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๐ƒ๐„๐’๐๐ˆ๐“๐„ ๐“๐‡๐„๐ˆ๐‘ ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐…๐…๐„๐‘๐„๐๐‚๐„๐’, Marina Weasley and Seamus Finnagin were the most dangerous badass duo when they got together.

"Got the tnt Seamus?" Marina whispered as the two kneeled down at the corner of the corridor.

"Hell yeah." Seamus replied grinning. "Let's blow this motherfucker up."

"Okay in...three...two...one..."

Marina lit up the tnt then passed it over toย Seamus, who threw inside Snape's office. The two then started to snigger as Snape's office was suddenly blown up. Students passing by started to whisper. ย 

Seamus and Marina high-fived each other as they ran off to the closest hiding stop, the girls bathroom.ย 

They watched as Snape walked out off his office. With black smoke all over his face and his black greasy hair in a weird-looking Mohawk.

Marina put her hands on her mouth, hiding her laughter. Seamus and Marina then looked around to see Lavender, Ginny, and Pavarti in their bath robes.

Seamus smiled. "Well hello beautiful ladies. Lovely night isn't it?"

"Shut up Seamus."


๐’๐๐Ž๐– ๐…๐„๐‹๐‹ ๐…๐‘๐Ž๐Œ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐ˆ๐๐ƒ๐Ž๐–. It was now a snowy afternoon in mid-December, and the Christmas holidays had just begun. Since it was awfully too dangerous to stay at the Burrow for the holidays, Marina and Ginny ended up staying at Fred and George's in the Weasley Whizzes Shop. Which was awfully fun, especially when Fred and George would let Marina help around the joke shop.ย 

Marina was laying on her top bunk bed in her and Ginny's shared bedroom, swimming away in her thoughts.

"Hey She-Devil." said George opening the door.ย 

"Hey Georgie."

"How's my favorite seventh year been?"ย 

"Full of shit." Marina sighed. "How's the joke shop?"ย 

"Brilliant. Once this hell of a war ends, we're definitely buying that Zonkos' in Hogsmade." George gleed.ย 

"Hogwarts has been a complete mess. The D.A is back, but, I'm just worried about the consequences if we get caught by Snape." Marina explained.

"Well...I think your doing a hell of a great job at it." smiled George.

"Oh shut it Georgie."ย 

George ruffled his sister's hair and left the room.

Marina laid upside and grabbed the Muggle lighter from her jeanย pocket. She pressed the button, creating a streak of fire. Would anyone care if she burnt herself to death? Would anyone cry? Would her own death make Ron (or even Harry) come back?

What am I thinking. Bloody hell I'm going mental.

"Hello She-Devil." yawned Fred as he leaned on the doorway.

"Hey loser. Where's Dianne?" Marina asked. Marina had certainly started to take a liking to dreamy Dianne.

"At that herbology shop she works at. It's a block away from here." Fred answered.ย 

Fred looked at his younger sister. "Blimey, you've grown up. It seems like only yesterday me and you were shaving George's head off in his sleep."

"I remember that! It took him two weeks to grow it back with that hair growth potion Mum gave him." Marina laughed.ย 

"Now you're all grown up." Fred smiled. "But mark my words She-Devil, our prankish ways won't be ending any time soon." ย 

"Of course. I'll prank till I'm in my grave." Marina joked.

"I know this is the most stupidest thought ever...but...do you think Ron will be back for Christmas?"ย 

"Sorry darling. Don't think he'llย will be home." Fred sighed. "Where's the She-Devil of a little sister I know and love? You've been gloomy since you got here. Come on....why the frowny face?"ย 

"I miss Ronniekins. That's all."

Fred gave Marina a warm hug. Marina wrapped her arms around him as Fred laid his chin on the top of her red curls.ย 

"Come on, Ronniekins ย and Harry wouldn't want you to be moping now would they? Forget Harry worrying over You-Know-Who, Harry is probably worried to death thinking you've been expelled because you've killed Snape or given McGonagall a heart attack."

Marina chuckled nervously, "Well speaking of killing Snape โ€”"

"Blimey, you killed Snape?!ย Don't worry...me and Georgie will help you get away with it."ย 

Marina rolled her eyes. "No you idiot. Me and Seamus blew up his office with some tnt. Seamus has loads of bombs around his dorm."ย 

Fred wiped a fake tear dramatically. "Marina Delizia Weasley, I'm bloody proud to have a dangerous sister like you."

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley, I'm glad to have an idiot brother like you."

"Oi! I'm not an idiot!"


๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐„ ๐–๐€๐’ ๐†๐Ž๐ˆ๐๐† ๐๐˜ ๐‹๐ˆ๐Š๐„ a flock of birds. Somehow, it was already April and Easter holidays had just finished. Unfortunately, Molly had forced Ginny to not return to Hogwarts after the holidays.ย 

Molly had attempted to force Marina to not return as well, but that did not go as planned of course. Luna as well had not returned to Hogwarts. Not because her father, because poor Luna had been kidnapped by a group of Death Eaters. Which caused Neville to be extremely gloomy.ย 

Marina and Neville continually had been staying up late hours trying to find information where on Earth Luna could be. So far, the two had not found a single clue about Luna's odd disappearance. They had tried talking to Luna's father, Xenophillius Lovegood, but he was a complete mess and was no use to their search.ย 

No clues towards Luna's disappearance deeply angered Neville. Once, Marina had caught Neville attempting to harm himself. Luckily, Marina was there to save him and calm Neville down.ย 

On this warm April evening in the gryffindor common room, Marina was gently brushing Dennis' hair (while his headย was still covered in bandages) while Pavarti and Seamus (who were extremely competitive with eachother) were playing a game of wizards chess. Neville was reading a herbology book, and Lavender was writing a letter to her boyfriend.

"Fuck you Seamus." Pavarti spat as Seamus' knight threw off Pavarti's bishop.

"I'm winning this game." Seamus noted.


"The girls are fighting again." Marina announced.

"Shut up Marina. I'm trying to concentrate." Pavarti mumbled.ย 

Suddenly, Seamus' owl flew in through the open window and dropped the latest edition of the Daily Prophet. Due to her quick reflexes, Marina caught the newspaper and threw it over to Seamus. Who ended up getting hit in the head.

"Wuss." Marina mumbled as Seamus pretended to cry.

"On the afternoon of April 3rd, 1998, Harry Potter, a witch, and a ginger wizard were spotted breaking out of Gringotts. It is reported that the vault of Bellatrix Lestrange was broken into. The three escaped out of Gringotts with the half-blind Ukrainian Ironbelly."

Out of shock, Marina dropped the hairbrush she was holding.

"A ginger wizard! A ginger wizard! That's my bloody brother!" Marina shrieked as she crushed Dennis' bones with a hug. "My brother isn't dead!"

Marina drops the hairbrush from shock.ย 

"I didn't know Gringotts had a dragon!"ย 

Marina clapped. "That's my boyfriend right there. Breaking into England's biggest bank. I've taught him well. Can't wait till I see that idiot again, then I'll challenge his to another one-on-one quidditch match."ย 

Seamus smiles, "Harry's about to defeat the darkest wizard of the century and still manages look hot on a dragon and be cool as shit."

Marina, Neville, Dennis, Lavender, and Pavarti all looked at Seamus.

"Well I am sorry if I think Harry's attractive." Seamhs snapped. "Oh come on, haven't you ever had a crush?"ย 

"I used to have crush on Fleur Delacour till fifth year. I just never told anyone." Marina shrugged.

"No wonder you always wanted to go sit with Beauxbatons and 'try and learn some French.'" Lavender noted.

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