Family Life

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Over four months Kurenai and Kakashi both agreed that the best way to train a ninja to go day's without sleep was to have then take care of a baby. However Hizashi's tip turned out to be a life saver for the both of them.

"I don't think I'd be able to get out of bed if I was on my own." Kurenai said as she drank a cup of coffee while Kakashi cooked breakfast

"Who knew such a little thing could make so much noise?" Kakashi said as he set a plate of pancakes on the table in front of Kurenai


"You're welcome."

After she had taken a couple of bites they both heard a small cry come from out of the nursery. "I got him." Kurenai said as she wiped off her mouth and walked out of the room. As she left Kakashi started to heat up a bottle and mashed up some fruit into a mush for their son as Kurenai walked into the room Kakashi turned to see a dark haired baby in a dark blue onesy and a small black mask covering his mouth as he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning Naruto." Kakashi said as he kissed the boy on the forehead and set down the bottle as well as the bowl of mush next to Kurenai's plate. Naruto made some gurgling noise as he started to wake up

"Kakashi can you hand me one of his bibs?" Kakashi walked over to one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out a small piece of cloth that he handed Kurenai.

"Here you go."

"Thank you." Kakashi allowed his fingers to run across the back of her hand as he handed her the fabric. Kurenai smiled at him as he went back to the stove to finish making his breakfast.

Over the four months since they had both adopted Naruto a lot had happened. When the two of them had walked around the village with Naruto for the first time almost every civilian woman and kunoichi stopped to gush over the little bundle in Kurenai's arms and every civilian man and shinobi would pat Kakashi on the back most of the time saying. "Congratulations on your brand new son." It wasn't until they sat down with Asuma that the two realized that a certain 'Green Beast' had decided to say that instead of adopting Naruto the two of them had kept Kurenai's pregnancy hidden from everyone in the village and since she is the genjutsu mistress everyone believed that. Kakashi and Kurenai sighed with they heard that but they both agreed that since they were already planning on keeping him hidden anyway it just made the Hatake tradition easier to pull off. Kakashi produced the same light material mask that he had himself when he was a baby it was thin and breathable it also had a genjutsu on it that allowed food and drink to pass through the mask so the same that was on Kakashi's current mask so he didn't have to remove it to eat.

As time passed Kakashi and Kurenai got more and more use to the idea of being parents they were also able to always find a babysitter in Asuma, Gai (if they were desperate), or Hianite Hyuga (Haishi's wife.) who had no problems looking over Naruto as well as her own child Hinata.

It was during their first night away from Naruto when they were out for a night on the town Kakashi decided to treat her out to one of the more fancy resturants in Konoha. The two spent the entire night just talking with each other getting to better know the other Kurenai almost cried when she heard the whole story behind his Sharingan eye. Kakashi listened to her as she talked about her past and her dreams of changing a lot of minds about kunoichis that they weren't women of lose moral but warriors that protected their home. Kakashi was surprised to hear himself laughing and enjoying his time with the red eyed beauty she in turn felt the same way as they walked home both unaware that they were now holding hands as they were walking down the street until they arrived home to see Hianite giving them a knowing look as she left with little Hinata asleep in her arms.

Both Jounin blushed although Kakashi's mask kept it hidden over time the two of them went on a few other dinner dates getting to not only better know each other but also as a way to try and help make Naruto's life easier in the long run. One night in particular when Kurenai came home sore after a long day of training as she walked through the doors holding the back of her neck "Rough day?"

"That's putting it mildly." Kakashi gave a small laugh as she sat down next to him.

"Here let me help." He said as he turned and made her turn her back to him.

"What are you…mmmm?" She gave a comforted sigh as Kakashi started to work the kinks in her should and neck as he worked deeper into her sore muscles Kurenai moaned a little as she leaned forward. "Where did you get these magical fingers?" Kurenai asked in a breathless tone

"I was born with them." Kakashi said as he started to work on her lower back.

"Thank you for this. No one has ever done anything like this for me in the past."

"You're welcome Kurenai." Kakashi said as he continued working the muscles in her back and shoulders until his could no longer feel any kinks. "Now your feet." He said

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me it'll help."

"Okay." she said as she made herself comfortable on the couch and rested her feet next to him. As he started to work on her feet Kurenai moaned at his touch "God I did needed this!" she shouted in her mind. Kakashi smiled as he worked it wasn't often that he was able to make a woman sound like this but he wasn't thinking of this as something from Icha Icha Paradise he saw it as a way to help a fellow ninja.

After he finished working on her feet Kurenai looked at him with a faraway look. "You would make millions if you did that professionally."

"Maybe when I retire. I don't think I could handle the quiet life unless I had to."

"It's a good retirement plan. You can teach Naruto so he can help the kunoichi that winds up stealing his heart…" Kurenai paused after she said that Kakashi saw her eyes change loss the blissful look as he saw a small bit of sorrow fill them.


"I shouldn't have said that." She whispered Kakashi almost missed it

"Why? It's okay to dream about our son having a happy life."

"Naruto maybe the only child I ever hold in my lifetime." one of his eyebrows rose up at the statement.

"What makes you so sure of that?"

Kurenai snorted as she look Kakashi in the eye "Look at me I'm not exactly what people call a catch." Kakashi was surprised at the statement

"If you think that then you're one of the dumbest women I've ever met." Kakashi said making Kurenai jump in surprise at the slightly harsh tone of his voice. "Kurenai. You're one of the most beautiful women in the village why you think of yourself in such a way is beyond me."


"Don't you dare start to contradict that statement right now! Kure-chan any shinobi would be lucky to have caught your eye. You have a great personality one that could be compared to the sun warm and lively, your hair is just like silk soft yet strong, sure your eyes may cause a few people to finch I get the same reaction when they see my Sharingan, Kurenai you are a beautiful woman with one of the largest hearts I've ever seen. Every day when I see you holding Naruto in your arms I can't help but think I'm looking at one of the most beautiful painting in the entire world." Kurenai felt tears start to fall from her eyes as he moved to sit in from of her and he placed his hand on her cheek watching as she turned into his hand rubbing her cheek against his hand.


"Kure-chan I don't know what it is about you but ever sense we started to do this together I can't help but think of you. I can barely breathe right, my heart won't stop ponding in my chest when I see you, and I swear I've laughed and smiled more in these past months then I have my entire life. You did all of that Kure-chan don't ever think of yourself as anything else but the amazing woman you are."

Kurenai slowly reached her hand forward and placed it on his cheek and tucked her fingers into the top of his mask. "There's a second one under it." Kakashi said making Kurenai give a small snort of laughter before she tucked her fingers into the second mask as well and pulled them down to reveal his face. She smiled when she saw complete trust in Kakashi's eye as she looked at his sculpted face and brought her other hand up and ran the both of them over it. Kakashi closed his eye at the touch enjoying the feeling of her callused yet soft hands as they moved along his face.

"Kashi-kun I'm falling for you too." She whispered making his eye open wide as he looked at her. "Ever since that first night when I heard you sing to Naruto I can't stop myself from wanting to be around you. My heart flutters every time I hear you laugh and I see you smile, when I watch you with our son I dream that one day you'll be doing the same for a second child that you and I actually created together…I can't stop thinking about…" She never finished the sentence as both Kakashi and Kurenai leaned forward and captured each other lips the kiss only lasted ten seconds but to them it felt like a lifetime.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." Kakashi admitted as he leaned forward again to kiss her bright red lips a second time Kurenai moaned a little as she smiled against his mouth they kept giving each other little kisses until they heard the sound of Naruto waking up and wanting dinner.

Ever since that night the two of them became an official couple although the only ones who really knew they were a new couple were Asuma, Gai, Hiashi and his family, and the Hokage everyone else in the village just thought they were so sweet together especially when they had little Naruto with them the little tyke was always happy when they were walking around the village he'd laugh every once in a while a sound that melted not only Kurenai's heart but the heart of every woman in the village that heard it. Kakashi smiled when he saw that and would joke that his son would be the new heart throb of Konoha and he received a punch to the back of the head whenever Kurenai was there to hear him

"Don't talk about my baby boy like that, or I destroy your favorite books before they're a bad influence on him." she always said with a smile while Kakashi felt a shiver run down his spine

"Yes dear." the copy ninja said in a defeated voice

"Now you know how the rest of us feel."

Kakashi turned to see Shikaku Nara walked toward the couple. Shikaku was walking with his wife Yoshino and their young son Shikamaru Shikaku was wearing his trademark vest that stuck out in all directions on the top, grey guards on his shoulders, and purple gloves and pants as well as ninja sandals. He also seemed to have recently combed out his goatee that ended at a point on his chin Yoshino was wearing a light green kimono and her hair was done up in a bun with two ceremonial sticks in her hair (AN: I didn't want to call them chopsticks.)

"It was rather sneaky of the two of you to keep such happy news from us." Yoshino said to Kurenai as she looked down a smiling Naruto.

"I didn't want to be pulled from active duty though I may rethink that if we have a second one." Kurenai smiled as she saw the Nara heir sleeping soundly in his mother's arms

"Must you have him wear that mask?"

"Afraid so. It is tradition in my family." Kakashi said with an eye smile at the woman.

"He's a very lively thing. He'll be a troublesome young man." Shikaku said as he shook his head

"Just because he isn't lazy like you doesn't mean he'll be troublesome." Yoshino said looking at him that he knew all too well.

Shikaku sighed as looked over at Kakashi "See what I mean?"

"Not really. Kure-chan has only given me warnings about Naruto picking up my habit of always being late or my addiction to Icha Icha."

Shikaku looked up at him and snorted "Lucky bas…" Kakashi looked frightened as he clamped his hand over Shikaku's surprised mouth.

"What were you about to say?" Kurenai asked in a sweet tone and a little smile with her eyes closed even though she looked harmless and kinda cute both men felt a shiver run down their spine "N…n…nothing." Shikaku said

"That's what I thought." Kurenai said as Yoshino and her walked ahead of the two of them once she was turned away from them both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shikaku-san swearing in front of Kurenai when Naruto is around is a worse taboo then calling an Akimichi fat."

"Right I still remember the way Chouza reacted to that word." Shikaku said remembering his friend's reaction was considered deadly to the person that attacked Shikaku shivered trying to think of what could make that seem worse. "We're actually on our way to meet up with some of the other shinobi parents why don't you three join us?"

"I think that's a great idea it'll allow the children to get to know each other better." Kakashi smiled as the two walked up to their families to hear the remints of the same conversation

"That sounds like a great idea allowing all of this generation to meet one another." Kurenai said

"Then we're all agreed. Let's head to that park for the picnic. Don't worry Inoichi always packs way to much he's always ready for Chouza's appetite." Shikaku said as he wrapped his arm around his wife's waist as the four parents walked towards Konoha's memorial park. The four walked into a scene that made them all smile so far all of the clans and their heirs had shown up. Kurenai smiled seeing little Ino trying to play with Hinata who was being very shy Choji and his father were sitting close to the food so they could get at it as soon as available though Choji was going to be getting some of the Akimichi baby food instead of anything he saw in front of him. Kiba was playing with his sister Hana's canine partners and Shino wearing a tiny pair of sun glasses just sat there and watched everything. Hizashi had brought Neji along with them the one year old just stood near Hinata like a little bodyguard they also saw a little girl there with two buns in her hair almost like panda ears but since she was walking next to one of Chira Misusachi the best weapon's mistresses of Konoha could only mean she was Tenten Misusachi.

"Hey everyone I've brought along the Hatake's." Shikaku called out making everyone turn to see the most talked about couple in Konoha. Kakashi just eye smiled as waved at them while Naruto started to wake up making Kurenai smile down at her son. Naruto laughed at his mother's smile making her heart melt at the sweet sound she sometimes wondered if Naruto laughed just to make her smile more.

Tsume Inuzuka smiled at the sound "Kiba come and meet a possible teammate of yours." she said as she lifted her son up out of the reach of Hana's triplet dogs. The other parents smiled as got up with their respective child as well Hinata having spent the most time with Naruto smiled at her friend Naruto smiled as well as his little hand moved up and down in a crazed wave like motion that made the parents smile at his antics. Ino tried to pull of his mask only to see a second mask underneath it making a few of the parents want to face fault each of them had been hoping to see little Naruto's face his father and mother laughed at the looks on all their faces.

"It looks there is yet another mysterious Hatake in the world!" A loud voice called out making everyone there flinch at the sound as Mito Gai appeared holding a mini version of himself eyebrows and all. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my adopted son Rock Lee."

"That poor kid." They all thought.

"Kakashi let it be said here and now my youthful son will beat yours my eternal rival there's will be a great rivalry that will out class even the two of us."

Kakashi the entire time was playing with his son when he looked up at Gai and said the words that always drove him nuts "Hmm. You say something?"

Gai screamed in dismay "DARN YOU KAKASHI AND YOUR TOO COOL ATTITUDE!" everyone there even the kids sweat dropped at the man. "Just you wait Kakashi in no time Lee will be ready for the Flames of Youth!"

Kakashi turned Kurenai and Naruto away from the man and called out to the others "Don't look!" mere seconds later they heard screams of horror before they the Nara's, and Aburame's turned to see everyone else on the ground all of them victims of Gai's sunset genjutsu. Kakashi kneeled down and checked Tsume's vitals

"There alive well the adults are alive I don't know about the kids." a monotone voice answered. "The children are okay but it looks like they have been scarred for life."

"Thanks for the warning Kakashi-san." Shino's mother said in a monotone voice

"It was no problem I've seen what that genjutsu does to people I can't break it even with my Sharingan." the adults that were standing shivered at that motion. "They should all be able to awaken in about an hour." Kakashi said as he looked towards Gai

"Who let you adopt that poor child?"

"When I saw this little guy I knew he was meant for the Flames of Youth and since he's an orphan I adopted him."

Kakashi shook his head. "Gai you are just too much." He said as the other parents started to awaken.

Time skip (Four years)

Naruto Hatake woke up as the morning sun's rays hit his face the four year old stretched out his arms as he woke up and walked out of his room towards the kitchen still wearing his pajamas. "Morning son."

"Mm." Kakashi laughed as Naruto sat down at the table not long after Kurenai walked into the kitchen dressed in her night wear as well

"Morning Kure-chan."

"Mm." Kurenai said as she sat next to her son. Kakashi laughed again although Naruto was adopted he wound up inherited a few things from them both from Kurenai Naruto seemed to have picked up her slow waking syndrome as Kakashi liked to call it since neither one of them actually woke up until their morning cup of milk/coffee. He also seemed to pick up her studious attitude with books from Kakashi along with his mask he picked up the habit of reading while he walked and every once in a while he would adopt his father's carefree lazy tone but also his fierce loyalty towards the ones he cares about. As Kakashi laid down a plate of pancakes in front of his son and wife along with a glass in front of them both with an 'Mm' from both of them as they both took long draughts from their drink of choice.

"Much better. Morning Naruto morning Kashi-kun."

"Morning Kaa-chan Tou-san."

"What time is Shikamaru expecting you?" Kurenai asked

"Around nine. Why do you guys need to go to the hospital again Kaa-chan?" Kurenai smiled at her son as she fingered the wedding band on her right hand. In the four years of Naruto's life the two had decide to tie the knot with Kurenai's friend Anko as the maid of honor and Asuma as best man it had been a small event but it had drawn all the clan's there to see. Naruto was there ring bearer while Ino was the flower girl since her family was supplying them all. Naruto had stayed with the Nara clan while they went on their honeymoon he Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba were the four best of friends they considered Shino as one as well but it was hard to call him a best friend when he barely talked to them but every once in a while when he was invited to play with them he would raise his eye brow and say yes. Naruto was the one that figured out that that meant he was smiling or as close to smiling as an Aburame could

Shikamaru liked Naruto because the two of them shared an interest in Shogi and Go almost every day the two of them would play together. Kakashi smiled the first time he saw his son learning the game of Shogi from the Nara heir Choji found Naruto and Shikamaru easy people to hang with the two of them never made fun of him and would sometimes encourage him out of his shell.

Kiba and Naruto became friends when Naruto showed that he truly cared about animals when every once in a while when he found one that was injured at the training grounds he always brought them with great care to Hana to look after. Kiba grew to respect him and after Hana's partners showed by licking his face that Naruto could be completely trusted Kiba started to consider Naruto as an honorary Inuzuka Kurenai smiled when she heard about the reason behind Naruto's fang necklace.

Naruto also showed that he had a love for nature when he and Ino were walking and always stepped around the plant life, Hinata was still shy but she opened up to Naruto more often because he would always listen to her talk and help her slowly overcome her shyness. And just like Gai predicted Lee considered Naruto to be his eternal rival just like his father considered Kakashi his.

Both parents always laughed when they remembered the first time the rivalry began the Hatake family was sitting in the park just enjoying the warm day when Gai and Lee walked up to them and Lee turned to the mask wearing boy who was reading a book about kenjutsu.

"Naruto my eternal rival I challenge you to a contest! If I lose I'll do a hundred laps around the village!" Naruto looked up from his book at the mini version of Gai and said

"Hm. You say something?"

"GAAH! HE HAS HIS FATHERS TOO COOL ATTITUDE!" Lee screamed out. "Naruto I challenge you to a game of ro-sham-bo!"

Naruto sighed as he lifted his hand and said "Alright. Ready?"

Lee nodded and yelled out. "Ro! Sham! Bo!" His hand was in the shape of a rock while Naruto had paper "GAAH! I LOST! Well looks like I have some laps to do!" Lee said as he took off


"Same challenge and penalty. Ready?"

"Ready! Ro! Sham! Bo!" Gai showed paper while Kakashi had scissors Gai face faulted then he ran to catch up with his son. As soon as the two of them were out of sight and ear shot both Hatake men fell over laughing holding their stomachs.

Back in the present Kurenai looked at her young son

"Well your father and I need to visit the hospital for something called a physical that's where a medical-nin checks our bodies to make sure we're alright."

"And you will be completely bored if you had to wait the entire time." Kakashi said as he sat down and joined his family for breakfast. Both Naruto and Kakashi started to eat there breakfast through there mask which made Kurenai smile the genjutsu they used was amazing to her. Naruto's mask was a dark blue while his fathers was black after breakfast Naruto dressed in his work out cloths and followed his morning routine of laps around the house, push-ups, sit-ups, and Taijutsu practice with his father. Kurenai at first was worried that they were starting his training to soon but never said anything when she heard both father and son smile and laugh as they trained together.

Kakashi set up a wooden dummy and grabbed a couple of black straps "These are training weights son three pounds apiece for now until you get older. Do you know why we use these?"

"To increase strength and speed."

"Very good. Now strap these one and let's get to work." Naruto nodded as he put on the weights and stood up. "Now I want you to wear these at all times except when in the bath of course or if I tell you to." Naruto nodded as he walked towards the dummy and started following the kata's his father had already taught him from the Hatake Wolf Fist style developed by his grandfather the white fang of Konoha. Kakashi watched his son as he worked to grow use to the weights and train in their family Taijutsu style. Kakashi looked at his watch and said "Alright that's enough for now Naruto Shikamaru is expecting you in an hour."

Naruto nodded as he stopped and walked inside to shower and get dressed Kakashi walked over towards the dummy and saw the fissures Naruto's fist had started to make in the wood. Kakashi smiled with pride "He's on his way to being a powerful Shinobi." he though as he felt a presents behind him. "Yes what can I do for you?" Kakashi said to the air only for a weasel masked anbu to appear before him.

"Hatake-sempi Hokage-sama request the presents of you family in his chambers at around two in the afternoon."

"Very well we'll be there." The anbu nodded as he vanished from sight.

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