The Hunt for Tsunade, Reminiscing

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"So where do we start?!" Shikamaru called out over the howling wind in his ears.

"Tsunade has gained herself a bit of a reputation since she left the Village. She's known as the Legendary Sucker." Jiraiya said making the four Genin deadpan at him "The woman can't win shit when she gambles." Jiraiya said not looking at the Genin.

"Wait…she has a gambling problem?"

Ino asked making Jiraiya laugh "Has ever since we were Genin." Jiraiya said to her as they road over land.

"Terrific! She went from the Slug Princess of the Sannin to the Legendary Sucker! What the hell happened to her to make her leave Konoha and never look back?" Choji asked Temari just stared ahead not bothering to think about what any of them were saying.

"Death and loss." Those two words woke Temari making her look at Jiraiya "Tsunade had a younger brother named Nawaki that dreamed of becoming Hokage just like their Grandfather the Shodaime, and their Grand-uncle the Nindaime. He died as a Genin on a mission that had been given bad intel. The second loss came for her when the man she loved and was engaged to died on a mission." Temari looked at Jiraiya in surprise.

"She lost her fiancé?" Temari asked making the Toad Sannin nod "His name was Dan and like Newaki he dreamed of becoming Hokage. However during the Second Shinobi War he died on a mission while protecting his comrades Tsunade arrived and tried to heal him only for him to slip away while she worked. After he died Tsuande took Dan's niece away from Konoha and made the little girl her apprentice. She swore then and there to never set foot inside the village ever again for as long as she lived hell she only kept ties with the place because of Sensei, me, and a Kunoichi named Kushina Uzumaki." Temari looked thoughtful.

"Can't really say I blame her…if I lost Naruto…" Temari didn't allow herself to finish the thought the idea both scared and sickened her.

"Kushina Uzumaki sounds familiar." Ino said making Choji nod in agreement while Jiraiya laughed "Not surprising…after all one of her students is currently one of your Sensei. Yugao Uzuki…she's become quite a woman since the last time I saw her walking around following Kushina." Jiraiya said shaking his head.

"I'm guessing Tsunade-sama liked Kushina because she was related to her Grandmothers clan." Shikamaru said making everyone look at the Nara.

"Mito Uzumaki was the name of the Shodaime's wife. Meaning she was Tsunade's grandmother I'm guessing that means Kushina was related to her as well in some way."

Jiraiya smiled. "Kushina was Tsunade's cousin on her grandmothers side. Her Grand-uncle Miro Uzumaki was Kushina's great-grandfather. Kushina was also one of the only known survivors from the destruction of Uzushinokagure. Kushina was the only living family that Tsunade had until she died during the Nine-Tales attack."

Everyone nodded at his words as the large Toad continued to hop away at break neck speeds. After a few feet Jiraiya looked at Shikamaru "Hey bum?"

"Huh?" Shikamaru asked one of his eyebrows giving a slight twitch "What was Naruto talking about on the roof? What was that he kept saying about a King?" Jiraiya asked neither he nor his Sensei had heard Naruto clearly and it had been bugging the Spy Master.

"It was something Asuma-sensei said to us about a week before we took our first C ranked mission." Shikamaru said noticing that everyone had gone quiet and was listening to them.

Shikamaru thought back to that day both Naruto and he was playing games of Shogi with their teacher who was enjoying himself at the Nara compound in the boys usual spot. "You know I look at this board all the time and I realize what the Generals were thinking when they looked at them and thought about their subordinates." Asuma said making the two teens look at him. "You two are here on this board as well…right here." Asuma said holding up one of the taken knights for them to see "This piece is perfect for the two of you. The knight can only move certain ways but each move can either make or break the purpose behind them. You two are planers as well as fighters."

"What would you be Asuma-sensei?" Naruto asked as Asuma set down the knight and picked up the rook "This one is more my style. Able to protect and defend while I carry the offensive Element type I use it more to protect my teammates than to harm my enemies. Much like the rook I have powerful offensive possibilities only matched by the Queen but what most others don't see is the fact that the rook is just as good for defense as well. However I've noticed that you two do see this…so now I would like to pose a question to you both. If the solders on the board represent Konoha and her Shinobi…than what does the King represent?" Asuma said pointing at the most important piece of the game.

"Wouldn't it be the Hokage?" Shikamaru asked "Back when I was your age I thought so too but you're wrong. This is the task I set for both of you find out what the King represents and tell me or the other why that particular piece is so important." Asuma said making both boys look at the King.

"I had all but forgotten about the question while we were in Wave and then with the Chunin exams." Shikamaru said to everyone "However it seems Naruto has been trying to understand what he meant…I don't know when he figured it out but he did. The King isn't the Hokage the King represents the children of Konoha." Shikamaru said noticing everyone was trying to understand.

"Don't worry I didn't get it either till Naruto explained it to me. They are the ones that are most important because…they are the ones that are charged with carrying on the Will of Fire the Shodaime and Nindaime started. Konohamaru, Kyouki, and Hanabi already show that they are perfect examples of carriers thanks in part to Naruto teaching them the Will and the drive necessary to carry it on to not only their students but their children and so on and so forth to keep it burning. That's what Asuma meant that day…the King or the Children are the most important thing to keep Konohakagure alive and I swore that day that I would protect them all with my life. Just like my oldest friend was driven to do when he saved the closest thing to a living Grandfather he has." Shikamaru's words made everyone look at him in surprise the Nara's lazy tone had all but vanished as he talked.

"I could tell from the look in his eye he wasn't focused on only saving the Third…his words after calling for me told me the rest. He did it to spare Konoha the pain of losing the Old Man." Shikamaru's words made everyone look thoughtful. "He did it…so Konohamaru wouldn't know what it's like to lose a blood family member." Shikamaru finished.

Jiraiya looked up at the sky at the Nara's words "Minato…Kushina…if you're listening right now. I know you would agree and feel great pride for your son." the Sage thought.

"Naruto was always the type that would rather shoulder the burden than allow others to feel it." Ino said aloud making Choji snicker Shikamaru smirked while Temari had a ghost of a smile on her face.

As the group traveled Gamaken spoke up from the first time "Jiraiya-sama we're near our designation."

"Thank you Gamaken." Jiraiya said as the Toad stopped and Jiraiya jumped down. "Let's move. If Tsunade catches even a glimpse of one of these guys she'll run for the hills something we can't afford." The Genin nodded before jumping off and the five Shinobi started to tree hop from branch to branch.

"So do you have a current photo of Tsunade to help us look?" Shikamaru said as Jiraiya handed him one allowing the Nara to see a beautiful woman with long blond hair in twin pony tails with a blue diamond on her forehead.

The Nara's eyebrow twitched again "I said current photo." Shikamaru said not bothering to cover his irritation.

"Tsunade is a very vain woman. She has a permanent Genjutsu around her body keeping her looking young so that photo is the best one to go by." Jiraiya said making Shikamaru's eyebrow twitch a few more times before he sighed.

"Damn Troublesome Blondes!"

Shikamaru shouted out before winching as two punches to the head sent him to the ground "What was that?!" Ino and Temari asked together their Oni Mask Jutsu activated making Jiraiya and Choji very happy it wasn't directed at them "Ow…" Shikamaru moaned two large bumps on his head.

Meanwhile back in Konoha in a single room of the hospital a puffy eyed Kurenai looked down at her son as he slept in his bed fighting for his life. "Naru-chan I want you to listen to me very closely." She said looking at him trying to keep herself from yet again crying her eyes out "I didn't spend all this time raising, loving, and teaching you to only have you leave this world before me. So I want you to hold on…hold on and keep fighting. Because if you let go…if you slip away…my heart couldn't bare it." Kurenai said a few tears leaking out of her eyes she quickly wiped them away.

"Sochi none of us will ever be the same if you leave us. Kashi-kun won't be alone in his trips to the memorial stone any longer, your students will never allow anyone else to replace you, and Temari…I truly believe that a part of Temari will die inside if she loses you Naruto. She loves you with her heart, her soul, her very being I know you are the same so you can understand how much this will affect her." Kurenai said to the comatose young man.

"I love you Naruto. I have since the day your father and I brought you home with us I remember many a night where you had your father singing to you to help you get back to sleep. You truly loved to hear his voice at night. One of my favorite has to be when I gave you your first bath it was just the two of us as I washed you in the sink. I was humming to you as I ran the wash cloth over you and you enjoyed it so much that you gave me your first smile. It was large and toothless but I could tell from your eyes how happy you were and I swear ever since than that smile had been one of the most favorite things to see. You were always there for me Naruto when your father couldn't be I love you so much Sochi. Please come back soon."

Kurenai said kissing his forehead rubbing his cheek with her hand before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she looked up to see Kakashi. "Come on love. You need to get some sleep."


"I've already got three people waiting to take your place." Kakashi said as Kyouki, Hanabi, and Konohamaru arrived making Kurenai smile.

"I could use some sleep." She said making Kakashi smile slightly behind his mask as he helped his wife up. "We'll be back in a few hours." Kakashi said making the three young children nod before the door closed.

"Hey Sensei." Konohamaru said as he took Kurenai's seat Kyouki sitting near the window Hanabi taking the seat closest to her best friend.

"Don't worry sensei we'll keep an eye on you…just like you have been doing for us." Konohamaru said making the two girls in the room nod in agreement "You know sensei…we grow up listening to stories about how great and amazing people like us are but the real thing isn't like the stories is it?" Konohamaru asked no one in particular.

"In the stories the good guy always wins the bad guy is always captured or killed and everyone lives happily ever after. What they don't tell you is about the times when the good guy may have had to do bad things to doing the right thing. Like how you, Temari-san, and the others had to kill during the invasion while we just knocked people out." Konohamaru said looking down "I don't know if you are able to hear me or not but you've got to come back sensei. We need you here. Not just as a teacher but Kyouki's and Hanabi's older brother…and the closest thing to a father I have." Konohamaru's last words made both Kyouki and Hanabi look at the young Sarutobi in shock at his words.

"I'm sure you know about my father dying back when I was still a baby. Kaa-chan misses him deeply but I've almost no memory of him true I had Jiji-san and Asuma-Ojisan, but I never had an Otou-san." Konohamaru looked down before looking up at Naruto again.

"Then you came into my life sensei. You were the first outside of my family to call me Konohamaru instead of honorable grandson…man I hate that title." Konohamaru chuckled slightly before he continued. "You were the first to encourage me without really having to, you believe in me and trust me. You treat us to sweets and meals when you have the spare time but…I don't think you really remember the first time we actually met sensei. I was three at the time." Konohamaru said sighing slightly.

"I had snuck away from my home to play when I scraped my knee and started to cry for my Kaa-chan…but of course she couldn't hear me. You did however." Konohamaru said as he looked at Naruto. "You walked into the park and saw me clutch my knee before walking over to me. I remember your first words to me were asking if I was alright." Konohamaru smiled at the memory.

"You took out some supplies and cleaned up my knee before you placed a band aid on me then taking out a cloth and wiping my face. 'Looks like you had yourself a bit of a fall there little one.' You said looking at me while I sobbed lightly. 'Do you know why we fall?' I remember being confused by that question trying to understand what you were saying until you helped me stand up again. 'We fall so that we can learn to pick ourselves back up again. Okay?' After you asked that you tapped my nose with your finger and gave me one of your famous eye smiles and helped me get back home. I think that's why Asuma-Ojisan wanted you as a student because I told him all about you about how you cleaned me up and taught me why we fall. He knew it was you from your mask and eye smile and I guess he saw that there was something about you that just made him want to see where you would go in the future. Over time you grew into the one I felt like I can always rely on, the one that I trust to keep me safe, the one that will always help me no matter what happens in my life."

"Asuma-Ojisan says that's what having a father is like…I know you aren't my father by blood. But you're the closest thing I've got and I don't want to lose you too so please come back to us sensei…Tou-san come home." Konohamaru felt the tears fall from his eyes and felt his teammates hug him from the back none of them caring about the fact that out in the halls Asuma, Anko, and Hiruzen had heard him.

"Naruto is something else isn't he?"

Anko asked making Asuma smile "You know if he wasn't already going to be the uncle of our future children…I would beg him to be their godfather." Asuma said making Anko smile and nod.

"He would be a damn good godfather. Maybe we should ask anyway…it would take away some of the worry." Anko said making Asuma smile as he kissed her hair making her smile.

"Minato…Kushina. Your boy has effected many in this life time and I have no doubt that you would be proud of him. However I beg of you…do what you can to keep him here we need him now more than ever." Hiruzen mentally begged.

Back with the team Jiraiya and everyone had split up to better search the place. "Man what I wouldn't give to have Pakkun here right now." Temari said making Ino nod her head as they walked around the town asking if anyone had caught sight of Tsunade. When they regrouped Shikamaru was the only one with good news

"She's gone to Tenzu Gia apparently she lost rather big here and left town as fast as she could." everyone was mentally cheering the lazy genius.

"Alright we'll head out at first light we've used up all the day light we've got for now." Jiraiya said making the team nod as they found hotel rooms for the night. The sun wasn't even fully in the sky when Team Ten dragged Jiraiya outside and started moving "Once we get to Tenzu Gia we'll split up again Tsunade will most likely be at a gambling den or a bar search those places first."

"Right." the team said together as Gamaken hopped across the country. Eventually they arrived "Alright this time bum and ponytail team up while wind girl and bandana head team up. Bum you take east, wind girl take west, I'll take the south we'll meet back here in about four hours." everyone split and went about their way to search.

"Not one damn hint of where that blasted Jinchuriki is hiding!" A tall man wearing a straw hat and a cloak with red clouds cursed.

"Relax Kisame we both knew that this would most likely be a bust since not even Zetsu can find mention of him or her here." The small one of the pair said in the tea shop where they were eating sweets not caring about the fact that someone had overheard them from the door.

"Kakashi." A voice on the street called making the one eyed ninja look to see Anko and Asuma walk up "Hey you two."

"Has there been any change?"

"Not yet but the doctors are hopeful. I'm here to get Kure-chan some tea and sweets I'm hoping they help to pass the time." Anko nodded but both Jonin noticed the hand signs Kakashi was making out of sight of those inside the shop.

"Well I better get going." Kakashi said as he held up a box and a small liquid container before leaving Anko and Asuma following suit while inside there was suddenly an open table. Two cloaked men walked around a small area of Konoha only to pause when Asuma and Anko appeared before them "You two never checked in at the gates…mind explaining what you are doing here?" Asuma said.

"Been a long time Asuma-san…Anko-chan." The small cloaked man said in an emotionless tone of voice that Anko and Asuma remembered very well.

"You have some balls coming back here…Kazu Uchiha." Anko said drawing out a Kunai while Asuma took out his trench knives as an almost Itachi look alike opened his cloak and took off his hat showing his face and scratched out head band to the pair.

"Guess there's no reason for me to keep hidden either." The tall one with the large bandage wrapped sword said before he took off his hat and revealed a blue shark like face with twin gill marks on his face in place of a nose. "Kisame Hisame former member of the Seven Swordsman of Mist."

A new voice said making Kisame and Kazu turn to see Mei and her guard there "Mei Terumi the Fifth Mizukage newly appointing after her rebel forces helped stop the bloodline wars." Kisame said. "That sword on your back is Mist property and we aim to retrieve it."

"You welcome to try…"

"Kisame this is too much even for us to handle and you know it." Kazu said making Kisame growl in annoyance but he had to agree with the Uchiha.

"Guess this'll have to wait till next time Mizukage."

Kisame said before he and Itachi vanished in Shunshin "Find them and kill them if you can!" Mei ordered Ao who happened to be the head of the Hunter nin division of Mist ANBU Ao nodded before he and his men left.

"Thank you for the assistance Mizukage-sama."

"No problem from what I hear you two are Naruto's godparents…and I owed him for saving my life."

Anko smiled at her nephew "Yeah well once he hears of this Naruto will most likely call it even." Anko said making Mei smile.

"I hope so."

Mei said as she turned and walked away while Kakashi appeared "Glad to see Pakkun was able to find her so quickly." he said making the two Jonin look at him. "I recognized the brand on the hilt from our battle with Zabuza and thought she'd be interested to know why there is the blade of one of her Seven Swordsmen here."

"Much obliged Kakashi. Hate to say it but neither of us are at Kazu or Kisame's levels. Any idea why they were here?" Asuma asked.

"They work for a group called the Akatsuki from what Jiraiya-sama tells me is that they are a group of nine S class missing nin from all around the Nations. So far their goal seems to focus around the Jinchuriki and their capture…I can't be sure but they could've been here to try and capture Gaara." Kakashi said but the look he gave Asuma made him mentally curse since it wasn't the Jinchuriki of the one tail that they were after but the hidden Jinchuriki of the nine tails.

Back with the retrieval team Choji decided to try something he had never tried before "Naruto…buddy if you listening we could use some of your luck right about now." he silently prayed as they walked and entered their last bar of the night. Temari and Choji walked in looking around when a loud drunk voice caught their attention "Shizure more sake!" the two looked to see a blond haired woman with long pony tails wearing a large green jacket that was open showing off a pair of breast that almost made Temari feel self-conscious but shook it off.

However it was the diamond in the middle of her forehead that really caught their attention Choji looked up at the sky "Thanks Naruto." Choji mentally said smiling before he pulled out a device and stepped back outside. Temari watched the pair to make sure they wouldn't leave when the sound hit the air (A/N: The sound in Crocodile Dundee 2 when Mick makes a 'phone call' in the Outback.) Temari smirked as she listed to Choji let Shikamaru and the others know they had struck pay dirt.

Tsunade and Shizure looked around them feeling tense at the strange sound more so when just as suddenly as it appeared the sound vanished. Soon four individuals walked in and walked over to a blond with four ponytails "What the hell…?" Tsunade mentally asked herself before actually recognizing one of the people there.

"Tsunade-Hime it's good to see you." Jiraiya said as they approached

"What do you want pervert?" Tsunade asked making Jiraiya slump slightly.

"Tsunade-sama we need your help."

Tsunade looked over at the blond girl with her hair in a single pony tail "Really? What has the old man's habit finally come back to bite him in the ass?" Tsunade asked as she took another shot from her sake dish filling it after setting it down.

"Actually Hime…what do you know about the Sounds attempt to invade Konoha?" Jiraiya asked making Tsunade look up at him "It was a complete and utter disaster Orochimaru didn't even make it away without some kind of damage." Tsunade said looking at the man before her.

"Orochimaru used Impure Revival to bring you Grandfather and Great-uncle back to life me, sensei, the Kazekage, and the Mizukage fought against them inside of a barrier that would've burned anyone that came into contact with it. However my newest student found a way around that."

Jiraiya said not bothering to cover the pride in his voice "He and the bum here…" Jiraiya pointed to the narrow eyed Nara glaring at him "…destroyed the barrier and were able to get back up to us in no time. Even saved the Mizukage's life while he was at it…however Orochimaru tried to kill the old man on his way out of the village in retreat but my student pushed sensei out of the way and took a blow from Grass Cutter through his chest. It barely missed his heart."

Tsunade set her drink down as she listened since she knew that this might be the reason why Jiraiya was asking for her help. "If it missed than why are you coming to get me?" Tsunade asked not meeting Jiraiya's eyes "You know as well as I do what Orochimaru has on that blade." Tsunade sighed she did in fact know about the poison mixture on Grass Cutter.

"What's the brats' name?"

"Naruto Hatake."

Tsunade looked up at Jiraiya in surprise "Kakashi settled down?" Tsunade asked making sure she heard right.

"Yep he and Kurenai Yuhi have been married since Naruto was three years old. He was born out of wed lock." Tsunade nodded in understanding "They even got a little girl named Kyouki." Tsunade chuckled slightly.

"What about him caught your interest?"

"The boy is the first utility ninja I've seen in decades." Jiraiya said making Tsunade look at him in surprise a utility ninja was rare in this day and age hell they were rare when she and Jiraiya were Genin.

"His fields?"

"Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and dabbling Fuuinjutsu. Too much Chakra to use Genjutsu or Medical Jutsu. He has Wind and Lighting affinities in which he has somehow mixed with his Kenjutsu almost like Suna's battle fans. He is also one of the best tactical minds I've ever seen. All in all…the kid could give Minato a serious run for his money." Jiraiya said making Tsunade look at him in surprise.

"Who is his teacher?"

"Teachers. Plural he and the rest here are part of a seven member squad Yugao Uzuki and Asuma Sarutobi are the Jonin sensei."

"Goals?" Tsunade asked

"Marry his fiancée, have a family, and become strong enough to protect those that he considers precious to him." Tsunade and Shizure looked at Jiraiya in surprise.


The two women asked together "Please…" a voice begged making them turn to see the blond haired girl with four pony tails was crying. "I know you have problems with Konoha and some of its ideas but…you're the only one that can save my Naruto-kun from death." Temari said reaching into the front of her kimono and drew up a string necklace that held a small ring threaded in it.

"We may have gotten engaged when we were still children but I can't imagine my life without him in it. Please come back and help him is all I ask…no beg of you." Temari said falling to her knees in front of Tsunade her teammates looked at one another before joining her on the ground. Tsunade recognized the tone of voice it the same one that had she had used that night so long ago Tsunade laid her head on her hands her eyes closed.

"Shizure." She said suddenly surprising her apprentice "H…Hai?"

"Pack our hotel room. We've got a patient to get to."

"Right away Tsunade-sama." Shizure said as she rushed out of the bar her pet pig Tonton in her arms. Team Ten rose back to their feet Temari wiping her eyes "Thank you." she said

"Don't thank me till after he's awake again." Tsunade said as everyone walked out of the bar in a hurry knowing the time was everything.

"Kazu was here?" Itachi asked Anko and Asuma who nodded making the Uchiha Clan Heir sigh "I guess he finally returned for me." Itachi said.

"Luckily he wasn't interested in any of the remaining Uchiha here."

Asuma said making Itachi nod in agreement "YES!" a loud voice yelled making the three slightly jump before rushing out the door to see Saskue smiling bright as a smiling crying Haku was hugging him tightly her arms around his neck. Sasuke had his hands on Haku's waist and was spinning her in the air laughing a sound of pure joy before setting her on the ground and picked up a ring box before slipping a diamond ring onto her finger.

"Ototo…?" Itachi asked as Mikoto walked out to trying to see what the fuss was about Sasuke smiled brightly at his brother and mother "Kaa-chan, Aniki…may I introduce Haku Yuki soon to be Uchiha." Sasuke said as Haku held her ring up in the air for all of them to see. The diamond was squared and almost looked like the slightly blue shine that Haku's ice gave off when she used her Bloodline. Mikoto squealed in happiness before running forward and hugging Haku to her tightly both women were smiling brightly and started to gush at the ring Anko walked over and joined in while Asuma and Itachi walked over to Sasuke.

"Are you sure about this Ototo?"

Itachi asked Sasuke nodded "I know it's only been a short amount of time…but my gut is telling me that I'm never going to find someone else I'll ever want for a wife." Sasuke said Asuma sighed as he scratched the back of his head. "You know you've found her if she is the only one you can ever see being with you in the future…if your heart hurts whenever the idea of a different woman is even mentioned…and most important if you are completely and hopelessly in love with her." Sasuke smiled at the memory it had been the preliminaries when he had asked Naruto when he would know if he had found the one woman he wanted to marry.

Sasuke had been thinking about Naruto's words ever since Naruto had been put into the hospital making him realize just how short life really is for Shinobi "If this is how you feel about Temari…I can see why you never allowed anyone to even look at her in a suggestive way." Sasuke thought smiling.

"Well I guess Anko and I can't be the only ones." Asuma said making Sasuke and Itachi look at him before he winked at them making the brothers smirk.

"You know Naruto this entire world is stranger than I thought growing up." Kiba Inuzuka as he and Akamaru took a shift watching their friend at the hospital it seemed all the rookies were taking turns to watch their hospital lain friend.

"Growing up I believed it would be you, me, and the guys against the world out there kicking ass and taking names. Then Temari came and your focus shifted from just being a bad ass ninja to include being a good fiancé towards the woman you were to marry. At first I believed she was just going to slow us down than I got to know her and realized she's just as deadly and dedicated as any one of us. The image changed from the guys to the guys and Temari, then Ino, Hinata, and Tenten were added. Now I can't imagine being out in the field without at least one of the girls covering us out there." Kiba laughed slightly as he petted Akamaru.

"Then I watched you take on three students of your own. Man I got to say that bell test was brilliant I watched as kids years younger than us take on someone that would've been able to wipe the floor with them work together to achieve a goal. To be honest it kinda reminded me of the times when Hana, the Haimaru brothers, and I would work together to get into the sweets jar." Kiba gave a slight chuckle at that.

"Then your lecture after…man that one hit me hard." "Know this those that break the rules are scum but those that would betray their teammates are worse than scum. When outside these walls your teammates are the only ones that will support you and you should treat them with the same respect and kindness as you would your own family." Kiba remembered that part the most.

"Before that I honestly thought that teammates would only hold me back and keep me from making a name for myself. But as I listened to you tell Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki that I realized how much of a fool I was more so since the clan techniques I am learning depend entirely on team work with our partners." Kiba said scratching Akamaru behind the ear. "Kaa-chan and Hana noticed a change in me almost immediately and noticed that Akamaru and I were working with one another better than ever before. I never told them what inspired the change in fact I think the only ones that had any idea are Shino and Hinata since they see the two of us on an almost daily manner and were there when the change came." Kiba looked at the sleeping pale form of his friend who still had his mask on his face.

"I want you to know this Naruto…if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be the Shinobi that I am today. I'd still be that hot head in school that was close to being the dead last and would snap at just about anything." Kiba said to his friend knowing that Naruto probably couldn't hear him but he just felt better saying what he had to say aloud.

A knock at the door made him look up and smile to see Hinata "Hey Hina-chan." Kiba said making Hinata blush slightly

"Kiba-kun…Tsume said you were taking a shift so I brought you a Binto." Kiba cheered as he took the boxed lunch from his girlfriend of a couple weeks.

"Thanks Hina-chan." Kiba said as he kissed her cheek making her blush again but smile before she reached into her bag and pulled out a second box.

"And this one for Akamaru-kun." Hinata said opening the box showing cooked sausages and other meats Akamaru barked in happiness before he started to eat the meal.

"He says thanks."

Kiba said "You're welcome." Hinata said to the little dog scratching it behind the ear before she sat down next to Kiba as she joined him for lunch.

"Marry this woman!" Akamaru said/barked to Kiba who smiled "Maybe in a few years buddy." Kiba said to his partner

"What he say?"

"Ah…just guy stuff." Kiba said waving it off Hinata accepted the answer.

"So how is Hanabi?"

Kiba asked Hinata looked slightly saddened "She and Kyouki can't seem to smile anymore." Kiba sighed knowing why the kids were sad to be honest a few if not all the rookies wanted to follow their example but they knew they couldn't let the event stop them from their lives and job. "Do I even want to ask about Konohamaru?" Kiba asked Hinata didn't say anything confirming Kiba's worries.

"He's taking this so hard." Hinata said making Kiba nod

"Konohamaru looks up to Naruto and I think for a time he believed that nothing would ever happen to Naruto. Has he at least been eating?" Hinata nodded.

"Hanabi and Kyouki refuse to let him unintentionally harm himself and the team. When they aren't training they are either here or somewhere together."

Kiba nodded "Their sensei has been hurt…of course they're going to want to stick together through it all." Kiba said thinking about what he Hinata and even Shino would be like if Kurenai-sensei had ever been harmed.

"It's deeper than that." A voice said making the two look to see Kurenai and Kakashi walk into the room "I recognize that look in Konohamaru's eyes…Naruto is more than just his sensei." Kakashi said making the two teens look at him.

"I know this because my own sensei became something like a father to me after my own died when I was eight. Konohamaru doesn't have a father figure in his life sure he has a grandfather and an uncle but Hokage-sama and Asuma are always busy. Suddenly there is someone in his life that takes time out of their day to spend it with him, who is always there to encourage and help him, and best of all teach him about life and what to expect in the future. To Konohamaru it's the greatest thing in the world…and he finally understands what having a father is like." Kakashi finished making the two teens look down in sadness.

"I know this because my sensei over time eventually took my father's place and helped me just as much as Naruto is helping Konohamaru." Kurenai walked over and hugged her students "Thank you for watching him for me." Kurenai said to them making both look up at her.

"Of course…Naruto is my pack brother after all." Kiba said making the two parents smile and Hinata to smile as well. The two stood up and left the pair in the room walking away and headed out to just walk around the village. "Who knew that out of all of us Naruto would be the first to become a father…even if it is only in the figurative sense?"

Kiba asked making Hinata smile "Honestly it makes sense he is the first of us to be engaged, the first to have his own team, so why not up the ante and make him a father too." Kiba laughed as he wrapped one arm around Hinata's shoulder and they continued to walk.

"Hey that means I'm an uncle!" Kiba said suddenly making Hinata laugh "Uncle Kiba. Has a nice ring to it." Hinata said making Kiba and Akamaru laugh as they walked.

The toad ride back to Konoha went with barely a sound between all the travelers Tsunade kept sneaking glances back at Temari before looking forward. "If you have something to say…say it." Temari said after a few minutes making Tsunade look back at her "I guess I'm just trying to understand why you haven't broken down yet." Tsunade said.

"Naruto is still alive…weak but alive. As long as he continues to breathe I will remain strong for him like I know he would for me. I can break down after he is either cured or dies."

Temari said looking forward again Tsunade smiled slightly before she looked at her again "Are you the medic of the team?"

Temari looked at her again and shook her head no "That would be Ino. My job is mainly as a support fighter and Genjutsu specialist. Naruto is the power house since he's the only utility ninja on the team and has the largest chakra reserves. Choji is the muscle with his clan techniques, Zanbato, and Earth style jutsu. Ino is the Medic of the team after Naruto encouraged her since she has perfect chakra control along with her water Jutsu techniques along with her family jutsu. Shikamaru is the tactician/second in command of the team right behind Naruto he mainly focuses on his family techniques, his Jian blade, and his fire jutsu."

"So what does your father think of your fiancé?" Tsunade asked making Temari and the rest of team ten laugh at her question.

"Naruto is the one he chose for me after my Naru-kun defeated one of the Uchiha heirs." Temari said pride covering her voice Tsunade laughed as well after Choji told her the full story. Jiraiya smiled as he listened to his teammate laugh at the stories the Genin were telling her from this missions to training periods where Naruto was teaching his own students. Shizure was happy as well listening to the groups talk and to see her master happy for the first time that didn't involve drinking sake.

"We'll be arriving in Konoha soon." Gamaken said making everyone look as they saw the Hokage mountain come into view.

"At last." Temari said a sense of hope filling her as they arrived at the gate and hopped over till they reached the hospital.

"Alright Shizure time to get to work." Tsunade said as the two ran into the building to find their patient.

Once again everyone from all the teams were waiting outside the emergency room this time instead of fear there was hope in the air all of them prying that this time they would only get good news. Once the light turned green everyone looked as Tsunade and Shizure came out both having smiles on their faces "I've removed the poison from his system and have created an antidote that is currently running its course…everything else is up to him." Tsunade said as cheers ran throughout the room many a people hugged and clasped hands.

Konohamaru, Hanabi, and Kyouki walked up to Tsunade "Thank you for saving him our sensei!" they said together before all three hugged her around her waist. Tsunade was surprised by their action but smiled before she returned their hugs allowing herself to enjoy the spoils of her job.

Temari walked over towards Tsunade "Thank you." she said with a slight sob tears gathering in the blondes eyes Tsunade smiled sadly before she pried the kids off her and walked over towards Temari and pulled her into her arms. Temari finally allowed herself to break down and cried as she was held by the strong arms of the female Sannin her head on Tsunade's bust as the elder woman ran her heads through Temari's hair whispering soft words of comfort.

Shizure smiled brightly at the way her sensei was showing her softer side to the young woman who had almost been in the same situation as her. "Thank you both. Naruto means so much to all of us." Shizure turned to the Nara heir who had come along to find them "We're medics it's what we do." Shizure said making Shikamaru laugh slightly.

"Still thanks." Shikamaru said before lifting a single rose and gave it to Shizure the younger medic took it and smiled when she saw that it was a blue rose her personal favorite. Shikamaru smiled before he turned and turned walked back to his team all of them talking about how would possibly be getting the promotion to Chunin and Sasuke's engagement to Haku.

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