Meet the Parents, Sorta

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Hey guys! Thanks for the comments. Just to warn you the smut will be in later chapters because yes. Okay okay alright. This chapter is gonna be kinda cute and angsty at the same time. Enjoy :D


I woke up on this particular Tuesday nice and early. I had shopping and cooking to do.

We were going on dates all the time now. But today he was going to meet Charlie and Dorothy and I was going to his place soon.

Every night he got home later and later, and my phone was filled with text between us.

Life was a being a friggin peach. Which reminded me I was making Pie. Apple Pie.

I'm not the best cook, but burgers and pie is something I know how to do. I know how to do a lot of things.

Okay stop.

I threw on some jeans a t-shirt and a blue and green flannel. I guess my hair looks good. No I look fucking hot for a person going to Walmart.


When I got there I headed to the meats section immediately. I notice some over prices T-bone steak but hell that's good steak. I grabbed ground beef, and I then decided to look for bacon.

"Oops!" A woman exclaimed as I bumped into her with my back.

"Sorry that was my..." I gasped. "Mom?"

She dropped the chicken breast on the ground.



I sat on the tan couch in the living room watching Anna hold Bri while she waited for Gabe to get here.

Since I wasn't going to be home tonight Gabe offered to watch her while Anna attempted finding a family friendly job and I attended a date.

"Hey Cassie? You realise your phone is blowing up?" Gabriel commented. It was annoying I admit

" Dolan still hasn't given up?" Anna said with surprised eyes.

"No, but we have been-"


"Gabriel, I didn't say I was willing to work anything out."

"Gosh Cassie don't get so salty, just pay attention to the sex god that you will be hanging out with in a few."

I glared at my siblings, and decided to go back upstairs to my room and take a nap.

Note: there was toothpaste on my door handle.



I wanted to run away.
But I couldn't because she was hugging me so tight I might just meet Jesus in a few.

"Dean I'm so sorry." She kept repeating over and over.

Her hair was still blonde, just a little grey coming out. Her face still gentle looking and her smile perfect. Even as tears ran down her face.

I finally came back to myself. "It's... Okay mom."

"Let's get some subs and talk about it."


We say at a booth in Subway I eating a BLT and she was eating something healthy.

"I hope you know your father pushed away Sammy too. I haven't talked to him in a very long time."

I told her the same. All I knew is that he was a lawyer working at his own firm.

"I just want you to know that I never didn't accept you when I you came out gay."

"Yeah but you let your husband, my father walk all over me and Sam? All I ever did was obey the man."

My mother's hands were still soft when she placed them on mine.

"Do you even understand what I went through when I joined the marines?" I chocked out.

Mom looked down at the table, more tears slipping out of her eyes.

"No one... w-welcomed me home." I was trying to keep down all the emotion in my throat, in my chest.

I kept thinking be a fucking guy, but no one is a man in front of their mom. Not even John Cena I swear to Satan.

"I know Dean... It wasn't right. But it wasn't all my fault and I want you. I never stopped. And he's older now, and alone. Now you are back. You're home."

Tears almost flooded my eyes.

Then Castiel came to my mind.

"You know what though? I'm dating someone. A man. And I'm not letting you and Dad run him off. Cause he was good at that and you were good at letting him."
I got up from the table.

"Dean! Wait."

I stopped walking and sat down my groceries.

"Here is my number. And I love you. I wouldn't mind meeting him. Not at all."

"I love you too." I manage to get out of my throat.

I sounded like a whore who had lost their voice trying to talk. I couldn't even say I love you right.

Dammit. Oh well better luck next time.


Before I knew it there was a knock on the door.

I ran downstairs and sure enough it was Dean. I couldn't help but jump into his arms.


"Hello stranger." Dean answered back.

On the way to Charlie's Dean said he had to talk to me about something.

Oh god what if he wants to break up with me.


Never mind we aren't even together.

"Don't worry about it Cas. It ain't anything bitch and moan worthy."

He squeezed my knee and for some odd reason I felt relaxed.

I opened the door and stepped outside to see a pretty nice but not modern apartment building. We walked up stairs to floor two and door 21 with the name Bradbury beside it.

Dean opened the door and I was greeted by two attractive women holding hands.

"OMG Dean he's beautiful! Like-"

"Charlie!" Dean cut her off.

"So I guess this is like meeting my parents."

The dark haired one spoke. "I'm Dorothy, Dean's dad."

"Shut your whore mouth. I'm top, so obviously I'm the dad. Plus your more nurturing." The red head, Charlie I guess retorted.

"Okay fine."

Dean put his head in his hands.

"Let's start over." Charlie said and Dean whispered thank you.

"I'm Charlie that's my girlfriend Dorothy and we are Dean's lesbian parents!" She smiled.
"Oh yeah and, happy hunger games!"

Dorothy added in her best accent, "and may the odds be ever in your favor."

Dean literally face palmed and if I heard correctly he mumbled 'oh god'.


"Oh God."

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