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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐍. And Marina and Neville were standing at the start of the bridge. Where at the other end of the bridge, was a large group of Voldemort's followers were standing on the other end.

Marina wrapped her red striped jacket around her waist as she took the lighter from her jeans, and lit up the tnt.

"Let's blow this shit up." Marina shouted.

"Alright!" Neville smiled as he threw the tnt on the bridge and ran towards the end of the bridge.

"You lose army!" Neville laughed.

"Nev what the hell?! Get your ass back here!" Marina yelled at him.

Neville smirked at Marina as he ran back towards her.

"We fucked up again didn't we?" Marina mumbled as the group of death eaters ran onto the bridge.

Neville gulped. "I think we should run now."

"Yeah let's do that."


𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐍 down the Hogwarts staircase, wizards and witches were dueling left, right, and center. Suddenly, Neville had ran off to go with Luna. While Marina was clueless on where to go, except when someone bumped into her.

"Marina!" Harry shouted.

"Oh hi Harry"

Before she could say another word, Harry cupped her face and kissed her. It felt like almost an goodbye kiss. Or maybe even a hello kiss.

Whatever type of kiss it was, it was quite magical.

It was sweet and meaningful. Not passionate. Probably the best kiss the two had shared.

"I love you." Harry breathed. "Stay alive will you?"

"I love you too idiot." Marina said going on her toes to kiss his forehead. The two then parted ways.

Marina ran into the main corridor, looking around for Arthur and Molly.

Her mother and father were nowhere to be seen, but Marina then sighted Dianne and Fred dueling a death eater. Luckily, the two were able to fight him off.

"Marina!" Fred shouted waving.

Marina waved back at her brother as she practically ran to them.

But before she could reach them, someone had tripped up Marina.

Making a scratch on her cheek and her fall to the ground.

Marina picked herself up to see that Bellatrix Lestrange herself had tripped up Marina.

Marina looked at Bellatrix in the eye.

"You little bitch." Marina spat.

Bellatrix smirked. "A hot little bitch."

"Unfortunately I can't say that's a lie." Marina said looking at Bellatrix.

All of a sudden, Bellatrix shot a spell at Marina. Which Marina defended with the raise of her wand.

"Your good for a seventeen year old, girlie." Bellatrix smiled evilly. "If you weren't a blood traitor and Potty's girlfriend I would actually like you."

"Thanks." Marina snapped. "I would like you if you weren't a stalker for Voldemort and actually brushed your teeth."

Marina fired a fire spell at Bellatrix, which she reversed onto Marina. Luckily, Marina had ducked before the spell could reach her.

This went back and force until Marina had finally casted petrificus totalus on Bellatrix.

Marina then ran off to Fred and Dianne.

"You alright Marina?" Dianne asked softly in her soothing Irish accent, stroking her finger on Marina's cheek.

"I'm fine," Marina replied. "Where's Seamus?"

"With Dean I think." Dianne answered.

Fred then grabbed Dianne and Marina's hands.

"We told Shacklebolt we'd help on the second floor. Come on Di you too She-Devil "

Marina was not listening to Fred at all now.

The girl had looked over on the main staircase to see him.

Fenir Greyback.

And even worse, Greyback was attacking Lavender while Pavarti tried to hit Greyback.

Marina ran over to Greyback and knocked out Greyback's eye with her foot.

Greyback stood up, growled, and grabbed Lavender's neck.

About to give her a werewolf bite.

"Not our best friend you asshole." Pavarti yelled as she casted stupefy on Greyback.

Greyback dropped to the floor, unconscious. Making his grip on Lavender's neck loosen.

"Thank you." Lavender groaned. Her entire neck was covered in blood.

"Lavender!" Marina cried as she and Pavarti hugged their best friend.

"I'll get Lavender to Madame Pomfrey." Pavarti noted looking at Lavender's bloody neck. "It's too risky for all of us to go. We'll meet up in the courtyard in about twenty minutes."

"No I'm going with you guys "

"Too risky." Lavender breathed. "Go please."

Marina sighed and nodded as she made her way back to Dianne and Fred, who were on the second floor putting shields around the castle.

Marina joined in as well.

Suddenly, the wall next to them exploded. Making the three on them crash into a large amount of bricks on the ground.

After a few minutes (which felt like centuries), Marina lifted herself from the ground to hear loud ringing in her ears. Marina groaned. Her head felt like it was pounding. Luckily she was not bleeding, but she did have a few scars.

Marina's eyes widened as she saw the side of Fred's head bleed while George looked at Dianne.

"DiDi, I can't feel a heartbeat."

Marina's jaw dropped.

"George stop lying." Dianne said, tears in her blue ocean eyes.

George choked on his tears. "I'm not."

Marina felt too raw to move. Fred was gone. Dead. Tears started to drop off her cheeks.

Percy, who was standing behind George, had started to cry.

"It's all my fault. I never apologized to him. All because I listened to the stupid ministry and Fudge "

Arthur joined the them as well.

"Fred's dead." George mumbled, squeezing the bridge of his nose.

Arthur started to cry.

"What no it's impossible "

All of a sudden, Fred got up and started to dance. George joined in with him as well.

"You fools!" Fred and George sang.

"Fredrick!" Dianne giggled as she hugged him.

"I fucking hate you." Marina groaned.

"You both are grounded for life," Arthur sighed hugging haired.

Fred and George exchanged a look. "But we're twenty"

Dianne giggled.

"Well you act like ten year olds." Arthur sighed. "Come on, we need to keep moving."

"You two are ridiculous." Percy mumbled hugging his sister, father, and brothers. "I'm sorry for being an idiotic brother and son."

"It's alright Perce." Marina smiled. "Oh crap, I need to go to the courtyard."

Marina ran off to the courtyard, to see not Lavender and Pavarti, but Dennis.

"Dennis what's wrong"

Marina looked up to see Greyback, with blood in his teeth.

Marina grabbed Dennis' arm.

"Don't you dare touch him you motherfucker."

Greyback looked at Marina, smirking, as he had instantly recognized her.

"Marina Delizia Weasley." Greyback whispered.

"Don't wear out my name will you?" Marina shot at him.

"You have you blood traitor father's red hair. I see you've traded in your birth parents for a new family as well."

"They are my family. My parents wanted them to care for me when they died." Marina spat. "And family isn't always blood, sometimes it love that makes people a family."

"I had no problem killing your father, but it might be different with you. Of course...you have your mother's Veela beauty. Your mother was the most beautiful I'd ever seen. 1/2 Veela your mother was wasn't she? Your beauty makes you seem like your more than 1/4 Veela."

"Leave her alone!" cried Dennis.

"It was so hard to kill such a beautiful woman all those years ago. Too bad your friend will have to die. Though...I might have some other uses for you rather than death, Weasley."

"If you think I'm going to let you molest me or hurt Dennis, you must be one idiot." Marina spat.

Suddenly, Fenir growled loudly and cut Marina's entire arm with his sharp claws. Marina screamed as her whole arm started to bleed rapidly and make her drop to the ground.

Greyback then grabbed Dennis by the neck, making Dennis scream. And Greyback started to cut and bite Dennis.

Marina, who was far too weak to save Dennis, continually tried to hit and kick Greyback.

Thank Merlin that Greyback wasn't in werewolf form right now. Meaning a bite from Greyback right now would only be a severe bite.

But it was too hard to hit Greyback. Marina was losing blood too fast to save him.

"Marina! Marina! Make it stop! Make the bad guy go away...please..." sobbed Dennis.

Still feeling very weak, Marina managed to throw a broken shard of glass at Greyback's back. Making the werewolf's back bleed. Greyback then lost his grip on Dennis and fainted.

"Dennis!" Marina cried looking over Dennis' body.

For a pure minute, Marina had thought Dennis had passed out. She had thought he was simply sleeping.

But he wasn't.

Marina placed her hand on Dennis' heart.

No heartbeat. No beat at all.

Marina shook her head in disbelief, crying.

"No, no, no, Dennis...my pumpkin...please wake up now, come on." Marina cried.

But Dennis still did not wake up.

Marina then started to sob hysterically as she held his hand.

"Dennis...darling...this isn't funny. Wake up. Come on...please."

A few minutes had passed, and Marina had no choice to accept that Dennis Creevey was no longer a happy skipping living boy.

"No! Don't leave me Dennis! No!" Marina screamed at the top of her lungs as she cried over Dennis' body. "Don't do this to me! Please! Come back! Come back Dennis!"

It felt like the world was ending. It felt so wrong for such a happy child to die. Dennis deserved to live the longest happiest life on earth. But he didn't. He did not die peacefully. He did not die in a peaceful place.

Dennis Micheal Creevey died in war. He died because of murder.

Dennis Creevey died because Marina Weasley was too weak to save him, like how she always told him she would.

"I'm sorry Dennis, I'm sorry darling," Marina cried. "You don't deserve this."

Despite dying in war, Dennis looked so peaceful and angelic for a dead person.

He just looked liked he was sleeping.

He looked like when Marina would go wake him up and threaten that he'd miss breakfast if he didn't wake up.

Dennis looked like he was dreaming away in his own world. But Marina knew that this was no dream.

It was a nightmare. And Marina was living it.

Authors Note-

GUYS I AM SO SORRY. I was actually crying while writing this chapter.

But I know that Dennis will be very happy in heaven with Lily, James, Marina's birth parents, and Marlene McKinnon.

I killed Dennis in the story because I felt that if everyone who Marina had loved survived, it wouldn't be war.

And Marina wouldn't be able to grow as a person. I didn't want to kill Fred, Tonks, Lavender, or Remus since they are all

But don't worry, Marina will never forget about Dennis.

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