Finals Continue

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Lee and Shino stared each other down getting ready…or Lee got ready while Shino just stood there his hands in his pockets. Hayate was ready to bring his hand down when suddenly Shino raised his hand into the air "Proctor I forfeit the match." his voice was clear and loud but Lee still face faulted while a few others followed including Gai.

"Why Shino?"

Lee asked/begged to know "Because you might not have noticed but my bugs have been on you since you entered into the arena." Shino said pointing a small swarm of bugs flew off of Lee and back to Shino. "My bugs were able to get almost nothing off of you meaning that you either don't have much chakra or you're a hand to hand expert. Considering who your father is that isn't a surprise. Plus…I really don't want to face Naruto's summons." Shino shivered at the idea making Lee face fault again this time everyone but Naruto and Shikamaru joined him.

"Winner by forfeit Rock Lee." Hayate said while Lee slummed back to the contestants box Naruto almost found it funny but decided to be nice as Lee walked up. "Will…"

"Proctor I forfeit as well." Mizuri called down making Hayate sigh but he understood from what he had seen Gaara was strong and she wasn't going to get anywhere with her poison techniques.

"Will Choji Akimichi and Temari of the Desert please come down?" Choji and Temari left the box but not before Naruto and Ino stole a good luck kiss from their loved one. Soon the two walked onto the field both stretching slightly before facing one another in the middle of the field "Luck Temari."

"Same to you Choji." Choji nodded as he got into his stance Temari nodded as she uncovered her Naginata in her stance as well. "Begin!" Hayate called as he jumped away "Wind style Kenjutsu!" Temari called as she moved the blade of her staffed weapon in the air above her. "Raven Sickle!" Temari called before motioning her weapon towards Choji who jumped away as a raven shape came at him "Not going to work." Choji thought as he started hand signs.

"Earth style: Earth Wall Jutsu!" Choji called before slamming his hand down making a large rock wall appear before him blocking him from Temari's view. The wall took the blunt of the attack but still broke through leaving it as nothing but rabble Temari looked around in a defensive stance when she noticed that nothing but rock was there.

"Looks like it isn't just Naruto that's been changing up their Jutsu list." Asuma said making Yugao nod as they waited for their student to reappear. "Where is he?" Temari asked as she looked around her "He's not above or to the side which means…shit!" Temari mentally cursed before she jumped up just as Choji appeared behind where had been.

Choji had jumped out of the ground and into the air pressing his hands together. "Expansion Jutsu!" Choji called before blowing up like a balloon and quickly tucking in his arms and legs "Human bolder!" he called as he started spinning in the air. "Smart idea." Naruto said looking down at the arena "What do you mean?" Sasuke asked "Choji's family jutsu are usually easy to avoid because you had a large amount of room to move around in but since this is a closed off space…" Ino explained making Sasuke blink.

Chouza smiled at the sight of his son using their jutsu to fight so well "Does a fathers heart proud to see their child doing so well." he said making his friends and former teammates nod in understanding.

Temari cursed again as she was forced to dodge Choji as he rolled around the entire arena causing destruction all around. "Shit, shit, shit Naruto warned me what would happen if I let Choji get going." Temari thought "Time to press the breaks." Temari thought flipping through hand signs. "Wind style: Grand Breakthrough!" Temari called before sending two torrents of wind from her palms at Choji hitting the large rolling ball while it didn't harm Choji it was slowing him down.

Choji stopped rolling and returned to normal before going through signs "Earth Style: Mud Ball jutsu." Choji said before breathing deeply and spitting out a large ball of mud at Temari making her dodge again as it hit the ground where she had been. "I see he decided to focus on his Earth Element as well." Kakashi said looking at the fight "Temari and Naruto can't be the only ones to pull off surprises Kashi-kun." Kurenai said making her husband nod in agreement.

"Most impressive but you're going to have to think your way out of this Temari." The Kazekage thought watching his daughter "Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Temari called making a chakra enhanced mist appear surrounding the stadium.

"That…would do it." The Kage thought as he looked over at a shocked Mei "Where did she learn that?" Mei asked. "Thank you Naruto." Temari thought while in the box she knew her fiancé was smirking.

"You would have to help her learn something so troublesome wouldn't you?" Shikamaru asked his friend and Team leader "Actually all I did was asked Haku to teach it to her to earn my forgiveness for Wave. She jumped at the chance even went above and beyond by helping Tema-chan with the silent killing technique." Naruto said.

"Still troublesome." Shikamaru said making Naruto laugh "Damn this is no different too went we faced Zabuza only this time there's no Naruto or Asuma-sensei to clear it away." Choji thought. "Are you ready for this Choji?" Temari's voice asked from all around the arena making Choji look around but he didn't move knowing that would be a very big mistake right now. "What are you planning Temari?" Choji asked himself before he felt metal against his throat making him look at see a familiar Naginata "Fuck." Choji cursed as the mist cleared away showing Temari in front of him holding the bladed staff weapon against his throat.

"Yield Choji."

"I yield." Choji said making Temari nod "Winner Temari of the Desert." the crowd cheered as Temari lowered her weapon.

"Will Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka please come down?" Hayate asked as Ino moved towards the stairs "Man what a drag I'll just…"

"Forfeit and I'll tell your mom it was because you were going to fight against a girl." Naruto said making Shikamaru pause. "Naruto…you jerk." Shikamaru said as he followed behind Ino making Naruto laugh while Temari walked up and got another kiss from Naruto.

"What did you say to make him fight?"

"Threatened him with his mother." Naruto said making Temari blink before she laughed "Pulled out the big guns huh?" she asked as she laughed.

Shikamaru stood in the arena looking at Ino who had taken out her Kusarigama waiting for Hayate to give the signal. "Troublesome." Shikamaru mentally said as he looked at the blond before him.

"Shika probably already has this whole fight planned out I've got to do something he won't be expecting…yeah easier said than done with a friend and teammate like Naruto." Ino thought "Begin!" Hayate called making Ino jump away so Shikamaru couldn't simply capture her in his Shadow Possession Jutsu. "Alright Ino show me what you're planning." Shikamaru said knowing she wasn't going to use her family techniques.

"The weakness to Shika's shadows is to be moving so fast that they can't capture you…So I'll have to finally move freely." Ino thought as she placed her hands on her wrist and pulled off the training weights making them hit the ground before she kneeled and did the same with her legs.

"So it's time for that huh?" Shikamaru thought before Ino charged at him just as she was about to reach him she swung the Sickle at Shikamaru forcing him to dodge away before jumping away. Everyone not on Ino's team was surprised at the speed she was moving at only Lee wasn't since he recognized the early weights his father had started him with. Ino kept her blade moving around like an expert forcing Shikamaru to be on the constant move to avoid the fight until he bit his finger and slammed it against the back of his left hand covering himself in smoke that cleared slightly as he charged forward a Bo staff in hand.

"What?!" Ino asked herself before Shika smirked as he twisted the staff seeming to break it in half as the Bo staff became two tompa sticks. "I see now why Tenten was so busy these past few months." Neji said "Our sensei have been saying we can't stick to being one trick ponies the fact that he went with blunt weapons this time isn't that surprising." Naruto said as he watched his friend put Ino on the defensive this time.

"Damn he was ready for me." Ino said as she avoid his strikes since he was able to get inside of her reach making her have to dodge him now before she smirked "However I was ready too." Ino thought before she dropped her Kusarigama and back flipped away a few spaces. "You aren't the only one to get seals placed on your body by Naruto!" Ino called as she unwrapped her arms showing two seals on her arms before biting two fingers and slamming them on the seals. Once the smoke cleared Ino was holding a pair of Wakizashi making Shikamaru raise an eyebrow before he placed his tompa together again and reconnected them to make a Bo staff.

"See what I mean?" Naruto asked Neji who nodded before they watched Ino charge in again but they were both impressed by how well Shikamaru was wielding his staff to block the strikes Ino was making.

"I see Ino finally decided to learn to use a sword of some kind as well." Kakashi said looking at Yugao who nodded a smile on her face "Although I am wondering where Shikamaru learned to use the Bo staff."

"Yeah that would be me." Tenten said making the Jonin look at her. "He came by my family store and asked for lessons and helped design the very staff he's using right now. When I asked why he was interested he said that he saw how well Konohamaru was able to handle himself against a bladed weapon with his staff and felt inspired to do the same…especially if he winds up in a match against Temari or Naruto. We started about four months ago." Tenten said making the Jonin raise an eyebrow but it did explain how Shikamaru was doing so well.

"I'm guessing he had you fight him with all different types of bladed weapons?" Yugao asked making Tenten nod.

Ino was surprised how well Shikamaru was fighting against her she had no idea that he was even interested in the Bo staff till now. Her moment of surprise cost her though as she felt Shikamaru drive his foot into her chest making her jump away before he tossed his staff into the air and brought his hands together. Ino was frozen in place before she was even able to recover "Shadow Possession: Success." Shikamaru said as he raised his hand forcing Ino to do the same as he caught his staff and placed one end onto the ground.

"Proctor…I forfeit." Ino said making Shikamaru nod as he retracted his shadow "Winner Shikamaru Nara." the crowd cheered as the two fighters walked back to their box "Will Neji Hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha please come down?" Hayate asked as the two in question rose up slightly and walked down the stairs.

Ino walked back into the box looking slightly down until Choji walked over and wrapped his arms around her "Remember babe even if we lose we can still become Chunin."

"I know." Ino said as she enjoyed the hug. "So Naruto who else have you been painting seals on?" Temari asked making Naruto eye smile

"Anyone who is an ally can come and ask Teme-chan. I know Auntie Anko is going to bug me soon thanks to Ino announcing it to the world." Naruto said looking at his second female teammate making her chuckle nervously. "Begin!" Hayate's shout made Naruto and the team turn to see Sasuke in his Interceptor fist stance while Neji was in his Gentle fist stance. Both had their blood line activated "Give us a show Sasuke show us what makes those eyes of yours so nice." a disguised Orochimaru thought his smirk hidden by the mast he was wearing.

Neji took the initiative and charged forward putting Sasuke on the defensive as he dodged Neji's strikes while Neji was able to avoid any counter attack that Sasuke put in place. "Neji is a close combat specialist thanks to Tou-san and while Sasuke has good Taijutsu skills he's not anywhere near his level. What are you planning Uchiha?" Lee mentally asked himself that last part as Sasuke moved away and grabbed his wrappings as well before he uncovered yet another seal "So Sasuke sealed away a weapon as well? Question is which type did he have sealed?" Neji asked himself as he waited.

"Got to give the brat credit his seal work is impressive especially if all of these people keep coming to him to get the same tattoo." Jiraiya thought. Sasuke bit his thumb and pressed it against the seal once the smoke cleared Neji felt his eyes widen when he saw the Katana in Sasuke's hands.

"I see you've been teaching him to use a blade as well?" Yugao asked looking up at Itachi who nodded "He was rather adamant when he was younger to learn to use it…right around the time Naruto started carrying his blade around as well." Itachi explained making the others nod.

"So you have Kenjutsu training as well Sasuke? Good thing I've been working on my own as well." Neji said lifting his sleeve showing off a familiar tat. "Did you give one of those to all the Rookies Naruto?" Ino asked "Except for Lee, Haruno, and Shino…pretty much." Naruto said.

"However I never stuck around long enough to see which weapons would be sealed away I always left that as your own personally secret. Although now that I see it I am wondering what Neji and Hinata have sealed away." Naruto thought.

Once the smoke cleared everyone was shocked to see a pair of hook swords in Neji's hands. "Xaolin style huh Neji?" Naruto asked himself with a smirk Sasuke smiled before he drew his Katana and charged forward the two started a Kenjutsu battle the crowd were all hanging off every move.

"These Genin all know how to put on a show." Hiruzen thought as he watched the battle "Makes me wonder if Naruto has a weapon sealed away as well." the elder thought as Sasuke was showing off his ability to predict movements and avoid them.

"These kids are all just full of surprises aren't they?" Kakashi asked making his fellow Jonin nod in agreement. No one was more surprised than the other Clan heads and elders when they saw Neji using a fighting style other than his families "It seems Naruto was a big influence on those in his generation and even those that are a year older than him." Hiashi thought. "I know Neji-Niisan wanted to keep his blades a surprise for his match against Naruto but I guess when Sasuke decided to do that same thing there was no real choice." Hinata thought.

"See Hanabi just like Sensei told you just because your clan is famous for Taijutsu doesn't mean you can't expand as well." Konohamaru said making his fellow teammate nod as she watched Neji fight. "So Naruto wants to teach you to use a weapon as well Hanabi?" Kiba asked

"Actually I've already started with Tenten-sempi helping me to learn to use claw gauntlets. Sensei thought that it would be the easiest for me to adjust to until I wished to learn something different." Hanabi said to the Inuzuka heir making him nod.

"Smart idea." Kakashi said making Hanabi smile before she faced front again as she watched in surprise as Sasuke started using the sheath of his Katana to block Neji's strikes as well. "Speaking of a smart idea." Yugao said "He's channeling his chakra into the sheath to make it strong enough to withstand Neji's strikes." Itachi said.

Down in the area Neji was thinking of his next move before he jumped back flipping in the air before landing and sealing his swords away as he started moving through hand signs making everyone blink in surprise including Sasuke. "Earth Style: Earth Spikes!" Neji called as he slammed his hands down on the ground soon the entire arena was covered in long stakes of earth that rose out of the ground making Sasuke move and dodge around trying his best to avoid the spikes.

"Glad to see he took my advice seriously." Naruto said making Shikamaru nod "Although it did create a nice surprise for everyone here." the Nara heir said making Naruto nod.

When Sasuke finally landed in a safe zone he looked around trying to find Neji only for the Hyuga to have vanished "Damn where is he?" Sasuke asked himself looking around "Eight Trigrams: Air Palm Strike!" Neji's voice came from nowhere making Sasuke turn and see the branch heir before he was struck in the chest and sent flying before landing painfully coughing up blood.

"I'm calling it. Winner of this match is Neji Hyuga." Hayate said making the crowd cheer as the Hyuga looked up in the box to see everyone applauding him.

"We will take a short ten minute break before the start of the second rounds please be back in your seats by that time." Hayate said as a few people got up to rush and take care of their needs before the next round. In the fighters box Lee was looking at Naruto with the usual fire in his eyes prepared for a good fight while Naruto sat with Temari and spent the break talking preparing for her match against Gaara.

Meanwhile in the stands Kakashi decided to finally get some answers about what exactly it was Naruto taught his students "So I know about him teaching Tree Walking and some weapons training but what else does Naruto teach you three?" he asked noticing that he wasn't the only one interested.

"Well recently it was water walking. He said that he was going to focus on that since he couldn't teach us anything big while he prepared for the exams." Kyouki said to her father making him nod in understanding. "He's really big on making sure we have almost perfect control of our chakra and building our reserves." Hanabi said

"I can't tell you how many laps up and down trees he's had us run until he believed we had completely mastered the exercise." Konohamaru grumbled making the Jonin and Genin laugh. "He's also very big on teamwork and working on combos for all of us." Konohamaru added

"He even went to my father and asked to read some of the basic Gentle Fist style scrolls so he could help me learn them." Hanabi said making Gai and Kurenai smile since they had requested the same thing for their students.

"Yeah he did the same with my Jiji when it came to his Monkey Fist style so when we spar he can help me figure out where I need to improve."

"What about you Kyouki?" Hinata asked. "Well he was originally going to teach me either Wolf Fist or Raven's Wing but the styles just didn't seem to work for me. So he went to the Taijutsu scrolls searching for one he thought would work for me…that's when he started helping me learn the Falcons Leg style."

"Falcons Leg?" Gai asked making Kyouki nod while the Taijutsu specialist whistled. "What is it Sensei?" Tenten asked. "Falcons Leg is a style that hasn't been seen in this village since the Second Shinobi War. The style is also known as the Future Sight style since many of our enemies believed those that mastered the style seemed to be able to know that actions of they were going to make before they did…when in fact the style focuses on reading your opponents' movements and actions before they act." Many Genin and Jonin had looks of surprise on their faces at the idea of such a style.

"Wait if the style was so strong why did it vanish from the village?" Sakura asked. "Simple really. The style requires many years of training since you're not only learning to read your opponent but also learning the stances and combinations of the style. During war times such a style couldn't be learned fast enough to be continued to be taught. When the last master of the style Niroko Gaze died in the field the style slowly became noting but legion until the scrolls we left in the library. I too had found them and read them but when I was a Genin the Third Shinobi war was going on and I never had the chance or the time to go back and look at it again. The fact that Naruto found it and realized it was perfect for his student warms my heart and makes me happy that I didn't take the scroll all those years ago." Gai said. Everyone looked at Kyouki who was shocked to learn that the style that fit her has such a history, but it made her clasp her hands tightly her eyes filling with determination "Then I will bring the Falcons Leg back to Konoha." her declaration made her parents smile while Gai started one of his Youth rants.

"That's my niece!" Anko said making Asuma smile and laugh at her before he kissed her scalp making her blush slightly "Guess that means Hebi style is only for our children." Asuma said making Anko's blush deepen.

"Hush you…" Anko said as she jabbed Asuma's shoulder making him laugh "Moving a little fast there aren't you Asuma?" Kakashi teased.

"Not at all. We're happy. We're in love. We're practically living together." Asuma said making the Jonin there laugh slightly but nod.

"Although if I do get pregnant you realize you can't smoke around me anymore right?" Anko said making Asuma smile as he wrapped one arm around her and held her.

"I know in the long run that's best." Asuma said making the others smile "We've also gotten off topic. What else has Naruto been teaching your three?" Asuma said as he looked at the three academy students.

"Henge, replacement, and clones for the main jutsu. However he has taught use a few useful jutsu like Shadow Kunai Clones and stuff like that. He also promised that he'd help us with our element affinities." Konohamaru said.

"Wait you three know you elements already?" Kakashi asked "Yep. I've got fire." Konohamaru said "Water." Hanabi said "And I've got lightning." Kyouki finished.

"Ha! Pay up!" Kakashi said making Asuma grumble as he reached into his pocket "You guys had a bet on this?"

"Asuma was sure that Kyouki wouldn't get my lightning since Naruto already had it. He was sure she'd be a different element." Kakashi said as he pocketed the Ryo he had won. Soon the break was over and everyone looked down to see Lee and Naruto already down in the field waiting the difference this time was far more intense than any other stare down beforehand.

"First match of round two. Naruto Hatake Vs. Rock Lee…begin!" Hayate said before jumping out of the arena he remembered Gai and Kakashi's warnings about doing so as soon as he announced the fight.

"Naruto my rival…I have been looking forward to this fight for a long time." Lee said as he reached down and untied his headband from around his waist, and raised it tying it to his forehead once more Naruto nodded as he tightened his headband before taking off his blade and sticking it into the ground.

After which Naruto took off his trench coat showing that his shirt was sleeveless and showed off the seal tattoo on his right shoulder "Are we starting with nothing but pure Taijutsu or do you wish to show off the Kenjustu I know you've been learning?" Naruto asked making Lee smiled as he opened one of the pockets of his vest a pulled out a set of Nunchucks. Lee kept one in hand while tucking the other in his arm pit waiting "I would like to start with our weapon skills…if you're willing to show off the weapon inside that seal?" "Why not?" Naruto said as he took out a kunai and cut his finger before slamming it onto the seal this time everyone was waiting in anticipation to see the weapon of choice.

Imagine their shock when it was a pair of claw blades (A/N: The knives Riddick had in the second movie.) "I must say I'm not surprised that you chose a weapon that most do not use." Lee said. Naruto eye smiled "Ready Lee?" "Yosh." Lee said with a single nod before the two vanished from sight. A loud clash was heard as everyone looked up and saw Naruto and Lee in the air Lee using his chucks to block both of Naruto's knives before they vanished again. This happened about three more times before the two appeared again standing on opposite walls staring at one another.

"What happened?" Kyouki asked "A draw." Kakashi and Gai said together making the students look closer and see that Naruto's shoulder had a small bruise while there was a small cut on Lee's face.

"You've gotten faster since we last fought." Naruto said making Lee smile slightly "So have you my rival." Tenten and Neji were both sporting small looks of worry.

"What is it Neji?" Mizuri asked the Hyuga "Lee hasn't mentioned anything having to do with Youth since the fight started…everyone that knows Lee growing up knows that doesn't happen unless Lee is prepared to go all out." Neji explained.

In the stands Tenten was continuing where Neji had left off "The fact that he is doing so here against Naruto says that there is some actual truth when he calls him his rival. The difference is while Naruto is called a genius he's more like Lee than anyone thinks. I know for a fact that Naruto earned his title by working himself to the grind and Lee respects that more than anything since he has to do the same. Especially because of his disability." Tenten said.

"Disability?" Konohamaru asked "Lee's chakra pathways are under developed making it impossible for him to preform Ninjutsu or Genjutsu leaving him only with Taijutsu and Kenjutsu." Gai said making the kids look at him. "I knew this fact when I took him in and made him my son. So I trained him hard and made a new kind of genius out of him a 'genius of hard work' Lee has trained his body to the point that his disability is now his advantage."

"It is also because of his drive to prove that he can still be one of the best that Naruto respects him as well." Kakashi added. "Lee's goal is to prove that even though he can't use most of the ninja arts he is still one of the best in the world. Naruto over time grew to respect that and accepted Lee as his rival the two have been striving to reach their goals together ever since." As soon as Kakashi finished everyone looked back at the two teens.

Naruto took his knives and resealed them while Lee put away his chucks "Take off the weights Lee. If we're going to fight I don't want you holding anything back." Naruto voice carried through the arena making Lee smile before he looked at his father who nodded. Lee sat down and removed his leg warmers showing the training weights on his legs that he removed after replacing his warmers he stood up holding them up before dropping them.

The explosion that resulted from the weights landing covered Lee in flying dirt and made every single civilian and academy student go wide eyed. Even those in the Kage box were wide eyed at the sight "I know Gai is a training monster but did he have to give his son that much weight?" Jiraiya asked his sensei who had his pipe barely hanging from his jaw.

"What the hell have they been teaching these kids?!"Mai mentally asked herself Kiba summed up what everyone else was thinking when he said "Holly Shit!" making Tenten and Gai smile.

"Now that I can move freely are you ready my rival?" Lee asked "Almost." Naruto said as he did a quick flash of seals "Gravity Seal: Kai!" Naruto called out as his guards' glowed blue Kakashi looked closely at the guard on Naruto's right arm before smirking.

"I see Naruto decided to go a different path when it comes to weights." Gai said looking at Kakashi "He believed that since that seal was good enough for the Yondaime it was good enough for him."

"Tou-san what does that seal do?"

"Well Kyouki that is another of my sensei's jutsu however I taught it to your brother so I'm not surprised that he knows it. You see what the Gravity seals does is offer both weight and resistance training my increasing the Gravitational pull of the sealed item the amount increased by the level one chooses. By using the seal your brother/sensei is training his body to be able to move at great speeds by making it harder for him to move his arms and legs. From the looks of it he's up to ten times the normal gravitational pull of the planet."

"Ten times?!" Everyone but Kakashi called out while Asuma let the cigarette in his mouth fall to the ground.

"Wait…is this how the Yondaime was able to use his famous jutsu against Iwa?" Kyouki asked making her father eye smile "Yes it is. You see since he used the seal in the same manner Naruto is current using it he was allowed to most at great speeds without harming his body. I imagine that if Naruto had completely release the seal he'd be pretty damn close."

"Wait Kakashi-sensei I thought Naruto already released the seal?" Sakura asked. "Nope. Naruto stopped the release when the seal dropped down three levels." Kakashi said. "Now Lee let the real first match of the second round begin!" Naruto called out as the two went into their Taijutsu ready stances

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