The Sound Invasion

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Naruto and Lee stared down at one another both waiting for some unspoken signal to continue the fight. "Man these two are intense." Kankuro thought looking at his future brother in-law and the man he was facing "Show them what you can do kid. Make them see why your father's seal work was renowned."Jiraiya thought.

Suddenly the two vanished once more a loud crash almost like thunder was the only warning that anyone had when they looked and saw the two of them had blocked the others punch with their own fist. Soon a fight of intense speed and power was going on everyone below Jonin level could barely follow their fight "Man look at them." a familiar voice called making Kakashi turn and see Sasuke walk up to them.

"Naruto was always one to surprise people." His brother agreed as he looked at the field again he noticed that Sasuke didn't have his blood line activated making him smile when he realized that his lessons were being taken seriously.

"Oh no!" Kyouki called out making Itachi look to see that the two fighters had kicked each other so hard that they were both thrown into the walls covering the arena in dust and smoke.

"Naruto!" Temari called out she knew in her mind that Naruto would be fine but it didn't stop her heart from being worried about him. Once the smoke cleared it showed that Lee and Naruto were panting staring at one another "I've barely seem them move but they look like they've been through hell." Kiba thought.

"The drawback of such speeds especially when facing someone that is matching you."

Kakashi said making Gai nod "What do you mean sensei?" Sakura asked "Most of you missed it but those two have been trading blows back and forth the entire time. I'm not surprised at the fact however it seems that they've both realized that they need to hold something back for the future match against Gaara or Temari than again in the final match against either Shikamaru or Neji. They're going to end this with one last blow between them." Kakashi said.

"Naruto my friend you are incredible…" Lee gasped out "I could say the same of you Lee…" Naruto said gasping as well. "Let us finish this." Lee said before vanishing and shocking everyone when he successfully kicked Naruto under the jaw sending him flying into the air before vanishing again and appearing right behind Naruto pressing a presser point to keep him in place.

"Shadow Leaf Dance." Naruto said making Lee nod before his bandages started to wrap around Naruto "This ends now! Primary Lotus!" Lee called as he started to turn the two towards the ground and spinning like a top a blur of green and black before crashing down to the ground. Everyone was shocked as Lee appeared out of the dust sliding along the ground until he was stopped near Naruto's sword and jacket.

Everyone looked as the dust settled revealing Naruto lying there on his back his eyes closed making Lee smirk as he panted for air Temari was covering her mouth with her hands, the rest of team ten minus Shikamaru were shocked as well, Naruto's students were wide eyed and open mouthed, and Gai was smiling widely at the sight.

Just as Hayate was about to call the match he stopped when the Naruto in the crater turns a deep red color before turning into a puddle of blood making Lee gasp "A clone?!" he thought before a poof sounded behind him making him turn before his head was forced in the opposite direction thanks to a black boot. Lee went flying again and hit the wall while a completely uninjured and ready Naruto took his stance waiting for his reaction.

Kiba spoke everyone's thought when he shouted "What the hell?!" loud enough for everyone to hear the whole time Kakashi and Kurenai were smirking while in the Kage box Hiruzen and Jiraiya were smiling widely. The Kazekage started to laugh his ass off at the sight "Damn I knew I made the right choice all those years ago!" he laughed in his mind as he continued to laugh.

Hayate shook his head smiling at his temporary student before looking at Lee "Rock Lee is unable to fight the winner is Naruto Hatake." cheers hit the arena as everyone shouted out in recognition.

"What kind of clone was that?" Konohamaru asked "That was a Blood Clone a near kage level jutsu like shadow clones they can look and feel like a solid clone. However unlike Shadow Clones Blood Clones are as durable as the person that created them not dispelling until a killing blow it dealt or the caster releases the jutsu." Kurenai explained to her son's student.

"So wait you mean that sensei has been having a clone fight the last two matches?" Hanabi asked making Kakashi nod "Naruto was rather smart about this whole thing." Kakashi said pointing towards the field to show that only Naruto's coat was missing.

"He sealed away his real cloak and has been making his blood clone wear him but set him aside before the match started so he could pull off a surprise like this." Kakashi said as Naruto walked over and picked up his blade sheathing it before heading towards the finalist box.

"So when did you figure it out Shikamaru?" Neji asked "I knew Naruto wouldn't accept a normal loss against Lee and would have some kind of trick up his sleeve to pull out the victory. It was just too troublesome to figure out what the trick was…" Shikamaru paused when he felt a slight KI hit the air behind him making him slowly turn and see that Temari was glaring at him her own version of the Oni Mask Jutsu activated.

"Lazy…good for nothing…NARA!" Temari cried out as she charged to attack Shikamaru who was thankfully saved be a pair of arms that wrapped around her waist and held her back. "Easy hime he couldn't tell you without revealing to everyone that I wasn't really me." Naruto's voice said as he kept his fiancée from killing his best friend eventually Temari calmed down enough to where she just looked at Naruto giving him a pointed glare.

"I'm sorry I worried you hime." Naruto said descending down and snatching her lips in a passionate kiss making her moan out in surprise as she tried to fight the drive and need that the kiss started to burn inside of her before his tongue pressed against her lips the silk like feeling of his mask made her moan again.

"Ugh! Get a room!" Kankuro said looking away trying to ignore the fact that Naruto and his sister were sharing such a kiss. After Naruto broke the kiss Temari just looked at him her eyes clouded over wobbling on her legs slightly "Am I forgiven?" Naruto asked making Temari nod her head still in her dream like state.

"Would Temari and Gaara of the desert please come down?" Hayate's voice called waking Temari from her state as she shook her head to clear it.

"I'm owned a dinner and one of your massage treatments." Temari said making Naruto nod as she jumped down into the arena Gaara following with a sand shunshin "You owe me one Nara." Naruto said making Shikamaru nod.

"I'll take that over a Temari beat down any day." Shikamaru said making Naruto laugh before he looked over at Shikamaru "I'm going to go check in with the family be back in a second." Shikamaru waved one hand as Naruto turned and left.

"I hope you're ready Onee-chan." Gaara said as the cork on his gourd of sand popped away "I'm sure I am Otouto." Temari said as she took her Kenjutsu stance. "Begin!" Hayate said before jumping away while Gaara allowed some of his sand to gather around behind him before Temari send a couple wind strikes at Gaara and watched as his sand wall took all the hits. Temari didn't make another move as she watched the sand rebuild itself before dodging a few and trails that were sent after her which she cut down again and again as she moved away.

"What is Temari-oneechan doing?" Kyouki asked "She's trying to figure out the best way around Gaara's sand based moves." everyone turned and saw Naruto as he arrived at their section.

"What do you mean Sensei?" Konohamaru asked "All any of us know about Gaara's abilities is that they are all sand based. There is his Sand Wall defense and his sand attacks so Temari is trying to see if she would be able to cut through them with her Wind Chakra or if she needs to come up with a new plan." Naruto said as Temari dodged yet another sand trial before landing near the small water source next to them with a small smile before she stabbed her blade into the pound.

"Seems she's decided to try her Water Chakra." Naruto said as Temari pulled out her Naginata showing that the blade was now covered in a water like blade the extended her reach. Temari cut down a bit of Gaara's sand making sure to cover it in water turning it soggy making Naruto smirk as she continued to do this again and again. Naruto looked at his students and was happy to see that they all had an idea of what Temari was planning "Good to see that you noticed as well." Naruto said to them making the three nod their heads.

"Gaara's sand normally moves at extremely fast speeds but when wet or soggy it slows down. She's trying to make it harder for him to attack and defend himself using his sand." Hanabi said making Naruto eye smile at them and nod.

"Sensei…how is Gaara able to manipulate his sand like that?" Konohamaru asked making Naruto take a thoughtful position.

"Normally I would say that Gaara has a Sub-element Kekki Genki but I know differently."

"Sub-element?" Kyouki asked

"As you three already know there are five main element types Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. However there are people out in the world that have a blood line that allows them to combine two or more elements to create different elements. Haku-chan here is the perfect example of such people." Naruto said making the three students and a few of the rookies look at Haku who had a small blush on her face from all the attention.

"Haku's blood line allows her to combine Water and Wind element Chakra to create the Ice element. Another example would be the Mokuton of the First Hokage. His Wood element was actually a combination of Earth and Water Chakra. These new elements are called Sub-elements because of the fact you must have the blood line to activate the element however some of these elements are either unable to be used again or were a onetime thing again like Mokuton." Naruto said making his students nod in understanding while the others nodded in agreement.

"Definitely better lectures than Iruka-sensei." Kiba said making the other rookies nod in agreement while the Jonin laughed slightly.

"But why did you say that Gaara doesn't have this?" Hanabi asked making Naruto sigh "Gaara's ability is considered a Suna Village secret so I'm afraid the only one that can explain it is Gaara or his father the Kazekage." Naruto explained to his students who looked disappointed that they wouldn't get the answer but nodded in understanding.

Back in the Arena Temari was panting slightly as she looked at her hard work with a smile seeing all of Gaara's sand as lumps of wet ground. "Now to…" Temari didn't finish before the ground under her rumbled and sand pushed its way up and wrapped around her in a hurry soon wrapping her so tightly that it was hard to breathe. "What but…?" Temari looked at her brother who had a smirk before he moved from his spot on the ground showing that he had kept part of his sand behind him that stabbed its way into the ground.

"I started making more sand when I noticed that you were moving towards the water I figured that you would do something like this to make it harder to use my sand so I made more and waited for you to grow too tired to move away from me." Gaara said making Temari smile.

"Well done Otouto. Proctor I forfeit." Temari called making Hayate nod before he called the match making everyone cheer before Naruto arrived on the field and caught his fiancée when Gaara released her from his sand Temari smiled as she laid in his arms bridal style.

"You did nicely hime." Naruto said as he and Gaara left via Shunshin Naruto to his family setting Temari in an open seat next to Kyouki who hugged her sister. "I better get back to the box. Kyouki…"

"Already on it Onii-sensei." The young girl said as she took out a food pill and gave it to Temari who smile and took it "Alright see you guys soon. Ja Ne." Naruto said before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Back in the box Naruto looked over at Shikamaru and Neji who were prepared to move when Hayate spoke up to the crowd "Ladies and Gentlemen since there are four remaining fighters the Hokage have set a little surprise." everyone looked at Hayate or towards the Kage box.

"I have a feeling where this one is going." Shikamaru said making Naruto nod his head. "To finish the Chunin exams the remaining four examinees will compete in a BATTLE ROYAL!" As soon as the last two words left Hayate's mouth the crowd went nuts "Oh boy." Naruto said as he noticed the commotion this little surprise had cause.

"Wow…now I think I'm glad I lost my match." Ino said as she and Choji as well as Shino, Kankuro, and Mizuri all went and joined their Sensei or families. Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, and Gaara all gathered in the arena "This match only has a few rules. No killing blows, no teaming up, and finally no Jutsu over A rank. Everything else goes." Hayate said as the four all prepared.

Gaara let his sand gather around his body, Shikamaru took out his Jian sword and took his stance, Neji unsealed his hook swords again, all while Naruto drew out Inshō-tekina Kiba and waited. "Fighters ready?" Hayate asked making everyone nod their heads "Begin!" he said before jumping out of the arena entirely.

The four instantly moved away from each other all taking a corner area starting a stare down Neji activated his Byakugan allowing him to see his opponents without having to turn his head. Shikamaru looked around trying to think of strategies "The only one here with some kind of advantage is Gaara with his defense there are too many variables around the other two to know what will work best. However I know I can't use Shadow Possession because Naruto knows that Jutsu inside and out by now. Neji's Byakugan gives him a small warning when someone is about to use a Jutsu so that's out. Guess there's no choice but to wait and see who moves first." Shikamaru thought.

The first move came from Neji when he made a hand sign making the bands around his arms and legs unlatch and hit the ground showing they had been weights, Shikamaru sighed before he followed and took off his as well, Naruto deactivated some of his Gravity seal, and Gaara look around himself before dropping his gourd off his back and cracked his back and neck.

"All of them were weighted down by means of some kind. This match will be intense." Temari thought before Naruto spoke "If no one is going to make a move the crowd is going to get bored. Guess that means I need to get us going." Naruto said before moving his blade around him in circles all three fighters looked at him wondering what he was doing until they all noticed the sparks gathering around the blade making it turn white once again.

"Lightning Style Kenjutsu: Pack Burst!" Naruto called before sending a wave of wolf shaped lighting burst at all three fighters "SHIT!" the three mentally cursed before jumping or defending against the attack while the crown cheered and the battle began.

"You know I'm surprised he hasn't signed your Dog contract Kakashi with all his wolf style attacks." Asuma said making Kakashi smile behind his mask "Who says he hasn't." Kakashi smirked at the surprised looks he was getting. Down in the arena Neji charged at Naruto and started a Kenjutsu battle between them both while Gaara and Shikamaru waited for their chances when it looked like Naruto had been cut by Neji he turned into a log before Neji felt something grab his legs and drag him down.

"Earth Style: Double Decapitation Jutsu!" Naruto's voice called when Neji had been pulled into the ground and felt a couple Kunai around his body before Naruto appeared before him. "You forgot to look underneath the underneath." Naruto said before he jumped into the air avoiding a shadow thrill coming at him Nara heir cursed before he was forced to move as well as Gaara sent a sand thrill at him. Shikamaru started following Temari's example of dealing with Gaara's sand when suddenly Gaara's faced was forced to the side showing that Naruto had kicked him in the face and gave Shikamaru the chance he needed to vanish.

Naruto landed in front of Gaara his sword held waiting before Gaara smirk and fell into a pile of sand making Naruto blink before he was suddenly wrapped in sand all around his body while Gaara rose up from the ground covered in sand. "Nice surprise Otouto." Naruto said "Thank you Aniki." Gaara before he felt himself become frozen "Shadow Possession: Success." Shikamaru called out making Gaara mentally growl.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a standoff." Shikamaru said making Naruto laugh before lighting gathered around him making Gaara and Shikamaru blink in surprise before the lighting built up getting stronger and stronger until with a growl Naruto destroyed the prison of sand around him and landed in front of Gaara kneeling before standing and looking at his brother.

Naruto suddenly vanished before appearing in front of Gaara and slapping a seal on Gaara's head making him groan as his and Shukaku's Chakra seemed to leave him in a hurry before his sand fell to the ground as he panted Shikamaru released his Jutsu allowing Gaara to fall to the ground.

Shikamaru and Naruto looked at one another before both raised their hands at the same time "I give up." they said together to the shock of everyone in the arena before Hayate appeared. "May I ask why you're both surrendering?"

"Naruto is a powerhouse but I am running out of Chakra if I continued to fight I would lose or draw."

"Whereas Shikamaru here is one of the best tacticians I know if we continued this I would lose more and more Chakra trying to fight against him. We both know that this match would've ended in a draw anyway. So we're going to use one of the most important Chunin skills and not fight this match." Naruto added making Hayate nod with a slight smirk.

"Due to the resignation of both Naruto Hatake, and Shikamaru Nara I call this Battle Royal a tie with neither of them being the winner or the loser." Hayate said while the two were given a decent applause.

"I think I understand." Kyouki said making those around her look at her "Chunin are team leaders so they have to know when there are times when they can't fight as well as when they can. Leadership."

"That's right Yuki-chan. Both of them knew that the fight would end in a draw and decided to save themselves the energy besides knowing them they would've rather settle this with a game of Go or Shogi." Asuma said while his fellow Jonin nodded in agreement.

Shikamaru and Naruto looked at one another and shook hands before Naruto went over and dug out Neji while Shikamaru went over and removed the suppression seal on Gaara before helping him up and gave him a food pill. Suddenly the arena was covered in feathers making the Jonin look around them "Genjutsu!" Kakashi called as those that knew what to do dispelled the jutsu. Kyouki woke Konohamaru who nodded in thanks as everyone got up and ready for anything before an explosion took place at the Kage box making everyone look towards it.

"Ari what is the meaning of this?!" The Kazekage demanded to know as he, the Mizukage, and Jiraiya all stared down the man that had come to protect the Kazekage who now had a Kunai at the Hokage's throat.

"Kukuku why it's an invasion of course." A voice that was all too familiar to Jiraiya and Hiruzen said making them both glare "Been a long time…Orochimaru." Jiraiya growled the name of his former teammate. Orochimaru smirked before he reached up and pulled off the face he was wearing showing the Snake Sannin before he removed the Henge around his clothing showing his normal attire along with a Sound Headband around his waist.

"Indeed Jiraiya-kun." Orochimaru said before an explosion took place forcing all of them to move and follow the mad man onto the roof of the building before four people appeared out of nowhere and flashed through signs surrounding all of them in a large purple barrier.

Orochimaru had allowed the Hokage to escape and he stared the rest of them down "You realize that not even you can handle three Kage's as well as me right?" Jiraiya said making Orochimaru smirk before he flashed through hand signs "Summoning Style: Impure world resurrection!" Orochimaru said before he slammed his hands on the ground.

Soon a coffin appeared "First!" a second coffin followed while Hiruzen tried to stop the jutsu "Second!" Hiruzen slammed his hands on the ground just as a third was rising before the coffin return to the earth. "Hmm seems the third one fail but no matter." Orochimaru said as the coffins opened revealing a sight that made everyone gasp.

Back with everyone else Naruto and the three other fighters arrived and helped their friends and teammates fight off Sound Shinobi "How the hell did Orochimaru gather this number of people so soon?!" Naruto demanded as he cut down yet another fighter.

"We need a plan!" Kiba called as he and Akamaru helped protect the civilians "Alright everyone listen up!" Naruto called making everyone below Jonin listen to him "Kyouki, Konohamaru, Hanabi! Your first C ranked Mission is to get your fellow Academy students out of here now! Protect them and help Iruka-sensei keep the peace with them!" Naruto called as his students nodded and rushed off with Iruka to follow Naruto's orders.

"Neji, Lee, Tenten you three need to help protect the Fire Lord his guards will have fallen asleep by now!"

"Hai!" The three called out before vanishing "Sasuke go with Haku and Hinata your job will be help protect the Water Lord!"

"Hai!" the three called out before taking off.

"Haruno, Shino stay with Gaara and his team they need to go and protect the Wind Lord!"

"Hai!" They said as they and the Suna Nin ran off to follow orders.

"What are we going to do Naruto?" Shikamaru asked "Kiba, Ino, and Choji are in charge of getting as many civilians in the streets to safety as they can! You, Temari,and I are in charge of helping out here while I asked Gamabunta to help out with the summons!" Naruto called before he, Shikamaru, and Temari vanished.

Soon the three were on the wall of the Arena and saw the very summons Naruto had been talking about before making two shadow clones "Summoning Jutsu!" Naruto called out making three larger than life toads appeared the first was a blue toad with twin katana on his back, the second was purple holding a staff weapon, and the largest was red with a single blade and wearing an outfit that almost looked like a Yakuza bosses robe.

"Brat what's the meaning of summoning us here!" Gamabunta called out in his booming voice while Naruto was panting "Boss toad Konoha is in danger and needs your help!" Naruto called out making Gamabunta look and see the snake summons. "Alright boys snake skin wallets for everyone!" Gamabunta said drawing his blade and charging his brothers following.

Naruto's clones puffed out of existence while the original kneeled down panting "That takes a lot out of you." Naruto said with a sigh as he looked behind him and noticed that both Temari and Shikamaru had a few Sound Shinobi dead around them. "Here you look like you need this." Temari said throwing him a pill which he ate without complaint. "Alright let's get to work." Naruto said before the three jumped back into the fray.

Meanwhile inside the barrier everyone was shocked to see the First and Second Hokage standing there. "Orochimaru I know you're sick but this just goes against the laws of nature!" Jiraiya called out while the Snake Sannin chuckled "Saru…is that you?" the Second Hokage Tobiramaru Senju asked while his brother Hirashimaru the First Hokage looked at his student.

"Looks like you've gotten old monkey." Hirashi said making his brother laugh while Hiruzen looked at his old teachers with a ping of sadness.

"Sensei…I am sorry that you were forced back like this." Hiruzen said "The fault is mine for creating such a Jutsu." Tobira said.

"Enough of this sickening sentimental shit!" Orochimaru said before holding up two Kunai and stabbed them into the heads of the two dead Hokage. "Kazekage, Mizukage, Jiraiya prepared yourselves this is a battle that will test us all to the end of our limits!" Hiruzen said removing his robes showing off his battle attire, while Jiraiya got into his Taijutsu stance, the Kazekage removed his robes and allowed his gold dust to gather around him waiting, and the Mizukage removed her robes showing off her light blue battle attire cracking her knuckles preparing for battle.

Back in the fray the three country Lords were unaware of the danger their lives were in as Oto Shinobi tried to attack them before two voices called out "Eight Trigrams: Air Palm!" and a third called out "Dynamic Entry!" Lee, Neji, and Hinata had protected the Lords before the three teams split and started protecting their designated Lord.

In the streets a loud voice called out "Fang Over Fang!" before two spinning tornado like objects spun around knocking away as many Oto troops as possible while Civilians ran for their lives. "Water Style: Water Bullet!" Ino's voice called out before spitting out a large gob of water clearing away some debris to give them a clear way. "Go we'll cover you!" Choji ordered as the three humans plus one ninja hound blocked the way and prepared to fight.

With the Academy students one girl cried out in fright as an Oto ninja appeared before it was smashed on the head by a Bo staff sending the nin crashing into the walls hard. "No one is going to harm my comrades!" Konohamaru called out as he and his teammates kept on the move protecting all of their fellow academy students.

"Time to take it up a notch. Wind Style Kenjutsu: Slicing Wolf Howl!" Naruto called out as he stabbed his sword forward before a large burst of Wind Chakra was sent flying at the group of Oto ninja that had tried to surround his mother and aunt while they fought.

"Thanks for the help!" His mother called before she finished hand signs "Demonic Tree Bindings!" Kurenai called out suddenly making the nin nearby believe they were all being held by a bunch of trees before Kurenai, Anko, and Naruto slit their throats ending their lives.

"Shadow Strangle Jutsu!" Shikamaru called out his hands together as his shadow stretched out and garbed a group of nearby enemy ninja that had attempted to surround Yugao, Hayate, and Asuma killing them all from the lack of air. "Nice work Shika!" Yugao called as the Nara nodded but panted the Shadow Strange Jutsu took a lot of Chakra "Water Style Kenjutsu: Raven Wing Blade!" a voice called making Shikamaru duck down as he looked behind him to see a group of four beheaded Oto ninja that had attempted to sneak up on him.

"Thanks Temari." Shikamaru called as Temari landed next to him and nodded before the two rejoined the battle. Gai and Kakashi were working back to back taking their opponents one by one "After this I am seriously considering putting in a recommendation that Naruto be made a Jonin!" Gai said as he watched Naruto work from the corner of his eye. "He defiantly shows the mindset needed!" Kakashi called as he slashed another throat with his Kunai.

"We've got to get up to the Kage box and help the old man out!" Naruto called out as the number of Oto shinobi slowly started to dwindle.

"Naruto the Hokage can handle himself plus he's got back up!" Kurenai said "However we also want to be sure that Orochimaru dies today!" Naruto relayed.

"So what's the plan?" Shikamaru asked "Two words…Reverse Summoning!" Naruto said.

Inside the Barrier Jiraiya was helping the Kazekage battle against the First Hokage both barely able to avoid the devastating strength of the former Senju head. Mei was fighting against the Second Hokage using her Lava element against his high Water ability. All of this happened while Hiruzen and Orochimaru were battling back and forth Hiruzen using Enma his personal summon in his staff form while Orochimaru was using his sword Grass Cutter against him. "You've gotten old Sarutobi-sensei!" Orochimaru cried out as he continued to fight against the elder man who didn't let his words affect him as he continued to fight.

"Want to run that by me again Naruto?" Shikamaru said "Take these!" Naruto said handing three Kunai to Shikamaru "That type of barrier jutsu requires four ninja to hold in up. Run up to the Kage box counting. Once you reach Twenty throw these in front of the person facing east of the main gate! Temari you, Kaa-chan, and Auntie Anko need to be under that roof before then…you'll see why when it happens." Naruto said cutting his thumb with his blade and summoned Gamakichi.

"What's up bro?"

"I need you to reverse summon me to the Toad home world."


"I'll explain later right now it's an emergency!" Naruto called out making Gamakichi nod before hopping on top of Naruto's head and both vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"Move!" Shikamaru yelled before the four moved to their jobs "Five…" Shikamaru thought as he ran up the building as fast as possible and reached the roof at "Ten…" he made sure the gate was directly behind him. "Fifteen…" He found that the east person was a woman with long hair making him smirk "Twenty!" Shikamaru called out throwing the kunai all three embedded themselves in the roof in front of the woman while Shikamaru jumped back covering his head.

"What the fuck was that…?" The woman never finished before not three but six explosions took place making her look behind and see that Naruto was in an almost identical position as Shikamaru before the roof under her started to crumble and she was plunged through a hole that opened under her.

The Kage and Orochimaru looked at the sound and saw the woman fall through the hole before the barrier started to warble and shatter making Orochimaru curse. The sound of coughing appeared making them look down as Naruto stood up and glared at Orochimaru "Might have over did it on the seals a bit." he said making Hiruzen and Jiraiya smirk while Orochimaru growled.

Naruto drew his blade and jumped away landing in next to Hiruzen "Naruto my boy remind me to thank you after this."

"We'll talk later Jiji but right now we've got a snake to focus on." Naruto said gripping his blade tightly.

"Kukuku so Kakashi's brat actually has some promise who would've guessed."

"You haven't seen anything Orochi-teme." Naruto said before his guards glowed again "Gravity seal: Full Kai!" Naruto called before he loosened his arms and legs once again free for full movement. "Now let's see how you the Snake handles the Wolf?" Naruto said before vanishing and landing a kick against Orochimaru's face making Hiruzen and Orochimaru blink in surprise.

"So fast!" They thought together before Hiruzen smirked and charged forward both battling the Snake Sannin as they fought both heard the sounds of someone crying out in pain making them look to see the Mizukage in danger. "Naruto!"

"On it!" Naruto called out before running as fast as possible and slashing the body of the Second Hokage around his neck temporarily solving the problem while Mei sighed. "Oi gaki! Destroy the seal kunai in their heads!" Jiraiya called out as he continued to help the Kazekage who now had the first captured in his golden sand.

Naruto nodded before tossing his blade into the air and running through hand signs "Fire style: Dragon Flame Bullet!" Naruto called as a large fire dragon appeared out of his mouth and hit the decapitated head of the second Hokage burning it into nothing but ash leaving the kunai in sight.

Naruto cried out as he covered his sword in Wind Chakra and shattered the Kunai with one attack by the time he was done Naruto was panting for air. "Damn…I've used more Chakra than I thought!" He mentally cursed as he helped the Mizukage onto her feet "NARUTO! That is the last hare brained scheme of yours I ever take place in!" Shikamaru yelled making Naruto laugh as Jiraiya destroyed the Kunai keeping the First Hokage here.

Jiraiya walked over panting as well "Not bad kid. Not bad at all."

"Same to you…sensei." Naruto said making the Sannin smile before looking over at the sounds of pain.

They both internally smirked at the sight of Orochimaru as his hands turned purple two senbon needles in his arms "DAMN YOU OLD MAN!" Orochimaru howled in pain. "You didn't honestly think I'd have a student like Tsunade and not pick up a few things did you?" Hiruzen asked a smirk on his face as well.

Orochimaru glared at his old sensei before looking around and saw this his forces were being driven away making him growl before he moved his hands making his sword move slightly unnoticed by everyone. "I may have lost my arms…but I'll destroy you sensei!" Orochimaru yelled before his blade flew through the air about to stab Hiruzen in the back. Hiruzen looked behind him and saw that even at his speed he never would've been able to dodge he closed his eyes waiting for the end before he was suddenly shoved to the side before the sound of a sword meeting flesh made him open his eyes.

The sight before him filled him with surprise as he slowly fell to the ground Naruto had used his speed and knocked Hiruzen out of the way taking the blade instead. (Que: Slow motion anime scene where it's silent and everyone is able to look at the sight before them in surprise the background is completely white before it speeds back up and everything returns to normal.) Hiruzen hit the roof hard and slid away slightly looking at the sight of Naruto standing there Grass Cutter sticking out of his chest making him caught his mask the only thing keeping the blood from being seen.

"NARUTO!" Hiruzen called out "KID!" Jiraiya called out both voices covered with pain and regret Shikamaru was frozen in shock at the sight before him. "No…not again…" Shikamaru thought before he cried out in pain and sadness a sound that carried throughout the village many Shinobi paused at the sound.

"I know this sound…" Kakashi thought as he looked towards the Kage box "My heart made this sound when I lost my friends…my sensei…my family. But who is making it now?" Kakashi thought as everyone moved towards the Kage box.

"Kukuku…what a waste. Fall back we're retreating!" Orochimaru called out before the remaining barrier holds gathered around him and carried him off no one bothering to give chase. Naruto collapsed to the ground while Shikamaru, Hiruzen, and Jiraiya rushed over the last pulling out Grass Cutter and throwing it to the side "He needs a doctor now!" Jiraiya called out making one of the ANBU there vanish in a shunshin.

"Shika…" Naruto coughed making everyone look at the wounded young man "Shika…"

"I'm here Naruto." Shikamaru said looking down at his friend. "I need you to do something for me." Naruto said his voice getting weak "Anything." Shikamaru promised. "Watch over Temari and my team…they'll take this hard."

"Don't say troublesome crap like that you're going to be fine!" Shikamaru cried out tears leaving his face not bothering to try and cover up his sadness. "Promise me…Shika." Naruto said making his oldest friend look into his eyes before nodding "I promise Naruto." making the masked teen nod.



"I figured it out." Naruto said making Shikamaru look at him in confusion "Asuma-sensei's lesson. The King isn't…the Hokage." Naruto said before coughing a patch of blood appearing around his mask.

"Don't talk you'll make yourself weaker!" Shikamaru said "The King…is the future Shika." Naruto said making Shikamaru look at him. "The King…the most important thing…is the future generations. The children of the village and their lives…they are the ones to carry on the Will of Fire. Without them the Flames of Konoha will wither and die…that's what the King rep…re…sents." Naruto said before he slowly closed his eyes.

Shikamaru allowed his tears to fall while he thought about Naruto's final words soon the sound of others arrive made Hiruzen look to see an ANBU arrive while a Medical ninja arrived and started to work. "He's alive but barely… Hokage-sama we have to get him back to the hospital now!" Hiruzen nodded before looking at the remaining ANBU "Guard him with your lives!" the elder ordered making the ANBU nod before they vanished.

Hiruzen then walked over and placed one hand on Shikamaru's shoulder offering some comfort before the Jonin and the Genin that hadn't been helping in the streets arrived. "Shika?" A voice asked making Shikamaru look up and see Temari looking at him in concern "Shika where's Naru-kun?" she asked making Shikamaru close his eyes and turn his head away in pain unable to look Temari in the eye.

"Naruto is currently at the hospital…he has received a wound very close to his heart…while pushing me out of the way. He was wounded saving my life." Hiruzen said making everyone gasp before the sounds of sobs hit the air as Kakashi had to hold his wife up and Anko being nearest cradled Temari before her father reached her and wrapped his arms around her holding her.

While it felt as if Days had passed it fact it was merely hours as everyone from Teams seven, eight, nine, ten, and Naruto waited to receive some kind of news. Hiruzen was nearby while Jiraiya sitting next to his sensei all of them were worried and scared. Some put on a brave front showing they weren't worried since they knew Naruto was going to pull through, some couldn't speak or believe that Naruto had been so injured, and the rest just stood there still trying to wrap their heads around todays' events.

Eventually the light over the surgery door turned green as a doctor came out of the room "He's alive…however there is a poison running through his veins that we can't stop. We've been able to slow it down and stop it from hurt him but unless we can find a way to destroy it he will die." the doctor said making everyone either tighten their fist or almost cry at the idea.

"Then there is only one thing to do. How long can he keep the poison back?"

"A month...two if he's strong enough to fight it." Hiruzen nodded before looking at Jiraiya.

"I have a mission of great importance for you Jiraiya."

"I'll bring her back kicking and screaming if I have to." Jiraiya said making Hiruzen nod "Who?" Shikamaru asked.

"Tsunade Senju…the only person in the world who can safe Naruto." Jiraiya said.

"I'm going with you!" Jiraiya looked to see a puffy eyed Temari glaring at him a look of full determination on her face. "Very well." Jiraiya said not bothering to argue "Don't forget Choji, Ino, and me Temari." Shikamaru said making Temari look at her teammates all nodding their heads making her smile slightly before nodding.

"When do we leave?" Temari asked "Right now. Hope you're packed?" Jiraiya said as he jumped out the window Temari, Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino following right behind him before all of them landed on a large toad.

"Let's move Gamaken!" Jiraiya called "YOSH!"Gamaken called out before moving at his fastest speed.

"Kami be with you all…you carry the hopes of all of Naruto's friends and loved ones." Hiruzen thought.

Outside the village two men wearing black cloaks with red clouds looked down at the village "Doesn't look like it's changed much does it?" the taller of the two asked.

"Doesn't matter we've still got a job to do." The shorter of the two said as they moved towards the village once again "Yeah, yeah find out where Konoha is hiding the Jinchuriki and bring them to base let's just get to work already." the taller one said before them both vanished from sight.

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