Surprise Engagement A Mothers Broken Heart

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Naruto walked through the streets of Konoha in his hands was a book about the different styles of Kenjutsu depending on your weapon of choice or in Tenten's case multiple choices. That was until he head a familiar voice call out "Naruto!" the young Hatake sighed as Lee and his father Gai ran up to him. Even though Lee was technically a year older then Naruto there were times where everyone though the bushy browed young man was the younger of the two. "My youthful rival how are you this morning?!"

Naruto waited a few seconds before he looked up from his book "Huh you say something?"

Lee and Gai both started almost pulling their hair out as they screamed "DARN THAT TOO COOL HATAKE ATTITUDE!"

Kakashi sneezed when he walked into the hospital with his wife but just shrugged it off as they walked into the waiting room.

"Naruto I challenge you to a race…!"

"I'd like to Lee but Shikamaru is waiting for me."

Lee fell face first into the ground as his challenge was pushed aside like that. "Maybe next time Lee." Naruto said before he walked away reading his book again. "Morning Tenten-chan." Naruto said as he walked past the weapons mistress in training

"Morning Naruto-kun." when Naruto reached the Nara complex he heard "Shikamaru when is Naruto supposed to be here?"

"Any minute now Kaa-chan." a lazy voice said making Naruto smile. Shikamaru had inherited his father's laziness much to his mother's sadness "Unless he's picked up his father's habit of always being late he was probably delayed."

Kakashi sneezed again this time with a questioning look from his wife "Guess I'm a popular topic today." Kurenai shrugged.

Naruto knocked on the Nara's door "See there he is now." Shikaku said the sound of small footsteps walked towards the door.

Shikamaru opened the door for his friend "Hey Naruto."

"Hey Shika. I would've been here sooner except Lee tried to challenge me to a race."

"Troublesome." Shikamaru said as the two walked along the wooden walk way around the Nara household until they reached an area next to a small grove where the Nara keep their deer herds.

"Shogi or Go?"

"Go we played Shogi last time." Shikamaru nodded as he brought out two small covered bowls and placed them on the board both boys reached into the bowl Naruto pulled out four black stones while Shikamaru pulled three white stones. "Looks like I'm white." Naruto said as they swapped bowls and started to play a match against one another. The entire time the two of them played trying to catch the other

Shikamaru smiled as he placed a stone down "Besides Dad Naruto is the only one to give me a challenge." the lazy genius thought as he placed finished his turn waiting for Naruto to make his. Time passed slowly for them they were enjoying the quiet surrounded trees and animals "All we need is a skylight so I can look at the clouds and this would be the perfect spot for Go and Shogi." without even realizing it Kakashi and Kurenai walked up to the two young boys with Shikaku standing there with a smile on his face.

"How long have they been at it?" Kurenai whispered so she didn't break Naruto's or Shikamaru's concentration.

"They've been playing that same game since Naruto arrived. Only taking breaks to eat and go to the bathroom." Shikaku said Kakashi smiled at the news

"They're teaching each other important lessons."

"Indeed. Patience and strategy very important to the life of a shinobi." they watched as Shikamaru prepare to place a stone before Naruto said "I resign." forfeiting the match. The three parents walked over towards them

"Naruto you could've beaten me."

"Not when you recognized the chance to make life." (AN: In Go make life means saving stones from being captured.) Naruto said smiling at his friend Shikamaru smiled as well "Noticed that huh?"

"Yep. After you would've made life I would have lost by half a point thanks to the handicap." (AN: I don't remember if black or white got the five and a half points.)

Shikaku clapped as he walked up to the two of them "Very well played the both of you."

"Thank you Tou-san."

"Thank you Nara-san. Hello Otou-san Okaa-chan."

"Yo." Kakashi said as he looked at the Go board covered with white and black stones.

"Shikaku, Shikamaru it's time for the meeting with the Hokage." Yoshino Nara's voice said from inside the clan leader's house.

Both father and son sighed "Troublesome." they said together

"We're going as well Naruto." Kurenai said with a smile at the young masked boy. Naruto nodded as he stood up and walked with his family towards Hokage tower Shikamaru and his family following them. Soon Naruto was surprised to see that not only were the Nara and Hatake family were there but all of his other male friends as well. Choji, Kiba, and Shino were there with their parents standing behind them Neji and his father were there as well Naruto nodded at the older boy who nodded back there was also a boy he didn't recognize standing nearby his hair in the shape of a ducks ass behind him stood a man with a serious expression and a woman who looked like a very caring person.

It took Naruto a moment to realize that the only other boy missing was Lee "Jiji-san where's bushy brows and Uber brows?" Naruto asked getting a snicker from Hiruzen Sarutobi while the strangers in the room all gave him a look of disbelief.

"Well Naruto this is a political meeting. One where Gai and Lee's kinjutsu would cause a lot of problems." At the mention of the forbidden sun set genjustu everyone that had ever seen it felt a shiver run down their spine. "I have called you here because it has been decided that to improve the relationship between Suna and Konoha and both councils have decided that an arranged marriage between the daughter of the Fourth Kazekage and one of Konoha's sons. As you've notice all but one of you belong to one of our clans the Aburame whose chakra bugs are famous for their ability to drain one of chakra, the Akimichi whose taijutsu and clan technique are considered great in strength, the Hyuga clan famous for their bloodline the Byakugan, the Inuzuka who along with their partners are some of the world's best trackers, the Nara's and their ability to work with deer's to use their antlers for medicine and for producing lazy geniuses and Finally the Uchiha clan with the Sharingan blood line. Not to mention the Hatake family whose patriarch and matriarch are famous within their own rights Kakashi the copy ninja and Kurenai the genjutsu mistress of Konoha."

Naruto looked over at the duck ass now named Uchiha to see him glaring at the Hatake family. "Why are they here? You've gathered all the male clan heir's but they aren't part of a clan?" The young Uchiha asked in a voice that sounded full of contempt. The man standing behind him showed a little smile while the woman looked worried about the young Uchiha's attitude Naruto kept his cool as he saw that all of the clan heirs including Neji look at the Uchiha like he was scum.

"Kakashi and his family were requested to appear. By the Kazekage himself." The Third said making everyone look at the man in surprise the young Uchiha looked like he was ready to comment when there was a knock at the door. "Enter." The door opened for a man wearing white robes trimmed with blue his short brown hair was spiky and his eyes were light brown next to him walked a miniature version of him and a little blonde girl.

Behind him was another little boy with red hair holding the hand of a young blonde. "Ah Kazekage-sama welcome to our village."

"Thank you Hokage-sama I see you have gathered them all."

"Indeed may I introduce Shino Aburame, Choji Akimichi, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, and Sasuke Uchiha all heir of the clans of Konoha. As well as Naruto Hatake son of Kakashi and Kurenai Hatake."

The Kazekage looked at the mask wearing young man "Except for the hair and eye color he's the spitting image of your copy ninja. This is my son Konkuro, my brother in law Yashamaru, my second son Gara, and finally my daughter Temari." the Konoha villagers bowed in respect towards the family. "Before I chose a suitable husband for my Temari I wish to know what type of shinobi training these young men have already done."

Shikaku Nara spoke up first "I've started Shikamaru's strategic training as well teaching him the fundamentals for our clan's jutsu."

Chouza spoke next "Choji isn't yet ready for training our family jutsu's aren't taught till they are closer to academy age."

Each clan parent voice the same until the Uchiha mentioned that he was soon to start Sasuke's training in Fire Jutsu's. "And you Hatake what training has Naruto gone through so far?"

"Naruto has been doing a morning fitness routine of 100 push-ups, sit-ups, and laps around our house hold every morning for the last year. I have also started having him wear training weights to increase his speed and strength while teaching him the family taijutsu Wolf Fist. This morning after his workout I'm proud to say I saw the start of fissures in the wooden dummy I had Naruto preform Kata's against. Soon after he gain the ability to feel his chakra I'll teach him control and ways to increase his chakra reserves. After words I'll start with a few academy jutsu's Substitution being the first that comes to mind. I am also proud to say his mind is currently being trained by both his mother and the Nara family to increase skills and knowledge. There hasn't been a single time I nor his mother has been able to best him in a game of Go or Shogi."

The clan parents there all gasped at the regiment the young Hatake was working through as did all but one of the children. "Then my decision has been made clear for me. I chose Naruto Hatake as my daughters Fiancé and my future son in-law." While the other clan heads were nodding in understanding

Fugaku Uchiha was furious "Why are you choosing the son of a thief when you could have an elite for a son in-law?" the Kazekage looked at Fugaku and said

"My daughter will attract a lot of unwanted attention from not only my enemy's but from yours as well since she is to be staying here I want to make sure her fiancé is able to protect her. At your son's current level I'll bet Naruto here could defeat him in a single move."

"What would be the stakes?" A new voice called out everyone turned to see the weasel masked Anbu that had approached Kakashi this morning.

"If your Sasuke can prove me wrong I'll have Temari marry him, however if I am right you must hand over one of your B ranks fire jutsu's."

Fugaku smiled "Deal. Sasuke show them what an elite can do." Sasuke nodded at his father before he glared at Naruto.

"Naruto 100 time 10." Kakashi said making Naruto smirk as he walked forwards until he was in the middle of the room and pulled out his book and waited for Sasuke to make the first move. He didn't have long to wait "You dobe I'll teach you to respect your betters!" Sasuke yell as he charged Naruto his fist ready to swing only for him to hit air.

"Too slow." Naruto said making Sasuke look behind him to see Naruto kneeling on the ground his hands in the tiger sign "You lose. Leaf Village secret finger jutsu!" Naruto cried out as he stabbed his fingers forward making Sasuke cringe when he felt the fingers violate his ass and shot into the air in pain. "1000 years of death!" Naruto cried out as Sasuke shot forward and hit the roof of the Hokage's office and falling onto the ground out cold. Naruto kneeled there waiting until he started to hear someone snicker he looked behind to see the Kazekage's son Konkuro trying desperately to hide his laughter until he couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing Kiba wasn't far behind him soon all of the young men, Temari, and the parents except for the Uchiha's were almost rolling on the ground laughing at the sigh they had just seen.

Even the Anbu snickered a little as he pulled out a scroll and handed it to the Kazekage "One B ranked Uchiha fire Jutsu as promised." the kage nodded as he placed the scroll in his robe pocket. "Now that that is settled. Temari you will be staying here with your fiancé and his family."

Temari nodded but Naruto could see the sadness in her eyes he decided to ask something to help her "Is there any way she could visit from time to time?" Temari looked at Naruto in surprise but it quickly changed to gratitude.

The Kazekage scratched his chin in thought "I don't see why not, but I would prefer if you wrote a head for permission to enter the village since she will considered a member of Konoha." Kurenai smiled at her son's thoughtfulness towards the young girl. "That's fine." Kakashi said looking at his son pride shining in his eye as he rustled his hair.

"Before we leave I ask that you please ensure that she receives training in her wind nature chakra?"

"Of course. I'll ask Asuma to help since he too has wind nature chakra."

The Kazekage nodded as he looked at his sons. "Say goodbye to your sister it may be a while before you see her again." Konkuro nodded as he walked forward and hugged his twin then walked towards Naruto

"Take care of her."

"With my life." Naruto vowed Konkuro nodded. Gara walked up to Temari who wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly the young man was surprised at the action but returned it after a few moments of shock.

After she released him Gara walked over to Naruto. Gara offered his hand to Naruto who knocked it aside and hugged the red head as well surprising him even more. "We're brothers now Gara no need to be so formal." The black haired boy said to the red head who almost seem to cry when he was in his new brother's arms.

"Take good care of Onee-chan?" He whispered trying so hard no to cry

"I promise, and I never break my promises just ask any one of my friends." Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, and Choji all nodded to show he was telling the truth. Kakashi smiled at his son and Kurenai almost looked ready to cry when she saw the small happiness Naruto was bringing his fiancés brother. Temari almost broke out in tears as well Gara almost had no one that showed him any kindness and here was a boy their age who barely knew him but was already calling him brother and treating him in such a manner. Naruto held Gara at arm's length and eye smiled at him Gara smiled as well

"Temari behave for the Hatake's and don't forget to write us every once in a while." Yashamaru said as he hugged his niece.

Temari nodded "Make us proud Temari." the Kazekage said "Hai Tou-san." Temari said pride filling her voice as she stood a little taller. The Kazekage smiled as he and the rest of Temari's family prepared to leave

"Surely you'd like to see the place where your daughter will be staying at?" Kurenai said making the Kazekage look at her

"If I can't trust the family of her fiancé tell me now and I will call this whole thing off." Kurenai backed away and didn't say another word Naruto did like to see that look on his mother's face

"Kaa-chan was just worried about Temari please don't get upset at a mother for worrying about her future daughter in-law?" Naruto said making the Kazekage look down at him Naruto just stared right back both were looking each other in the eye. Everyone in the room watched the two stare at each other only the adults knew the Kazekage was measuring up Naruto as be slowly was releasing killing intent over time Naruto could feel it but he wasn't going to give up trying to defend his mother. After some time passed the Kazekage smiled as he looked away from Naruto and back at Kurenai

"You have a strong boy here and he's right I apologize for being so hard on you when you were just worried about my daughter." when he looked back at Naruto his smiled "I'll be watching your career closely little wolf." Naruto returned the smile and the man his two sons and his brother in law walked out of the office.

As soon as the door was closed Kurenai kneeled down and pulled Naruto into her arms and just about squeezed the life out of him "Kaa-chan…coking…not…breathing!" Kurenai released him and he started gasping for breath a few of the other kids snickered a little at the sight.

"Go easy on him Kure-chan he did only just get engaged his fiancé might get jealous." Kakashi said with a smile until Kurenai looked at him with a mild glare "He's still my little boy."

"Yes but if you coke him to death with one of those hugs you'll also be responsible for the war between Suna and Konoha." Kurenai looked up at her husband a pout starting to form on her face.

Temari walked up to the slightly dazed young man "Can I see what's behind your mask?" the room got very quiet at the question as Naruto scratched the back of his head and said "Sure…When we are at home." Naruto said making a few groan out in disappointment but Temari nodded her understanding.

The new couple turned towards the Hokage "Is there anything else Oji-san?" Temari was surprised to hear her future husband be so informal with their leader but the man just laughed as he said "No you're all dismissed." Naruto nodded before he turned to Temari. "Would you like to see Konoha?" He asked as he offered his arm to her the same way he had seen his father do many times before "I'd love to." Temari said as she took his offered arm and the two of them walked out of the office and closed the door behind them.

Kurenai tried to keep a neutral face but Kakashi knew better as he held his wife and teleported them away in a cloud of smoke. Once the two of them were back at their home Kurenai felt the tears start to fall Kakashi pulled her in close and just held her "It's happening sooner than I thought it would."


"She's going to steal him away from us Kashi."

"Kurenai don't think of it as losing our son think about it as if we're gaining a daughter."

Kurenai tried but all that time all she could think was "He's not going to need me anymore."

"He'll always need you Kure-chan" Kakashi said as he held his wife and ran his fingers through her long black hair. Kurenai felt the tears fall freely down her face

"Please hold me." She whispered Kakashi's arms tightened around her

"Kure-chan we aren't losing him."

"I know that in my mind but my heart won't listen." Kurenai cried into his shirt until she felt something wet on the top of her head she looked up to see her husband had tears in his eyes a well.


"It kills me to see you like this." Kurenai smiled a little and snuggled into his arms and chest

"I'll be okay it's just…I thought I had years before he found the kunoichi that would take him away from us."

"Kure-chan nothing like that is going to happen. The both of them are far too young to be anywhere near ready to leave your nest." Kurenai smile grew.

"I know but it still worries me is all." Kakashi smiled as his gently kissed her lips she returned the kiss enjoying the feel of him trying to comfort her. Her arms went around his neck and pulled him in closer to her after they broke the kiss she smiled at him.

"I love you Kashi-kun."

"I love you to Kure-chan."

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