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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 the Weasley family woke up with a shock due to they were five minutes behind Molly's tight schedule. So the Weasley children was racing all over the place. But unlike her siblings, Marina was ready with her robes on, was sitting on her trunk in the kitchen, reading an old 60s edition of Seeker Weekly. She listened to the chaos going on upstairs with lots of interest.

"Get out of the bathroom Ginny! Your not even going to Hogwarts yet!" Percy shouted as he banged on the door.

"I'm brushing my hair Percy!" Ginny shouted back.

"You don't need to brush your hair now! I have to impress the professors if I want to be Head Boy next year!"

"No! You just want to impress your man crush, the minister of magic!"

Then Molly barged in the conversation as she started to make breakfast. "Oh stop teasing Ginny!"

"And don't talk about Fudge like that! He's a good man." Percy argued.

"So you do stalk him Percy?"

"Oh shut it!"

Marina always enjoyed listening to her siblings argue. It was very humorous. Then finally after eggs and toast was served, the Weasleys were at peace again. And everyone except Marinas father, who was busy dealing with some raids at work in his Muggle department, was standing in front of their dusty old fireplace.

"Alright dears, everybody have their things?" Molly asked her children.

They all nodded and waited for further directions. "Now remember to hold your trunks tight and I will give you some floo powder," she said showing a handful of grey ashes, "And you all will shout Kings Cross Station."

"Now Fred and George you go first, then Percy, Ginny, finally Marina and Ronniekins will go together." Molly ordered.

Fred and George smirked at eachother as they went inside the dusty chimney and held the powder in there hands then held each others in the other hand.

"Kings Cross Station!" They shouted together. And disappeared in seconds.

Marina watched Percy and Ginny leave and then it was her and Rons turn.

She and Ron walked up to the dusty chimney and held eachothers hands as well as their trunks.

"KINGS CROSS STATION!" They shouted as disappeared as well as her siblings did.

They appeared in a bright place with Muggles surrounding them everyone. Marina brushed through her black skirt and stood up.

"Where's Mum?" Marina asked worried.

"Maybe she is being chased around the Hogwarts corridors..." started Fred

"...then hung up by her ankles in the dungeons!" George warned also kneeling down his little sister.

"They do that a lot to Hogwarts with redhead girls that have the initials of MW. And redhead boys with the initials of RW too." added Fred kneeling down to Marina's height.

Marina punched their stomachs with her elbows. "Why don't you go jump into the Atlantic Ocean you tosspot." Marina spat.

"He's joking right Perce?" Ron said gulping.

Marina chuckled mentally, Ron is more bloody frightened than I am.

Percy scoffed and put his arm around Marina and Ron.

"Fred and George just being immature as usual. There will be no such thing under my watch!" Percy said showing off his shining prefect badge. Then the children's mother came along in the fireplace and held Marina's hand as they walked up to a brick wall.

"Um..excuse me? How do I get to 9 3/4 ?" said a boy voice.

The Weasleys turned around to see a young boy who was a bit taller than Marina with ebony-black hair and jade-green eyes under his round glasses and bangs.

Marina's mouth dropped.

Ron giggled.

Making her stamp on his foot.

She just could not believe it!

It was the boy from the bookshop.

Molly smiled warmly to him and stood him next to Marina, who gave him a angry glare. "Marina dearie do you have something to say to this innocent boy?"

"No Mother. I don't believe I do."

"Marina Delizia Weasley, don't make me embarrass you."

He and Marina stared at eachother awkwardly. The boy then turned away in embarrassment.

"Fine, I'm sorry that I called you a warthog and continually hit you with my book. And I'm sorry that you broke my only pair of reading glasses. But get this straight, I still hate your guts. And don't interrupt my life again with your presence." Marina said still not looking at him.

"It's fine. But you should work on your apologies. I can help you with that if you want." He replied.

"Shut up prick or I will ruin you." Marina told him.


Molly sighed and looked to Harry, "Hello dear! What's your name?"

"Um Harry." He replied.

"Now don't be afraid Harry, it's Ron and Marina first year also!" Molly said pointing to the twin siblings.

Ron waved to him. Marina folded her arms.

"So how do we get there then?" Harry said.

"Well you walk with your trolley into that wall? It's best to do a bit of a run. Now Fred and George go first. Then Percy will follow after Ron, Marina, and Harry go."

"I'm not Fred he is!" Fred said pointing to his brother.

"Oh, silly me! Sorry Fred!" Molly chuckled.

"I'm only joking, I'm Fred not George!" Fred laughed as he and George ran into the wall them disappeared.

"Now Ron, Marina, Harry you go in now also! Me, Percy, and Ginny we'll follow you after." She said.

The children looked at each other as Ron ran into the wall with his trolley and disappearing like Fred and George did.

"Ladies first," Harry said moving out of the way for Marina.

For some idiotic reason, Marina had a gut feeling to hate him. And she certainly wasn't going to deny it. This kid was a prick.

"Age before beauty! Not that you've got any." Marina said following Harry's line.

Harry scoffed and ran in but before he did he said, "Are you always this hard to talk to?!"

Marina scoffed and turned to her mother, "Did you hear that Mum? The prick!"

"He's just teasing you dear!"

Marina ignored that comment and ran into the wall.

She saw a red and black train with parents waving goodbye as the train gave its last breath of smoke before moving. She quickly jumped onto the train and realized she was still carrying Ron's sandwich.

Marina ended up finding Ron with Harry talking as they sat in a compartment nearby.

She opened the compartment door as a girl with light brown hair walked out.

"Hi moron. Here's your sandwich for the trip. See you later." Marina said handing him the bag and turned around trying not to look at Harry.

"Aw man! She got mine mixed up with corned beef!" Ron complained looking inside the sandwich.

"Why isn't Delizia looking at me?" Harry whispered.

"I don't like being called Delizia, that's my middle name!" She claimed turning back to Harry.

"What do you want to be called then?" He asked teasingly.

"Most normal human beings call me by Marina, my first name."

"Alright then, I'm Harry Potter."

Ron gasped and pointed to his forehead. The girl rolled her eyes and plotted down next to her brother.

"Don't be so dense Ron. And so what if he's Harry Potter? I wouldn't care if he was made of bloody gold." Marina said.

Harry smiled and lifted up his bangs, to show a red lightning strike scar on his forehead.

"Do you remember anything from that night?" Ron asked invading Harry's privacy.

"No, just a green light." He replied making Marina scoff. 

"Please." Marina mumbled.

"Wicked." Ron said.

Marina got up to leave then Ron asked her to stay. She agreed then got out her favorite magical creatures book and started rereading it.

"Can I call you something else Marina?" Harry asked as he bought the lot of candy from the trolley lady. He handed some to Ron then offered some to Marina as well.

"I don't want any your sweets. And no your not going to be calling me a nickname. Just Marina."

"But I really like the nickname RiRi for you." ( Pronounced; Ree Ree)

"My name is not RiRi! Say it with me! Meh-Ree-Na!"


"You don't want to get on my bad side!"

"I never said I wanted to."

"Your on your second strike Potter. After the third one it's over for you."


Marina rolled her eyes and read quietly to Benny then changed into her robes.

Later, Marina went into another empty compartment and continued to read the 60s edition of Seeker Weekly.

A few minutes passed, and Marina looked up to see two blue transparent figures sitting in the seat in front of her.

Was she dreaming?

Marina dropped the magazine from shock. She felt like she couldn't move a bone in her body.

"H..h..hello." said Marina. The two figures looked up to her with a smile.

The male figure, who had round glasses and messy black hair, had his arm around the female figure, who had pretty wavy red hair and eyes that seemed to be a gorgeous shade of green.

A beautiful shade of eye color Marina had seen before, and didn't like it.

"Can she see us? I thought alive people can't see us." whispered the man.

The woman rolled her eyes, "Of course she can James. She just said hello."

"Oh," realized the man, "Well hi there."

Marina slapped herself. "Oh bloody hell, I'm not dreaming."

"Ooh is that a 1969 edition of Seeker Weekly?" shrieked the man.

"Yeah! It's my dads."

"I had that edition as a kid. I had a whole box of magazines. I collected them before I went to Hogwarts!" laughed the man.

"That's great and all, but not to spoil the mood...but who the bloody hell are you guys? And what are you exactly?" Marina asked.

"Well...we're dead. And sometimes people can see the dead, especially young children like you. My name is Lily Ev...I mean Potter." said the woman.

The woman's husband smirked as she rolled her eyes.

"And I'm James Potter, the reason that she's a Potter." said James winking to Lily. Making her slightly blush.

Marina gulped. "P..Potter? As in...Potter?"

Lily raised her eyebrows. "Yes, is there something wrong with that darling?"

"No it's nothing. I just hate your son's guts thats all." she mumbled uncomfortably.

"Why? I expected him to inherit some kind of Potter charm with the ladies. And the kids godfather is Sirius so..." sighed James.

"James, they are first years!"


"He broke my reading glasses, I called him a warthog, he now calls me RiRi for no reason, end of story." Marina explained.

"Well you have every right to dislike him then!" shrieked Lily.

"Well the nickname thing he got from me. That's for sure." laughed James.

"Anyways, we best go check on our little Harry. We'll see you around Marina." said Lily. And the two walked off.

Suddenly, two girls opened the compartment door. One with long blonde wavy hair. And the other one whom was quite lanky and had shoulder length brown hair.

"Hello!" said the excited blonde, "Can we sit here?"

"Um sure." Marina replied. The blonde sat next to Marina while the other sat in front.

"I'm Pavarti Patil. This Lavender Brown. We're first years." said Pavarti.

"My name is Marina Weasley. I'm a first year too."

"What Hogwarts house do you want? I don't mind anything! My parents are non-magical people so I'm hopeful for anything." said the blonde.

'I just want any house from Padma, I would like some space from my twin sister." complained Pavarti.

"I'll probably get Gryffindor. My whole family is in Gryffindor." explained Marina.

"Do you two have any friends already?" asked Pavarti with a nervous expression.

Lavender sighed. "No, I'm not good with people really. But I like you two!"

"If you count my pillock brother who's in our year. Then yes I do." said Marina.

"You have a twin too?!" shrieked Pavarti.

"Oh great. Get ready for judgement. Who cares about them away I guess." thought Marina.

"Well my birth parents died back in Italy. Then my birth father's brother, who I call Dad, took me in. So that's the story." sighed Marina.

Pavarti and Lavender looked sad at this moment.

For once in her life, Marina suddenly cared about what others through at her.

"I'm sorry that happened. But I'm glad you have a happy family now." said Lavender putting her hand on Marina's shoulder.

"Everything happens for a reason." Pavarti said with a smile.

And from that moment on, Marina Weasley knew that Pavarti Patil and Lavender Brown would be at her side day and night for the rest of her life.

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