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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 TO Umbridge's office with worrying what that crazy imbecile would or could do to her. It was only detention, Marina thought. What's the harm in that? And whatever it was, Marina would just take it like a woman. After all, she didn't want to disappoint Professor McGonagall.

"Afternoon." smiled Harry, who was waiting for her outside Umbridge's office.

"Listen Potter, this isn't some hangout or date, this is detention. And it's Umbridge." Marina whispered.

"So what if it's Umbridge? What's that suppose to mean?" Harry whispered back, making their faces so closer so nobody could hear them.

"It means that Umbridge is from the ministry. And she obviously wants to get some gossip about the Order and Dumbledunce to report back to Fudge." Marina explained.

"Your brilliant Y'know that?" Harry smiled. Marina rolled her eyes (hiding her smile) as she and Harry walked into Umbridge's office.

And unfortunately, let's just say it was a living horror. It was like a five year olds room. Everything was pink, except the plates hung up on the wall, which had paintings of cats on them. All Marina wanted to do was gag.

Umbridge giggled. "Weasley, Potter. Please sit down."

Marina and Harry exchanged a disgusted look, then sat down in the two pink chairs.

"You both are going to do lines for me today, with a very special quill of me." smiled the woman.

The quills was blood red and sinister looking.

"I've got my own quill thanks." smirked Marina.

"No no. You're going to use mine." Umbridge insisted.

"Well, my dad who works at the ministry told me that metal quills like these are toxic and banned from use of young people, who are claimed to be irresponsible when using quills like this. And 60% of the time it causes hazardous spills." smiled Marina.

She wasn't stupid, what kind of quill doesn't use ink and looks like it could harm you? Plus, her father was Arthur Weasley, the man who could go on for hours about dangerous magical artifacts.

Umbridge then took out her wand, and made Marina's quills turn into ashes.

"You can't do that! Those are hers!" shrieked Harry angerily.

Umbridge shrugged and handed the two their quills and paper.

"What do we write Umbitch...sorry I meant Umbridge!" giggled Marina fakely.

"Weasley, you will write half-breeds are dangerous. And Potter will write I must not tell lies."

As Marina was about to break her quill in half, Potter gave her a look. Making her sigh.

"How many times do we write it?" spat Potter.

"Until the message sinks in." smirked Umbridge.

As Marina started to write, Umbridge took her quill from her.

"What was that for?" Marina questioned as Umbridge seemed to do something to the strange quill.

"Oh nothing dear. Continue."

Marina finished her sentence, then felt a shocking pain. Marina and Harry suddenly held each other's hand without content.

The horrid pain continued. It was like being crucified. Words had appeared on her pearly skin in shining red ink. It felt like a scalpel was going through her skin. Marina came to realize the words were not written in red ink, but her own blood. Marina looked over to see Harry with red words on his right hand.

But strangely, it wasn't the words she had written on the parchment. It was different. The words on Marina' right hand read;

Filthy half-breed creature!

Marina felt like she wanted to burst into tears, or worse go to sleep and never awake. She was a filthy creature. An animal. For the first time in her entire life, she didn't know how to speak. She didn't have words for such actions of Dolores Umbridge. For the first time in her life, she didn't know how to stand up for herself or anyone. She didn't know how to tell anyone. All Marina wanted to do was hide.

"I hope you have both learned your lessons now. Potter, come back at the same time tomorrow evening." giggled Umbridge.

Marina and Harry left the office without speaking a word to Umbridge. The two walked up the stairs to the gryffindor tower slowly, (surprisingly) hand-in-hand with each other. Harry didn't seem to comment on this, since he knew that all that Marina wanted was a friend at the moment.

"What does yours say?" Harry blurted as they reached the empty common room. Everyone was still at dinner.

"It's none of business Potter." Marina spat with venom as she removed her hand from his, trying to hold back tears of pain.

She didn't want him to see the disgusting slur that Umbridge had said.

Marina then had a sudden thought...if one of her professors had thought of her as a half-breed animal, did Minnie think so too? Dumbledore? Flitwick?

And what about her friends? Pavarti and Lavender? Did they?

"It is my business! You're hurt!" Harry yelled.

"So are you! Just leave me alone for once you idiot!"

"No I won't!" Harry shouted loudly.

"Harry fucking Potter get the hell away from me now." Marina spat.

As she turned away to walk up to the girls dorms, Harry grabbed her arm.

"Let go Potter, you pushing your limits."

"Tell me or I'll do it myself Marina. I thought friends are meant to help each other!" Harry gritted his teeth.

"I don't need help from you or anyone!" Marina cried, she was still on the merge of tears.

"It's okay..." Harry whispered, "Sometimes...you need others for help. You to be in the Triwizard Tournament and be the one to defeat a damn basilisk? No, but I had help. I didn't want it, but I had friends. Who were there for me when I needed them. And right now, we need each other."

Marina looked to Harry and scoffed. "That's was so fucking cringy...but your right I guess. But don't tell anyone? This is between you and me. Not Ron or Granger. Or Pav or Lavender. They'll go nuts if they find out about this."

"Deal." Harry nodded. Marina then reached out her hand so Harry could read the message.

"You don't believe this do you? Because your not a creature. Your a human." Harry stated, "And your not filthy at all. Your the greatest person I know Marina, don't let Umbridge get to you."

Marina turned bright red. "Thanks you moron. I'll try to find some potion for the pain in the library this weekend. Now piss off, it's hard to be in your presence too long."

"What a charming goodbye." Harry chuckled, "Goodnight."

"And by the way Harold, don't go too soft on me."

"Of course."

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 were out on an evening walk alone on Thursday night, since Pavarti was busy trying to find members for the Divination Club. Marina hadn't told either of her friends about her hand yet, and honestly she didn't know what time was right. But she wasn't feeling ashamed of her hand now, she was feeling determined. She wanted to learn real magic. If there was going to be a war, she wanted to feel prepared for it. But how? Maybe she could ask her father during Christmas break? Or Sirius and Toula?

Marina and Lavender almost walked into Ron, who was lurking behind a statue of Lachlan the Lanky, clutching his broomstick. Ron both gave a great leap of surprise when she saw them both and attempted to hide his new Cleansweep Eleven behind his back.

"Ron, we can see you." Lavender sighed.

Ron came out from behind the statue. "Oh right, hey you two."

"What the hell you doing?" spat Marina.

Suddenly Harry walked up the stairs. "Hey everyone. Evening RiRi."

"Look who it is, Harold the Dense." Marina happily said in a fake tone.

"Oh enough you two." Lavender sighed. "I'm going to our dorm. See you all in morning."

Marina waved as Lavender left.

"But what have you got your broom for, you haven't been flying, have you?" Harry asked.

"No you pillock. He's been using it to sweep the kitchens." joked Marina.

Harry and Marina laughed.

"Okay fine. I – well – well, I'll tell you, but don't laugh, all right?" Ron said defensively, turning redder with every second. "I-I thought I'd try out for Gryffindor Keeper now I've got a decent broom. There. Go on. Laugh."

Marina sniggered quietly. "Sorry, but keeper? Alright then. Gryffindor needs one anyway."

"I'm not laughing," said Harry.

Ron blinked.

"It's a brilliant idea! It'd be really cool if you got on the team! I've never seen you play Keeper, are you good?" Harry shrieked.

"I'm not bad," said Ron, who looked immensely relieved at Harry and Marina's reaction. "Charlie, Fred, and George always made me Keep for them when they were training during the holidays."

"So you've been practicing tonight?"

"Every evening since Tuesday... just on my own, though, I've been trying to bewitch Quaffles to fly at me, but it hasn't been easy and I don't know how much use it'll be." Ron looked nervous and anxious. "Fred and George are going to laugh themselves stupid when I turn up for the tryouts. They haven't stopped taking the mickey out of me since I got made a prefect."

"I wish I was going to be there," said Harry bitterly, as they all set off together toward the common room.

"I don't." Marina said. "I'll be there though, I'm sure Angelina will be happy to see you at tryouts Ronnie."

"Thanks Marina – Oi, what's that on the back of your hand Harry?"

Marina froze. Ron was going to find out.

Harry, who had just scratched his nose with his free right hand, tried to hide it, but had as much success as Ron with his Cleansweep. Marina scoffed and rolled her eyes at Harry's pathetic attempt.

"It's just a cut – it's nothing – it's –"

But Ron had grabbed Harry's forearm and pulled the back of Harry's hand up level with his eyes. There was a pause, during which he stared at the words carved into the skin, then he released Harry, looking sick.

"I thought you said she was giving you lines? And what about you?" Ron spat looking at Marina.

Ron grabbed Marina's hand and examined it too.

Ron gasped. "Half-breed! How dare she call my little sister an creature! That toad is a mother-"

"I'm not your little sister! I'm younger than you by like twenty days!" Marina shrieked. "And it's not that big of a deal Ron!"

Harry then quickly told Ron the entire truth.

"The old hag!" Ron said in a revolted whisper as they came to a halt in front of the Fat Lady, who was dozing peacefully with her head against her frame. "She's sick! Doing that my sister and best friend! Go to McGonagall, say something!"

"No," said Harry at once. "I'm not giving her the satisfaction of knowing she's got to me."

"Ronniekins' right, we should go tell her." Marina said seriously.

Harry smiled. "We?"

Marina lightly slapped him.

"I'm Harold Potter and I can't tell McGonagall about another abusive teacher because it's going to satisfy her!" Marina said doing an impression of Harry.

"I don't sound like that! And my name isn't Harold!" Harry whined.

"Don't be stupid. Of course it is Harold." Marina winked.

"Oh shut up the pair of you. What do you mean got to you Harry? You can't let her get away with this!" Ron shrieked.

"I don't know how much power McGonagall's got over her," said Harry.

"Dumbledore, then, tell Dumbledore!"

"No," said Harry flatly.

"Why not tell Dumbledunce?" Marina and Ron asked in sync.

"He's got enough on his mind," said Harry.

"Well, I reckon you should –" Ron began, but he was interrupted by the Fat Lady, who had been watching them sleepily and now burst out, "Are you going to give me the password or will I have to stay awake all night waiting for you to finish your conversation?

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