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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐”๐ ๐‡๐€๐ƒ only risen barely minutes ago when Marina awaken from her slumber. She had barely slept during the night, too busy creating her plan to bring out the old Hogwarts again. The girl could only hope that it would work.

Marina walked down the dormitory stairs in her usual sleepwear, a purple tank top and loose pajama pants, to see Dennis already sitting in an armchair wearing his Gryffindor uniform.

"Hello Marina! I'm ready to help!" Dennis grinned from ear to ear.

Marina ruffled his hair. "Hi pumpkin."

"So what's the plan?" Dennis questioned as if he were taking mental notes.

"Well," Marina said as she pulled out a drawing of a sliver shiny coin, "You see this?"

Dennis nodded.

"This is a fake coin. Back when the D.A was here, Hermione Granger made every member a fake coin. When your fake coin rang, it would ring and say a message of some sort. Usually the message was scrambled and when it was unscrambled, the message would tell us that a D.A meeting was occurring. I've already found a place for us to practice. I just need your help with sending out the message."

Dennis looked at the coin intrigued. "So thats Hermione Granger's coin? Then why do you need my help?"

Marina nodded. "You and Nev speak a bit of Mermish don't you?"

"Yes I speak a little of it. But why is that important to bringing the D.A. back?"

"We can't write the message in English. I would write it in Italian...but nobody else in the D.A understands it. But I know if you can write the message in Mermish, and since Neville will understand what it means. So Neville can tell everyone what the message means."

"So how will everyone know how to get to the place where the meeting is?" Dennis wondered.

"You. The message will say 'follow the younger Creevey' in Mermish. And everyone will follow you to the meeting." Marina said handing Dennis a map of where the meeting would take place.

Dennis looked at Marina in awe as if the redhaired girl were a Greek goddess.

"Your the bravest and smartest person I know." Dennis breathed. "I'm so glad to have a friend like you."

Marina smiled as she gave Dennis a sisterly hug.

Dennis' eyes widened as Marina looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Marina asked him feeling confused.

"I better go work on the translation! It's not easy translating English to Mermish!"


๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐“๐‡๐€๐๐Š๐’ ๐“๐Ž the brilliant bilingual Dennis Creevey and his Mermish skills, Marina was able to get all the former trustworthy D.A members into her new meeting place.

The D.A's new meeting place was a large room filled with the most beautiful flowers and vines around the walls. The room was called The Secret Garden Room for a reason. It had the kind of flowers, fruits, and vines you would see in your wildest dreams. The room even included a beautiful brook and a natural shine of light.

In the middle of all chaos that was called the Grand Staircase is where the Garden Room was located. One of those paintings lead to the peaceful room filled with flowers.

When Harry had shown Marina this room for her seventeenth birthday, she immediately suspected that the Herbology professor, Professor Sprout, was responsible for this little gem of a room.

The new meeting place was not necessarily new to Marina. Majority of last year, Marina and Harry couldn't spend time together in the common room because of Ron spying on them. So they started to spend time together in the would do there homework together, would have little picnics together, and sometimes Marina would try and braid Harry's hair after he fell asleep.

To enter the Secret Garden Room, Harry had shown Marina that you needed to find the fruit bowl painting one flight of stairs up, on the right of the first floor corridor. And what surprised Marina the most was that not even Dumbledore knew about the room.

"This is stunning." Lavender breathed as she looked around the garden room.

"I know right." Marina said folding her arms. Standing on the rocks near brook, making her see the group of people in front of her.

"Nobody will ever find us here." Ginny smiled looked at a window that showed the Black Lake.

"I love it. We've got loads of space to practice." Neville noted.

"How did you find this place anyway?" asked Cormac McClaggen looking around the room.

The entire Gryffindor team looked at McClaggen.

"Wait a damn minute, wait a damn minute!" Marina clapped surprised. "What the fuck is this asshole doing here? Who the hell invited this mother โ€”"

"I have coin too, I was in the D.A as well y'know." Cormac said as if it were the most obvious thing on earth.

"But I thought you graduated last year, you should be out of Hogwarts now." Ginny shrieked.

"Let me guess, you failed your N.E.W.Ts because you were too busy telling me that a fucking girl that she couldn't be Quidditch captain."

"Correct I did I fail my N.E.W.Ts." Cormac shrugged.

"Come here Cormac." Marina said.

Cormac walked over to Marina. Suddenly, Marina grabbed of Cormac's collar harshly. Making everyone gasp.

"If you tell any female in this school that they can't do something because of their gender, I will come beat your ass personally. Thought you could just pop into the D.A meeting because you feel like it? Well I guess karma is a bitch isn't it?" Marina whispered as she gripped on his collar tightly.

"Oh and by the way McClaggen, if your planning on telling Snape or any professors about the D.A ... you might want to be careful because I may or may not accidentally transfigure your torso and down into a hippopotamus' lower body."

Cormac nodded as Marina released her grip on Cormac's shirt. Then the blonde boy ran out of the garden room.

Marina looked at the group. "There's not really anything to explain, since all of us are former trustworthy D.A members. So if there any scared bitches and tattletales here, then fuck off or i may accidentally copy Granger's idea from what she did to Edgecombe. Understand?"

"I'm so proud of her." James mumbled in the back of the crowd. Marina smiled at James' words.

Everyone nodded, feeling slight frightened by Marina.

"We need to practice defense spells, just like we did before." Ginny announced. "So during an actual battle we'll know how to fight."

"I agree with Ginny, but how are we going to bring back the old Hogwarts?" Luna said dreamily. "I terribly miss it."

Marina smirked as she looked at Luna's hand, which was intertwined with Neville's.

"Ship Nuna has launched everyone!" Pavarti and Lavendee shouted. Many looked at Pavarti and Lavender confused.

"We do the opposite of what we're suppose to do when no Professor or student is watching." Marina answered. Everyone nodded agreeingly.

"I say we threaten Snape!" Ernie MacMillan shrieked.

"He's just going to expel us then." Dennis shrugged.

"We're not going to get much progress from threatening the headmaster." Colin added.

"Let's blow shit up!" Neville said.

Everyone looked at Neville. He had never spoken like that before.

"That's a bit far don't you think?" Lavender mumbled.

"Neville, Dean and I raised you right mate." Seamus said patting his friend's back. "First standing up to death-eaters, getting with Lovegood, and now your swearing. I'm so proud."

"Neville's turning into Marina. I can just feel into my bones." Lavender sighed.

"Nev, I love your bad bitch side. Forget Harry...marry me please." Marina said.

"I say we use Muggle spray paint." Seamus blurted.

Marina looked to Seamus. "Seamus bloody Finnagin, that is the most smartest thing you've ever said for the last six years."

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