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nineteen ninety three
kate winslet as marina weasley

𝐈𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 two wonderful years since Marina Delizia Weasley had met her platonic soulmates, Pavarti and Lavender. (And Lily and James Potter, who had decided to let her grow up without their presence at the end of her first year.)

But she didn't mind.

She had Pav and Lav!

Befriending always-hungry-but somehow-lanky Pavarti and girly-sensible-sweet Lavender was the best damn decision Marina had ever made in her life.

The three had been through so much already.

From Marina vomiting as Lavender drooled over Lockhart, to there Saturday night parties they had in their dormitory.

And it had also been two horrid years since she had met the boy who lived, Harry Potter (who she called Harold and many other rude names that Molly would scold her for) who should really be known as the boy who broke her reading glasses twice (once in a bookshop and once on their very first day of Hogwarts in Potions).

So now she was not a little girl anymore, but a teenager, (with a bad temper) that definitely looked different from the previous year.

She had lost her baby fat, was slightly tall (not as tall as Ron sadly), and luckily still had the same old curly red hair.

And all of the male gender would be drooling once she entered Hogwarts in a few days, even Marina knew that.

So at this moment, Marina Weasley finished her breakfast as she and her family had finished vacationing at Egypt and were currently staying at Leaky Cauldron until school started again.

"Will you two shut the hell up please?" Marina groaned as she swallowed her porridge down and stood with Ron and Hermione, who were bickering.

But Marina secretly knew that Ron and Hermione were deeply in love with each other. Gross

"Marina we talked about this..." Molly sighed.

"Fine. No swearing, only for you Mum."

"Yeah right. Bet a Knut that the she-evil will spitting cuss words in minutes!" whispered George.

"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." Ron shrieked.

"I swear to frickin Merlin Ron, leave Hermione and her bloody tiger alone." scolded Marina.

"Thank you Marina. And he's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." Hermione said.

"A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." shot back Ron.

"I think your describing yourself mate." said Marina.

"Hey! I'm gonna tell Mum on you!" threatened Ron.

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy..." cooed Hermione.

Marina then looked up to see a tall handsome black haired boy on the stairs, smiling at the three. And couldn't seem to stop looking at her.

Well helloooo hot stuff. Maybe I should go use my charm on him eh? I am one-fourth Veela from my birth mother's side. Which is weird since she is a brunette...

Marina then looked at the boy again. He seemed familiar.

Wait a damn second. Shit! It's frickin Potter. Summer was good to him...what the hell am I saying! He's a prick.

"What in Merlin happened to you?" asked Marina. Ron and Hermione turned around.

"Hi...RiRi." said Harry with a larger grin.

"Don't make me wipe that smirk off your face Harold. And stop staring at me creep."

"You look...different." He said, then realized he was infront of Ron. "I"

"I know I do. You don't though."

The golden trio then hugged and started to chat. And as she was forced by her mother, Marina chatted with them. As Ron smoothed the dog-eared clipping onto the table, Harry studied it. Hermione ignores it, stroking Crookshanks.

"Egypt! What's it like?" asked Harry.

"The opposite of you. Good." blurted Marina.

Harry smiled to her. Every time she insulted him, it made him smile more.

"Such a piece of sunshine aren't you RiRi?"

"The brightest." Marina said flicking the back of his head.

Ron rolled his eyes and Hermione sighed. When Harry and Marina talked, they didn't care did there surroundings. It was like their only focus was each other.

"It was brilliant. It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death masks. Tombs."

"Yeah! It was so funny when you got trapped in the pyramid and you started having a tantrum!" cackled Marina, who was about to cry from her laughter. Ron rolled his eyes.

"You know, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshipped the cat goddess Bast." Hermione told them.

Ron glared stonily at Hermione, then turned back to Harry.

"I also got a new wand."

Just then, the front door of the Leaky Cauldron was opened by Percy, Fred , Ginny , and Arthur -- laden with purchases from Diagon Alley.

"Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?" George said.

"Of course he is, he's Ron." spat Marina.

"I'm proud to call you my little sister, She Devil." He said.

"I haven't shown anyone for your information!" Ron told him.

"No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium..." Fred listed.

"Along with Merlin and the plants. That died from boredom hearing your voice." continued Marina.

The girl, Fred, and George then bursted into laugher. Arthur then approached Harry.

"Harry. I wonder if I might have word?" asked Arthur. "And don't spy on us please Marina."

"Of course Mr. Weasley." answered Harry.

"Don't worry Dad, I'm as good as a gumdrop." Marina winked.

As Mr. Weasley pulled Harry away, the others continue to hover over the clipping.

"George's nose looks positively massive in that photograph." gleamed Fred.

"Are you sure it's positively massive and not negatively?" laughed Marina.

"That's your nose, Fred." Ginny said, rolling her eyes.

"Bloody hell. 'Tis, isn't it? Take after your side of the family, don't I, Mum?" said Fred.

"Yes." smiled Molly admiring Marina and Ron.

"Staring are we?" Marina said wiggling her eyebrows.

"It's just, you two along with Hermione and Harry, you all look so grown up. It's wonderful to watch you become young people." Molly said.

"Ron and Potter has gotten uglier. The only one who was gotten a glow up around here is me and Hermione." blurted Marina.

"Hey!" screeched Ron. "Leave me and Harry alone you twat!"

"Pleasure." smirked Marina.

"Oh Marina, will it hurt you a bit to be nice to your Ickle brother and your little boyfriend?" Ginny teased.

"Yes it will. And I would rather jump off the Astronomy tower than be labeled with Harold Potter." spat Marina with disgust.


𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐆𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 bleated its horn, Marina and her family passed through the milling horde of students. Molly hurried her children onboard, wishing a safe (and non-chaotic, which wasn't in the twins or Marina's vocab) year among them. As Marina boarded the Hogwarts Express train she scurried through looking for her best mates. Then with luck, the redhead had coincidentally bumped into them.

"Marina!" they shrieked.

"Lav! Pav!" Marina laughed as the two came into a hug, then sat down in a empty compartment.

"So, summer was good to you two!" Pavarti smirked.

"Summer is always good to us." Marina told her.

"I don't know if you have seen but..." giggled Lavender.

"But what?"

"But," said Lavender, "Harry Potter has gone quite handsome. So has Dean and Seamus!"

"Plus Zabini is gorge!" added Pavarti.

"Dean and Seamus? Zabini?! And Potter of all people?! Are you flipping serious?" shrieked Marina.

"Speaking of serious, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban." Pavarti told them.

"Oh, that's lovely. Another chaotic year. First a teacher possessed by a dark wizard, then a giant snake in the walls, and now this?" Marina said dramatically.

"I'm sure it's going to be not as bad as the last two years. And I was thinking to not be so negative, according to Teen Witch, we should all meditate and reflect." Lavender calmly explained.

"That sounds...something Marina wouldn't do. But I'll do it." Pavarti added.

"I have also gotten the new edition of Teen Witch, including the love compatibility quiz too!" giggled Lavender.

Marina frowned. "I'll do it too for you guys. But what the hell is Teen Witch firstly?"

"It's a magazine for teenage girls. It has tips, the latest wizard and Muggle music, boy bands, and quizzes!" giggled Lavender.

Benny then came out of his cage. And squeaked a hello to Lavender and Pavarti, whom he felt comfortable with.

"Hi Benny! Marina hasn't been giving you trouble has she?" teased Pavarti. Marina rolled her eyes playfully.

Just then, the compartment rattled. Lanterns flicker. The train lurches, beginning to slow down. Lavender slid down next to Marina, feeling safe. Pavarti shivered as she held Lavender and Marina's hands.

As soon as Marina wanted to go check what happened, Lavender automatically read her mind.

"Don't you go to check Marina, please." pleaded Lavender. Marina then laid her head back on Pavarti's lap.

Pavarti's stomach then rumbled. Making Marina lay back up.

"Is it a bad time to get a pastry?"

"Yes!" Lavender and Marina shouted.

Then -- the train jerked -- the car swayed -- and the lamps running along the ceiling flicker and... die.   One by one.   Until all is dark.

"Shit is about to go down, isn't it?" cried Marina.

"Please don't swear." Lavender whimpered.

"It's alright guys, just probably some malfunction." Marina told them.

Pavarti nodded looking hungry.

Lavender, a dark silhouette against the window, wiped a patch of iced water from the window.

"There's something moving out there. I think... people are coming aboard maybe." Lavender whispered.

"Bloody hell. What's happening?" Marina said.

"If we die, I love you two a lot. Man I really feel like a pumpkin pastry right now." Pavarti said back.

"If we die, I love you two pillocks a lot. Probably more than I love Ron, and that's saying something." Marina said.

"And if we die, I die with the latest edition of Teen Witch and your hands in my hands. And I would like to be buried in it, right next to your graves." Lavender cried.

"Okay that's just slightly dramatic with the magazine, at least be buried with Seeker Weekly too." Marina added.

A lanky long hand-- slimy and scabbed -- a hand of death -- floats past half-open compartment door, looking at the three girls. Marina then heard a Italian female voice.

Hers mother's. Screaming.

Then her father, calling for her to get help.

Reminding her of those dark memories, where she could have saved them.

Where she wouldn't be a murder.

Marina then looked down at her hummingbird necklace, remembering their words.

The cloaked towering figure, with its face hidden under a black hood, giving them the same effect as if it had possessed them.

Suddenly as Marina closed her eyes, not wanting to see the figure, she opened them to see the dusk is gone. The windows black. The floor not shaking. The train moving again. And Lavender and Pavarti with a cup of hot chocolate.

"Where the hell did you get that from?" Marina screeched.

"The trolley lady. I was really starving Marina. Here, we got you one too." Pavarti said handing her a cup.

Marina sipped on the cup. Feeling sad and depressed suddenly. "That was a dementor I think."

Lavender choked on her hot cocoa. "But...I thought those are only in Azkaban?"

"Well, they aren't anymore." Pavarti sighed.

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