's got alot of tattoos and relly green eyes but no really helpfull markings. I don't now his name. I don't know how or when he took me but he did. Im scared and I need your hlp. He's hurt me and he may kill me. Pls hurry. He already killed a girl and I'm worried I'm next.'

I clicked send, quickly deleting the conversation. I placed his phone back where it was, watching as he slept. I took the blanket and pulled it around my body. It was freezing in here. I laid down on the opposite side of the mattress, away from him. I was tired. I needed to sleep. But I'm scared that he'll wake me up and hurt me.

I got onto my knees and crawled off of the mattress and onto the floor, going as far as the chain would allow. I felt better now. I was farther away from him.

I closed my eyes, falling into a restless sleep.


I was woken up by a loud banging sound. I didn't know what it was. I looked around, seeing the man nowhere in the room. The door was closed again. I was still in the corner where I fell asleep, the chain still tight around my neck.

I sat up, pulling the blanket tighter. The chain was loud as I moved. I didn't like it. I watched the door closely, hearing yelling outside. I hope he doesn't come in. I don't want him to hurt me. I don't know who he's yelling at but he sounds mad. If he hurts me like that when he's not pissed, I'm terrified to see how he is when he's actually angry. I looked down, messing with the bandages on my hand. They were new and clean. He must have changed them while I was asleep.

I heard the door knob rattle and I instantly froze. I stared up at the door, unable to move.

He didn't say a word as he entered the room. He shut the door, locking it again. I felt like I couldn't move. I was stuck there, frozen, as he came towards me. His eyes were dark. Darker than usual. He looked angry. He was gonna hurt me and I couldn't stop him.

He didn't make a sound as he came towards me and grabbed the end of the chain. He pulled me towards him, causing me to choke as it tightened. He pulled me up to his level, slapping me. He dropped me to the floor, kicking me in the side. I cried out, curling into a ball, trying to protect myself. He kept hitting and kicking me. It hurt. I felt it everywhere. I want it to stop. Why does he insist on hurting me?

I felt a sudden pain in the back of my head. I groaned, my eyesight flashing white. I felt a hand in my hair, pulling me to my knees. I stared up at him, temporarily stunned by the blow. I only realized that his fist was coming towards my face a split second before I felt it. I felt blood drip from my nose, down my chin. He hit me again and again and again. It hurt so bad.

He shoved me to the ground, climbing on top of me. I weakly tried to push him away. I wanted him off of me. I know what he's gonna do.

"S-Stop." I muttered.

He hit me again, pushing himself inside of me. I screamed, trying to shove him away. I didn't have enough strength to make him stop. He was too rough, too violent. I tried to move away but he pulled on the chain, choking me.

He pulled a knife from his pocket, unfolding it. He placed it at my throat, digging it into my skin. I whimpered, not knowing what to do. I stayed as still as I could, trying to keep from getting cut. He had stopped moving inside of me, just staring at the knife. What was he doing?

He dug it in deeper. I began to cry harder, closing my eyes as he licked the blood up from my neck. He cut into my arm, watching the blood drip down.

All of a sudden, I felt him fill me. I groaned as the warm feeling spread throughout my body. I fucking hated it more thing. It felt so disgusting. I felt so fucking filthy. Just the sight of my blood all over made him cum. It made it even worse, knowing that. He stood up and walked towards the door, buttoning his jeans as he did so.

I laid there. My whole body hurt like hell. I've never felt anything like it. I reached up, wiping my nose. I pulled my hand away, seeing it covered in blood.

I moved to my knees, crawling over to the mirror that was in the room. I stared at myself. I was covered in blood, new and old. Some of it was mine and some of it belonged to that girl. It was dripping down my chin and onto my chest. There was a small cut going along the side of my neck, and a longer one going down my forearm. I could already see slight bruises forming along my ribs and stomach where he kicked me. I saw multiple hand shaped marks on my face.

I looked at the chain that hung around my neck.

I was trapped here. He could do this as often as he wanted. I couldn't stop him. I was his fucking prisoner, a new piece of property. I hope Johnny got my message because I need help. I can't handle this. I don't know what to do. I don't even know who he is or why he's doing this.

The lock turned again. He had a towel in his hand. I watched him, not sure of what he wanted to do.

He came up behind me and gently ran his fingers along my arm. "I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything as he began to gently wipe the blood away.

Uh what the fuck? He literally just beat the shit out of me and came back not 10 minutes later to say sorry. What the fuck is wrong with him?

His touches were gentle, soft. As much as I didn't want to, I began to enjoy it. With all the pain I've been feeling lately, I guess I needed to feel something gentle. I may not understand his actions, but I definitely prefer this over what happened earlier.

I looked back up at the mirror, watching him finish cleaning the blood from my face. He threw the towel aside, kneeling down and kissing me softly.

He pulled me towards the mattress and pulled his sweatshirt off. He wrapped it around me as he brought me down to lay beside him. He rubbed my back as he held me close to him, pulling the blanket around the both of us. I felt better know that my body was covered. I felt much less exposed to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice quiet.

I nodded. "Y-yeah."


I looked up at the ceiling, not knowing what to do. I was scared of him. I don't know what might set him off. I don't want him to hurt me again.

"C-Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Mmm." He said, playing with my hair.

"Why did you choose me?" I asked.

He laughed. "Because you're perfect for what I need you for."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I know what you do." He spoke. "I know everything about you."


"Oh yeah." He told me. "I've watched you for months."

I looked up at him. What does he mean? "I-I don't understand..."

"I've watched you and I know every little thing about you. You were easy prey once I figured out how to get you away from your friends."


"It was easy." He told me. "Once I figured out your social media passwords, hacked into computer and phone cameras, followed you around, watched your friends, I knew how to make you mine. So, I placed a fake security camera at that venue and released that video to piss you off to the point where you'd leave your friends."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. He followed me around. He stalked me and the guys.

"W-What video?" I asked him.

"Oh, you don't remember?" He asked. "I guess the drugs messed with your head."

I frowned. What drugs? What did he mean? What was he talking about?

I watched him pull his phone from him pocket. He looked up and me and gave me a smirk, before handing me his phone. There was a video open. He pressed play and I watched it.

I saw a video of Charlie pulling me in front of the camera. I watched myself drop to my knees and undo Charlie's pants.

I pushed the phone away, knowing where it's going. I remember now. I remember Charlie telling me that he wanted to to go on stage with his cum on my face and I remember getting mad at him about the video the next morning. I remember the texts and calls from Vanessa and how scared I was. And I remember him cornering me in that alley and drugging me. I guess I just needed something to jog my memory.

I didn't know what to say. I mean, I guess he helped me in a way but this is crazy. This is insane. I don't understand.   

He rubbed my stomach, moving his hand slightly lower. "I know what you do with your friends. I know you like being touched. "

I  shook my head. "N-no."

"Remember, I watched you for months. I know everything." He whispered, kissing down my neck.

I whimpered. This is so much worse now. I didn't know that he knew so much. I don't like this. 

"Shh." He spoke. "Calm down. I won't hurt you."


I honestly don't see this being a super long story but idk y'all. and this chapter is highkey all over they place sksksksk oops


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