Final Rounds and Let the Tournament Begin

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Five days after an action packed first day Teams Ten and Seven were standing in a room filled with Genin. All the rookie teams had made it as had Team Gai, the Oto team, Suna team, and a Kiri team. Naruto looked around and saw that the Oto and Kiri team looked scuffed up while everyone else was alright Naruto smiled inwardly all of the Konoha 14 had arrive with two days to spare. Today was the day for to find out what they would be doing next for the exams as they all waited for Hiruzen to finish his little speech about the purpose of the Chunin exams until a familiar cough hit the air.

"Hokage-sama I think I should take it from here." Hayate asked making the Third nod as he backed away "My name is Hayate Gekko and the reason we must hold Preliminaries is because the leaders of the countries has better things to do with their time. So we need to limit how many of you move on. This is also the time for any of you to forfeit and it will not affect you team." When no one raised their hand Hayate moved on. "Your match will be decided at random by this screen. Once you see your name appears step onto field and fight until either your opponent is unconscious, unable to continue, dead, or if I call it. My word is law here if you fail to follow my rules you will disqualified immediately." Hayate said and waited before the screen turned on and started to randomly run through names rapidly. Everyone watched as the names traveled until they settled on Sai vs. Naruto Hatake everyone left the arena to give the two Genin room.

Naruto noticed that Sai looked up to the stands Naruto followed his line of sight and saw Danzo the war hawk looking down at the two of them. Danzo gave a slight negative shake of his head that made Naruto curious until Sai raised his hand "Proctor I forfeit." making Naruto go from curious to suspicious as he turned and walked up the stairs and joined his team. He was happy to see that his team and the Jonin noticed the slight exchange between Sai and Danzo making Naruto whisper one word "Root." before the board started up again.

Most of the matches were boring and not worth watching especially when Sakura tried to talk about how she was going to kick Ino's ass in their match. Only to be defeated by a well-placed D ranked Water Jutsu by Ino knocking Pinky out. Ino looked close to tears when she rejoined the team "What's wrong Ino?" Choji had asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

As soon as she was against Choji's chest she started bursting into laughter "That little idiot hasn't done a lick of training since Wave." Ino said as tears of mirth left her eyes.

A loud sounding smack hit the air making everyone look to see Kakashi had face palmed and was slowly moving his hand down his face all the while mumbling something that sounded like "Useless fan girls." before he hung his head. Naruto laughed a little at his father's actions before he watched the Oto Shinobi Zuko get his arms destroyed by Shino.

Choji won his match against a Kiri Shinobi, Shikamaru beat the Oto Kunoichi, and Temari beat Tenten in her fight. The last Oto Shinobi got the arm with his metal weapon cut off by the Kiri Kunoichi's Katana. Neji won his match against Hinata, Lee won his match against Kankuro, Kiba lost his match against Mizuri when she used poison and wind attacks to stop his family techniques, next was Sasuke beating the final Kiri Shinobi, and finally Gaara was given a bye.

Naruto, Ino, Shino, Choji, Shikamaru, Temari, Rukia (Kiri Kunoichi), Neji, Lee, Mizuri, Sasuke, and Gaara all stood in a line in front of the Third as Anko walked up with a box with a hole in the top. "Now to determine who faces who in the finals each of you will draw a number. After that we will show you the matches of the tournament that is the final round of the Chunin exams."

Everyone walked forward and drew their numbers calling them out. (Same order as lineup.) "1." "10." "3." "7." "9." "8." "2." "11." "4." "5." "12." "6." Hayate nodded as he wrote down each position.

"Alright the first matches are Naruto Hatake vs. Rukia. Shino Aburame vs. Rock Lee. Mizuri vs. Gaara of the Desert. Choji Akimichi vs. Temari of the Desert. Shikamaru Nara vs. Ino Yamanaka. Finally Neji Hyuga vs. Sasuke Uchiha. Take the month free you have to not only prepare for your first match but for your future matches." Hayate said making everyone nod.

As soon as they all headed out of the forest they met up with their sensei to decide how the training was going to work since they couldn't keep doing team training. "As of now none of you will work together with us so we're going to have to split you apart to get some decent training." Asuma said as he lit a cigarette

"Then we'll just have to figure it out for ourselves." Naruto said making everyone nod. "Actually Naruto Hayate has expressed interest in taking you on as a student something I think you should consider since he is the number one swordsman of Konoha." Naruto looked up and nodded with a thoughtful expression.

"He'll meet you for your first training session at Training Field 12 at around noon." Yugao said with a smile.

"Temari since only Shino made it from my team and has expressed that he wishes to work with his family I would like to offer to work with you for your Genjutsu." Kurenai said making Temari nod at the idea.


"I need to work with Tou-san on some of our family techniques."

"As do I but I would also like to do a little more with my Kenjutsu." Shikamaru said making Yugao nod. "Ino?"

"Same as my Shika and Choji but can I also learn some more water jutsu?" Kakashi nodded since he was the one that knew the most water jutsu.

"Alright then let the month of training begin." Kakashi said making the Genin nod before they all went their separate ways.

For Naruto the month included early morning Kenjutsu training followed by training with Jiraiya in seals, ninjutsu, and a few toad jutsu. However Jiraiya wanted to see just how far Naruto could go and started teaching him the Rasengan as well. "Hey Ero-Sennin?"

"Why must you call me that Gaki?!"

"Why does this feel like it's incomplete?" Naruto asked ignoring Jiraiya who blinked "Kid your only on the first step what do you mean it doesn't feel complete?" Naruto looked up at him.

"Well I asked Tou-san about the Rasengan and what it is able to do but it sounds like it was meant to do more than be a way for the Fourth to send someone flying or kill them with a ball of chakra."

"Not even training with this Jutsu for a day and he already figured that out. Damn this kid is definitely Minato's." The toad sage thought as he looked at Naruto "Well kid your right. The Rasengan is an incomplete jutsu. The Fourth wanted to do more than just create a spiritual chakra move he wanted to find a way to combine his elemental chakra with regular jutsu. The Rasengan was going to be that jutsu but he never finished it." Naruto nodded at the explanation before he got back to work.

"Can he be the one to finish the jutsu?" Jiraiya asked himself. Every night Naruto and Temari worked themselves till they passed out as soon as they hit their bed the training was hard for everyone and everyone was doing everything they could to gain the chance to be promoted. The month passed quickly for everyone and they gathered together in the stadium Temari was surprised to see that everyone including herself and Naruto had changed their attire.

Rukia the Kiri swordswoman facing Naruto had ditched the blue body suit that she had arrived in to a black robe like outfit that flowed giving her more reach when she fought.

Shino had changed his jacket to where it now had a hood that covered the top of his head as well as his face only leaving his sunglasses in view.

Lee had added a dark red vest to his jumpsuit but from the way its pockets bulged Temari knew that he had something hidden.

Choji now wore armor just like his father it worked well with his Zanpakuto still strapped to his back with a belt.

Ino changed her clothing from solid purple to black with purple lines the basic outline of her outfit remained the same but her legs, and arms were wrapped in bandages while her Kusarigama wrapped around her waist.

Sasuke was now wearing a black spandex outfit while one of his arms were bandaged and his left leg as well the Uchiha fan showing with pride on his back.

Neji now wore flowing lose clothing as well (A/N: This of his Shippuden outfit.) Temari was happy to see Gaara's choice in clothing (Same thing as Shippuden).

The only one that hadn't changed was Mizuri while she had changed her Kimono's so that her raven was now always joined by a wolf to show off her relationship with Naruto.

Naruto didn't change much except turning the color of his ANBU shin and arm guards to black instead of grey, and his weapons pouches were now grey instead of brown. Up in the stands everyone was gathered as they waited for the matches to start Haku sat with the other Rookies as she looked down at the four that had captured her, and the one that had taken her heart in the time since she arrived.

"Who do you think will make it?"

Kiba asked Hinata "Naruto and Shikamaru definitely probably Temari."

"What about the others?" Haku asked.

"While Sasuke is good his arrogance still sometimes gets the better of him, Neji might be able to make it but I'm not sure, Ino and Choji had the capacity but Choji's flaw in his anger can be his down fall while Ino's chakra capacity is still low. I don't know the others well enough to say whether or not they'll make it." Hinata said making the two nod while their sensei and Anko sat a few rows above them.

Iruka had been able to convince the third to allow him to bring his class of students so they could see the exams especially when he made the point the Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki were just going to sneak out so they could watch anyway.

The three mentioned students were sitting with the Jonin Sensei "What do you think mama?" Kyouki asked as they looked down at the gathered Genin. "Well I have faith in your brother and his team on passing the others, and of course I have faith in Shino since he is my own student, the others however I don't know enough to give a good guess." Kurenai said looking at her husband.

"Kakashi?" Asuma asked his fellow Jonin "The match between Naruto and Lee will decide if either of them are ready for Chunin." Kakashi said making everyone look down as see Lee getting pumped while Naruto ignored him once again.

"That match will cause quite a stir." A new voice said making everyone look up to see Itachi Uchiha not wearing his ANBU clothing as he took a seat behind them as his mother smiled at them and took a seat.

"Come to cheer on your little brother?"

"That and I wish to see if he will finally get that rematch against Naruto he's been trying to get since Naruto and Temari got engaged." Itachi said making his fellow Jonin look at each other before nodding in agreement. Above it all in the Hokage box Hiruzen Sarutobi wearing his usual white robes and hat watched as the Kazekage arrived in just the robes his hat hanging on his back as his guard a mask wearing Shinobi walked behind him.

"Ah Kazekage-dono it is good to see you again."

"And you as well Hokage-dono." The two shook hands before they were joined by a woman with long red hair wearing robes as white as theirs but hers were trimmed with light blue and the hat on her head had the Kenji water as she walked up followed by a man with an eye patch over one eye.

"Ah you must be Mei Terumi the new Misukage?" The Hokage said as he and the Kazekage bowed to her which she returned. "I am and thank you for welcoming me into you home Hokage-dono." Mei said making the two men nod as the three all took a seat.

"Hokage-dono where is your bodyguard?"


"Running a little late. Sorry about that Sensei." Jiraiya said as he arrived making everyone look in surprise as one of the Sannin arrived while the Kazekage's guard stiffened.

"Damn…I can handle that old man but him and Jiraiya may be a problem." He thought but kept his eyes forward so as not to give himself away. "It looks like everyone is gathered let us not keep everyone waiting any longer." Hiruzen said as he stood up and walked to the edge of the box and called out in a clear voice "Welcome one and all to the Chunin exams!" the applause that followed made Jiraiya smirk.

"He did always know how to work a crowd." The Toad Sannin thought as he watched the old man work "Gathered before us are the best of their generation all waiting for the chance to show the world what they are made of! Now is the time for them all to show us all let the tournament begin!" the old man called making the entire stadium call out in agreement. The Hokage sat down with a smile as he looked down at the gathered genin "Good luck Naruto." he thought as he looked up at his student as he noticed him looking at the Hatake heir.

"Alright you heard the Hokage everyone but Naruto Hatake and Rukia of Kiri move towards the competitors' box." Hayate said as the groups headed up the stairs but not before Temari gave Naruto a quick kiss for luck and followed their teammates to the stairs. Naruto turned to his opponent and bowed slightly Rukia returned the bow before both grabbed the hilts of their blades and waited "Are you two ready?" both nodded.

"Then begin!" Hayate said before jumping out of the way the two stared each other down "Kenjutsu only?"

"Channeling allowed?"

"In your blade and legs only."

"I can accept that." Rukia said as the two began to circle one another. As they circled both Hayate and Yugao looked at them "This is going to be a battle of swordsman and these two will show many here the importance of the skill set." they thought as the two students stopped. Both moved in a blur drawing their blades the sound of a loud clash hit the air showing that Naruto had blocked Rukia's quick draw attack.

Rukia took the time to look at her enemies' blade and noticed that fang like shape of it before her eyes widened "Do you like my grandfathers' blade?" Naruto asked making Rukia look at him again.

"I should've taken a better look at it at the preliminaries." Rukia said before the two jumped away from each other. "I never thought I'd see the blade of the White Fang of Konoha." Rukia said

"It now belongs to Konoha's White Wolf as named by the Kazekage my future father in-law." Naruto said making Rukia blink in surprise while in the Kage box the Kazekage smiled.

Remembering that he had in fact called him a wolf the day he first met the young Hatake "Konoha's White Wolf? I like it." he thought as he looked over at a smirking Hiruzen and a surprised Mei.

"Then I guess I have no choice." Rukia said as water started to appear from the air and wrap around the blade increasing its strength and cutting ability Naruto however gave an eye smile.

"And I'll have to show you how my grandfather got his name." He said before Inshō-tekina Kiba started to glow Rukia watched in surprise as lightning start to cover the blade bright enough that it was completely covered in nothing but white energy that crackled and snapped.

As Naruto stood there holding the Inshō-tekina Kiba like this anyone who had ever known Shikomo Hatake were having flashbacks of the very scene especially one Kakashi Hatake.

"He looks just like Tou-san." Kakashi thought "This is why he was known as White Fang, but now it's time for you to see why I am the White Wolf!" Naruto called as he jumped into the air and swung the blade down "Lightning style Kenjutsu: Howling Wolf Strike!" Naruto called out as a wolf head made entirely of lightning left his blade and rushed at Rukia.

Everyone was bug eyed including Rukia as she jumped away at the last second barely avoiding the attack but she didn't miss the blow back of the attack that sent her flying through the air and hit the wall. "That however…is new." Kakashi said not remembering ever teaching Naruto something like at and from the surprised looks on both Asuma and Yugao's faces neither had they.

"And that is why I called him wolf when I first met him."The Kazekage thought looking at the damage Naruto's attack had caused. Mei was wide eyed at the sight of her one fighter being thrown into a wall from the blow back of an attack Rukia shook her head to clear itself of the cobwebs Naruto's attack caused.

"Alright I might have to rethink the whole water chakra thing." Rukia thought before she gipped her blade tightly and started to channel normal chakra through it. The two Genin rushed each other and started their clash anew neither was willing to give an inch and everyone watching couldn't help but admire the skill they had.

Shikamaru watched his friend and teammate fight a part of himself happy that he had focused more on his kenjutsu if Naruto now seemed able to send Jutsu from his blade.

Choji watched in fascination as Naruto used Chakra and his blade to create more lightning type jutsu all of them wolf based as he watched he began to think about using something like that with his Zanpakuto and his earth or fire element.

Ino just smirked and shook her head "Trust Naruto to give these guys an actual show of his skills." Temari was smiling as well "And to think he isn't even using his more deadly element." Temari said aloud making her brothers, Sasuke, and Mizuri all look at her in shock.

"Lighting is the piercing element, but Naruto can also channel Wind or the cutting element." Shikamaru said making the four blink in surprise none of them had known that fact.

"You mean to tell me right now he could cut her to ribbons?" Kankuro asked slightly scared of that face "He could but he won't. Naruto won't ever use his wind chakra against a comrade or in a situation that isn't life or death." Ino said.

In the stands Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki were all looking at their teacher with stars in their eyes. "Do you think he'll teach me to do that?" Kyouki asked thinking about the fact that they shared a Lightning affinity "Maybe when you've actually started to learn to use your elemental chakra." Kakashi said eye smiling down at his daughter.

"That has got to be the coolest thing I've ever seen Sensei do!" Konohamaru said bouncing slightly in his seat "Yeah right up there with summoning toads." Hanabi said making Kyouki nod in agreement.

"Toads?!" Iruka asked just to make sure he had heard right. "Yep." The two girls said after all they had witnessed the fact. Down in the area Naruto and Rukia were clashing their blades either able to get an advantage over the other "I've no other choice." Rukia thought as she jumped away and started to make one handed hand signs.

Naruto blinked in surprise before the danger hit him "Water style: Dragon Bullet Jutsu." Rukia called out as she gathered the moisture from the ground around them and the small stream that was in the arena. A liquid dragon rose up out of the water and sent three globs of water at Naruto making him squint his eyes at them before he cut through them all with his sword.

They passed him without causing harm but the wall and ground behind him was another story "Well…that was…unexpected." Rukia thought in shock.

"Did he just cut through that Jutsu?" Mei asked herself as she looked and saw surprised looks from everyone there but Jiraiya said Sannin looked slightly smug. "I see why Jiraiya was interested in this one now." A disguised Orochimaru thought as he looked at his teammate from the corner of his eye.

"Now that not only broke the rules…it pissed me off." Naruto said canceling the chakra he was channeling into the blade before he sheathed it. Rukia was slightly afraid to learn what this Konoha ninja was going to do when he lifted his right hand and held it out. Everyone watching was wondering what he was doing until they all saw the chakra start to build in his hand they all watched in fascination as it molded and shaped until it was in the shape of a sphere.

"That's…!" Kakashi thought "It can't be!" Orochimaru thought "It is!" Mei thought "So he figured out how to finally do it without the help of one of his clones?"Jiraiya asked himself his smirk growing.

In the contestants box everyone but Shikamaru and Temari were looking at the chakra sphere in confusion "Hey Shika want to fill the rest of us in?" Choji asked when he noticed this.

In the stands Kakashi's surprise was clear to the other rookies and Naruto's students "Tou-san what it is?"

"That is one of my sensei's techniques." Kakashi said making his daughter and the other non-Jonin blink in surprise.

"You're kidding?!" Ino shouted at her friends "That is one of the fourths movies?!" she called out making Sasuke widen his eyes as he looked at Naruto.

"Minato's second most famous jutsu…" Hiruzen thought as he looked down at Naruto as well.

Naruto stood there looking at Rukia "Let me show you what happens to those that piss me off." Naruto called before he seemed to vanish in the air. Rukia looked around desperately she had felt the strength of that Jutsu as Naruto was building it and she knew that she couldn't allow it to hit her body, however as she searched Naruto appeared suddenly in front of her.

As everyone watched Naruto's arm reach towards the Kiri Kunoichi Kakashi finished his explanation "The Heavenly Sphere better known as…" Kakashi didn't bother to finish as his son's voice rang clear through the stands.

"Rasengan!" Naruto called out as the sphere hit Rukia in the abdomen and was sent flying from the power of the jutsu as her body spun in the air until it was stopped by the wall behind her.

However her body kept being forced back until a large indent was left in the wall keeping Rukia from falling forward and hit the ground.

The entire stadium was silent after the display until Hayate appeared and checked Rukia and found a steady heartbeat, but from the look of her she was completely unconscious. "Rukia of Kiri is unable to continue the winner is Naruto Hatake of Konoha." Hayate called out in a loud clear voice before the sounds of clapping started and continued to grow until the arena became filled with the sound of cheers and shouts. Naruto bowed to everyone in the arena before he headed towards the competitors box.

"Will Shino Aburame and Rock Lee please come down?" Hayate called up however both waited until Naruto walked into the box Lee walked up to him and stared at him. "I am looking forward to finally settling the score my eternal rival." Lee said making Naruto look him in the eye

"Than you had better not lose." Naruto said making Lee nod before he walked past him.

Shino walked up to Naruto "Why are you now covered in the smell of Toads?"

"Signed the toad contract." Naruto explained making Shino turn stiff. "I've got to go." Shino said as he walked past Naruto making the dark haired mask wearer shake his head.

In the stands Konohamaru, Kyouki, and Hanabi were all wide eyed shock and they weren't the only ones Kiba and Sakura were still shocked as well while Tenten and Hinata had been able to get over their reactions.

Anko was smirking as she clutched a ticket "By that smile I'm guessing Naruto just won you a lot of money?" Tenten asked.

She was surprised however when all the Jonin pulled out similar tickets and smirked as well "Little hint for the future my youthful student. It is better for your wallet if you don't bet against Naruto in a fight." Gai said. As Naruto sat down in the chairs he leaned back and relaxed to replenish his chakra not bothered by the looks he got from the others in the room.

Neji was had been watching Naruto as he created the Rasengan and knew that while it took a lot of chakra it had barely scratched a dent in Naruto's reserves. "If I face him he may just be the one person that can face and beat the Gentle Fist style of the Hyuga clan. I'm glad now that he had insisted that I learn to do more than rely on my blood line." Neji thought as he turned to the fight that was about to start.

"Now they can all see why it was comforting to not be in his bracket. Let guys like Lee and Gaara handle the powerhouse of Team Ten. I know exactly what to do if I face him…surrender." Shikamaru thought before he leaned against the rails and looked up at the clouds. "Man what a drag."

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