Graduation & Team Placement

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The years since learning about his little sister had pasted fast for Naruto Hatake however he didn't mind it until she started getting clingy with him. Temari however found it cute when little Kyouki (named after Kakashi and Kurenai's favorite actress.) would latch onto Naruto's leg every time he came home from the Academy.

Kyouki unlike her brother had silver hair but like her brother she didn't have their mother's eyes Kyouki loved running around especially with Hinata's little sister Hanabi the two were inseparable. Instead of getting jealous of the attention Kyouki got from their parents Naruto would just smile and accept his sister.

"Nii-san! Onee-chan!" Kyouki called out as Naruto and Temari walked up to the younger area or kindergarten area Naruto and Temari were going to walk Kyouki home.

Naruto kneeled down and hugged his sister with a smile on his face "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah Hanabi-chan and I had a blast."

"Well good. What did you learn today?"

"Reading, writing, and Shuriken throwing."

"Very important skills to have." Temari said as she held Naruto's hand.

"Speaking of Hanabi…"

Naruto said as a smaller version of Hinata walked over towards them "Hello Naruto-san, Temari-chan."

"How are you Hanabi?" Naruto asked.

"I am well thank you."

"Ready to go?" Temari asked it had become a normal thing for both Naruto and Temari to walk the girl's home or for Hinata, Neji, and Tenten to. Tenten was something close to a second big sister to Kyouki…plus Tenten was one of the few people that helped Kyouki keep her mask in place (a couple kids got curious about what was under her mask).

The day Kyouki was born Anko had tried to get there to see the youngest Hatake's face only for her efforts to be in vain when she looked into the nursery and saw a mask wearing little girl. "NOT ANOTHER ONE!" Anko had cried out in exasperation Kyouki was a big hit with all the families and her brother's friends. Temari and the girls thought she was adorable while the guys saw someone that was important to their friend and all silently vowed to keep her safe.

Naruto smiled as Temari took his hand in hers and they walked to the Hyuuga compound "Oh thank you Nii-san for helping me with Shuriken practice."

"No problem Uki-chan. How did you do?"

"I'm tied with Hanabi-chan for top Kunoichi so far."

"And who's got top Shinobi?" Temari asked

"Konohamaru Sarutobi." Hanabi said while Kyouki looked upset by that.

"What's wrong Uki-chan?" Temari asked.

"That Baka likes to brag that he's going to take the position of Hokage from his Grandfather by challenging him to a fight."

Naruto shook his head and sighed "I called it." Temari nodded as they continued to walk.

After a few feet Naruto stopped "You can come out now Sarutobi-san." Naruto said looking behind him to see a box shaped rock following them the three girls sweat drooped at the sight "Ha just what I'd expect from my rival!" a kids voice said making Naruto palm his face "Not another one." he groaned internally.

A cloud of smoke followed the childes words then the sound of coughing and wheezing "Too…much…gunpowder." Naruto sighed as a little boy wearing a helmet like hat and a large blue scarf around his neck appeared.

"And why am I your rival?" Naruto asked.

"Your Onee-chan said you were the best besides your Okaa-chan, and Tou-san. I want to be the strongest so I need a powerful rival."

"I've already got a crazed rival I don't need a second." Naruto said meanwhile in the training grounds a green spandex wearing boy sneezed. "Besides it's easy to find Jiji-san's weakness." Naruto said making the three kids look at him in surprise "Once you find it I'll help train you to challenge him." Naruto said turning away from the kid taking his future wife, younger sister, and sister's best friend with him.

"Is it really that easy to defeat the Hokage Nii-san?" Kyouki asked.

"Both Jiji and Tou-san have the same weakness…it's called Icha Icha." Naruto said making Temari glare momentarily at the idea. "Once Konohamaru figures that out then he's ready enough to be given some stealth training." Naruto said making the girls look at him "Jiji-san constantly keeps a copy with him if Konohamaru can find it and steal it then he has the makings of a fine infultration and retrieval Nin." Naruto explained making all three young women get 'oh' looks on their faces.

Once the group had dropped Hanabi off at the compound the three Hatake's (even though they weren't married yet everyone already called Temari a Hatake) arrived home to see Kurenai and Kakashi relaxing and drinking tea.

"Hey Kaa-chan, Tou-san." Naruto and Kyouki called "Yo." their father said while their mother waved as she sipped her tea.

"Ready for tomorrow you two?" Kurenai asked the two eldest children making them nod.

"Tomorrow will be too easy. Henge Clones and Replacement it's almost like they want everyone to grow weak." Naruto said making the parents look thoughtful.

"Ready to wow them Naruto?" Kakashi asked later making Naruto smile.

Naruto while having excellent chakra control had just too much for regular clones so Kakashi and Kurenai agreed that the only way was to teach him the Shadow Clone Jutsu after all the academy just wanted a clone Jutsu it didn't matter which one they got. Temari was trained in it too but unlike her fiancé she could only make one or too whereas Naruto could create his own army.

"I have a feeling the council is going to try something." Naruto said looking at his father making him nod.

"They are adamant that Sasuke get the royal treatment which means they're going to force me to train him, but at least the other two positions are open to me." Kakashi hated the fact that the civilian council tried so hard to make life so good for Sasuke Uchiha. "Who knows what that brat would be like if Itachi hadn't of stopped his father." Kakashi thought it didn't help that Danzo the old war hawk of Konoha would sometimes like to look at Naruto.

The mere fact the he showed interest was greatly disturbing to Kakashi and Kurenai what's worse was when Naruto was three and Danzo made his first attempt to take Naruto away from them. If it hadn't of been for Asuma, Gai, and the In-Shika-Cho trio putting a stop to it they were sure Danzo would now have a Hatake on his hidden Root Anbu teams, and who knows what might have happened to Temari. The family enjoyed a quiet night in which involved Naruto and Kyouki dodging their Auntie Anko and hanging with Asuma when he followed Anko.

Although she tried to act like her usual self Anko didn't fool anyone "So when did you two get together?"

Kurenai asked Anko blushed a little "About three weeks ago." Asuma said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Anko's waist Anko still had a slight blush on her face but she smiled as well and leaned into Asuma. All the Hatake's smiled Anko wasn't always able to find someone that actually cared about her because of her past as Orochimaru's apprentice and the way she dressed didn't really help, but from the way she looked at Asuma and he looked at her there had been no miscommunications about each other's intentions.

While Kakashi wanted to desperately tease Anko after her many years of doing the same when he and Kurenai got together the look his wife gave him promised pain. Asuma also wanted to talk with Naruto and Temari "I'll start teaching you two how to manipulate wind chakra the day after tomorrow." Naruto and Temari smiled and were excited at the idea.

Kurenai had insisted that they wait till they were out of the academy before they learned elemental Jutsu she sweetened the pot by offering to teach then anything of their choice. Naruto had asked about storage seals while Temari learned a low level genjutsu although Naruto had Kurenai for a mother genjutsu was out of his reach thanks to his massive chakra reserves. Kakashi had also decided to help them in the future by placing a seal on them that blocked the Sharingan effects especially when Sasuke became their enemy. When the couple went to sleep that night they were both excited for tomorrow after the exam they would finally be a Shinobi and Kunoichi of the leaf.

Temari snuggled into Naruto's chest allowing her to listen to his heartbeat something she liked to do when they slept she found the sound soothing and helped her fall asleep to her personal lullaby and the smell of desert flowers. The next morning found the future husband and wife sitting in the class room with all their classmates and friends (minus those a year older than them) and of course their major headaches. The pink banshee and the emo prince as everyone calls them the banshee or Sakura as her mother calls her liked to yell at Naruto when refused to give in to Sasuke's demands for a sparring match.

Sasuke still wanted to fight Naruto to prove that he was better after a while he decided to channel his drive to become rookie of the year. "Alright everyone settle down and we can begin." Their proctor Iruka said making everyone sit before he could use his Demon Head Jutsu on them as he handed out a written test Naruto noticed that his and Temari's papers had Genjutsu on them both dispelled them and got to work.

"Alright let's head outside for the next test." Iruka said once he had the papers back everyone lined up and followed the Chunin. Once outside Iruka began the throwing test to see who had the best aim Naruto won that test making Sasuke boil while Temari was the best Kunoichi.

The test went from there Taijutsu Genjutsu finally Ninjutsu was last and going to be done one at a time. As Naruto was called he caught the instructor Mizuki hand as he moved to pat him on the back "Iruka-sensei I believe there is a chakra seal of some kind on Mizuki-Teme's hand." Mizuki was surprised at being caught and Iruka was appalled by this action after he confirmed Naruto's suspicion.

Mizuki was taken away by Anbu for trying to sabotage the students Iruka then had the students they had tested before Naruto to go again and learned that more than half of them should never had passed while some would've passed with flying colors. Eventually Naruto passed and waiting for Temari wearing his headband with pride having earned it he was happy to see his friends pass as well and as Temari came out wearing her head band as a necklace they walked out of the academy.

Naruto and Temari were surprised to see Kakashi, Kurenai, Anko, and Asuma waiting for them. "So I hear congratulations are needed for not only passing but for capturing a spy."

Kakashi said as a statement more than a question "Naru-kun caught Mizuki as he put charka suppression seals or charka enhancement seals on students."

"Well then Naruto you gave me a new toy for the week thank you so much."

Anko said with a smile Naruto smiled as well "You're welcome Auntie Anko."

"Well I say this is cause for celebration." Asuma said as they walked away from the academy and headed towards Naruto's favorite place while stopping to pick up some dango for Anko and Temari. After Ichihara's the two were happy to show off their head bands to Kyouki and Hanabi that afternoon after changing the cloth from blue to black that is.

"Nii-san is it true what they're saying?"

"I need to know what they're saying first."

"Did you really catch a spy?" Kyouki asked bouncing with excitement making Naruto smile.

"He was more like a saboteur then a spy." Temari said making the two girls look confused.

"What's that?"

"The man I helped expose was trying to hurt the village by helping the weak pass and the strong fail."

"So he was trying to weaken our Shinobi forces." Hanabi asked.

"That's correct." Temari said making the Hyuuga smile the group passed the time and once they arrived home to see the four adults sitting in the living room.

"Nii-san can I wear your head band?"

Kyouki asked Naruto and as Naruto was about to say no Kyouki pulled out the big guns. Naruto's kryptonite…the Puppy Dog Eye no Jutsu Naruto shivered as he tried to fight the Jutsu "Come on Naruto you can do it." Asuma said trying to help.

Temari smiled as she walked over and kneeled down next to Kyouki "Oh come on Naru-kun let Uki-chan wear the head band." Temari activated her own Puppy Dog Eye no Jutsu but added a little pout to it knowing Naruto found it cute.

Naruto froze "They got him…" Kakashi said making Asuma shake his head along with the Hatake patriarch while the matriarch and Anko smiled as Naruto reached up and untied the band and handed it to Kyouki who squealed with joy and tied the head band on.

Once released Naruto breathed deeply and leaned forward "Tema-chan…"

Naruto said in a sweetly voice making said girl 'Eep' "You realize I was just helping my fellow woman right?" Temari asked as she slowing back away Naruto eye smiled as he walked towards her.

"Yeah I know…" Naruto said his tone of voice not changing as he continued to get near her and she kept trying to back away.

"Naru-kun…" Temari tried to say before Naruto charged her making her turn and run away before he caught her on the back porch and started to tickle her like mad. "N…No!" Temari cried out as Naruto tickled her making her laugh loudly "Naru-kun…please…s…stop!" Temari cried out tears building in her eyes.

"Are you going to turn traitor and help Kyouki over me again?"

Naruto asked "N…Not fair…!" Temari gasped as Naruto kept tickling her. Naruto stopped to let her catch her breath Temari gasped trying to breathe "Naru-kun that was mean." Temari said with a little pout.

"Then you shouldn't have pick my sister over me. You know what that Jutsu does to me." Naruto said.

Temari sighed and pulled Naruto in close to her "I'm sorry you're right I know how much you hate it when Kyouki does that to get something from you." Temari said looking into his eyes.

Naruto sighed and pulled his mask down before giving her a quick kiss "I forgive you but please remember this in the future." Naruto said as he fixed his mask Temari smiled and nodded. Naruto sat back up and pulled her into his lap allowing her to lay her head on his shoulder and look out into the night sky.

"You let me get farther this time." Temari said

"No you're faster than you were two years ago." Naruto said making Temari smile.

"So who do you think our teammates will be?"

"I don't know…as long as it's not Banshee or Emo I think we'll be fine." Naruto said with a smile.

"Naruto your father and I need to leave for a bit watch over Kyouki until we get back." Kurenai called out from the house.

"Okay Kaa-chan." Naruto said as the couple got up and walked back into the house.

Kurenai, Kakashi, Asuma, and Anko all walked into the meeting room where the other Jonin and Special Jonin were gathered. The elder Sarutobi sat in a high backed chair wearing his robes and hat somewhat surprised to see Anko there with them. "Welcome as we all know it's time to pick the new Genin teams all of you have the right to request any student…"

"I request Naruto Hatake and Temari of the Desert." Four voices called out making everyone look at the gathered friends. Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed "Why am I not surprised…?" the elder thought.

"Alright…let's hear the prospective teams you wish to build." The Hokage said looking at the four in question.

"The council has already decided that I am to teach the Uchiha boy Sasuke and from what I have read he is brash, arrogant, and believes that as soon as his bloodline activates he can handle anything. I need two students that can not only give him a challenge but will actually be able to knock some sense into him. Who better than the students I've already started training?" Kakashi said finishing his proposal.

"I wish to take these two as well as the Inuzuka heir and train them into a guard unit. Kiba's noise and senses can be used to detect danger, plus Temari's long range fighting ability will be helpful of stopping enemies before they get too close, not to mention Naruto's natural ability to strategize and be one of the biggest power houses I've ever seen." Kurenai said making a few of her fellow Jonin nod in agreement with her assessment of their abilities.

"I wish to take those two along with the Hyuuga Heiress and use them as an infiltration unit as Nai-Chan said Naruto is a natural strategist whose stealth is next to none as I'm sure we all know." Anko was referring to the few pranks Naruto had been able to pull and his ability to escape everyone that pursued him. The few victims of his in the room all shivered in remembrance "Hinata's bloodline will also be able to detect possible danger, as well as Temari's supporting fighting style that works perfectly as protection to back up both Naruto and Hinata." Anko finished once again making people nod with the idea of the students.

Hiruzen was impressed with the proposals so far towards the future man and wife then he turned to his son who had a smile on his face as he gave his proposal. Needless to say everyone was surprised, shocked, and greatly impressed with the idea "Asuma's proposal is granted." Hiruzen said making everyone nod in agreement that it was the best option. While Naruto's Mother, Father and Aunt weren't happy to not get their favorite Genin they knew the two were in good hands…even if the man was a chain smoker.

A week later Naruto, Temari and everyone else were sitting in their class room for the last time today was the day they would meet their perspective Jonin Sensei and team. That is if they passed the test the Jonin were going to give as Naruto knew his father was going to do with his team "Alright everyone settle down and I've inform you of the teams." Naruto felt Temari grab his hand and squeeze it hard.

Temari began to worry that the two wouldn't end up on the same team and had been worried since the day after the final test. "Team 7 will be Sakura Haruno, Sai…" Both looked at a pale boy they barely remembered being in their class. "…and Sasuke Uchiha." While Sakura was cheering Naruto and Temari breathed a sigh of relief "Your instructor is Kakashi Hatake." Iruka finished making Naruto and Temari grimace.

"I feel sorry for Tou-san/Kakashi-san."

"Team 8 will be Hinata Hyuuga, Shino Aburame, and Kiba Inuzuka…Your instructor is Kurenai Hatake." Iruka said making the three in question smile at that.

"Team 9 is still active…" The friends knew that was Neji, Tenten, and Lee's team under Gai.

"Team 10 is a special team that will consist of not three but five Genin and two Jonin." Everyone was surprised to hear this it wasn't often that tradition was broken like this "Team 10 will be made of Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, Temari of the Desert, and Naruto Hatake."

Temari let out a breath she was holding and relaxed knowing she and Naruto were on the same team. "Your instructors are Asuma Sarutobi and Yugao Uzuki." Iruka said then continued on till he was finished.

"As my Final announcement the Rookies of the year…" Iruka paused as everyone sounded excited at the idea and waited as Iruka drew out the anticipation. "Top kunoichi…Temari of the Desert." Naruto cheered for his fiancée while their friends smiled and congratulated her. "Top shinobi is a tie between Sasuke Uchiha… and Naruto Hatake." Temari smiled and not caring about who was in the room kissed Naruto even if he was wearing a mask.

Naruto returned the kiss as Temari leaned against him not caring about the death glares they were getting not to mention the looks of jealousy from a few girls. Shikamaru sighed "Troublesome." inside he was happy for his friend but he knew that he and Temari will attract a lot of attention in the future…which ultimately meant more work for him. Sasuke was fuming "How did that dobe tie with me for Rookie of the year?! And placed on a special team with two Jonin teachers!"Naruto noticed Sasuke from the corner of his eye and had a feeling the Civilian side of the council will have a fit and demand a team change.

Iruka told them to meet back in the room after lunch to meet their Sensei's the group of friends gathered together "So why do you think they changed the number of teammates and Sensei's for you guys." Kiba asked.

"Most likely one of the two Jonin request it my proposing an interesting team and use for us." Shikamaru said "What do you mean?" Ino asked Naruto took over from there.

"Every Jonin Sensei proposes a team and tries to express how that team is the best out of all the options (unless the council gets in the way). Example being the team Kaa-chan put together Kiba, Shino, and Hinata have great potential as a tracker/assentation team based on your skills mainly Kiba's nose, Shino's bugs, and Hinata's eyes. Another example is the original In-Shika-Cho team…"

"Capture, Interrogation, and Protection." Choji said making Naruto nod.

"Shikaku Nara famous for his capture techniques, Inoichi Yamaka for his interrogation skills, and Chouza Akimichi for his ability to keep his teammates safe." Naruto said. All the friends nodded "Tou-san's team will be a wild card Sai's abilities are almost a complete mystery which was smart on his part. If Tou-san can get Kaa-chan to teach Banshee some Genjutsu or get someone to teach her some Medical Jutsu she could be a benefit instead of the hindrance she is now by being nothing but a fangirl." Naruto said making the boys shiver and the girls scowl.

"And as much as I hate to say it the Uchiha's Ninjutsu abilities are excellent however Tou-san needs to knock some of the arrogant out of Sasuke before he can really do any real teaching." Naruto said making everyone nod.

"Well that explains the almost pure Taijutsu team 9."

"Right with Neji and Lee as the forerunners and Tenten as support with her skills as a weapons mistress. However they are going to need to teach Lee more than Taijutsu before he becomes a one trick pony." Shikamaru said making Naruto nod.

"So what would our team be?" Ino asked

"We won't fully know till after we meet Asuma-sensei and Yugao-sensei, but if I were to take a guess we know that you three are perfect for C.I.P while, Temari is a long range support fighter…"

"And Naruto is a close to midrange powerhouse, with great Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu abilities. Better known as Utility Ninja."

"Utility Ninja?" Temari asked.

"Most ninja focus on one maybe two areas however Naruto focuses on three of the four disciplines. Not to mentions his stealth abilities rival that of his father who was an ANBU captain at the age of 15 and stayed until he was 20. He most likely resigned when Kurenai-sensei told him about her pregnancy with Naruto." Shino said.

"So Naruto is basically equipped to handle any type of mission from protection detail to assentation." Shikamaru added.

"As long as I have a good support team with me which is what Tou-san made Temari-chan into."

"Both of our Taijutsu styles work together in perfect synch or well once we've mastered them, our Kenjutsu works with our Taijutsu. And you also want to focus on one important fact. Asuma-sensei is the only one here who can teach Naruto-kun and I how to use our Wind affinity."

"That by itself is most likely the biggest reason why we have this team, but again we won't know until we meet both of our sensei." Naruto added.

"Naruto-kun, Temari-chan I want to thank you for helping Hanabi with her schooling." Hinata said making both smile at her.

"It was fun. Heck I think I would someday like to become a teacher I can definitely see why Iruka loves his job."

"Just make sure to either make the lectures interesting or only teach a team of Genin." Kiba said making everyone laugh.

"Onii-san!" A small voice called out making the group turn to see Kyouki and Hanabi walked up to them.

"Hey Uki-chan." Naruto said as his little sister came and sat next to him while Hanabi sat next to her older sister.

"How are you Bi-chan?"

"I'm having a good day Onee-chan." Hanabi said with a genuine smile.

Kyouki had over time broken the walls the Hyuuga council had tried to build around Hanabi to keep her acting like a true Hyuuga heiress. They weren't very happy when they got a third heir that would smile and talk freely with outsiders and after Hianite's death Hiashi showed no interest in remarrying what so ever. The day Hianite pasted away from bloodline sickness a rear disease that could possibly affect anyone with a bloodline it struck fast and there was no way to cure it. Hanabi and Hinata had almost been inconsolable until Kakashi sat down with both and told them how he lost his own mother to disease as well when he was only eight. Hinata was ten at the time and Hanabi was three almost four it was thanks to him and the help of their friends that they were able to get through it.

The sisters were never closer to one another or Neji who also lost him mother but his had died on a mission the two Heiresses of the main branch and the heir of the cadet branch of the Hyuuga clan were more than cousins. Neji had become their older brother and they his little sisters in fact it had become a personal goal of the two sisters to unite the families and get rid of the Cadge Bird seal placed on all cadet branch members make them little more than slaves. Naruto and the friends sat with Kyouki and Hanabi both asking the teams that the friends wound up on.

Kyouki was surprised to hear her brother and future sister were on a special team the first seven man squad of Konoha Genin and Jonin. "Konohamaru did you find Jiji's weakness?" Naruto asked suddenly making everyone look to see the young Sarutobi who was hadn't even bothered to hide himself after being caught.

"Hai Naruto-san. Jiji's focuses around this book." Konohamaru said as he held up a familiar orange book making the new Genin facefault.

"Very good work. Now return it without being caught and I will train you."

"Hai sensei."

Konohamaru said before turning and walking away "Naruto…"

"I made him a promise." Naruto said cutting Ino off before she could get started.

Everyone there understood right away and didn't say another word "Of course if Uki-chan and Bi-chan were to join us I wouldn't stop them." Naruto said making the two young girls look at him in surprise then nodded in agreement before running off to talk.

"Naru-kun you spoil them."

"They're the same age I was when Tou-san started my training besides I'm mainly going to focus on the basics and that's about it. Also Tema-chan I know you like the idea of those three being able to watch over each other as much as I do." Naruto said making Temari look thoughtful before nodding.

Everyone was once again waiting in the class room as the door opened and closed repeatedly as Jonin came and collected their students until Naruto and Temari caught sight of a familiar messy haired bearded chain smoker. "Team Ten meet me and Uzuki on the roof in five minutes." Asuma said before he vanished in a puff of smoke. Naruto just grabbed Choji and Shikamaru while Temari grabbed Ino and all five vanished in a spiral of leaves. Asuma smirked when they had arrived via Shunshin especially since it got a look of surprise from his fellow Jonin Yugao Uzuki. "Maybe now you see why I wanted those two on the team?" Asuma thought as the teens all took a seat "Before we get started let all introduce ourselves. Tells you likes and dislikes, hobbies, and finally dreams/goals."

Asuma said making the Nara heir sigh "Troublesome." Naruto, Temari, Ino, and Choji snickered. "Why don't you go first Nara-san?" Asuma said more then asked.

"I'm Shikamaru Nara. I like Go, Shogi, and cloud watching I dislike loud people and too much work. My hobbies include playing Go or Shogi with Naruto here and watching the clouds. My goal is to have an average career find a nice quiet girl get married and raise a family and retire at a young age."

Naruto and the rest of the Genin all shook their heads at Shikamaru's words. "Sound just like Shika." They all thought "Alright you Blondie." Asuma said making the boys flinch slightly as Temari and Ino glared at Asuma "What was that?!" the two asked together.

"Woops." Asuma thought as he looked at the girls "The non-weapon carrier." Yugao said. Both girls look at the purple haired Jonin who had a Katana on her back and a smile at the scene in front of her.

"My name is Ino Yamanaka. I like flowers, nature hikes, and training with my Tou-san. I dislike fan-girls because they're an embarrassment to the word Kunoichi…"

"Amen!" Six voices called out making her smile as she looked at her team and Sensei.

"…I also hate those that trash or hurt the environment for absolutely no reason. My Hobbies include collecting and pressing flowers. My goal is to one day upstart my father and become the best Yamanaka interrogator." Asuma smiled at her response while Yugao looked impressed.

"Now for you…?" Yugao said pointing at Temari.

"I'm Temari of the Dessert. My likes are dessert flowers, chocolate, training, and my fiancé Naru-kun. My dislikes are rapist and arrogant people. My Hobbies are training with Kakashi-san and Naru-kun, caring for the flowers Naru-kun bought for me as a welcome gift, and spending time with my future in-laws. My goal is to one day become a great Kunoichi, wife, and mother." Naruto kissed Temari's scalp making said girl smile.

"Your turn bandana head." Asuma said looking at Choji.

"I'm Choji Akimichi. My likes are food, and my friends. My dislikes are people who pick on others for no good reason. My hobbies include cooking meals that my friends and I can enjoy together. My goal is to one day own my own chain of barbeque restaurants in Fire Country since the only Akimichi barbeque restaurant is here in Konoha."

Naruto and Shikamaru smiled at their friend Choji was a good person and only wanted simple things in life. "And finally you." Asuma said pointing at his Godson.

"I'm Naruto Hatake. My likes are my fiancée Tema-chan, my family and friends, as well as training…oh and Ramen. My dislikes are arrogant snobs, the time it takes to make Ramen, those that would hurt those precious to me, and that blasted Puppy Dog Eye no Jutsu. My Hobbies are training in Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu with my Tou-san and Temari-chan, playing Shogi or Go with Shikamaru, and helping my little sister with her lessons. My goal is to become a strong Shinobi to protect the ones that are precious to me, as well as become a good husband/father for my and Tema-chan's future family." Naruto said making Temari smile and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Very nice. Guess it's our turn now. I am Asuma Sarutobi. My likes are my girlfriend Anko, Shogi, and creating Wind Jutsu for the village. My dislikes are rapist, and those that kill or hurt needlessly. My hobbies include Shogi and not much else. My goal is to one day become a father and raise a family." Naruto and Temari were happy to hear his goal both knowing that Anko's greatest wish was to one day carry and raise a child.

"Guess I'm last. My name is Yugao Uzuki. My likes are my friends Kurenai, Anko, and Hana. My dislikes are perverts, rapist, and those who look down on women. My hobbies include training in my sword style, spending time with my friends, and reading a good book. My goal is to one day start my own kenjutsu dojo."

"Alright now that we all know one another here we can get started tomorrow we will have your Genin test meet at training group 10 at 9 am. See you then."

Asuma said before he and Yugao vanished in a whirlwind of leaves "Let's go check on Uki-chan and Bi-chan." Temari said making the group nod and stand up. They got outside in time for the younger classes to be let out Kyouki and Hanabi ran up to the group followed by Konohamaru after hugging his sister Naruto looked at the young Sarutobi.

"Did you complete your mission?"

Naruto asked Konohamaru nodded and had a smile on his face "I added a little something to try and deter him away from that book."

Naruto smiled as did the other's "Alright the three of you have tomorrow off right?" Naruto asked making the three nod their heads. "Good. Meet me tomorrow at training ground 10 at 7am."

"Hai sensei." Konohamaru said before he left Hanabi and Kyouki were excited at the idea of training with Naruto and barely talked about anything else. The team went their own way Ino to her families flower shop, Choji and Shikamaru to the barbeque joint while Naruto and Temari made sure Hanabi got home. As they approached the Hyuuga compound they were happy and sad to see team Gai as well Neji smiled as he took Hanabi inside. After Naruto and Lee did their usual greeting (which got a laugh out of Hanabi) and Naruto's usual decline of a challenge which he learned affected Lee and Gai more than ignoring them.

Tenten smiled and started talking with Kyouki and walking with the Hatake family "Tenten-neechan are you going to be helping Onii-san train Hanabi, Konohamaru, and me?"

"I haven't had time to ask her yet Oiouto."

Naruto said while Tenten looked at him in surprise. "I just helping them with the basics and the fundamentals of teamwork." Naruto said making Tenten smile and nod.

"Maybe when you're a little older Kyouki-chan after all your brother and sister didn't start to learn to wield a weapon till after they were eight years old." Tenten answered Kyouki who looked thoughtful before shrugging and letting it go but for some resons Naruto and Temari were suspisious of the action between the two.

"So how are your teams looking?" Asuma asked Kakashi and Kurenai as there sat in Anko's favorite Dango place while said woman munched away on her favorite food.

"Not so good. I got an avenger, a fan-girl, and a creep that likes to piss people off." Kakashi said looking down

"I'm a little better off Shino, and Hinata are quiet while Kiba is loud but the three already know and seem to be able to work together." Kurenai said.

"What's this rumor I hear of Naruto training my nephew?" Asuma asked Kakashi

"That's a new one on me." Kakashi said

"Hmm then I think tomorrow will produce an interesting show." Anko said with a devious smirk. The next morning Team Ten was at training ground Ten four of the five Genin were sitting by the tree while Naruto stood in front of three academy students.

There were three posts behind them "Alright before I do anything you have to pass a little test." Naruto said as he reached into a pouch on his black flak jacket. He pulled out two bells both on a ribbon "To pass you must get one of these bells from me the ones that do will get trained while the other will get no help of any kind from me at any point in the future." Naruto said all three younger children looked at the bells their eyes full of determination.

Shikamaru looked at them then noticed Kiba, Hinata, and Shino arriving and sitting down "Hanabi told me about this last night and I got curious." Hinata explained her teammates nodded in agreement. Soon Team Gai arrived as well Neji giving the same explanation no one bothering to look up and see Gai, Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Anko, and Yugao watching.

Naruto tied the bells to his waist "Come at me with the intent to kill or you will fail. You have until this alarm sounds." Naruto said pulling out a scroll making a clock appear Naruto set it down in front of him. "Ready?" Naruto asked seeing all three nod "GO!" Naruto called out all three ran off into the woods as fast as they could. "Well they have stealth I'll give them that, but how good are they at hiding?" Naruto asked as he started to look around only to duck under a volley of Shuriken.

"Nice try Uki-chan." Naruto said as his sister charged him knowing she had given away her position. Naruto pulled out a book and started to read "First lesson Taijutsu." Naruto said as he blocked his sister's jab and kept at it until he jumped to avoid Hanabi's surprise attack. "Nice try."

Naruto said as the girls continued at try until they heard Konohamaru "Now! Shadow Shuriken Jutsu." Konohamaru called after throwing three Shuriken since his reserves were so small he could only make thirty illusionary Shuriken while the girls dodged out of the way. Once the throwing stars hit Naruto he was surrounded by smoke once it vanished they only saw a log.

"Never let your enemy get behind you." Naruto called out making Konohamaru looked behind him but before Naruto could take advantage of it a Kunai made him dodge giving Konohamaru a chance to escape. Naruto spoke again "Next lesson Genjutsu. Tema-chan if you please." making the three realize that Temari had been making hand signs covering their world in darkness however Kyouki was ready as she made the ram sign "Kai!" she called out seeing her brother had vanished.

She sighed as she helped her team get out of the Genjutsu "Third lesson Ninjutsu. Shadow Clone Jutsu." Naruto called out making two clones appear and rush the three of them. The three students fought until Konohamaru threw down a smoke bomb giving them cover to get away

"This is a most youthful battle!" Lee called out making everyone but those fighting and Gai sweatdrop.

"They seem to have a grasp on the true purpose of this test." Kakashi said with a smile as he watched his children. Naruto waited before he jumped out of the way of a strike from a Bo Staff in Konohamaru's hands Naruto drew his blade and started a weapons fight with the young Sarutobi.

"So Jiji has been teaching you his fighting style has he." It was a statement not a question Tenten watched the fight with stars in her eyes

"That's the sword the White Fang used." Tenten said.

Naruto then had to jump away as his sister appeared with Tomfa in both her hands Kurenai and Kakashi were surprised until they heard a nervous laugh below them.

"Tenten?!" Temari asked/demanded

"I…Um…I…I…Oh! I couldn't help myself she saw them in the family shop and showed so much interest that I couldn't help but offer some training." Tenten said.

Naruto dodged the two students fighting both of them waiting for Hanabi to join them until a blur ran towards him making him jump and avoid it as the alarm sounded. "Well done all three of you." Naruto said as Hanabi slowed and showed she had both bells "Now the question is who gets the bells?" Naruto asked.

"Give them to the girls they earned it." Konohamaru said "No my team should get them I can always train with Tou-san when he isn't busy." Kyouki said "No you two get them I can train with my clan." Hanabi said.

"You know what? Forget it!" Konohamaru said as he took both bells and threw them on the floor in front of Naruto "We're a team we succeed together we fail together." Konohamaru said making the two girls nod in agreement.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes." All three said together

"Well then I have only one thing to say…you all pass." Naruto said making every rookie look at him in surprise. "Not only did you complete your objective but you showed that your team is what you found to be important not just getting the bells. That's what it means to be on a team fight together care for one another become a second family if you will."

"So because we fought together instead of alone we passed?" Konohamaru asked.

Naruto motioned that they follow him the three followed close as did everyone else once they reached a familiar stone he turned back to them. "What is this monument?" Naruto asked the three looked at it.

"This is the memorial stone the name of those who lost their lives in the service to Konoha are here." Konohamaru said making Naruto nod.

"Almost every person on this stone died to protect their team as well as the village. Shikomo Hatake is a perfect example."

"Jiji-san?" Kyouki asked Naruto nodded.

"Our grandfather decided to risk his last mission by abandoning it to save his allies from death and torture. He lost his life but everyone single member of his team made it home. You showed that you are willing to make similar sacrifices for the better of your team. Know this those that break the rules are scum but those that would betray their teammates are worse than scum. When outside these walls your team is the only ones that will support you and you should treat them with the same respect and kindness as you would your own family."

Naruto finished the lecture making the three students nod. The sound of clapping made everyone look to see the Jonin sensei Kakashi, Kurenai, Yugao, and Anko were clapping while the rest were smiling at the group. "Very nicely taught Naru-chan." Kurenai said as the Jonin jumped down Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his head in a similar manner of his father.

Kakashi walked up and rubbed Naruto's head messing up his hair even more "That's my boy." Kakashi said pride clear in his voice making Naruto smile at him.

"Thank you Okaa-chan Otou-san."

"Barely a Genin and already got a team of students huh Naruto?" Anko teased slightly making a few laugh.

Naruto smiled "Well he defiantly made the lesson more interesting than Iruka-sensei." Kiba said making the group laugh.

"Alright you three we'll pick up again as soon as possible but for now your dismissed however I would like all three of you to start the tree climbing exercise with your parents or an adult nearby."

Naruto said making the three academy students nod "Hai sensei." they called out making Naruto scratch the back of his head again.

"If this is how you teach I can't wait to see what you'll do when you get your own official team." Asuma said

"Thanks Asuma-sensei."

"Alright I've got to go and meet my students see you at home Naruto, Temari."

"Team eight we should be going as well."

"As should we my youthful students I feel greatly inspired after such a Grand Lesson." Gai said leading his team away.

Asuma and Yugao looked at Naruto "I can see why you wanted to name him team leader." Yugao said making Naruto blush slightly at the praise.

"Alright team it's time for the test." Asuma said.

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