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nineteen ninety one
sadie sink as child marina weasley


Marina Weasley dropped her Seeker Weekly Magazine from hearing her mother's scream. It had been seven long years since her birth parents death.

And yes she knew that Molly and Arthur did not create her, but they certainly did make her the person she was today.

Which was a hot tempered, bold, confident, quidditch and creature obsessed person. But she still loved her birth parents and her alive parents equally.

Remembering her mother with breathtaking beauty, and her redhead father with lots of humor, Marina kissed her sliver thin necklace with a hummingbird charm. She then put Benny in her back jean pocket as she ran down the creaky wooden stairs.

Molly Weasley put her hands on her hips and gave her oldest daughter a stern look. All five of her siblings snickered quietly as they spread throughout the room with their father.

"I have been calling you for fifteen minutes now! Now go get the floo powder for me. It's in the broom cabinet."

"Can't we go tomorrow morning? I need to practice some new moves to I can make Ickle Ronniekins fall off his broom tomorrow. Not that it's a very hard task." Marina requested trying to avoid her getting into trouble.

"Hey! I'm pretty good at quidditch!" said Ron.

"So is Hitler." mumbled Marina.

"Who the bloody hell is Hitler?"

"Your starting Hogwarts tomorrow Marina! We are going now, and don't bring your bowtruckle or any books with you!" Molly demanded pointing to the cabinet.

The 11 year old groaned as she signaled her bowtruckle and great companion, Benny, to jump into her jean pocket. Benny winked and leaped back into her jeans.

Marina then went over to Molly and leaned on her mother's arm.

"Mum, I don't think I want to go to Hogwarts anymore. It seems nice, but, I don't know anyone except that pillock over there." Marina whispered to her referring to Ron.

Molly stroked her daughters long red hair kindly.

"Don't worry, the days will go by quick. Enjoy them." Molly said.

Marina walked into the dark closet and searched the small room then succeeded as she finally found a small pouch with gray ashes inside. The little girl picked up the pouch then opened the door and handed the powder to her mother. Then her father explained the rules of floo powder to the schoolchildren as Marina stood by her twin brother and very messy roommate, Ronald.

Marina had just gotten used to her brothers obnoxious snoring and untidiness. And she knew if she didn't want to go to Hogwarts, she would at least go for her mother and father.

Even though she would dearly miss chatting with Ginny, helping her dad fix Muggle cars and such, and putting pranks on Percy with the twins, and best of all, her mother's comforting hugs and kisses.

She bursted of her thoughts as she saw Ron walk in.

Despite that they weren't birth siblings, Ron still managed to somehow look quite like Marina except for a few features. While he red hair that wasn't curly, she did. He had blue eyes while she had brown, and he was very tall while she was at least two inches shorter than him.

"You excited for Hogwarts tomorrow?" Ron whispered as Fred and George disappeared into the fireplace.

"I'm going to miss Mum and Dad, but I'm hopeful that there won't be as many pillocks as there are in this house." Marina said with sarcasm.

"Oh come on Marina! Think of the food, and the sorting hat, and most of all we get our own wands! Well you do..." Ron said happily then looking at his reused wand.

Ronald's wand happened to be Charlie's (their older brother) old wand from when he was a student at Hogwarts. The 10 soon 11 year old sometimes wished she wasn't in the family so she could let her siblings and parents have an easier lifestyle.

"Don't worry Ron. I'm sure Mum will buy you a wand next year." Marina smiled as she watched Percy then Ginny disappear in the dust then finally it was Marina's turn.

"Don't make any noises while your in my jumper or no chocolates for you." Marina whispered her leaf friend as he stuck his head out of her wooly sweater. Benny winked at her and climbed back in.

Marina walked into the fireplace and firmly grasped the ash dust in her right hand.

"Can Marina go with me Mum?" Ron asked trying not to seem to frightened. Molly and Arthur agreed as Marina joined her in the fireplace.

"What a wuss." Marina whispered.

"Shut up Marina!"

"Marina Weasley do not dare to tease your brother!" Molly scolded. Marina sighed.

"Diagon Alley!" They shouted in sync.

They suddenly appeared at a quiet dark shop. The two brushed off the dust on their clothing and stood up joining their siblings and parents.

"Alright. Ginny, Fred, and George stay with me. We will go get your books. Molly will get Marina's new wand and books. And they can also get Ron's books as well." Arthur said as he walked out of the store with the three children.

Then the three heard footsteps come near them. It was the wand shop owner, Mr. Ollivander.

"Hello Mr. Ollivander! I'm surprised your not very busy at this hour." Molly said kindly as they stood in front of the old man.

"Most people don't come in at lunchtime. So I presume that the young lady over here would like a wand to choose her?" Mr. Ollivander said looking towards her.

Marina nodded as the man quickly ran to the back of the store. Then walked back to them, handing Marina a black box. Marina opened up the box lid to see a slender grey wand.

"Pine, 11 inches, Horned Serpent horn. Well give a wave!"

Marina gulped and flicked the wand. Making red flames appear above her.

Mr Ollivander beamed happily, "I think this is the one Mrs.Weasley, that will be 10 galleons. Your wand means you are an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a confident, bold, and quite hot tempered."

"Yep, that's should be me." nodded Marina.

Molly paid for the wand and they went the next-door shop called Borgin and Burkes.

It was one of Marina's favorite places to sit in a corner and read about magical creatures and quidditch magazines for hours. Ron opened the door for them and they walked inside.

Molly cleared her throat and looked to her children, "Alright, what do you need dears?"

Marina took out the list from her pocket and read it aloud;

-The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk
-A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
-Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
-A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
-One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
-Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
-The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

"You didn't need to give a whole bloody speech about it." Ron said uninterested.

"Well nobody asked you to come out of the womb but here you are." spat Marina.

"I will go get you and Ron's books and you go look around. And try not to break anything Ronald, and Marina, don't lose your temper!" Molly instructed walking away off to a shelf.

The little girl picked out a Magical Creatures Year 6 textbook and sat down in a wooden chair. She dug through her pocket to get out her reading glasses, then felt nothing. She dug through other pocket, she felt nothing except Benny.

"Benny! Where is my reading glasses?" Marina hissed at her friend.

Her leaf friend pointed to the maple wood floor to see her transparent lenses lying on the floor.

She gasped and ran to pick them up.

But was too late, someone with black shoes had already stepped on it.

She kneeled down next to the pair of ripped shoes and tried to fix them.

But it was impossible.

Yes, it could be fixed by magic. But the boy didn't even apologize for his actions! It made Marina angry. And Marina D. Weasley was not the coolest person when she is angry.

Then stood up in front of a boy.

The boy had messy hair with black bangs and had round glasses.

Marina also noticed the boy had beautiful jade-green eyes and was a few inches taller than herself. She curled up her fists in anger.

"Why are you going so red?" He asked looking a bit scared as he put a Standard Book Of Spells: Year One in his cauldron.

"Because you are an inconsiderate little warthog!" She shrieked.

"I am?" He asked sarcastically.

Marina scrunched her nose with rage and started to hit the boy with her book bag.

"MARINA DELIZIA WEASLEY!" a female voice screamed making most people in the store walk away from the area the screaming woman was.

She recognized this voice and knew it was her mother's.

Marina turned to the voice with her eyes shut and her lips sealed.

"Yes Mum?"

"What in Merlin are you doing?"

Marina chuckled nervously as she leaned on a bookshelf. "Y'know, erm, whatever I feel like doin."

"I have told you many times to control your temper! What has this boy ever done to you?" Molly shouted taking Marina's book bag.

"He broke my reading glasses!" She whined to the woman.

Molly sighed and looked to the boy, "Are you alright dear?" she asked sympathetically.

He adjusted his glasses and nodded. Molly continuously apologized for her daughters actions then walked out of the shop and approached the rest of the Weasley family. They Apparated back to the burrow using a nearby portkey that was disguised as a muggle telephone booth.

"Go straight to bed Marina! And mark my words if we see that boy at Kings Cross tomorrow, you will apologize!" Molly demanded as the Weasley children walked up the creaky stairs for bed.

"The she-devil hit a boy? Well that's nothing new!" Fred laughed nudging George as he opened the door to his and his twin brothers room.

"Yesterday she gave Dad's co-worker's son a black eye!" added George.

"Yuck, I don't know even know that scumbag!" Marina replied as she and Ron walked into their room.

She sank into her mattress as she dreamed about the beautiful a new chapter in her life starting tomorrow.

"Goodnight loser." She whispered to her brother, who had a bed next to hers, with a Chudley Cannons bedsheet on it. But whispering was too kind for Marina, so she then punched his stomach.

"Ow, I should have expected that...Night Marina."

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