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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐅𝐄𝐖 days prior to Halloween, and Marina was standing outside of Professor Slughorn's office. About a few minutes early for their lunch meeting. And the redhaired girl could only wonder what on earth Horace E.F Slughorn wanted to converse about over lunch. Yes, she was extraordinary talented at both Transfiguration and Quidditch, but why did he want to only invite her and not the other talented students, like Ginny, Zabini, or even McLaggen?

In addition, Marina's nightmares had shifted topics. She was now dreaming about Voldemort killing Harry and Ron. As well as the rest of her family, Lavender, and Pavarti. She had even dreamt of Harry surviving the war, but forgetting and falling out of love her.
Which was absolutely ridiculous and utterly unrealistic, but Marina couldn't help but get stomach aches over the thought.

Beside her negative thoughts, the D.A was going extremely well with Marina, Neville, Luna, and Ginny as the teachers. They had been able to learn very advanced defensive charms due to successfully stealing quite a few advanced charm textbooks from Flitwick's private collection in his office.

"Don't worry too much orangie." James said comfortingly. "Old sluggy is simply harmless. Isn't he Lils?"

"You know the reason why I am worried James." Marina mumbled, "How's Hermione, Ron, and Harry?"

"They're all fine I think." James answered.

Marina gulped.

I think. How reassuring. I guess Harry and Ron didn't think once about how I would feel when they left. I'm sure Harry didn't even think about my feelings. How I feel wondering if my brother and love of my life is alive, dead, or tortured to insanity.

"Well just because Slughorn is harmless doesn't mean he never had any authority at Hogwarts. Everyone wanted to be in the Slug Club during and before our time." Lily replied.

"Slughorns' alright. He's a great Professor no doubt of that." Marina

"We will see you in a bit Marina." Lily smiled.

Marina turned. "Wait...where are you going?"

"I told Pavarti I would teach her a secret passageway to Hogsmade." James smirked. "And Lilyflower told Lavender she would teach her a cake recipe for Pavarti's birthday."

"Alright see you two in a bit I suppose."

Marina shrugged off all her thoughts when suddenly Slughorn's office door was opened by the potions Professor himself.

"Ah Marina! Wonderful to see you!" Slughorn shrieked shaking Marina's hand as the two entered his office.

"It's nice to see you too sir." smiled Marina as she sat down on a velvet chair at Slughorn's small dining table. There were four full glasses of butterbeer and four full plates of Shepard's pie.

"Why are four plates sir? Are there other people coming?" questioned Marina.

"Your sister, Longbottom, Patil, and Brown were suppose to come to lunch as well. But they all said that they were awfully busy with homework." Slughorn sighed as the two started to devour the delicious food.

"How's your retirement plan doing Professor? You said you were going to retire after this term." Marina said sipping her butterbeer.

"Someone told me I need to be more brave instead of hiding into retirement during this war. I've decided to listen to that advice and continue teaching Potions for a while." Slughorn smiled.

Marina mentally chuckled, knowing that Harry had definitely told Slughorn that piece of advice.

"How do you feel about the spray painting incident? The one responsible must've had a mighty reason for writing such a bold message. Especially during these dangerous times."

Marina gulped. "Well I think that whoever did it had a lot of guts. I could never do something like that during these days."

"Well I personally have a few suspects on the incident. I'd surely rather choose the right side than the easy one. How's your classes with the Carrows coming along?" asked Slughorn.

These are odd questions, Marina thought.

"Well I don't have Muggle Studies as a elective, I have Magical Theory and Ancient Runes as electives this year. But since Dark Arts is mandatory now, I have Professor Carrow. And let's just say...he's a bitch." Marina mumbled, realizing she was talking about a professor badly to another professor. "Bloody hell, sorry about that sir. Just...slipped out."

Slughorn nodded. "It's quite alright Marina. I myself don't fancy the Carrows either."

Marina looked up from her plate. "Sir, why are you asking me about my opinion on other professors? That's usually not something you would ask me or any other student."

Slughorn looked at Marina. "I think we both know why I asked you that. In fact, I'm surprised that you haven't figured out why I invited you and the other students that didn't show for lunch."

Marina sunk into her thoughts again. What was that suppose to mean? Slughorn invited her and the others for a reason? Had they done something wrong?

Marina, Ginny, Neville, Lavender, and Pavarti surely were not two goody-shoes. But they hadn't done anything so horrid that Slughorn had to address it personally.

Unless.... Slughorn knew of Dumbledore's Army.

He knew that they were the ones responsible for the spray-painted message on the corridor wall.

He couldn't have, Marina thought.

It was impossible.

They had done and thought of everything to prevent others from knowing about Dumbledore's Army. But why would Slughorn invite Neville, Pavarti, and Lavender then? They were never in the Slug Club. And was it a simple coincidence or purposely done that Professor Slughorn had specifically invited the main members of the D.A? Had McLaggen or someone else snitched on the D.A?

She had to ask him. It was the only way to know whether Horace Slughorn was knowledgeable of the D.A or not.

Well, Marina could trust Slughorn.

He was very loyal to the Order of Phoenix and Dumbledore since the first Wizarding War. Although he was a bit of a coward. But that changed after he met Harry of course.

In addition to that, Professor Slughorn was Marina's favorite Professor (after McGonagall of course).

"You know don't you?" Marina whispered in a serious tone. "About us, the D.A."

Slughorn nodded. "Indeed I do know of Dumbledore's Army Miss.Weasley."

"How the hell did you find out?" Marina questioned sharply. Not even thinking to apologize for her sharp tone and language.

"Dumbledore informed me and McGonagall, a few months before he died. He knew a war was coming. And he knew that someone at Hogwarts, someone close to Harry Potter and wasn't a coward, would try and bring back the D.A." Slughorn explained.

Marina's jaw fell. If McGonagall and Slughorn knew, who else did? Snape? The Carrows?

"Who else knows then?" Marina asked without hesitation. She knew that Slughorn was not the kind to keep a secret like hers.

"No one else. I know to keep my mouth shut when it's important." Slughorn joked.

"I just want people to know that they'll be ready." Marina told him, "Ready to fight and protect themselves when a war does break out. I just want to finish what my brother, Granger, and Harry started. And if I get tortured and killed for that, then so let it be. I lost my ability to fear and have hope when I lost them. Having hope that this war will end isn't going to end it. Someone's got to be the one to take a chance, a chance that could most likely risk one's life, but...I'd rather have myself die than some innocent first year that didn't ask for harm."

Slughorn gave a sad smile to Marina.

"You remind me of a student I once taught. Many years ago. A little bit after your parents' Hogwarts years."

Marina looked at him and laughed. "I hope your not referring to Tom Riddle sir."

Slughorn chuckled. "No, no, I'm referring to one of my female students."

"Harry's mother, Lily, right I'm guessing." Marina mumbled. "Harry told me last year that she was one of your favorite students."

"Indeed I'm referring to Harry's mother. And not because you both had red hair, but because you both were willing to take action, knowing the consequences of your heroic actions. Course you are much more...bolder and outspoken than Lily was. But she knew what was right, and wasn't afraid to speak of the truth. Even in front of a professor. Which was something you did the moment I met you. And I've always found that quite nice when a student does that. It shows good character. And you are truly a splendid and talented witch Marina Weasley. I will always remember you as one of the bravest students I've ever taught in my lifetime. And that is something I will take to the grave."

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