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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐓 slept in her bed peacefully in her dormitory. Until, the horrid nightmare that had reoccurred in her dreams frequently came back.

"I think the blood traitor deserves a good farewell." mumbled the werewolf, also known as Fenir Greyback.

It was almost midnight, and the moon was currently in its full phase.

A blessing for Fenir Greyback.

The werewolf stood inside the La Dolce candy shop, craving for a bite of the two owners of the sweet shop. Delizia Elaina Weasley (née Marino), a beautiful women whose family was known around the world for their blood purity and riches. As for Delizia, she was known for her goddess like beauty. Delizia had long blonde and brown curls with bright aqua eyes.

The woman was half Veela, so her beauty was expected. Unfortunately, the woman had fallen in love with a poor blood traitor named Septimus Weasley II, son of Cedrella Rosier and Septimus Weasley I, a former member of the Noble Rosier House.

"He's coming love." Septimus whispered as he, his wife, and their three year old daughter under their bed, hiding in fear.

"What about Marina? I won't let her die!" cried Delizia quietly.

"Mama, don't cry. Too loud! Bad wolf will hear you..." Marina whispered sleepily.

"We must protect her the best we can." Septimus replied. The three then heard a growl above the bed.

"Be brave Marina. Soon, you will have a new mama and papa, and lots of brothers and sister. That family is the family that will love you for eternity. Keep them forever." He told her daughter.

Whose heart was crying.

"Princesses don't cry Marina. Don't let them see you cry. Don't let your crown fall off your head." Delizia said kissing her daughters cheek, then placing a sliver necklace with a white hummingbird charm on Marina's neck. "This will protect you amour."

Then stood from under the bed, and in front of the wolf.

The wolf growled. "Ah...the filthy half breed and her blood traitor husband...wonderful. Such a shame their disgusting traitor child will be parent less."

"Don't you dare touch her." spat Septimus.

"Take us not her.. please!"  Delizia pleaded.

Marina stopped breathing, wondering if she was going be able to live another moment of her young life.

Greyback grinned, then took away the young couples life. Grinning, he looked under the bed with his big yellow eyes, that haunts Marina today.

"Pretty little girl aren't you? That must be from your dirty Veela blood. Too bad I can't grab you and make you join your dirty parents. But one day.. I will, when he returns." Greyback whispered, and stratched Marina's little leg. Causing it too quickly bleed.

A moments later, Greyback had left. And Septimus Weasley II and his wife was on the floor hand in hand. Covered in their own blood, with no pulse beating.

They were dead.


Luckily, little Marina had remembered her clever father's lessons that he had taught her, knowing that this day would come. So covered her little leg in some bandaging, Marina came out of the bed silently crying. Trying to be strong. But she couldn't. Marina kissed her father's forehead. Remembering his humor. The happy life he lead her and Delizia.

Marina woke up with a fright, sweating and panting. The teen looked down at the scar that Greyback had given her on her leg. She hated wolves! Marina had dreamt of her birth parents death, again. Why couldn't it stop? When would this trauma end? And who could she talk to about this, who could actually relate?

"Marina?" whispered a sleeping Lavender, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah.." Marina answered breathlessly, "I'm just going to the common room for a bit."

The girl then walked down the tower stairs, to the red cozy armchair, and cried. Cried, cried, and cried. Like she had never cried before. Most of the time, she held her feelings back. Even when she was in the most pain, never. But she couldn't do it anymore. It was just too hard. Her crown was falling, and Marina Weasley couldn't stop it from happening. Suddenly, a red-haired girl in a pink robe cam down the girls dormitory stairs. It was Ginny.

"Hi," Ginny whispered, sitting next to Marina, "Another dream?"

Marina nodded. "It's fine. I'm okay."

Ginny hugged her big sister. "You don't have to be okay. Sometimes...you need to cry. Sometimes you need to talk to someone. And once you do, everything will be alright."

"And since when were you a bloody therapist?" asked Marina.

"Since I got a big sister and my best friend." smiled Ginny. Marina hugged the girl.

"I love you, crackhead." Marina smiled.

"That's too bad. Cause I do too tosspot." Ginny replied.


𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐒 back on, it was time to study. And the one thing Marina had in common with Hermione, was their love for learning. So it was only natural the two were study partners. Inside the library on a chilly day, Marina decided to wear the jacket Potter had given her for Christmas for her and Hermione's study session.

"Name all the ingredients of a Confusing Concotion." questioned Hermione.

"Shit — sneezewort, lovage, and..."

"Come on Marina you know this!" encouraged Hermione.

"Oh! Scurvy grass!" answered Marina.

"We studied for an hour and a half, brilliant." Hermione said looking at her timer. The two the stood up from their table with their book bags, and started to walk out of the library.

"Um...Marina?" Hermione asked nervously.


"Did Harry get you that?"

"Yea. Why?"

"...You look nice in that jacket,"

Marina turned to Hermione. "Piss off."

The two girls continued to walk to Transfiguration, and arrived at the classroom just in time for the lecture. And after many odd glares and a page full of notes, the class had ended.

"Weasley, female, wait." McGonagall said, making Marina stop in her tracks.

"Yes Professor?" winked Marina.

"I suppose that jacket is gifted from Potter?" said McGonagall, with a mischievous smile.

"Yes...why the fuck does everyone keep asking that?" Marina mumbled.

"Well...carry on. And watch your language Weasley."

"Just for you Min!" Marina shouted as she walked out of the classroom and into the corridor.

As Marina arrived in the common room, waiting for Lavender and Pavarti to arrive, Fred and George were now suddenly on her tail.

"Well hello She-Devil!" exclaimed Fred.

"It's nice to see you!" finished George.

"Hello blonkers. What do you want now?" teased Marina.

"Well we noticed your jacket..." said George.


"We suggest you take a look yourself at the back of your clothes before you wear em!" laughed Fred. Who then ran off with George.

"What the hell are they talking about?" spat Marina as her best friends took a seat next to her.

"Haven't you looked at your jacket?" Lavender asked.

"Oh boy — I'm going to get my ear muffs —" Pavarti mumbled going to the girls dorms.

"Why?" asked Marina.

"Because your going to scream when I say that it's says H. POTTER on the back of your jacket. And I'm hungry as an ox." Pavarti answered as her stomach rumbled.

Marina scrambled to take off her jacket, to see H. POTTER in yellow bold letters. She only had one reaction — shit. As she stood up from the sofa, she looked around to see a smiling Harry standing with Ron.

"So Potter." Marina said calmly walking up to him.

"Your very calm...I assume you liked the gift?" Harry said stretching nervously.

"Oh it's nice but..."

"Run Harry. I know that look...run." whispered Ron.

Harry started to run around the common room as Marina chased him down. Making the entire gryffindor house burst into laughter. Crookshanks as well had her own chase too. The cat had started to chase the very thin Scabbers. As tripped on Crookshanks, Marina jumped onto the Gryffindor couch, Harry jumped on as well. Now making him lay on top of her.

"Hi." Harry smiled with a tint of red on his cheeks.

"I hate you." Marina whispered.

"You should keep that jacket, it looks good on you." Harry replied.

Marina scoffed. "Piss off you dense tosspot."

"Oi! Get off my sister!" Ron scolded. Harry immediately got off Marina. Then the two boys went off to bed.

"Well that was entertaining." Pavarti said sipping on a tea next to Lavender. "I honestly should have seen that coming."

"You did just join Divination Club." giggled Lavender.

"Oh fuck off you two." Marina said.

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