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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐀𝐍𝐃 the D.A had been extremely successful these past few weeks. They had been learning new advanced spells every single day and had quite a few people joining Dumbledore's Army. Including Pavarti's boyfriend, Shadid Malik, who made Pavarti very giggly. Orla Shacklebolt, the girl Dennis fancied, had joined the D.A as well.

And on this dark evening, which had Halloween, the D.A was practicing a charm called Aqua Eructo in the Garden Room.

Aqua Eructo was a rather difficult charm that can be used to create a spout of water from the tip of the wand. The intensity of the water flow can be anything from a thin fountain to an immense, powerful and destructive jet.

"Marina, Pavarti...look! I'm finally doing it!" shrieked Dennis as his wand shot out a thin destructive amount of water.

Marina ruffled Dennis's hair as Dennis accidentally sprayed the back of Pavarti's head, making Shadid laugh at Pavarti.

"Well done pumpkin. I'm so proud of you." Marina said.

"Hey Dennis, do you mind helping me with this charm? I'm not good at it." Orla Shacklebolt said nearby them.

Dennis smiled as he practically ran over to Orla.

Marina then started to assist Luna with the spell.

"This spell will get rid of nargles. My daddy told me." Luna smiled as she successfully cast the spell.

"I'm sure it will," Marina said.

"Your aura is looking very pretty today," Luna told Marina.

"Thanks, Lovegood, your aura looks nice too," Marina said.

"Hey, Marina, Neville's on fire! He's been casting Aqua Eructo like it's a piece of cake. Honestly, Neville's got some fire in him just waiting to erupt." Ginny cheered joining them. "Oh hey, Luna."

"Hello, Ginny."

Marina then noticed Lavender was not in the room anywhere to be seen,

"Oi losers, where's Lav gone?" Marina yelled to everyone.

Everyone shrugged or either said 'not here.

"I think she said she had detention with Carrow. The female one." Ginny added.

After about half an hour, a weeping Lavender ran into the garden room. Marina jumped slightly as Lavender ran into her arms crying.

"Lavender! Why are crying?" Pavarti questioned stroking Lavender's blonde locks.

"Crying is the best medicine," Luna whispered as she walked off skipping.

"Lev didn't break up with you, did he? Damn it...I wanted to get an autograph from him." Marina mumbled.

"No, it's not Lev. It's...it's...the Muggle Studies teacher... Alecto Carrow." Lavender cried on Marina's shoulder.

"Urm, well would you like maybe talk about it?" Marina said patting Lavender's back.

"Yeah, I've never seen you cry so much," Pavarti noted. "Well despite after you and Ron broke up."

Lavender sniffed as she stood from Marina's shoulder.

"During the Muggle Studies lesson, Carrow said that Muggles and Muggle-borns are filthy and don't deserve to be in the wizarding world. She said that they are just waiting to attack us any minute now. That they secretly think that magic is wrong and disgusting. She acted like Muggle-borns and Muggles were secretly plotting to destroy the wizarding world! And I told her I disagreed, which is why I had detention. And you know what she did during detention? She said I was disgusting Muggle-lover and I don't deserve to be a 'half-blood'." Lavender cried.

Marina's fists curled up with rage. How could Alecto Carrow say such disgusting things to poor innocent Lavender? Alecto Carrow surely wasn't going to get away with that.


𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐖 late at night, the D.A meeting had just finished, and Marina was walking back to the common room with Lavender and Pavarti. The three had felt exhausted and couldn't wait to collapse onto their soft warm mattresses. As they reached the Fat Lady's portrait, Marina then remembered why Madam Pince was screaming at her yesterday.

"Oh crap, I need to go return my library book on Quidditch. It's due tomorrow." Marina mumbled as the portrait opened.

"Go on, it's eleven o'clock but I'm sure Madam Pince is in the library, she's always in there." Lavender yawned.

Marina ran down through the corridor where the library was found, to not focus on the library doors, but Professor Alecto Carrow who was standing in the dark corner of the corridor.

Making no sound, Marina watched carefully what on earth Carrow was doing.

Then Marina realized, Carrow wasn't alone.

Carrow happened to be with the three third-year Sytherlin boys that Marina gave detention to. Chozen Sato, Baddock, and Percival Rosier.

The three boys seemed to be kicking someone very small and thin. For some reason, the small boy on the floor getting kicked seemed very familiar.

And then it hit her.

The three boys were hitting Dennis Creevey.

"You filthy mudblood!" snapped Sato.

"You don't belong in the wizarding world." Rosier shot, "Go back to your little Muggle home!"

"Professor Carrow please...it hurts." cried Dennis as Sato took out his wand and casting a cutting spell on Dennis' scalp. Making Dennis's head start to bleed.

Baddock then placed a bandana on Dennis's mouth. Making Dennis's scream slightly quieter.

Marina couldn't take it anymore watching poor Dennis suffer. The girl ran out from the area where she was watching the horrid scene and stood in front of a crying Dennis, Carrow, and the Sytherlins with curled fists.

"Why that's just enough boys, off you go to your dormitories. Your heroic actions will be awarded for showing this Gryffindor mudblood what he truly is. Fifty pints to Sytherlin." Carrow said without any mercy in her voice.

"Of course Professor." Rosier smiled charmingly.

Marina put out her foot, making Chozen Sato trip on his robes as he walked off to the dungeons with his goons.

"Dennis, go to Pavarti and Lavender, they'll take you to the Hospital Wing." Marina snapped.

"Aren't you coming?" asked Dennis groaning with pain.

"No...I've got something to deal with," Marina replied.

Dennis walked off to the Gryffindor common room as Alecto Carrow and Marina Weasley stood alone together in the abandoned corridor.

"Can I ask you, something Professor?" Marina spat.

"I suppose," Carrow said rolling her eyes.

"Do you have a personality disorder? Because encouraging thirteen-year-olds to beat up someone else seems kinda bitchy. Especially beating up someone so sweet and innocent like Dennis Creevey. So I suggest you don't even dare to touch any little child or Dennis again I will make sure you won't be getting away with it." Marina spat tears in her eyes.

"You talk too much pretty girl. Talking gets girls like you into bad trouble."

All of a sudden, Carrow raised her wand at Marina.

Mumbling one horrendous word.


The pain for when easy spell to pronounce was indescribable. Within milliseconds, Marina's back was laid against the wall. Knuckles turning white as she screamed in pain. She felt like the room was spinning, it felt like this insolent pain was never going to end.

Worst of all, Carrow had placed sonorous on Marina, so no one could hear her screaming. No matter how hard she tried.

It had been only a few seconds until Marina's whole arm started to bleed. Which was extremely rare, only when the cruciatus curse was being performed very harshly.

Before Marina knew it, her whole body was a shade of light blue, she felt as her pupils were leaving her eyeballs, and screamed like she was being murdered with a dagger over and over again.

Carrow put down her wand about thirty seconds after torturing poor Marina. But to Marina, it felt like one whole damn century had passed. Somehow Marina still managed to stand against the wall after being tortured and with an arm covered entirely with blood.

"I hope you've learned your lesson, Weasley. Now hand over than badge of yours. Courtesy of Professor Snape." Carrow smirked.

Marina, who was too weak at the moment to do anything to express her anger, took her Head Girl badge from her pocket and handed it to Carrow.

"Have fun giving that to pug-nosed Parkinson bitch."

"Go and get your disgusting blood-traitor self away from me." Carrow spat.

Marina stuck put the middle finger at carrow as she pushed Carrow with all her might.

"I suppose you haven't learned anything. Detention tomorrow night in my classroom."

"Too scared to torture me again I suppose," Marina mumbled as she walked off very slowly to McGonagall's office.

There was no way in Merlin Marina was going to the hospital wing with her entire arm covered in blood and her skin almost a shade of pale blue.

As Marina opened the door, McGonagall jumped in shock from her desk full of papers and examined Marina's bloody arm in disbelief.

"No...no...no!" cried McGonagall as tears filled her eyes. This was just a nightmare. This just couldn't be real.

Tears dropped down McGonagall's face as she placed a weak Marina onto her chair. Then started to clean Marina's wounded arm and her other scars. Marina groaned in pain.

"I'm sorry...I cannot take you to the hospital wing, Carrow will hurt you even more than if Madame Pomfrey knew the cause of your injury." McGonagall whispered.

McGonagall then wrapped Marina's arm in bandaging.

"Have a biscuit, Weasley." McGonagall sighed.

Marina shakily took a biscuit and bit into it. She did not feel hungry at all.

"How did this happen and...what specifically happened Marina?"

"She was encouraging some Sytherlin boys to beat up Dennis. He was bleeding rapidly. And...I took it for him. It's obvious, isn't it? She crucioed me." Marina mumbled.

"I'm sorry Weasley," McGonagall said, still tears in her eyes.

The once eleven-year-old girl who always had an adorable smile on her face, the girl that used to make all the professors laugh...was gone.

The little innocent Marina Weasley was gone. And a brave confident Marina Weasley replaced her.

And Minerva McGonagall couldn't be prouder.

"I'd do it. I'd do it a hundred more times to save a little girl or boy from being tortured. Someone so young and innocent doesn't need that shit in their lives. Just don't tell my mum. Or Fleur, she's protective of me and Ginny. I don't think it's Voldemort people should be scared of, it should be my mother who the scary one."

McGonagall then gave Marina an unexpected hug. But of course, Marina didn't mind.

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