Promotions and Farewells

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The sounds of a heart monitor were the first sounds that became clear to Naruto as he slowly opened his eyes and closed them again after they had been flooded with sun light. He opened his eyes again feeling weaker than he could ever remember in his life before his last memories came to him making him look down to see the thread from his sutures.

He then looked around him and saw that his room was filled with more people that he thought it could legally hold he smiled as he saw Shikamaru and Choji resting against the far wall acting as guards ready to jump at the slightest sound. He saw his students sleeping in the chairs while being held by three different people Ino held Kyouki in her arms, Hanabi in Hinata's, and Konohamaru in his Auntie Anko's arms while Azuma-sensei sat nearby holding her hand.

He looked at the other bed in the room and almost laughed at the sight of his parents spooning his dad holding his mom so close that it would've been hard to tell where he began and where she ended. Naruto then looked to his side to see Temari with her head on the bed using her left hand as a pillow while her right was in his holding his hand closer than ever.

Naruto smiled as he squeezed the hand of his fiancée Temari woke with a start and looked around until she realized that she was seeing a pair of very blue eyes that she hadn't seen in days. "Naru-kun?" Temari asked in a whisper Naruto looked and noticed the tear stains on her face.

"I'm so sorry Temari…I'm sorry I made you cry." Naruto said to her Temari who took the hand in hers and brought it up to her face making it run up and down her skin while she laid her head in said hand.

"Naruto…we live dangerous lives. We don't have a high life expectancy…I've known that any day with you could be the last since Wave. You don't need my forgiveness nor should you ask for it you did what any good shinobi would do…protected your Kage." Naruto looked at Temari and smiled under his mask before reaching up and pulling said mask down and pulling Temari forward and kissed her.

This kiss was so different than any kiss in their lives there was passion, a fire in their veins, they opened their mouths and started to battle their tongues against one another fighting for dominance. Temari felt herself be pulled into Naruto's bed as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close as he continued to kiss her deeply.

"I love you Naruto." Temari said as she continued to kiss her fiancée "I love you too Tema-Hime." Naruto said before he stopped and pulled his mask back up.

"Good morning Tou-san…Kaa-chan." Naruto said making Temari go from confused to wide eyed panic as she looked over her fiancés body and saw both sets of his parent's eyes looking at them.

"Yo." Kakashi said in a tone that told the two he was laughing his ass of inside his mind.

"Good morning Sochi…Temari." Kurenai said making Temari blush as she hid her face in Naruto's chest making him chuckle.

Naruto turned them slightly so that he was on his back again and Temari was lying on his chest "So…how long was I out for?" Naruto asked "Four days…there was a very deadly poison on the sword that almost pierced your heart." Kakashi said as the pair sat up the noise slowly starting to wake everyone else in the room.

Choji instantly opened his eyes his hand going for the hilt of his Zanbato only to pause when he saw no danger all while Shikamaru just leaned against the wall his eyes still closed. However Naruto was able to see the slight change in his stature and smirked as he looked to the side and saw a fruit basket reaching over and grabbing an apple he tossed it at his friend only for said lazy genius to grab it out of the air before it hit him.


Shikamaru said as he bit into the ripe red apple "Your welcome." Naruto said as he noticed everyone else open their eyes and stretch out slowly except for his students. Naruto smirked before taking a deep breath "Cover your ears people." Shikamaru warned them everyone followed him knowing that Naruto could be very loud when he wanted to.

"EMEMY ATTACK!" Naruto called out after making sure to place up privacy jutsu around the room all three young kids jumped from their laps/beds and hit the ground all of them rushing to stand up and prepare to fight. The three however stopped when laughter filled the air making them look and see that the loudest was in the hospital bed.

"SENSEI!" The three call out as they jumped onto the bed running up and hugged their teacher tightly as he wrapped his arms around all three of them holding them close to him.

Temari smiled at the looks of happiness that hit all three children so clearly a few tears gathering in their eyes "Hey you three. Sorry that I haven't been around to continue your training." Naruto said as he held his students close

"We're just happy your back Sensei." Hanabi said getting nods from her teammates.

"Well then…once I'm back on my feet we'll get back to it…with me sitting down resting while I supervise." Naruto said looking over at his fiancée and seeing her nod in agreement making Naruto smile. For a few hours everyone stayed with Naruto as they told him about the things he missed Sasuke's engagement, Kiba and Hinata getting together, and everyone waiting to hear about the Chunin exams results.

"Well actually I can give an answer towards that last one." Everyone looked to see Hiruzen Sarutobi standing there.

"Hey Jiji."

Naruto said with a smile "Naruto my boy you have no idea how good it does this old man to see you awake once more." the Sandaime said

"It's good to be back." Naruto said as Jiraiya entered into the room along with a woman Naruto never saw before…at least not in person.

"Tsunade Senju…I guess it's you that I owe for being able to open my eyes again." Naruto said making the blond haired woman smirk slightly

"I may have taken the poison out and cured you but it was your teammates that are to thank. After all they're the ones that helped the Pervert here track and find me." Naruto smiled as he looked at his team.

"And I would do the exact same for any one of them."

Naruto said getting smiles from all four of his teammates "As I was saying beforehand Naruto this invasion has made me see that the time has come for me to step down. I'm getting too old for this job and I'd like to enjoy the rest of my time in peace…or at least free of that damn paper work." everyone laughed at his words.

"So in three days' time Tsunade here will be taking up the title of Godaime Hokage." The Sandaime said making everyone gasp slightly in surprise but Naruto smiled as he lifted his hands and started to clap slowly everyone joined him and the room was soon filled with the applause.

Tsunade smiled and nodded before raising her hands to silence the room "On the day of my coordination I will be presenting the results of the Chunin exams and giving those that have earned it their vest. I trust you will be there ready… Tokubetsu Jonin Hatake?" Naruto felt his eyes widen and he looked at Tsunade.

"Tokubetsu Jonin?"

Naruto asked making sure he heard correctly "Yes…over four Jonin in our ranks saw your actions in the invasion against sound. Summoning Gamabunta and his brothers to battle the snake summons, directing your fellow Genin in ways that made it so that those that were needed to be protected were, and most importantly. Destroying the barrier that kept your Hokage not to mention the Kazekage and the Misukage from receiving any back up while facing three S class ninja. Finally the capture of one Oto Kunoichi that seemed to be one of Orochimaru's personal guards."

"Shikamaru, Temari, Kaa-chan, and Auntie Anko helped with most of those." Naruto said making Tsunade smile.

"While that may be true you are the one to bring about those circumstances. Either way all members of team ten are to report to the Hokage Mansion in three days' time." Tsunade said making the team nod at the order.

"Also kid after your promotion is official you and I are going to start a training trip."

"A training trip?"

Naruto asked looking confused at the Toad Sage "I can't stay here any longer kid but I'm not going to leave my student hanging. So you will be coming with me as my apprentice full time." Jiraiya said making Temari and a few others look away in sadness not wanting to think about losing Naruto again so soon.

"Not without Temari, Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki." Naruto said making everyone look at the black haired mask wearer to see determination shining in his blue eyes.

"Come again?"

Jiraiya asked "I'm not going anywhere without my fiancée and my team. I don't care what you can offer me Ero-sennin or even if Baa-chan here orders me to go they don't go I don't go." Naruto said not noticing the tick mark building on Tsunade's forehead.

Jiraiya however was a different story who noticed but decided to ignore it "Ungrateful brat I can think of at least ten others who would jump at the chance to be my apprentice!" Jiraiya yelled out

"Then get one of them to go with you or get Baa-chan to order them to go. I'm not leaving without my fiancée and my team." Naruto said slowly rising up and glaring at the white haired man once again missing the tick mark on Tsunade's head growing larger.

Hiruzen wisely stepped away and motioned to Temari to get herself and the kids off the bed Temari was confused but followed the old mans' suggestion. Jiraiya was now getting worried calling Tsunade out on her age once would get a man hurt, twice could almost get him killed, and if Naruto did it a third time he was sure his student would end up as nothing but a puddle of goo.

"Eh hem…Naruto you um…"

Jiraiya tried to warn him but Naruto didn't listen "Don't try and change the subject Ero-sennin either find a new apprentice or accept my conditions. Because like I said even if Baa-chan here orders me I don't do without them!" Naruto called out making Jiraiya pale.

"Only Buddha can forgive you once!" Tsunade yelled charging forward her arm raised and slowly moving down to slam it down on Naruto only for the unexpected to happen.

Naruto rushed his hand out up and grabbed it out of the air and held it back not even moving except his eyes that looked up at the elder woman "Do you mind I'm having a conversation with my so called Master right now?" Naruto asked before his eyes went back to facing a slack jawed Jiraiya.

He wasn't the only one surprised everyone there who knew about Tsunade's strength looked at it with nothing short of shock. "I knew the kid was strong…but DAMN!" Jiraiya thought Naruto looked confused for a moment before looking at his Dad "Where are my Gravity Seals?" Naruto asked waking Kakashi from his daze.

"The doctor gave all of your personal affects to me and your mother. I guess I forgot about them." Kakashi said making Naruto nod in understanding while everyone seemed to grasp what had happened. Naruto's seals had allowed him to be able to hold back Tsunade's attack because they increased his strength and ability to hold back weight.

"Gravity seals?"

Tsunade asked once she had moved back looking at Jiraiya who held his hand up and shook his head no "Tou-san taught it to me. They're on the arm and leg guards I wear and this one here." Naruto said opening his shirt showing off his chest but not his stomach and focused his chakra making a black tattoo appear.

"Why do you have one on your body sensei?" Konohamaru asked

"This one works on my body like the guards work for my legs and arms otherwise the whole thing would be unbalanced and I'd gain power…but lose speed. Or gain speed but lose power." Naruto explained before the tattoo seal vanished and he buttoned up his shirt.

"How…?" Jiraiya started to ask "Shadow clones. Created one and had it paint the symbol on me before I activated it myself." Naruto said making Jiraiya nod in agreement that it was a great way for a Fuuinjutsu specialist to paint seals onto him or herself.

"Then to settle this matter as my last order to you Jiraiya as the Sandaime Hokage I order you to not only take Naruto with you since he is your student but his students and his fiancée as well." Hiruzen said making Naruto nod in agreement while Jiraiya look off slightly scowling but let it go after a few moments.

"All right you three you hear the man in three days I want you packed and ready to go for a…" Naruto looked at Jiraiya who sighed and held up three fingers "…alright forget that last part. We're going to be gone for three years so just stick to your training clothing and tools I can pick up whatever else you three need on the road. Remember to also pack everything needed for a long term mission." Naruto said making the three nod before they ran out of the room in their excitement forgetting they weren't leaving for days to come.

Naruto shook his head and sighed "I can see why you felt exhausted after a day of training me Tou-san." Naruto said making Kakashi laugh slightly.

Three days passed in a blur as Naruto stood with Team 10, Neji, and Gaara all of them looking down at the Village as they watched the Sandaime lift his hat upon the head of Tsunade Senju after announcing to the Village that she would be taking the title of Godaime Hokage. The teams clapped along with the Village as Tsunade rose up showing off her new official rank before she turned to the village and gave her speech.

Finally when she finished she motioned for the Yondaime Kazekage to approach "And now finally today is the day we announce the results of the Chunin exams." Tsunade paused as she listened to the entire of Konohakagure as it cheered in anticipation. "As always I turn it over towards the visiting Kage's to hand out the promotions of their Shinobi." Tsunade said as the Yondaime Kazekage stepped forward and stood before the villagers.

"People of Konoha our friends and allies…" The Kazekage paused here and let the people cheer before continuing "…I the Kazekage of Suna have only one promotion to give out." He turned to Baki the sensei of the team he had sent and took a brown Shinobi flak jacket. "I am pleased to award the rank of Chunin to my son Gaara of the Desert. Step forward my son and accept your reward." Gaara walked forward and raised his hands to accept the jacket before bowing to his father and leaving towards the group as Tsunade took the podium once more.

"Now for those of the Konoha Genin that made the rank of Chunin or higher. First is a young prodigy of the Hyuga Clan and while he lost in the final round of the tournament he showed that his mind is focused on achieving the mission while also finding tactical ways of getting around his enemies by not only relying on the style of his clan. Ladies and Gentleman I give you…Neji Hyuga!"

Neji walked up with a serious expression on his face but almost smiled when Hinata walked out and presented him with his Chunin flak jacket. Neji accepted it with a bow before moving back to the group once more.

"This next Shinobi also belongs to a clan however unlike most of the others in it he relies on the use of Kenjutsu and Earth style Jutsu. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you…Choji Akimichi." Choji walked forward wearing his armor however it looked almost new after having been polished all over by himself and his mother a few days before hand. Choji smiled as his father walked out and presented the flak jacket to him before bowing and accepting the jacket from his father and rejoining the group.

"Next is a Clan heir known from their mind Jutsu however this young woman has shown that she while proficient in her family's justu this young lady shows great skill with Kenjutsu and Water style Jutsu. Ladies and Gentleman I give you Ino Yamanaka." Ino smiled as she walked up and accepted her Flak Jacket from her father who was beaming with pride as Ino bowed and returned joining her team.

"The next member to receive the rank of Chunin wasn't born here but in the years since she came to live here has made a name for herself as one of the few Wind users of the village and the way she is able to integrate not only said Wind Chakra into an attack from her Naginata but her Water Chakra as well. Not to mention that with her help along with two Jonin we were able to capture on of Orochimaru's personal guards. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Temari of the Desert." Temari smiled as she listened to her friends cheer loudest of all she looked towards her father but he shook his head and motioned off to the side.

Temari while confused smiled when she saw Kurenai walk out and present her with the Flak Jacket "Your father wasn't allowed to present you with your Flak Jacket because of the fact that you are part of our ranks instead of his." Kurenai explained in a whisper making Temari nod as she bowed and accepted the jacket from her soon to be Mother in-law.

"Next is a member of a clan believed to be filled with nothing but lazy geniuses but this young man showed that while he is still lazy that his dedication to his team and his skills are exactly what is needed to keep us going. Ladies and Gentleman I give you Shikamaru Nara." Shikamaru lazily walked up and bowed to his father accepting the jacket but Naruto smirked knowing that he was muttering many a 'Troublesome' inside his mind.

"And finally this young man will not be given the Rank of Chunin however with his skills in Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Fuuinjutsu as well as the fact that he was the one to lead his fellow Genin in the invasion, and helping not only our own Sandaime but the Yondaime Kazekage and the Godaime Mizukage after they had been trapped inside a barrier jutsu by Orochimaru. This young man has proven that he is worthy of a different rank Ladies and Gentleman receiving the rank of Tokubetsu Jonin I give you…Naruto Hatake!"

The crowd went wild as Naruto was announced it seems that while he slept his feats were spread throughout the village. Naruto walked forward and eye smiled as he saw his father approach holding a black flak jacket unlike the green ones that the others received. Naruto bowed before his father and accepted the jacket noticing the long line of white Kenji lettering that spelled out Tokubetsu Jonin on the front along with a white paw print.

Once he was back with his team Naruto saw the back of his jacket and almost laughed for on the back was the Kenji Konoha's White Wolf along with a wolf head. "Chunin and Tokubetsu Jonin. Dawn your Flak Jackets." Tsunade said the team along with Gaara and Neji pulled one their vest after those with jackets or coats had removed them first. Once everyone once more stood before the crowd showing off their new ranks the cheers and applause made all of them smile before they gave a final bow and turned to enter into the Hokage's office.

Once inside Tsunade gave them all a little speech about what would be expected of them in the years to come before finishing by officially naming Konohamaru Sarutobi, Hanabi Hyuga, and Kyouki Hatake Naruto's team who's rank would be determined in three years' time.

Once the meeting was concluded the newly promoted Chunin and Tokubetsu Jonin were met with many a congratulations and cheers as one by one they all broke off from the group and headed to their homes for their victory parties.

As soon as Temari and Naruto arrived at the Hatake compound they found that Kurenai had cooked a small feast with many of Naruto and Temari's Chunin and Jonin friends there joining them. Anko was happy that she now shared her rank with her nephew claiming that it was truly that way to go since like her he skipped over the rank of Chunin completely. The night was filled with some drinking, lots of eating, and a surprise no one was expecting.

Asuma Sarutobi dropped to one knee in front of Anko and proposed to her at first everyone thought that she'd attack him since he was asking while they were surrounded by friends and family but instead she just smirked. "Took you long enough. Yes I'll marry you." Anko said with a smile as Asuma placed the band onto her finger it was a simple ring but the band looked like two silver snakes moving around. Anko loved it and kissed him soundly while everyone cheered for them.

"They stole my idea." Naruto whispered to Temari making him look at him in surprise before he fell to his knees as well before her the room went silent as they watched. "Temari you have been by my side since we were children. You were my rock in the tough times. The woman who could bring a smile to my face with the mere thought of you. I know that technically we're already engaged but…I want it official by our terms not the councils. Temari of the Desert will you honor me by becoming my bride?" Temari felt the tears running down her face but she couldn't stop smiling as she nodded her head.

Naruto rose up and placed the gold banded ring on her finger making her look to see that it was a wolf on one side and a raven on the other. The gem was a sapphire her personal favorite making her smile as she rushed up and kissed her Naruto. The room exploded with cheers and applause but to the two of them it was nothing but a faint buzzing in the background.

Once the kiss was broken Temari felt herself being pulled away by the women there she smiled as she walked off with the girls while Naruto was crowded by the men. After the party was done Naruto and Temari offered to help clean up but Kurenai wouldn't hear of it and sent them on their way.

Lemon Warning: Skip if you don't want to read.

That night Temari activated their privacy seal and started kissing Naruto as soon as his mask came off. "Naruto-Kun…I love you." Temari said between the kisses as Naruto returned them "As I love you…my desert Hime." Naruto said against her lips. Temari stopped and pulled away slightly looking nervous before she started to pull off her kimono making Naruto stare at her as she slowly removed her clothing until she stood before Naruto completely bare as the day she was born.

Naruto looked at Temari "Are you sure my Hime?" he asked Temari smiled and nodded as she walked over and started to help him pull off his clothing as well.

"I have wanted to do this for quite some time but I knew that tonight was the night after you proposed to me even after the fact that we were already engaged." Temari said as she pushed him to sit on the bed as she straddled his hips making sure to press her quim onto his member as she started kissing him.

Naruto raised his hands up slowly running them up and down Temari's sides his thumbs ghosting along her breast. Temari moaned slightly as she felt his warm hands on her body before she moved so she could look at his face "It's okay Naru-Kun. Touch me." Temari said as she went back to kissing him.

Naruto ran his tongue across her lips and started to battle her tongue for dominance as his hands slowly came forward and started to gently hold her B almost C cupped breast in his hands. Temari gasped slightly as she felt his hands on her breast but relaxed as she started to run her hands through his hair and down his back.

Naruto started to gently squeeze Temari's breast in his hand before he started kneading them getting Temari to moan again. While this was happening Temari felt Naruto's member go from semi hard to completely hard against her quim it made her almost moan again as she felt the size of his against her. Naruto decided that it was time for him to try something as he moved and laid Temari down on the bed while he kneeled on the ground.

Temari looked at Naruto wondering what he had planned until he opened her legs allowing him to see all of her Temari covered her face slightly worried about what he would think. "Temari…you're beautiful." She looked through her fingers and saw nothing but truth in his eyes as he lowered his head Temari didn't know what he was going to do until she felt his tongue run along her entire quim.

She went wide eyed as she moaned while he continue to lick her up and down again and again sometime he just focused around her clit making circle motions with his tongue. It was driving her wild. Temari placed her hands on Naruto's head pushing him closer to her quim making him smirk against her skin as he continued to lick her. "Oh…Naru-kun. It…it…feels so good!" Temari moaned out as Naruto licked around her clit before lowering his face and driving his tongue into her entrance. Temari arched as she felt his tongue on her inner walls going all around her something only her fingers had ever done in the past.

Naruto looked up as he watched her thrash on the bed only staying in place because of him holding her legs down. "Naru-kun…" Temari moaned slightly as she felt her face flush and her need for air grow all while a rushing heat grew inside of her belly. Naruto continued to lick her walls before moving the fingers of his right hand to start messaging her clit while he licked.

Temari almost arched again as she felt both her quim and her clit being assaulted at the same time the fire inside of her grew more and more as she felt herself reaching her climax. "Naru-kun…I'm…I'm gonna…" She tried to warn him but couldn't seem to form the right words her mind addled by pleasure as he seemed to move his fingers faster.

Temari felt her release get closer and closer until the heat was too much for her "I'm…Cumming!" Temari cried out loudly happy that she had activated the privacy seal first. Naruto clamped his mouth around her quim as he felt her juices start to shoot from her body he drank the warm liquid enjoying the slightly spicy taste.

Once Temari came down from her high she started panting for air but grabbed Naruto's head and pulled him up to deliver a bruising kiss she could still taste herself on her lovers lips making her moan against them. "Naruto…I need you. I need you inside me." Temari said against his lips Naruto nodded as he got onto the bed pulling her into his lip. Once she was straddling him once more Naruto lowered his hand to line himself to her entrance Temari helped by raising up slightly to make it easier for him.

When she felt the tip of his hard cock at her entrance she slowly lowered herself so the tip and first few inches were inside of her. Temari paused as she felt him spreading her apart but looked at her Naruto "It's going to hurt me when you are completely inside so please wait until I'm ready." Naruto nodded at her request as Temari continued to lower herself onto him. She was just happy that she had already broken her maidenhood from so much exercise so that they could continue without the searing pain most experience when they lose their virginity.

Once Temari was able to get used to the feeling of Naruto inside of her she started to hump against his lap making him moan before he started to thrust with her. It took a while but the pair eventually found a rhythm that worked for them both and they started a slow loving pace with Naruto's head in Temari's chest as she wrapped her arms around the back of his head in order to stay up. Naruto took the opportunity to start running his tongue along her chest enjoying the slightly salty taste of her sweat and skin.

Temari moaned as she felt his tongue against her skin "Naru-kun…my breast. Please give them attention too." Naruto nodded as he started to lick around her breast and the valley between them. Temari ran her hands through Naruto's hair enjoying the feeling of him inside of her and his tongue on her skin her mind running wild with pleasure.

"Temari…you're so tight…so wet." Naruto gasped out moaning slightly as he felt Temari clamp around him slightly "Naru-kun…I love it. I love the feeling of you driving in and out of me!" Temari slightly cried out as she increased her speed making Naruto do the same.

The pair continued at this pace until they both felt their peaks coming "Temari…I'm close." Naruto said "Me to. Oh Naruto-Koi me too! Inside shoot your baby batter inside of me!" Temari screamed as she felt her climax coming.

"But you'll…"

"I've taken the tea that prevents pregnancy! Now shoot inside…give it all to me!" Temari cried as she felt herself fall over the edge and clamp down tightly on Naruto making him hiss before he felt himself start to shoot his load inside of her. The two cried out together as they came once they were able to come down from their high they fell onto the bed panting while Naruto was still inside of Temari.

Temari was relishing in the feeling of Naruto's warm spunk inside of her while Naruto was enjoying the feeling of her warmth wrapped around him. After they had caught their breath Naruto looked at her "Up for another round?" making Temari smirk "Definitely." she said as they moved and started again.

Lemon Ends

When morning came it found the two lovers passed out on the bed Temari lying on top of Naruto both smiling from the night before. Temari was the first to wake looking down at her lovers sleeping face making her smile as she kissed his lips and just snuggled back into his chest "That stamina of his is going to kill me in the future…but what a way to go." Temari thought as she felt her sore quim throb slightly.

When Naruto woke up he looked into the eyes of his beloved "Good Morning my desert Hime."

"Good morning Naruto-koi." Temari said as she kissed his lips.

Naruto looked at Temari "Are you hungry?" he asked before Temari could answer her belly betrayed her and growled slightly making her blush. Naruto just smiled not saying anything as Temari rose up to get off of him moaning as she felt his flaccid member leave her quim.

Once the pair were wearing underwear and robes they canceled their privacy seal and headed out to join the family for breakfast Temari was slightly bow legged and hung onto Naruto to stay up not that he minded. Once they walked into the room they saw Kakashi, Kurenai, Anko, and Asuma look over and give the pair knowing looks which made them blush slightly but Kyouki was confused.

"What is it?" Kyouki asked her family

"We'll tell you when you're older." the rest said together making Kyouki frown but accept the answer. After eating Anko and Kurenai grabbed Temari and dragged her off somewhere when Naruto was about to ask his father just placed his hand on his shoulder "Naruto…I hope you two were careful last night." with that sentence Naruto lost all thought of his future wife and tried to explain to his father that Temari was on the tea that prevented pregnancy.

Temari found herself in a room filled with Anko, Kurenai, her sensei Yugao, along with Hinata, Ino, Haku, and Kiba's older sister Hana. "So why are we all here sensei?" Hinata asked Kurenai making Temari realize this had been planned beforehand.

"Well since Temari is leaving soon with my Sochi and his master I thought that we could celebrate the recent engagements of Haku and Sasuke, Anko and Asuma, and as of last night Naruto proposed to Temari." Hinata, Ino, and Haku congratulated Temari making her smile as she accepted them and also congratulated Haku on her engagement as well.

"That's not all that happened last night."

Anko said giving Temari a look that made her panic slightly "It seem little Temari here also made my nephew a man last night." Anko said making the younger women gasp in surprise while the older women smiled.

Temari glared slightly at Anko because of what she said "Did you have to tell everyone?" Temari asked as Anko gained a thoughtful expression.


Anko said with a smile making her friends laugh "So…what was it like?" Ino asked making Temari and Hinata look at her in surprise. "Oh come on Hinata like you haven't wondered already what it was going to be like?" Ino asked making the Hyuga heiress blush brightly as she hid her face away.

"From how bowlegged she was this morning it had to of been good."

Anko joked making Kurenai grimace "Can we please not go into detail about my son and his sex life while I'm in the room?" she asked.

"Oh Nai-chan you're such a spoil sport."

Anko said pouting while Kurenai looked at her with a deadpan expression "Call me silly but that's not something a mother wants to hear about."

"Then go hide somewhere so we can get Temari to spill." Anko suggested.

"Anko not everyone likes to brag about their sex lives. Although from what you say about Asuma you have the right to brag." Hana said smirking.

"Alright one thing I just want her to tell us one thing about last night and I'll let it go." Anko said making the older women sigh before they looked at a blushing Temari.

Temari gulped before she decided on one thing that would fulfill the one thing but not really surprise anyone "Naruto's stamina made it possible for the two of us to go almost all night long." Temari said.

She looked to see a few of the elder women look surprised but the younger weren't so "Wait…you mean he kept going after the first go?" Hana asked making Temari nod and smile.

"I lost count of how many times he made me orgasm after the fifth time." Temari said with a dreamy expression coming over her face.

"Well shit…that beats what Asuma can do." Anko said making the women laugh and the younger women smile as well before the entire group just talked to pass the day.

About two days after that morning Naruto, Temari, Konohamaru, Hanabi, Kyouki, and Jiraiya were standing at the gate surrounded by their friends and family.

After the children said goodbye Hiashi Hyuga approached Naruto and handed him a scroll "These are some Gentle Fist techniques for Hanabi to learn when you feel she is ready for them." Naruto nodded and accepted the scroll before taking out a storage scroll and sealing it away.

After Hiashi nodded and walked away the retired Sandaime approached and handed Naruto two scrolls "The first is more katas on the Monkey Bo style I've been teaching Konohamaru so he can keep up his practice. The second is a scroll on some Fire and Earth Jutsu just in case you need them." Naruto nodded as he accepted the scrolls and sealed them away as well.

The Sandaime than took out two more scrolls "These are also some water and lightning jutsu since I hear they are Hanabi and Kyouki's elements." Naruto smiled before he hugged the closest thing to a Grandfather he had.

"Thank you Jiji."

"You're welcome my boy." Hiruzen said as he returned the hug and moved back.

After breaking the hug Naruto walked up to Shikamaru "I expect your game to be twice as good when I get back my friend." Naruto said making Shikamaru laugh as the two high fived before moving in for a bro hug.

Naruto moved on to Choji "I can't wait to see what you do with your Earth style and your Kenjutsu." Naruto said making Choji smile

"Can't let you have all the fun can I." Choji said as the two shared a bro hug as well before Ino hugged him close.

"Take care of yourselves out there." Ino said

"We will. Watch over these two lugs for me will ya?" Naruto asked making Ino laugh as she nodded and moved back.

Naruto moved on to hug Hinata and Haku wishing them luck and to take care.

He high fived Kiba and told him that he'd see him soon. Shino he asked to keep an eye on his team for him saying he trusted the Aburame heir. When he reached Sasuke the two just looked at one another before Sasuke offered his hand and Naruto took it shaking it.

Naruto reached his aunt and hugged her close before warning Asuma to treat her right.

When he reached his mother Naruto accepted the almost bone breaking hug returning one as well and just held her for a moment as she cried slightly "Be careful out there and watch over your sister." she whispered after a moment.

"I will Kaa-chan." Naruto whispered in return getting a nod from Kurenai as she moved back and allowed father and son to share a brief hug.

"I have something for you Naruto." Kakashi said handing Naruto a scroll making Naruto look at it before opening it to see the Raikari.


"You're ready my son. Use it well." Kakashi said making Naruto smile as he gripped the scroll tightly and nodded. Once Temari had finished her goodbyes as well the group of six waved as they left the village and walked off into their next adventure.

Kurenai cried as she watched her children leave as Kakashi held her close to his side "They'll be okay Kure-chan."

"I know Kashi-kun but it doesn't mean I'll miss them any less." Kurenai said as Kakashi pulled her into his side tighter. The pair watched as the group left both thinking the three years was far too long a time to wait.

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