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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 impossible unrealistic nightmare was never going to end. All she wanted to do was die. How could she survive if a thirteen-year-old boy didn't?

"I'll stay here Dennis with you...I'm not going anywhere. I don't care if I die, I won't let go." Marina cried in between in sobs.

Lavender, Pavarti, and Shadid then entered the courtyard to see Marina bleeding heavily as she sobbed over Dennis' dead body.

"Dennis! No!" Lavender screamed as tears filled her eyes.

"He's dead." Pavarti croaked as she ducked a jinx from a death eater behind.

"It's all my fault." Marina sobbed.

"No Marina it's not your fault...it's okay...we have to keep moving. I'll go take his body to Madame Pomfrey." Shahid said, "Lavender and Pavarti will take you to the second floor bathroom to clean up your arm."

"No...I want to stay with him." Marina said wiping her tears.

"You can't Marina...we need to clean up your arm. Your face looks almost blue from losing that much blood." Lavender said red-eyed.

Pavarti interlocked her hand with Marina's as Shadid carried Dennis' body over to the Great Hall.

"Duck!" Lavender yelled. The three ducked as a troll attempted to hit them with its bat.

Within a few minutes, Marina, Lavender, and Pavarti had jinxed and avoided a number of spells and were sitting on the flooring of a bathroom. The bathroom happened to be Myrtles'. Which was why nobody was in here dueling or hiding.

"Colloportus." Pavarti whispered as the abandoned bathroom door locked.

Marina laid her back on the wall as she sat on the floor, groaning.

Lavender opened her purse that she had been carrying through the entire war, to hold a small bottle and a roll of bandaging.

"This is going to hurt okay? Then after that we have to wait a few minutes before we put on the bandaging." Lavender said.

"Just do it already." Marina breathed, only wanting to go back and be with Dennis' body.

Lavender placed a few drops of the small bottle on Marina's cut arm. Making her groan form the pain.

"We're in this together. Don't worry." Lavender whispered as Pavarti hugged her side.

"Greyback killed him." Marina blurted. "Just kept on biting him. His last words were my name. Marina. He kept asking me for help...and I couldn't. I was too weak to save him like I always told him would. I always used to tell him if a war ever broke out, I would be the one to save and protect him. But I didn't. I didn't even try to hurt Greyback to distract him. I only threw some shard of glass at his back. But...I still killed Dennis."

"Marina your entire arm was cut open and bleeding. You can't blame yourself at all for Dennis' death." Pavarti insisted.

"The fact that you could throw a shard of glass at Greyback while your whole arm was bleeding was just enough. I know that for a fact Dennis is proud of what you did." Lavender added.

"He was barely thirteen. Dennis was just a kid. He had a crush that he never even got to tell his feelings to. He never got to know that Orla liked him back. I never even got to surprise him..."

Lavender and Pavarti exchanged a look.

"What surprise Marina?" Pavarti asked.

Marina smiled slightly, still crying a bit. "It was completely obvious that Dennis' parents were abusive. So I thought...once I get a job in Transfiguration Law at the Ministry, I could...buy a house maybe. Somewhere in London, since I've always wanted to live in the city. And I thought...maybe I could become Dennis' legal guardian. I wrote to his parents about it, and they agreed."

"You wanted to Dennis to live with you?" Lavender gasped as she wrapped the bandaging around Marina's arm.

Marina nodded. "I just wanted to for him to have a happy home to live in during the summer and Christmas holidays. I feel little bit talking to you both."

Lavender wiped a tear from her cheek. "Come on, we need to keep moving."

The three walked from the bathroom. Marina felt still sad and upset about Dennis, but not as heavy-chested as she did before.

They walked down the main staircase as a killing spell was shot at Lavender.

As the three girls did not notice the spell coming at Lavender, someone else did.

"Reducto!" Tonks shouted at the caster, then ran over the three girls.

"Thank you so much Tonks." Lavender said.

Tonks smiled. "No problem."

Suddenly, another jinx was hit towards them. Making Marina pull all of them behind a wall.

"That was a close one." Pavarti breathed.

Remus then ran over to them.

"Hey Remus." The four said in sync.

"Greyback's dead. Died from blood loss." Remus said with the happiest grin on his face.

"I need to go find Ron." Marina told him as she spotted her brother and Hermione together on the staircase.

Marina ran over to the staircase to Hermione and Ron to them yelp slightly as a large snake, known as Voldemort's snake, slithered through the stairs.

"What the hell"

Marina suddenly tripped on the stairs, making her fall on a step. Marina scoffed as she looked at the snake.

"I'm really not in the mood for petty snakes."

Marina kicked the snake in the teeth, making one Nagini's front teeth fall out.

"Might want to get some dental insurance darling." Marina smirked.

Nagini lunged at Marina's arm, and ripped open Marina's bandages. Making her arm bleed again.

"You just couldn't help yourself couldn't you?" Marina scoffed.

Nagini then spotted Harry, hissed at Marina, then slithered away.

"Don't worry, I have some bandages." Hermione quickly blurted as she wrapped Marina's bloody arm.

"How'd that happen?" Ron asked.

"Greyback slit it open with this claw. Oh, he's dead by the way." Marina said, thinking about Dennis again.

It's not the time to cry Marina. Think about what Dennis would've wanted you to do. Marina thought.

"I missed you." Hermione said hugging Marina.

"I missed you too Granger." Marina whispered. "Ronniekins stop being a third-wheel and join in."

Ron joined in the hug. Suddenly, Harry stood in front of them.

"I think we've all known that this was going to happen eventually." Harry stated.

Hermione looked over to Harry, tears in her eyes, and hugged him.

"I'll go with you. Please Harry!"

Harry released his hug with Marina and hugged Ron tightly.

Marina looked at Ron's face, Ron was sobbing quietly.

"Bye Harry." Marina whispered to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

No matter what happened, Marina knew Harry would not die.

All because of what she had given him on his 17th birthday...


𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 Ginny and her brothers. One side stood Harry's side. The other side stood Voldemort's side. And Nagini was giving Marina dirty looks.

Marina stuck up the middle finger at Nagini, as Voldemort laughed evilly. Hagrid carried Harry in his arms.

"Harry Potter is dead."

Marina rolled her eyes at Voldemort. Ginny screamed.

"Silence stupid girl!" Voldemort yelled. "From this day forth, you put your faith in me... Harry Potter is dead!"

The death eaters cheered.

"A now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us, or die."

Voldemort continued to talk as Draco joined Voldemort, hesitating slightly.

"You don't seem very upset." Ginny whispered, crying quietly.

"He's not dead. Trust me on it." Marina stated.

"How do you know he's not dead?" Ginny questioned.

"I gave him the necklace my birth mother gave me before she died."

"You mean the hummingbird one?"

Marina nodded. "My birth mother put a protection charm on the necklace. So the person who wears it is protected from harm. Not invincible...I mean the charm will run out eventually. But it hasn't yet."

Suddenly, Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑. Voldemort was dead. Gone forever. Marina was with Ron, both sitting together next to Dennis' body. The dead boy still looked like he was peacefully sleeping.

Maybe... maybe...everything was going to be okay.

"I'm going to miss him." Marina whispered, not crying anymore. But still having a achy feeling thinking about him.

"I wish I met him." Ron said holding his sister's hand.

"So you got with Granger after six years hm?"

Ron turned bright red and smiled. "Oh shut up. You wanted this to happen anyway. I'm going to go check on Mum and Dad."

Ron got up and walked to Molly and Arthur.

Suddenly, a piece of parchment fell from Dennis' jean pocket.

Marina picked up the parchment and read it to herself.

Dear Marina, Lavender, Colin, or Pavarti,

If your reading this, I'm most likely dead. Which I'm not upset about. I've never been scared to die. I fought in a war. And just because I didn't survived, doesn't mean Marina didn't protect me or I wasn't brave enough. It meant that I finally came out of my shell and my fate just wasn't meant to live any longer. So if your Marina, pretty please don't be sad. You've always been the loving sister I never had. And you have always loved and protected me till the very end. And I'll be okay up there.

-Dennis M. Creevey

Marina smiled, and put the parchment in her back jean pocket.

"Say hi to them for me will you pumpkin?" Marina whispered looking up.

Marina stood up and went over to Harry. Who kissed the top of her head and hugged her from behind. Making Ron gag and look away,

"I think I'll be okay." Marina whispered as she walked Harry out of the Great Hall.

"Where are you two going?" Ron, Fred, Bill, George shouted in sync.

Harry turned white as a ghost.

"I'm going to snog Harry in a broom-closet." Marina stated truthfully. Harry smiled.

Ginny, Hermione, Pavarti, Molly, Tonks, and Lavender cheered. McGonagall smiled slightly. Arthur and Remus rolled their eyes.

"We just had a war and your going to go snog Harry?" Pavarti smiled.

"I haven't kissed anyone in eight months. Give me a damn break." Marina mumbled. "Plus, Harry's not protesting against it, is he?"

And they lived...happily ever after.

Hey guys! It's Kaks here! Kinda sad because final exams happened I got all 80s on it. I usually do better on exams in person, so it might be because I'm virtual. So if any advice on that will make me feel better :)

So now that Wild Thing has ended...go read the prequel Violin and one of the many sequels, Smile!

Violin is about Sirius and Toula's story. And smile is about Dianne and Fred's story.

After I finish Violin and Smile (which won't be too long since it will be like 40 chapters), I will start on the next generation Potters books!

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